907 resultados para LEUKOCYTE RECRUITMENT
The macro phage-derived neutrophil chemotactic factor (MNCF) is an alpha-galactoside-binding lectin, known to induce dexamethasone-insensitive neutrophil recruitment. We further characterized MNCF effects on neutrophils and showed that it shares with TNF-alpha the ability to delay apoptosis and to trigger degranulation. MNCF and TNF-alpha effects show similar kinetics and involve Src kinases and MAPKinases dependent pathways. They were, however, clearly distinguished, since the soluble TNF-receptor etanercept prevented TNF but not MNCF effects, while melibiose disaccharide inhibited MNCF but not TNF effects. Absorption of MNCF on detoxi-gel did not alter its properties, precluding an LPS contamination effect. By contrast, galectin-3 required LPS to activate neutrophils. Specific antibodies allowed to further demonstrate that MNCF and galectin-3 are two distinct molecules. Finally, MNCF- and IL-8-induced neutrophil activation differed by their kinetic and sensitivity to pertussis toxin. In conclusion, MNCF is a distinct neutrophil agonist, with pro-inflammatory activities involving its carbohydrate recognition domain. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Hepatic ischemia followed by reperfusion (IR) results in mild to severe remote organ injury. Oxidative stress and nitric oxide (NO) seem to be involved in the IR injury. Our aim was to investigate the effects of liver I/R on hepatic function and lipid peroxidation, leukocyte infiltration and NO synthase (NOS) immunostaining in the lung and the kidney. We randomized 24 male Wistar rats into 3 groups: 1) control; 2) 60 minutes of partial (70%) liver 1 and 2 hours of global liver R; and 3) 60 minutes of partial (70%) liver I and 6 hours of global liver R. Groups 2 and 3 showed significant increases in plasma alanine and aspartate aminotransferase levels and in tissue malondialdehyde and myeloperoxidase contents. In the kidney, positive endothelial NOS (eNOS) staining was significantly decreased in group 3 compared with group 1. However, staining for inducible NOS (iNOS) and neuronal NOS (nNOS) did not differ among the groups. In the lung, the staining for eNOS and iNOS did not show significant differences among the groups; no positive nNOS staining was observed in any group. These results suggested that partial liver I followed by global liver R induced liver, kidney, and lung injuries characterized by neutrophil sequestration and increased oxidative stress. In addition, we supposed that the reduced NO formation via eNOS may be implicated in the moderate impairment of renal function, observed by others at 24 hours after liver I/R.
The role of chemokines has been extensively analyzed both in cancer risk and tumor progression. Among different cytokines, CXCR4 and its ligand CXCL12 have been recently subjected to a closer examination. The single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs1801157 (previously known as CXCL12-A/SDF1-3`A) in the CXCL12 gene and the relative expression of mRNA CXCL12 in peripheral blood were assessed in breast cancer patients, since the chemokine CXCL12 and its receptor CXCR4 regulate leukocyte trafficking and many essential biological processes, including tumor growth, angiogenesis and metastasis of different types of tumors. Genotyping was performed by PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism) using MspI restriction enzyme and the expression analyses by quantitative RT-PCR. No difference in GG genotype and allele A carrier frequencies were observed between breast cancer patients and healthy blood donors and nor when CXCL12 mRNA expression was assessed among patients with different tumor stages. However a significant difference was observed when CXCL12 mRNA relative expression was analyzed in breast cancer patients in accordance to the presence or absence of the CXCL12 rs1801157 allele A. Allele A breast cancer patients presented a mRNA CXCL12 expression about 2.1-fold smaller than GG breast cancer patients. Estrogen positive patients presenting CXCL12 allele A presented a significantly lower expression of CXCL12 in peripheral blood (p = 0.039) than GG hormone positive patients. Our findings demonstrated that allele A is associated with low expression of CXCL12 in the peripheral blood from ER-positive breast cancer patients, which suggests implications on breast cancer clinical outcome. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is etiologically associated with low-(LSIL) and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) and with cervical cancer. The progression or regression of the lesions may depend, among other factors, on the host heritable immune response. Because human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-G molecules are involved in the modulation of innate and adaptive immune responses, and because no previous studies have evaluated HLA-G polymorphism in patients with SIL, we conducted a study to assess the association between HLA-G polymorphisms and cervical lesions harboring HPV infection. Cervico-vaginal scrapings and blood samples were collected from 125 women with SIL (68 LSIL and 57 HSIL) and from 94 healthy women without HPV infection and cytological abnormalities. HPV type and HLA-G polymorphisms in exons 2, 3 and 8 (14 bp insertion/deletion) were evaluated by PCR methodology, and digested with restriction endonucleases. The Genepop software and the EM and PHASE algorithms were used for statistical analysis. A significant protective association was observed between the presence of the G*0103 allele and SIL and between the G0101/G0104 genotype and HSIL in the group of patients compared to control. The presence of the G0104/+14 bp and G0104/-14 bp haplotypes conferred susceptibility to SIL compared to control. In addition, patients possessing the G0104/+14 bp haplotype and harboring HPV-16 and -18 co-infections were particularly associated with HSIL. These findings suggest that HLA-G polymorphisms may be associated with HPV infection and SIL, consequently representing a profile of predisposition to cervical cancer. Modern Pathology (2009) 22, 1075-1082; doi: 10.1038/modpathol.2009.67; published online 1 May 2009
Chemokines and their receptors regulate the trafficking of immune cells during their development, inflammation, and tissue repair. The single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs1801157 (previously known as CXCL12-A/ stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF1)-3`A) in CXCL12/SDF1 gene was assessed in breast cancer, Hodgkin`s lymphoma (HL), and non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma (NHL), since the chemokine CXCL12, previously known as SDF1, and its receptor CXCR4 regulate leukocyte trafficking and many essential biological processes, including tumor growth, angiogenesis, and metastasis of different types of tumors. Genotyping was performed by PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism) using a restriction enzyme Hpall cleavage. No significant difference was observed in genotype distribution between breast cancer patients (GG: 57.3%; GA: 39.8%; AA: 2.9%) and healthy female controls (GG: 62.9%; GA: 33%; AA: 4.1%) nor between HL patients (GG: 61.1%; GA:27.8%; AA: 11.1%) and healthy controls (GG: 65.6%; GA: 28.9%; AA: 5.5%), whereas a significant difference was observed in genotype distribution between NHL patients (GG: 51.4%; GA: 47.1%; AA: 1.5%) and healthy controls (GG: 65.6%; GA: 28.9%; AA: 5.5%). Further studies will be necessary to elucidate the cancer chemokine network. However, this study suggests that CXCL12 rs1801157 polymorphism may have important implications in the pathogenesis of NHL. J. Clin. Lab. Anal. 23:387-393, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Linkage studies have identified the human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DRB1 as a putative rheumatoid arthritis (RA) susceptibility locus (SL). Nevertheless, it was estimated that its contribution was partial, suggesting that other non-HLA genes may play a role in RA susceptibility. To test this hypothesis, we conducted microarray transcription profiling of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in 15 RA patients and analyzed the data, using bioinformatics programs (significance analysis of microarrays method and GeneNetwork), which allowed us to determine the differentially expressed genes and to reconstruct transcriptional networks. The patients were grouped according to disease features or treatment with tumor necrosis factor blocker. Transcriptional networks that were reconstructed allowed us to identify the interactions occurring between RA SL and other genes, for example, HLA-DRB1 interacting with FNDC3A (fibronectin type III domain containing 3A). Given that fibronectin fragments can stimulate mediators of matrix and cartilage destruction in RA, this interaction is of special interest and may contribute to a clearer understanding of the functional role of HLA-DRB1 in RA pathogenesis.
Adding a long-acting beta(2)-agonist to inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) for asthma treatment is better than increasing ICS dose in improving clinical status, although there is no consensus about the impact of this regimen on inflammation. In this double-blind, randomized, parallel group study, asthmatics with moderate to severe disease used budesonide (400 mcg/day) for 5 weeks (run-in period); then they were randomized to use budesonide (800 mcg/day - BUD group) or budesonide plus formoterol (400 mcg and 24 mcg/day, respectively - FORMO group) for 9 weeks (treatment period). Home PEF measurements, symptom daily reporting, spirometry, sputum induction (for differential cell counts and sputum cell cultures), and hypertonic saline bronchial challenge test were performed before and after treatments. TNF-alpha, IL-4 and eotaxin-2 levels in the sputum and cell culture supernatants were determined. Morning and night PEF values increased in the FORMO group during the treatment period (p < 0.01), from 435 +/- 162 to 489 +/- 169 and 428 +/- 160 to 496 +/- 173 L/min, respectively. The rate of exacerbations in the FORMO group was lower than in the BUD group (p < 0.05). Neutrophil counts in sputum increased in both groups (p < 0.05) and leukocyte viability after 48 h-culture increased in the FORMO group (p < 0.05). No other parameter changed significantly in either group. This study showed that adding formoterol to budesonide improved home PEF and provided protection from exacerbations, although increase of leukocyte viability in cell culture may be a matter of concern and needs further investigation. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The morphologic appearance and clinical behavior of the human urinary bladder papillary transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) probably result from a complex interaction between carcinogenic insults and host resistance during the patient`s life. While the main recognized risk factors are of environmental origin (e.g. smoking), relatively little information exists about the susceptibility to TCC development. The human leukocyte antigen G (HLA-G) molecule plays an important role in immune response regulation and has been implicated in the inhibition of the cytolytic function of natural killer and cytotoxic T cells. Several lines of evidence indicate that HLA-G polymorphisms influence the expression level and production of different HLA-G isoforms. The aim of this study was to explore a possible influence of the HLA-G polymorphism on the susceptibility to urinary bladder TCC development and progression in smokers and nonsmokers Brazilian subjects. The HLA-G locus was found to be associated with susceptibility to TCC development and progression. The G*0104 allelic group (specially the G*010404 allele) and the G*0103 allele were associated with a tobacco-dependent influence on TCC development. The G*0104 group was associated with progression to high-grade tumors, irrespective of smoking habit, while the G*0103 allele was associated to high-grade tumor only in smoking patients. Our results are an evidence that the HLA-G locus itself, or as part of an extended haplotype encompassing this chromosome region (particularly the HLA-A given the high linkage disequilibrium observed between them in this data series), may be associated with TCC susceptibility and tumor progression, suggesting a tobacco-dependent influence of these polymorphisms.
Background Benznidazole is effective for treating acute and chronic (recently acquired) Tryponosoma cruzi infection (Chagas` disease). Recent data indicate that parasite persistence plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of chronic Chagas` cardiomyopathy. However, the efficacy of trypanocidal therapy in preventing clinical complications in patients with preexisting cardiac disease is unknown. Study Design BENEFIT is a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of 3,000 patients with Chagas` cardiomyopathy in Latin America. Patients are randomized to receive benznidazole (5 mg/kg per day) or matched placebo, for 60 days. The primary outcome is the composite of death; resuscitated cardiac arrest; sustained ventricular tachycardia; insertion of pacemaker or cardiac defibrillator; cardiac transplantation; and development of new heart failure, stroke, or systemic or pulmonary thromboembolic events. The average follow-up time will be 5 years, and the trial has a 90% power to detect a 25% relative risk reduction. The BENEFIT program also comprises a substudy evaluating the effects of benznidazole on parasite clearance and an echo substudy exploring the impact of etiologic treatment on left ventricular function. Recruitment started in November 2004, and >1,000 patients have been enrolled in 35 centers from Argentina, Brazil, and Colombia to date. Conclusion This is the largest trial yet conducted in Chagas` disease. BENEFIT will clarify the role of trypanocidal therapy in preventing cardiac disease progression and death.
As the mechanisms leading to the persistence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection are poorly understood and as the histocompatibility leucocyte antigen (HLA)-G is well described as a tolerogenic molecule, we evaluated HLA-G expression in 74 specimens of HBV liver biopsies and in 10 specimens obtained from previously healthy cadaver liver donors. HBV specimens were reviewed and classified by the METAVIR score, and HLA-G expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry. No HLA-G expression was observed in control hepatocytes. In contrast, 57 (77%) of 74 HBV specimens showed soluble and membrane-bound HLA-G expression in hepatocytes, biliary epithelial cells or both. No associations between the intensity of HLA-G expression and patient age or gender, HBeAg status, severity of liver fibrosis, and grade of histological findings were observed. Although significance was not reached (P = 0.180), patients exhibiting HLA-G expression presented a higher median HBV DNA viral load (105 copies/mL) than those who did not express HLA-G (103.7 copies/mL). These results indicate that HLA-G is expressed in most cases of chronic HBV infection in all stages and may play a role in the persistency of HBV infection.
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) haplotypes are frequently evaluated for population history inferences and association studies. However, the available typing techniques for the main HLA loci usually do not allow the determination of the allele phase and the constitution of a haplotype, which may be obtained by a very time-consuming and expensive family-based segregation study. Without the family-based study, computational inference by probabilistic models is necessary to obtain haplotypes. Several authors have used the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to determine HLA haplotypes, but high levels of erroneous inferences are expected because of the genetic distance among the main HLA loci and the presence of several recombination hotspots. In order to evaluate the efficiency of computational inference methods, 763 unrelated individuals stratified into three different datasets had their haplotypes manually defined in a family-based study of HLA-A, -B, -DRB1 and -DQB1 segregation, and these haplotypes were compared with the data obtained by the following three methods: the Expectation-Maximization (EM) and Excoffier-Laval-Balding (ELB) algorithms using the arlequin 3.11 software, and the PHASE method. When comparing the methods, we observed that all algorithms showed a poor performance for haplotype reconstruction with distant loci, estimating incorrect haplotypes for 38%-57% of the samples considering all algorithms and datasets. We suggest that computational haplotype inferences involving low-resolution HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQB1 haplotypes should be considered with caution.
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with a high white blood cell (WBC) count at presentation has been associated with an increased early mortality rate, usually secondary to leukostasis. However, the value of the WBC count at which there is a high risk of early death (ED) and the efficiency of supportive treatments remain unclear. In this report, a series of 187 consecutive adult patients with AML in our institution was reviewed. The outcome of 40 patients with WBC above 50 x 10(9) L(-1) (hyperleukocytosis) was compared to 147 patients with a leukocyte count lower than 50 x 10(9) L(-1). The group with hyperleukocytosis showed a significantly shorter OS (P < 0.0001) and a higher rate of ED (P = 0.0008). Even when the data from ED patients were removed from analysis, we still detected a shorter OS in patients with hyperleukocytosis (P = 0.0049), which suggests that high WBC number influences long-term survival, and not only ED. We also observed higher lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) and serum creatinine levels in the group of patients with hyperleukocytosis (P = 0.0003 and 0.0406, respectively). Besides considering all the patients with ED, we could observe higher levels of lactic dehydrogenase, a serum creatinine and nitrogen urea (P = 0.0056, P = 0.0008 and P < 0.0001, respectively). Pulmonary involvement was more frequent in patients with ED (P = 0.0277). In conclusion, hyperleukocytosis confers a poorer prognosis in patients with AML.
Sepsis is a systemic inflammatory response resulting from the inability of the host to contain the infection locally. Previously, we demonstrated that during severe sepsis there is a marked failure of neutrophil migration to the infection site, which contributes to dissemination of infection, resulting in high mortality. IL-17 plays an important role in neutrophil recruitment. Herein, we investigated the role of IL-17R signaling in polymicrobial sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). It was observed that IL-17R-deficient mice, subjected to CLP-induced non-severe sepsis, show reduced neutrophil recruitment into the peritoneal cavity, spread of infection, and increased systemic inflammatory response as compared with C57BL/6 littermates. As a consequence, the mice showed an increased mortality rate. The ability of IL-17 to induce neutrophil migration was demonstrated in vivo and in vitro. Beside its role in neutrophil recruitment to the infection focus, IL-17 enhanced the microbicidal activity of the migrating neutrophils by a mechanism dependent on NO. Therefore, IL-17 plays a critical role in host protection during polymicrobial sepsis. The Journal of Immunology, 2009, 182: 7846-7854.
Sepsis is still a major cause of mortality in the intensive critical care unit and results from an overwhelming immune response to the infection. TNF signaling pathway plays a central role in the activation of innate immunity in response to pathogens. Using a model of polymicrobial sepsis by i.p. injection of cecal microflora, we demonstrate a critical role of TNFR1 and R2 activation in the deregulated immune responses and death associated with sepsis. A large and persistent production of TNF was found in wild-type (B6) mice. TNFR1/R2-deficient mice, compared with B6 mice, survive lethal polymicrobial infection with enhanced neutrophil recruitment and bacterial clearance in the peritoneal cavity. Absence of TNFR signaling leads to a decreased local and systemic inflammatory response with diminished organ injury. Furthermore, using TNFR1/R2-deficient mice, TNF was found to be responsible for a decrease in CXCR2 expression, explaining reduced neutrophil extravasation and migration to the infectious site, and in neutrophil apoptosis. In line with the clinical experience, administration of Enbrel, a TNF-neutralizing protein, induced however only a partial protection in B6 mice, with no improvement of clinical settings, suggesting that future TNF immunomodulatory strategies should target TNFR1 and R2. In conclusion, the present data suggest that the endogenous TNFR1/R2 signaling pathway in polymicrobial sepsis reduces neutrophil recruitment contributing to mortality and as opposed to pan-TNF blockade is an important therapeutic target for the treatment of polymicrobial sepsis. The Journal of Immunology, 2009, 182: 7855-7864.
Neutrophil migration is responsible for tissue damage observed in inflammatory diseases and is also implicated in inflammatory nociception. The use of lectins has been demonstrated to be effective in different activities including anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and in cancer therapy. In this study, we addressed the potential use of a lectin from Canavalia grandiflora seeds (ConGF) to control neutrophil migration and inflammatory hypernociception. Pretreatment of the animals intravenously (15 min before) with ConGF inhibited neutrophil migration to the peritoneal cavity in a dose-dependent fashion confirmed by an inhibition of rolling and adhesion of leukocytes by intravital microscopy. Another set of experiments showed that pretreatment of the animals with ConGF inhibited the mechanical hypernociception in mice induced by the i.pl. injection of carrageenan or formalin. This anti-nociceptive effect correlated with an effective blockade of neutrophil influx, as assessed by the hind paw tissue myeloperoxidase levels. Furthermore, ConGF had important inhibitory effects on the mouse carrageenan-induced paw edema. In addition, animals treated with ConGF showed inhibition of cytokines release. In conclusion, we demonstrated that the lectin ConGF inhibits neutrophil migration and mechanical inflammatory hypernociception.