883 resultados para Låt den rätte komma in
O primeiro volume foi editado em 1832 e o segundo em 1837, após a morte do autor, fato que contribuiu para a pouco acurada nomenclatura em português verificada no segundo volume, conforme afirma Borba de Moraes. A grande importância do trabalho de Pohl residiu na descrição de Goiás, à época, uma parte do Brasil quase desconhecida para os cientistas estrangeiros. Seu texto contém descrições sobre a arquitetura colonial e do século XIX. Pohl também produziu um atlas que complementou, por meio de belas ilustrações, o trabalho contido nesses dois volumes. Estes, especialmente se acompanhados do atlas, são um trabalho mais raro do que os relativos às viagens de Martins
O título em português é O Brasil republicano no passado e no presente. Fornece, por estado, dados sobre o Brasil, em especial, estatísticos, demográficos e econômicos, no período de 1885 a 1898. Descreve espécies da flora e da fauna brasileira. Contém sessenta e seis ilustrações, dois mapas coloridos e uma foto panorâmica do Rio de Janeiro.
Since 2002 Germany is obliged to collect fishery data to support the European Common Fishery Policy. Sampling of the com-mercial fishery under German flag is one duty within the EU fisheries data collection programme. During the past 6 years, 148 fishing trips were sampled by scientific observers onboard commercial fishing vessels to collect data on catch composi-tions with special emphasis on the proportions of landed and discarded fish. The results show that the proportion of discard is depending on the fishery. Highest discard rates were observed on beam trawl fishing trips. At the level of individual fishing trips, discard rates varied extremely within a fishery segment. Highest variations were found in the beam and bottom otter trawl fishery. In contrast, the discard rates in high-seas fisheries were low.
From 1993 to 2003 special surveys were conducted to analyse temporal and spatial aspects of the spawning activities of cod in the Baltic Sea. The ICES advice for cod in the Baltic Sea is based on yearly stock assessments of two separate stocks the western (SD 22 – 24) and the eastern stock (SD 25 – 32). Both stocks are characterized by different spawning seasons. The general progression of the maturity suggests that two types of development can be distinguished. In the western Baltic Sea (SD 22) the maturity development is temporal stable, with a relative short, main spawning period from March to April - spring spawner. In the Arkona Sea and Bornholm Basin the main spawning season starts in June and probably finishes in September - summer spawner. The proportion of spawners in summer is significantly higher than in spring in the Arkona Sea and Bornholm Basin. This again underlines the importance of the Arkona Sea for the reproduction success of the eastern Baltic cod stock. The analysis furthermore show, that the proportion of male spawners was significantly higher than the proportion of female spawners in all areas and the investigated months. This observation suggests that the reproductive success is only limited by the number of female cod which participates in the spawning process.
Pike-perch is an important resource for the coastal fishery in the brackish waters of the eastern part of the coast. For the conservation of the stocks regulation measures (minimum landing size, closed season and minimum mesh size) have been introduced since many years. Basic biological material of the last decade sampled from the commercial fishery and for recruitment by a standard trawl survey. For the “Eastern stock” this paper presents the results concerning age distribution, year-class strengths, growth, proportion spawners, natural mortality and yield-per-recruit analyses.
Die Grundschleppnetzfischerei in der Ostsee konzentriert sich im wesentlichen auf den Fang von Dorsch- und Plattfisch. Neben der Dorschfischerei gibt es auch beim Fang von Plattfisch gebiets- und zeitweise erhebliche Beifänge an untermaßigen Fischen, die verworfen werden müssen. Für beide in Form und Verhalten sehr unterschiedlichen Fischarten können bis dato die gleichen Steerte eingesetzt werden. Um die durch diese Mix-Fischerei an der südlichen Ostseeküste gegebenen Probleme zu verdeutlichen und auf eine zukünftig differenzierte Behandlung für die technischen Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Selektivität hinzuwirken, werden seit 1998 vergleichende Untersuchungen mit Schleppnetzsteerten unterschiedlicher Konstruktion durchgeführt.
The presentation includes investigations and results regarding Baltic flatfish selectivity with different trawl codend constructions. These investigations were carried out 1999/ 2000 on board of FRV “Clupea” and a commercial 17 m cutter. As could be shown, both an enlarged mesh size and another mesh form than rhombic can improve the selectivity of these fish. As flatfish catches with trawls mostly also cover cod, this mixed fishery at the southern Baltic coast should in future be managed by differentiated technical regulations for an improved selectivity. The results, also based on UW observations, current measurements, and wind tunnel tests with models, demonstrate some possible technical solutions.
Shrimping in the waddensea is frequently considered to significantly reduce the numbers of juvenile plaice . This investigation aims to reveal the seasonal and regional differences regarding discards in the German waddensea and sets the results in relation to the bycatch projects with German participation. Furthermore, methodological aspects are evaluated to find possible effects on the estimation of the netted numbers. The bycatch problem exists predominantly throughout the summer season, but high catches of juvenile plaice can occur occasionally in autumn. The discard issue seems to be most important in the East Frisian region, while the Elbe and Schleswig-Holstein areas are of lesser importance. Considering the distribution of the fish in the environment is as indispensable as sampling of the shrimp fleet with optimum representativity. There are indices that the contribution of the Dutch shrimp fleet to the discard mortality of juvenile plaice was underestimated in the recent past. A combination of time and area closures as restrictions in combination with the extensive application of selective gears could possibly gain the best protection for the affected species.
The intensified trawl fishery for flounder and otherflatfishes along the German Baltic coast during summer months resulted in the problem of increased undersized bycatches and their discarding. Thereforeselectivity trials with a standard codend, a codend withenlarged meshes and a so-called multipanel codendwith partly transverse netting were investigated. Results show that improvements in selectivity are possible, and tests including UW-TV observations shouldbe continued.
On the basis of the ”Gdansk Convention on Preservation of Living Resources of the Baltic Sea” the International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission (IBSFC) has been regulating catches of most important fish species in the area since 1974. This article reviews, in a first step for Baltic Sea cod, the development of stocks and fishery since 1970 in the light of respective catch regulations of IBSFC. TACs have been fixed by IBSFC by species for the whole Baltic Sea and resulting quotas have been split according to national and/or international fishery zones from 1975 up to now. The Baltic Sea cod is on biological background treated in scientific stock assessment as two separate stocks. Both stocks, in the western and eastern Baltic Sea, show clearly different developments over the period since 1970. After a short living peak in stock size of the eastern compartment about 20 years ago this stock has been on a very low level since the late 1980’s. During that period with increasing effort big cod catches have been landed.. The level of fishing effort is more or less the same still with much lower catches nowadays. A detailed description of development of stock sizes and recruitment is given. The conclusion is that with the present regime of regulation on the basis of one TAC for the total Baltic Sea and with high fishing capacity available for cod it will be impossible to meet the aim of good and stable yields.
The spring session of ACFM gave advice for a number of stocks in the North Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic. The situation is given here for stocks of higher importance for the German fishery. These are: Blue Whiting: A short term upwards trend is observed, which, however, will not last very long, due to too intense fishing. Cod in Kattegat: Stock is outside safe biological limits. No immediate recovery in sight. Cod in Sub. Div. 22– 24 (Baltic): Stock is outside safe biological limits. Due to weak recruitment not immediate recovery in prospect. Greenland Halibut: Stock outside safe biological limits and still in downward trend. Herring (atlanto-scandian, Norw. spring spawner): Stock inside safe biological limits, weak recruitment of the past 5 years will, however, lead to a reduction of the biomass. Redfish: Generally decreasing tendency observed, a reduction of the fishery is recommended.