966 resultados para Kukkonen, Karin
PURPOSE: To evaluate the primary success and short-term patency associated with a new 4-F sheath-compatible self-expanding nitinol stent after failed conventional angioplasty of distal popliteal and infrapopliteal lesions in severe lifestyle-limiting claudication (LLC) and chronic critical limb ischemia (CLI). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between May 2003 and July 2005, 35 patients with Rutherford category 3-5 disease (16 patients with CLI, 19 patients with LLC) underwent percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) and stent implantation. Indications for stent placement were residual stenosis, flow-limiting dissections, or elastic recoil after PTA. Before and after the intervention and during the 6-month follow-up, clinical investigation, color-flow and duplex Doppler ultrasonography, and digital subtraction angiography were performed. Technical success, primary patency at 6 months, clinical improvement as defined by Rutherford with clinical and hemodynamic measures, and complications were evaluated. RESULTS: A total of 22 patients underwent distal popliteal artery stent placement and 13 underwent tibioperoneal artery stent placement. Stent implantation was successfully performed in all patients. After stent placement, the primary cumulative patency rate for the study group at 6 months was 82%. The mean resting ankle-brachial index at baseline was 0.50 +/- 0.16 and significantly increased to 0.90 +/- 0.17 at 12-24 hours after intervention and 0.82 +/- 0.24 at latest follow-up (P < .001 for both). The sustained clinical improvement rate was 80% at the 6-month follow-up. The 6-month limb salvage rate regarding major amputation was 100%. The rate of major complications was 17%. CONCLUSIONS: Infrapopliteal application of the new nitinol stent is a safe, feasible, and effective method with good short-term patency rate in the treatment of severe LLC and chronic CLI.
The purpose of the study was to evaluate observer performance in the detection of pneumothorax with cesium iodide and amorphous silicon flat-panel detector radiography (CsI/a-Si FDR) presented as 1K and 3K soft-copy images. Forty patients with and 40 patients without pneumothorax diagnosed on previous and subsequent digital storage phosphor radiography (SPR, gold standard) had follow-up chest radiographs with CsI/a-Si FDR. Four observers confirmed or excluded the diagnosis of pneumothorax according to a five-point scale first on the 1K soft-copy image and then with help of 3K zoom function (1K monitor). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was performed for each modality (1K and 3K). The area under the curve (AUC) values for each observer were 0.7815, 0.7779, 0.7946 and 0.7066 with 1K-matrix soft copies and 0.8123, 0.7997, 0.8078 and 0.7522 with 3K zoom. Overall detection of pneumothorax was better with 3K zoom. Differences between the two display methods were not statistically significant in 3 of 4 observers (p-values between 0.13 and 0.44; observer 4: p = 0.02). The detection of pneumothorax with 3K zoom is better than with 1K soft copy but not at a statistically significant level. Differences between both display methods may be subtle. Still, our results indicate that 3K zoom should be employed in clinical practice.
This systematic review assesses the evidence for an association between Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) and Crohn's disease. We analysed 28 case-control studies comparing MAP in patients with Crohn's disease with individuals free of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or patients with ulcerative colitis. Compared with individuals free of IBD, the pooled odds ratio (OR) from studies using PCR in tissue samples was 7.01 (95% CI 3.95-12.4) and was 1.72 (1.02-2.90) in studies using ELISA in serum. ORs were similar for comparisons with ulcerative colitis patients (PCR, 4.13 [1.57-10.9]; ELISA, 1.88 [1.26-2.81]). The association of MAP with Crohn's disease seems to be specific, but its role in the aetiology of Crohn's disease remains to be defined.
OBJECTIVES: Herbal medicine (phytotherapy) is widely used, but the evidence for its effectiveness is a matter of ongoing debate. We compared the quality and results of trials of Western phytotherapy and conventional medicine. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: A random sample of placebo-controlled trials of Western phytotherapy was identified in a comprehensive literature search (19 electronic databases). Conventional medicine trials matched for condition and type of outcome were selected from the Cochrane Central Controlled Trials Register (issue 1, 2003). Data were extracted in duplicate. Trials described as double-blind, with adequate generation of allocation sequence and adequate concealment of allocation were assumed to be of higher methodological quality. RESULTS: Eighty-nine herbal medicine and 89 matched conventional medicine trials were analyzed. Studies of Western herbalism were smaller, less likely to be published in English, and less likely to be indexed in MEDLINE than their counterparts from conventional medicine. Nineteen (21%) herbal and four (5%) conventional medicine trials were of higher quality. In both groups, smaller trials showed more beneficial treatment effects than larger trials. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings challenge the widely held belief that the quality of the evidence on the effectiveness of herbal medicine is generally inferior to the evidence available for conventional medicine.
BACKGROUND: Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) is increasingly used in the West, but the evidence on its effectiveness is a matter of debate. We compared the characteristics, study quality and results of clinical trials of CHM and conventional medicine. METHODS: Comparative study of placebo-controlled trials of CHM and conventional medicine. Eleven bibliographic databases and searches by hand of 48 Chinese-language journals. Conventional medicine trials matched for condition and type of outcome were randomly selected from the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register (issue 1, 2003). Trials described as double-blind, with adequate generation of allocation sequence and adequate concealment of allocation, were assumed to be of high quality. Data were analysed using funnel plots and multivariable meta-regression models. RESULTS: 136 CHM trials (119 published in Chinese, 17 published in English) and 136 matched conventional medicine trials (125 published in English) were analysed. The quality of Chinese-language CHM trials tended to be lower than that of English-language CHM trials and conventional medicine trials. Three (2%) CHM trials and 10 (7%) conventional medicine trials were of high quality. In all groups, smaller trials showed more beneficial treatment effects than larger trials. CHM trials published in Chinese showed considerably larger effects than CHM trials published in English (adjusted ratio of ORs 0.29, 95% confidence intervals 0.17-0.52). CONCLUSIONS: Biases are present both in placebo-controlled trials of CHM and conventional medicine, but may be most pronounced in CHM trials published in Chinese-language journals. Only few CHM trials of adequate methodology exist and the effectiveness of CHM therefore remains poorly documented.
OBJECTIVES: There is concern regarding the possible health effects of cellular telephone use. We examined whether the source of funding of studies of the effects of low-level radiofrequency radiation is associated with the results of studies. We conducted a systematic review of studies of controlled exposure to radiofrequency radiation with health-related outcomes (electroencephalogram, cognitive or cardiovascular function, hormone levels, symptoms, and subjective well-being). DATA SOURCES: We searched EMBASE, Medline, and a specialist database in February 2005 and scrutinized reference lists from relevant publications. DATA EXTRACTION: Data on the source of funding, study design, methodologic quality, and other study characteristics were extracted. The primary outcome was the reporting of at least one statistically significant association between the exposure and a health-related outcome. Data were analyzed using logistic regression models. DATA SYNTHESIS: Of 59 studies, 12 (20%) were funded exclusively by the telecommunications industry, 11 (19%) were funded by public agencies or charities, 14 (24%) had mixed funding (including industry), and in 22 (37%) the source of funding was not reported. Studies funded exclusively by industry reported the largest number of outcomes, but were least likely to report a statistically significant result: The odds ratio was 0.11 (95% confidence interval, 0.02-0.78), compared with studies funded by public agencies or charities. This finding was not materially altered in analyses adjusted for the number of outcomes reported, study quality, and other factors. CONCLUSIONS: The interpretation of results from studies of health effects of radiofrequency radiation should take sponsorship into account.
Classical antibody-based serotyping of Escherichia coli is an important method in diagnostic microbiology for epidemiological purposes, as well as for a rough virulence assessment. However, serotyping is so tedious that its use is restricted to a few reference laboratories. To improve this situation we developed and validated a genetic approach for serotyping based on the microarray technology. The genes encoding the O-antigen flippase (wzx) and the O-antigen polymerase (wzy) were selected as target sequences for the O antigen, whereas fliC and related genes, which code for the flagellar monomer, were chosen as representatives for the H phenotype. Starting with a detailed bioinformatic analysis and oligonucleotide design, an ArrayTube-based assay was established: a fast and robust DNA extraction method was coupled with a site-specific, linear multiplex labeling procedure and hybridization analysis of the biotinylated amplicons. The microarray contained oligonucleotide DNA probes, each in duplicate, representing 24 of the epidemiologically most relevant of the over 180 known O antigens (O antigens 4, 6 to 9, 15, 26, 52, 53, 55, 79, 86, 91, 101, 103, 104, 111, 113, 114, 121, 128, 145, 157, and 172) as well as 47 of the 53 different H antigens (H antigens 1 to 12, 14 to 16, 18 to 21, 23 to 34, 37 to 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51 to 54, and 56). Evaluation of the microarray with a set of defined strains representing all O and H serotypes covered revealed that it has a high sensitivity and a high specificity. All of the conventionally typed 24 O groups and all of the 47 H serotypes were correctly identified. Moreover, strains which were nonmotile or nontypeable by previous serotyping assays yielded unequivocal results with the novel ArrayTube assay, which proved to be a valuable alternative to classical serotyping, allowing processing of single colonies within a single working day.
The detection of virulence determinants harbored by pathogenic Escherichia coli is important for establishing the pathotype responsible for infection. A sensitive and specific miniaturized virulence microarray containing 60 oligonucleotide probes was developed. It detected six E. coli pathotypes and will be suitable in the future for high-throughput use.
The zinc endopeptidase meprin (EC is expressed in brush border membranes of intestine and kidney tubules, intestinal leukocytes, and certain cancer cells, suggesting a role in epithelial differentiation and cell migration. Here we show by RT-PCR and immunoblotting that meprin is also expressed in human skin. As visualized by immunohistochemistry, the two meprin subunits are localized in separate cell layers of the human epidermis. Meprin alpha is expressed in the stratum basale, whereas meprin beta is found in cells of the stratum granulosum just beneath the stratum corneum. In hyperproliferative epidermis such as in psoriasis vulgaris, meprin alpha showed a marked shift of expression from the basal to the uppermost layers of the epidermis. The expression patterns suggest distinct functions for the two subunits in skin. This assumption is supported by diverse effects of recombinant meprin alpha and beta on human adult low-calcium high-temperature keratinocytes. Here, beta induced a dramatic change in cell morphology and reduced the cell number, indicating a function in terminal differentiation, whereas meprin alpha did not affect cell viability, and may play a role in basal keratinocyte proliferation.
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is amenable to only few treatments. Inhibitors of the kinase mTOR are a new class of immunosuppressors already in use after liver transplantation. Their antiproliferative and antiangiogenic properties suggest that these drugs could be considered to treat HCC. We investigated the antitumoral effects of mTOR inhibition in a HCC model. METHODS: Hepatoma cells were implanted into livers of syngeneic rats. Animals were treated with the mTOR inhibitor sirolimus for 4 weeks. Tumor growth was monitored by MR imaging. Antiangiogenic effects were assessed in vivo by microvessel density and corrosion casts and in vitro by cell proliferation, tube formation and aortic ring assays. RESULTS: Treated rats had significantly longer survival and developed smaller tumors, fewer extrahepatic metastases and less ascites than controls. Sirolimus decreased intratumoral microvessel density resulting in extensive necrosis. Endothelial cell proliferation was inhibited at lower drug concentrations than hepatoma cells. Tube formation and vascular sprouting of aortic rings were significantly impaired by mTOR inhibition. Casts revealed that in tumors treated with sirolimus vascular sprouting was absent, whereas intussusception was observed. CONCLUSIONS: mTOR inhibition significantly reduces HCC growth and improves survival primarily via antiangiogenic effects. Inhibitors of mTOR may have a role in HCC treatment.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the acute and midterm effectiveness of a novel vascular occlusion device for embolization of the internal iliac artery (IIA) before endovascular repair of aortoiliac aneurysms. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between March 2005 and April 2006, nine men (mean age, 75 years +/- 5; range, 66-83 y) with aortoiliac aneurysms underwent bifurcated endovascular stent-graft procedures. All these patients were referred specifically for embolization. Pre- and perioperatively, eight patients underwent unilateral embolization and one underwent bilateral embolization of the IIA to prevent type II endoleak. Via a contralateral femoral approach with a 6-F or 8-F sheath, the embolization procedure was performed with an Amplatzer Vascular Plug, a self-expandable cylindrical device consisting of a nitinol-based wire mesh. Technical success, clinical outcome, and complications were evaluated. Follow-up at 3, 6, and 12 months was performed with clinical and radiologic examinations. RESULTS: IIA embolization was technically successful in all cases and no procedure-related complications occurred. Imaging at discharge and at 3-, 6-, or 12-month follow-up was accomplished in all nine patients. Control computed tomography and magnetic resonance angiography did not reveal retrograde perfusion of the aneurysmal sac, ie, type II endoleak. Three of nine patients (33.3%) reported symptoms of buttock claudication that did not resolve completely. Clinical symptoms such as bowel ischemia or sexual dysfunction were not observed. CONCLUSIONS: The midterm results of this study suggest that preoperative IIA embolization with a nitinol vascular occlusion plug during endovascular treatment of aortoiliac aneurysms is safe and effective.
A laboratory study was performed to assess the influence of beveling the margins of cavities and the effects on marginal adaptation of the application of ultrasound during setting and initial light curing. After minimal access cavities had been prepared with an 80 microm diamond bur, 80 box-only Class II cavities were prepared mesially and distally in 40 extracted human molars using four different oscillating diamond coated instruments: (A) a U-shaped PCS insert as the non-beveled control (EMS), (B) Bevelshape (Intensiv), (C) SonicSys (KaVo) and (D) SuperPrep (KaVo). In groups B-D, the time taken for additional bevel finishing was measured. The cavities were filled with a hybrid composite material in three increments. Ultrasound was also applied to one cavity per tooth before and during initial light curing (10 seconds). The specimens were subjected to thermomechanical stress in a computer-controlled masticator device. Marginal quality was assessed by scanning electron microscopy and the results were compared statistically. The additional time required for finishing was B > D > C (p < or = 0.05). In all groups, thermomechanical loading resulted in a decrease in marginal quality. Beveling resulted in higher values for "continuous" margins compared with that of the unbeveled controls. The latter showed better marginal quality at the axial walls when ultrasound was used. Beveling seems essential for good marginal adaptation but requires more preparation time. The use of ultrasonic vibrations may improve the marginal quality of unbeveled fillings and warrants further investigation.
In many human carcinomas, expression of the lymphangiogenic factor vascular endothelial growth factor-D (VEGF-D) correlates with up-regulated lymphangiogenesis and regional lymph node metastasis. Here, we have used the Rip1Tag2 transgenic mouse model of pancreatic beta-cell carcinogenesis to investigate the functional role of VEGF-D in the induction of lymphangiogenesis and tumor progression. Expression of VEGF-D in beta cells of single-transgenic Rip1VEGF-D mice resulted in the formation of peri-insular lymphatic lacunae, often containing leukocyte accumulations and blood hemorrhages. When these mice were crossed to Rip1Tag2 mice, VEGF-D-expressing tumors also exhibited peritumoral lymphangiogenesis with lymphocyte accumulations and hemorrhages, and they frequently developed lymph node and lung metastases. Notably, tumor outgrowth and blood microvessel density were significantly reduced in VEGF-D-expressing tumors. Our results demonstrate that VEGF-D induces lymphangiogenesis, promotes metastasis to lymph nodes and lungs, and yet represses hemangiogenesis and tumor outgrowth. Because a comparable transgenic expression of vascular endothelial growth factor-C (VEGF-C) in Rip1Tag2 has been shown previously to provoke lymphangiogenesis and lymph node metastasis in the absence of any distant metastasis, leukocyte infiltration, or angiogenesis-suppressing effects, these results reveal further functional differences between VEGF-D and VEGF-C.
Members of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family are critical players in angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis. Although VEGF-A has been shown to exert fundamental functions in physiologic and pathologic angiogenesis, the exact role of the VEGF family member placental growth factor (PlGF) in tumor angiogenesis has remained controversial. To gain insight into PlGF function during tumor angiogenesis, we have generated transgenic mouse lines expressing human PlGF-1 in the beta cells of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans (Rip1PlGF-1). In single-transgenic Rip1PlGF-1 mice, intra-insular blood vessels are found highly dilated, whereas islet physiology is unaffected. Upon crossing of these mice with the Rip1Tag2 transgenic mouse model of pancreatic beta cell carcinogenesis, tumors of double-transgenic Rip1Tag2;Rip1PlGF-1 mice display reduced growth due to attenuated tumor angiogenesis. The coexpression of transgenic PlGF-1 and endogenous VEGF-A in the beta tumor cells of double-transgenic animals causes the formation of low-angiogenic hPlGF-1/mVEGF-A heterodimers at the expense of highly angiogenic mVEGF-A homodimers resulting in diminished tumor angiogenesis and reduced tumor infiltration by neutrophils, known to contribute to the angiogenic switch in Rip1Tag2 mice. The results indicate that the ratio between the expression levels of two members of the VEGF family of angiogenic factors, PlGF-1 and VEGF-A, determines the overall angiogenic activity and, thus, the extent of tumor angiogenesis and tumor growth.