786 resultados para Intradermorreação de Montenegro


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The goal of the research was to investigate the energy performance of residential vertical buildings envelope in the hot and humid climate of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, based in the Technical Regulation of Quality for Energy Efficiency Level in Residential Buildings (RTQ -R), launched in 2010. The study pretends to contribute to the development of design strategies appropriate to the specific local climate and the increasing of energy efficiency level of the envelope. The methodological procedures included the survey in 22 (twenty two) residential buildings, the formulation of representative prototypes based on typological and constructives characters researched and the classification of the level of energy efficiency in the envelopment of these prototypes, using as a tool the prescriptive method of the RTQ-R and the parametric analyzes from assigning different values of the following variables: shape of the pavement type; distribution of housing compartments; orientation of the building; area and shading of openings; thermal transmittance, and solar absorptance of opaque materials of the frontage in order to evaluate the influence of these on the envelopment performance. The main results accomplished with this work includes the qualification of vertical residential buildings in Natal/RN; the verification of the adequacy of these buildings to local climate based from the diagnosis of the thermal energy of the envelopment performance, the identification of variables with more significant influence on the prescriptive methodology of RTQ-R and design solutions more favorable to obtain higher levels energy efficiency by this method. Finally, it was verified, that some of these solutions proved contradictory in relation to the recommendations contained in the theoretical approaches regarding environmental comfort in hot and humid weather, which indicates the need for improvement of the prescriptive method RTQ-R and further research on efficient design solutions


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This work aims to analyze and evaluate the Urban furniture designed to public areas according to the Revitalization planning for Rio Grande do Norte coastland, defining visual relations among urban elements in the landscape of revitalized public urban areas with cultural, paisagistic and touristic values and the design process used for developing urban furniture to those areas, observing the incoming consequences use to that process in a specific urban context which alters use, functions, cultural images as well as social values attributed to each particular place. Environmental perceptions, legibility of local cultural references and their representation through the design of urban elements, act in a positive or negative manner over the inhabitants cognition process of some particular revitalized area, determining new use and attributions to those areas. Designs for coastal urban interventions try excessively to standardize technical media, construction materials and planning configurations, creating artificial sceneries that segregates users, imposing new structures and usage, generating, consequently, the so called non-places and burlesque regionalism. The research is divided into 4 chapters: 1) Theoretical support (Industrial design; Urban furniture; Public urban spaces; Urban image and environmental perception; Urban occupation and interventions in coastland areas); 2) Methodological procedures and data collection; 3) Analysis of Rio Grande do Norte coastal areas and their urban interventions; 4) Final considerations and Industrial Design contributions to the subject


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This research started with an investigation about the theatrical speaking. Through an empirical methodology that analyzed a practical experience of creating a play and bibliographical research, the actress/researcher investigated ways to manipulate musical parameters as tools in the creation process of the actor s voice. The actress/researcher attempted to connect theory and practice, moved by the desire to find a vocal expression in theater that unfolds as living and transforming movement. This dissertation also contains the report of pedagogical experiences, in which the actress/researcher explored strategies to teach the appropriation of musical parameters in the construction of the vocal work of the actor. Considering that speaking in theater is closer to singing than everyday speech, she concluded that the actor may compose music as a music composer does in the elaborating process of building vocal scores. Therefore, she demonstrated that it is of fundamental importance a musical training in the development of the actor.


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Objective: To determine the prevalence of ocular findings of the external structures and anterior segment of the eye, detected by biomicroscopic examination in schoolchildren in Natal (RN) - Brazil. Methods: After previous random selection, 1,024 pupils from elementary and secondary public and private schools in the city of Natal were evaluated from March to June 2001. All were submitted to preestablished standard research norms, consisting of identification, demographic information, ophthalmologic biomicroscopic examination, with slit lamp, performed by ophthalmologists from the “Onofre Lopes” University Hospital. Results: Alterations of the conjunctival and palpebral conditions were the most prevalent (10.4% and 6.2% respectively). Follicles (4.2%) and papillae (3.0%) were the frequent conjunctival lesions, while blepharitis (3.5%) and meibomitis (1.1%) were the most detected abnormalities in the eyelids. Upon examining the cornea, iris, lens and anterior vitreous, the most encountered findings were nubecula (0.5%), papillary membrane reliquiae (0.5%), posterior capsula opacity (0.8%) and hyaloid arteria reliquiae (2.0%). Conclusion: The most prevalent findings affecting the external structures of the eye such as eyelids and conjunctiva, consisted of blepharitis followed by follicular reaction of the conjunctiva. The most prevalent abnormalities in the cornea, iris, lens and anterior vitreous were nubecula, papillary membrane reliquiae, posterior capsular opacity and hyaloid arteria reliquiae, in that order


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Bogotá (Colombia) : Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Contables. Programa de Administración de Empresas


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An ideal biomaterial for dental implants must have very high biocompatibility, which means that such materials should not provoke any serious adverse tissue response. Also, used metal alloys must have high fatigue resistance due the masticatory force and good corrosion resistance. These properties are rendered by using alpha and beta stabilizers, such as Al, V, Ni, Fe, Cr, Cu, Zn. Commercially pure titanium (TiCP) is used often for dental and orthopedic implants manufacturing. However, sometimes other alloys are employed and consequently it is essential to research the chemical elements present in those alloys that could bring prejudice for the health. Present work investigated TiCP metal alloys used for dental implant manufacturing and evaluated the presence of stabilizing elements within existing limits and standards for such materials. For alloy characterization and identification of stabilizing elements it was used EDXRF technique. This method allows to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of the materials using the spectra of the characteristic X-rays emitted by the elements present in the metal samples. The experimental setup was based on two X- rays tubes (AMPTEK Mini X model with Ag and Au targets), a X-123SDD detector (AMPTEK) and a 0.5mm Cu collimator, developed due to the sample characteristics. The other experimental setup used as a complementary technique is composed of an X-ray tube with a Mo target, collimator 0.65mm and XFlash (SDD) detector - ARTAX 200 (BRUKER). Other method for elemental characterization by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) applied in present work was based on Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) EVO® (Zeeis). This method also was used to evaluate the surface microstructure of the sample. The percentual of Ti obtained in the elementary characterization was among 93.35 ± 0.17% and 95.34 ± 0.19 %. These values are considered below the reference limit of 98.635% to 99.5% for TiCP, established by Association of metals centric materials engineers and scientists Society (ASM). The presence of elements Al and V in all samples also contributed to underpin the fact that are not TiCP implants. The values for Al vary between 6.3 ± 1.3% and 3.7 ± 2.0% and for V, between 0.26 ± 0.09% and 0.112 ± 0.048%. According to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), these elements should not be present in TiCP and in accordance with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the presence of Al should be <0.01% and V should be of 0.009 ± 0.001%. Obtained results showed that implant materials are not exactly TiCP but, were manufactured using Ti-Al-V alloy, which contained Fe, Ni, Cu and Zn. The quantitative analysis and elementary characterization of experimental results shows that the best accuracy and precision were reached with X-Ray tube with Au target and collimator of 0.5 mm. Use of technique of EDS confirmed the results of EDXRF for Ti-Al-V alloy. Evaluating the surface microstructure by SEM of the implants, it was possible to infer that ten of the thirteen studied samples are contemporaneous, rough surface and three with machined surface.


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Se plantea un documento de gestión para la propuesta de diseño arquitectónico para la Escuela de Artes Plásticas de la Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades, en el cual se aborda el problema latente que dificulta el desarrollo de las actividades académicas de la Escuela de Artes Plásticas, la carencia de un espacio físico adecuado para el aprendizaje óptimo de sus actividades, lo que ha ocasionado y limitado a sus especialidades. Para poder dar una propuesta de solución a la problemática, se determinó el método a desarrollar por medio de una investigación guiada por tres pasos: Formulación, análisis y síntesis, lo que permitió identificar el problema descrito anteriormente como etapa de formulación; a través del diagnóstico se analizaron las partes fundamentales del problema, para su posterior síntesis, la cual se plantea a través de la propuesta arquitectónica


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En la presente investigación se plantea un tema de gran importancia, no solo para el Departamento de Psicología sino para todos los individuos interesados en la temática de estudio denominada, “La influencia del Bienestar Psicológico en el Desempeño Laboral de los docentes de centros educativos públicos y privados del barrio San Jacinto, San Salvador”. Es importante mencionar que el tema objeto de investigación no es estudiado por ningún rubro; debido a su complejidad ha sido obviado y no se ha mostrado interés por investigar e intervenir el sector docente, a pesar de que su trabajo y aporte es indispensable para la sociedad.


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El proyecto de identidad gráfica para la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Cuenca presenta las diferentes etapas en la creación de un identificador gráfico. La primera etapa se basa en la investigación y el análisis de los datos recopilados, en la segunda etapa se desarrollan los atributos y parámetros de diseño, e incluye el trabajo gráfico, desde los bocetos hasta el identificador gráfico definitivo, por último, un manual de identidad gráfica presenta todo el contenido de la construcción del identificador gráfico y el uso correcto del sistema de identidad en todas las aplicaciones impresas y digitales.


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El cáncer de mama es el más frecuente en mujeres con 1.38 millones de casos nuevos para el 2008 (23%) y el segundo más frecuente en general (10.9%). Es el más frecuente tanto en países desarrollados como en desarrollo (690 000 casos nuevos). En El Salvador es la segunda causa de cáncer y la tercera causa de muerte por cáncer. El riesgo de enfermar es superior en las mujeres de países con nivel socioeconómico alto, pero el riesgo de morir es mayor entre las mujeres que habitan países pobres. Se realiza este estudio para conocer el comportamiento de esta patología en nuestra población. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de seguimiento de una cohorte con cáncer de mama, tratados en el Hospital Nacional Rosales en un periodo de tiempo. Resultados: Se encontró una muestra de 132 pacientes. La edad media fue 54.61 años (DS +13.61). 55 pacientes (41.7%) provenían del departamento de San Salvador. De 119 pacientes en que se obtuvo datos de paridad se encontró una mediana de 3 hijos. 15.52% tenían antecedentes familiares. El 91.7% consultaron por presencia de tumor, con una mediana de consulta de 6 meses. Biopsia fue el método diagnostico en 84.41% de las pacientes. El tipo Ductal invasor fue el más frecuente (78.8%) y el estadio de presentación más frecuente fue IIb y IIIa correspondiendo al 50% de la población total. 5 pacientes no fueron sometidos a ninguna terapia quirúrgica, 20% recibido neoadyuvancia, 50% adyuvancia y 35.6% tamoxifeno. Hubo una pérdida de vista al año del 31% de pacientes, y en los restantes se obtuvo una sobrevida del 97.8%.


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Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) has a wide geographical distribution in tropical and subtropical areas of the planet, which is a protozoan parasite of the genus Leishmania. This pathogen is transmitted to the host through the sandflies bite, with its saliva, the immune response that leads to both. In the state of Rio Grande do Norte, 85% of the sand flies captured is Lutzomyia longipalpis, but the second most abundant, Lutzomyia evandroi, it deserves emphasis because its wide distribution and eclectic behavior. The exposure of people living in endemic areas for the insect vector VL greatly increases the chances of infection. This study aimed to evaluate aspects of the epidemiological profile of VL in endemic areas of human and nonendemic in the metropolitan area of Natal, as well as verify the abundance and seasonal fluctuations of sandflies species in two counties endemic for VL. Were collected in the municipalities of Nísia Floresta, Parnamirim, São Gonçalo do Amarante and Macaíba, of which groups of females were separated for further dissection of the salivary glands and identification of species. The blood samples used were from individuals of two Natal s districts where it has never been reported cases of VL and neighborhoods of Parnamirim applicants who present cases of VL. In the municipality of Nísia Floresta, the most abundant species was L. evandroi with 38.39%, followed by L. longipalpis with 36.22%, L. walkeri 19.67% L. lenti 3.81%, L. wellcomei 1.39% and L. whitmani 0.52%. Already in Parnamirim the proportions were L. walkeri with 73.15%, L. evandroi with 10.55%, L. wellcomei 7.63%, L. longipalpis 6.37%, L. whitmani 1.46%, L. sordellii 0.52%, L. intermedia 0.21 and L. shanonni 0.1%. In both municipalities was observed higher abundance of species distributed in the initial months of the year, as February and March. The study showed that no difference in exposure to the vector of VL among individuals from endemic and non endemic area for this disease. But there are differences in exposure between individuals of L. longipalpis and L. evandroi, confirming the great powers of the first vector. It was also characterized as predominant phenotype in the population of endemic areas who had negative serologic responses to antigens of Leishmania and result in negative Montenegro skin test (DTH), indicating that much of the population hasn t been bitten by infected insects


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La visibilidad de una página Web involucra el proceso de mejora de la posición del sitio en los resultados devueltos por motores de búsqueda como Google. Hay muchas empresas que compiten agresivamente para conseguir la primera posición en los motores de búsqueda más populares. Como regla general, los sitios que aparecen más arriba en los resultados suelen obtener más tráfico a sus páginas, y de esta forma, potencialmente más negocios. En este artículo se describe los principales modelos para enriquecer los resultados de las búsquedas con información tales como fechas o localidades; información de tipo clave-valor que permite al usuario interactuar con el contenido de una página Web directamente desde el sitio de resultados de la búsqueda. El aporte fundamental del artículo es mostrar la utilidad de diferentes formatos de marcado para enriquecer fragmentos de una página Web con el fin de ayudar a las empresas que están planeando implementar métodos de enriquecimiento semánticos en la estructuración de sus sitios Web.


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Tesis (Licenciado en Lenguas Castellana, Inglés y Francés).--Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de La Educación. Licenciatura en Lengua Castellana, Inglés y Francés, 2014


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En el marco de las políticas de aseguramiento de la calidad de la educación superior chilena, la Comisión Nacional de Acreditación dictaminó para la carrera de cinesiología de la Universidad de Antofagasta una serie de mejoras necesarias para corregir diversas dimensiones. Para dar respuesta a ello, la carrera se organizó según las orientaciones institucionales a través de la Dirección de Gestión y Análisis Institucional, y constituyó dos comités, uno de autoevaluación y otro de rediseño, los cuales estructuraron un plan de trabajo incorporando a estudiantes y académicos, empleadores y egresados, además de expertos en currículo dependientes de la vicerrectoría académica y adscritos al Centro de Innovación y Desarrollo Curricular, lo que generó como resultado la renovación del perfil de egreso, los contenidos de la malla curricular, el rediseño del plan de estudios y un programa de vinculación con el medio; e incorporó, a su vez, la tesis de grado con el propósito de facilitar la investigación disciplinar en ese nivel. El propósito de este artículo es describir la experiencia de los procesos de evaluación interna (autoevaluación) y externa (acreditación de la carrera de cinesiología de la Universidad de Antofagasta). La valoración de los efectos generados por estos cambios se explorará después de transcurridos dos años de su instalación.


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Al paso del tiempo los niveles de educación y el desempeño laboral de los maestros han decaído, debido a los nuevos retos con los que se enfrentan, por ejemplo; surgimiento de nuevas leyes, incremento de la violencia, pérdida de valores, reformas en el currículum educativo, falta de incentivos, reconocimientos y ascensos laborales, falta de material didáctico, entre otros