881 resultados para Infant child care
This paper investigates the prevalence of incapacity in performing daily activities and the associations between household composition and availability of family members and receipt of care among older adults with functioning problems in Spain, England and the United States of America (USA). We examine how living arrangements, marital status, child availability, limitations in functioning ability, age and gender affect the probability of receiving formal care and informal care from household members and from others in three countries with different family structures, living arrangements and policies supporting care of the incapacitated. Data sources include the 2006 Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe for Spain, the third wave of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (2006), and the eighth wave of the USA Health and Retirement Study (2006). Logistic and multinomial logistic regressions are used to estimate the probability of receiving care and the sources of care among persons age 50 and older. The percentage of people with functional limitations receiving care is higher in Spain. More care comes from outside the household in the USA and England than in Spain. The use of formal care among the incapacitated is lowest in the USA and highest in Spain.
Role reversal, whereby a child attempts to meet her parent's adult needs for parenting, intimacy, or companionship, has been identified as a risk factor for developmental disturbances. It has been defined from diverse perspectives as a child attachment strategy, a parent - toddler relational disturbance, and a boundary disturbance between parents and child. The recently discovered infant's triangular capacity, namely the sharing of her attention and affects with both parents, allows one to analyse the infant's contribution to early family dynamics. Role reversal was detected in 4 out of 45 father - mother - infant interactions observed in trilogue play from pregnancy to toddlerhood. The developmental trajectories towards role reversal are explored by means of case analyses. Results are compared with cases of problematic triangulation encountered in the same sample. In role reversal, family interactions are rigidly organized around a "two against one" coalition, whereby the normative hierarchy between parents and child is reversed. The child's triangular capacity is overactivated, controlling the tension between her parents by provocation - animation strategies
The Infant Mortality in Iowa Interim Study Committee was established by the Legislative Council to review historical trends in Iowa's infant mortality rates to identify the extent of the problem on a statewide basis. Identify areas in the state with the greatest incidence of infant mortality, and research health complications. Identify factors which lead to impoverished families, and research access to health care services. Survey and review the current structure of service provided to pregnant women in Iowa health care facilities, and solicit information on the level of existing prenatal services. Recommend changes in Iowa's health care system which would lower Iowa's infant mortality rate.
Aquest treball consta d’una investigació amb una pràctica d’activitats basades en el moviment corporal amb un infant diagnosticat amb Trastorn de Dèficit D’Atenció (TDA), amb la intenció de tractar i treballar els problemes que pateix de concentració i atenció. Aquesta pràctica va tenir lloc a l’Escola Sant Jordi de Navàs. Es va analitzar a l’alumne/a en concret, però es van treballar totes les activitats amb tot el grup classe. Les activitats van ser dissenyades a partir dels aprenentatges a la universitat durant la carrera i també de diferents autors citats al marc teòric. Els instruments de recollida de dades que es van utilitzar són les tècniques d’observació i el diari de camp i la càmera de fotos i de vídeo per enregistrar moments en concret. Aquests instruments van donar lloc a l’anàlisi i a la valoració final de les sessions de la pràctica realitzada, en la que es va poder observar una millora en l’atenció, la concentració, l’ interès, la relació amb els companys, etc, aconseguint els objectius proposats al principi. Si el moviment corporal ajuda a millorar als infants que pateixen aquest trastorn i a tots els altres és aconsellable que a l’escola es busquin estratègies i formes de treballar-ho, en qualsevol àrea, per a motivar i fer créixer els aprenentatges de tots els alumnes.
Aquest treball té per objectiu identificar i avaluar preventivament les característiques d’un infant de sis anys que podrien desenvolupar el Trastorn per Dèficit d’Atenció amb Hiperactivitat. Per a la realització d’aquest treball es va proposar realitzar un programa psicopedagògic enfocat a millorar diferents comportaments negatius del propi infant. El programa està constituït per cinc activitats, realitzades amb tot el grup-classe, que intenten millorar diversos conceptes: la consciència emocional, el nivell d’empatia, l’autoestima i l’autocontrol emocional. El subjectes del grup d’intervenció han millorat en els diferents comportaments, i en concret, s’ ha vist un canvi important positiu en la conducta de l’infant. A més, l’observació d’actuacions no adequades en infants d’edats primerenques suposarà realitzar un bon treball psicopedagògic per poder-les prevenir o disminuir.
It has been suggested that determination of the neutrophil elastase alpha1-proteinase inhibitor complex (E-alpha1PI) improves the diagnosis of bacterial infection in newborns. We evaluated the use of E-alpha1PI measurements in 143 newborns, consecutively admitted to a tertiary intensive care unit, employing a new random access assay and a sampling procedure that minimises post-collection artefacts. The 95% range for noninfected newborns was 20-110 microg/l up to the 5th day of life and 20-85 microg/l thereafter. The sensitivity as to the diagnosis of culture-proven bloodstream infection was 80% for E-alpha1PI, 86% for the immature to total neutrophil ratio, 64% for C-reactive protein and 37% for the total white blood cell count. The corresponding specificity amounted to 97%, 85%, 85% and 86%, respectively. E-alpha1PI increases preceded elevations of C-reactive protein by 18 h. Like C-reactive protein, E-alpha1PI levels did not distinguish between bloodstream infection and non-bacterial inflammatory responses. Results of E-alpha1PI became available within 1 h of collection and usually 2-3 h before manual leucocyte counts. CONCLUSION: Determination of neutrophil elastase alpha1-proteinase inhibitor levels yields diagnostic advantages comparable to those of manual differential counts but provide faster turnaround times.
L'article constituant le présent travail de thèse décrit une recherche évaluant les similarités entre l'inhibition comportementale chez des enfants et leurs parents respectifs durant l'enfance, ainsi que l'association éventuelle entre l'inhibition et les attitudes parentales. L'inhibition comportementale - définie comme une prédisposition de l'enfant à réagir avec réticence et angoisse à des situations inhabituelles - est une caractéristique de tempérament qui apparaît tôt dans la vie et est relativement stable dans le temps. L'intérêt qui y est associé repose sur son association avec des conséquences développementales négatives pour l'individu: risque accentué chez les enfants d'inadaptation scolaire, de dysfonctionnement social et de sentiments de détresse; facteur de risque en ce qui concerne le développement ultérieur de troubles psychiatriques de l'adulte, dont les troubles anxieux en particulier. Nous avons dès lors investigué dans cette recherche 1) la présence d'une association entre l'inhibition comportementale actuelle des enfants et celle rétrospective de leurs parents, dans ses deux dimensions spécifiques, soit sociale (« peurs à l'école ») et non-sociale (« peurs générales »), et 2) si ces dimensions d'inhibition étaient associées au niveau de chaleur, d'affectivité et de soutien prodigués par les parents. C'est à partir de la récolte d'auto-questionnaires remplis dans le contexte d'une vaste étude initiée à Lausanne en 1994, que nous avons extrait un échantillon de 453 enfants scolarisés en 6/7ème années et 741 de leurs parents biologiques respectifs. Les analyses ont porté sur les auto-questionnaires évaluant, chez les enfants, leurs degrés d'inhibition comportementale, de symptomatologie psychiatrique actuelle et de perception de chaleur, d'affectivité et de soutien reçu de la part des parents, et, en ce qui concerne les parents, des auto¬questionnaires évaluant rétrospectivement leurs degrés d'inhibition comportementale durant l'enfance et de symptomatologie psychiatrique actuelle. La comparaison des scores des enfants avec ceux de leurs parents sur les échelles de l'inhibition comportementale (CSRCI-Child version of the Self-Report of Child Inhibition - et RSRI - Retrospective Self- Report of Inhibition -), montre la présence d'une similarité significative pour chacune des dimensions spécifiques, suggérant que les enfants de parents ayant présenté une inhibition comportementale dans l'enfance sont plus à risque d'en développer une à leur tour. Nous avons par ailleurs pu établir, au cours d'analyses complémentaires, que cette association se maintenait après l'ajustement des degrés de symptomatologie psychiatrique respectifs des enfants et de leurs parents, ce qui a permis d'écarter ce facteur confondant potentiel. Bien que la nature de cette association ne puisse être élucidée par cette recherche, le fait que la taille de l'effet soit modeste suggère qu'un rôle important dans le développement de l'inhibition soit joué par des facteurs environnementaux non partagés dans une famille. Un de ceux-ci semble suggéré par l'association négative qui apparaît dans cette étude entre le degré d'inhibition dans sa dimension « peurs à l'école » et l'attitude parentale: un bas niveau de chaleur, d'affectivité et de soutien perçu par l'enfant de la part de ses parents aurait ainsi une influence sur le développement de peurs en situations sociales en particulier. Alternativement, cette association négative pourrait suggérer que les peurs de l'enfant aient une influence négative sur le développement d'une attitude parentale de soutien ou, du moins, sur la perception de celle-ci par l'enfant. Il est aussi bien évidemment envisageable que ces processus interagissent dans une boucle de rétroaction. Seules des études longitudinales pourraient nous éclairer sur la nature de cette association. Quoi qu'il en soit, ce résultat présente un intérêt clinique pour orienter des interventions de prévention du développement de troubles psychiatriques chez des enfants inhibés, en proposant d'agir, soit directement sur les attitudes parentales, soit sur les peurs de l'enfant ainsi que sur les caractéristiques perçues par l'enfant de l'attitude parentale. Des études longitudinales sur les ressemblances entre les parents et leurs enfants concernant l'inhibition comportementale, incluant des études de jumeaux, d'enfants adoptés et de familles, sont nécessaires pour mieux comprendre les interactions entre les facteurs génétiques, familiaux et environnementaux dans le développement de l'inhibition comportementale des enfants.
We conducted an open, randomized, and prospective study to determine the effect of hypertonic saline on the secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and aldosterone in children with severe head injury (Glasgow coma scale <8). Thirty-one consecutive patients at a level III pediatric intensive care unit at a children's hospital received either lactated Ringer's solution (Ringer's group, n = 16) or hypertonic saline (Hypertonic Saline group, n = 15) over a 3-day period. Serum ADH levels were significantly larger in the Hypertonic Saline group as compared with the Ringer's group (P = 0.001; analysis of variance) and were correlated to sodium intake (Ringer's group: r = 0.39, R(2) = 0.15, P = 0.02; Hypertonic Saline group: r = 0.42, R(2) = 0.18, P = 0.02) and volume of fluids given IV (Ringer's group: r = 0.38, R(2) = 0.15, P = 0.02; Hypertonic Saline group: r = 0.32, R(2) = 0.1, P = not significant). Correlation of ADH to plasma osmolality was significant if plasma osmolality was >280 mOsm/kg (r = 0.5, R(2) = 0.25, P = 0.06), indicating an osmotic threshold for ADH release. Serum aldosterone levels were larger on the first day than during Days 2 and 3 in both groups and inversely correlated to serum sodium levels only in the Ringer's group (r = -0.55, R(2) = 0.3, P < 0.001). This group received a significantly larger fluid volume on Day 1 (P = 0.05, Mann-Whitney U-test) than did patients in the Hypertonic Saline group, indicating hypovolemia during the first day. Head-injured children have appropriate levels of ADH. They may be hypovolemic during the first day of treatment, especially if they receive lactated Ringer's solution. IMPLICATIONS: In head-injured patients, we recommend fluid restriction to avoid inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone. In a prospective, randomized, and controlled study in 31 children, we were able to show that the antidiuretic hormone levels are appropriate in response to hypovolemia, sodium load, or both.
We reviewed the records of 108 patients who had a tracheostomy performed over a 10-year period from July 1979 to April 1989. Median age at tracheostomy was 6 months (1 week-15 years). Indications for surgery were acquired subglottic stenosis (31.4%), bilateral vocal cord paralysis (22.2%), congenital airway malformations (22.2%) and tumours (11.1%). No epiglottis and no emergency situation had to be managed by tracheostomy. Operation was uneventful in all, but 8 patients (7.4%) developed a pneumothorax in the postoperative period. Twenty-one (19.5%) had severe complications during the cannulation period (tube obstruction in 11 patients with cardiorespiratory arrest in 4; dislocation of the tube in 6 patients). Fifteen patients (13.8%) had severe complications after decannulation (2 had a cardiorespiratory arrest); all 15 had to be recannulated. At the end of the study period 85 patients (78.7%) were successfully decannulated with a median period of tracheostomy of 486 days (8 days-6.6 years). The median hospital stay was 159 days (13 days-2.7 years). All patients could be discharged. Eight patients (7.4%) died but no death was related to tracheostomy. In summary the mortality rate is lower than reported in previous reviews and tracheostomy is a safe operation even in small children but cannula-related complications may lead to life-threatening events. The management of tracheostomized small children and infants in a highly staffed and monitored intensive care unit has allowed better handling of complications and has resulted in a reduction in cannula-related deaths.
Pulse oximetry represents a major advance in patient monitoring, but measurement below 70 to 80% saturation has important limitations. Several authors have tested pulse oximetry at low saturations with conflicting results. A review of these data indicates that every patient with a pulse oximeter value below 75 to 80% SaO2 should have one or more invasive measurements of the arterial SaO2 in order to avoid undetected severe hypoxemia.
The Iowa Child Advocacy Board (ICAB) is an independent board composed of nine members appointed by the Governor of Iowa and confirmed by the Iowa Senate. ICAB establishes policies and procedures for two volunteer child advocacy programs: the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program and the Iowa Citizen Foster Care Review Boards programs.
The Iowa Child Advocacy Board (ICAB) is an independent board composed of nine members appointed by the Governor of Iowa and confirmed by the Iowa Senate. ICAB establishes policies and procedures for two volunteer child advocacy programs: the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program and the Iowa Citizen Foster Care Review Boards programs.
The Iowa Child Advocacy Board (ICAB) is an independent board composed of nine members appointed by the Governor of Iowa and confirmed by the Iowa Senate. ICAB establishes policies and procedures for two volunteer child advocacy programs: the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program and the Iowa Citizen Foster Care Review Boards programs.
The Iowa Child Advocacy Board (ICAB) is an independent board composed of nine members appointed by the Governor of Iowa and confirmed by the Iowa Senate. ICAB establishes policies and procedures for two volunteer child advocacy programs: the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program and the Iowa Citizen Foster Care Review Boards programs.