835 resultados para Impactos socioterritoriais


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Este estudo teve como principal objectivo ser um contributo para a compreensão e identificação dos impactos importantes que os Projectos Europeus, na área da Educação, no âmbito da sub-acção Comenius 1 - Parcerias entre Escolas, do Programa Sócrates, tiveram e têm na comunidade educativa do concelho de Silves. O estudo parte, assim, da seguinte questão de investigação: Quais são os impactos percepcionados pelos professores coordenadores dos projectos Comenius 1 nas diferentes dimensões do processo educativo? Neste sentido, estabeleceram-se as seguintes questões secundárias: • Como se construíram e implementaram estes Projectos nas Escolas? • De que forma é que estes Projectos foram integrados no desenho curricular da escola? • Quais foram as maiores dificuldades sentidas pelos responsáveis pelos Projectos na implementação dos mesmos? Através de uma metodologia qualitativa, foram realizadas entrevistas semi­estruturadas a cinco professores de escolas diferentes do Concelho de Silves e recorreu-se à análise documental e de testemunhos. Os resultados parecem indicar que a implementação deste tipo de projectos nas escolas deixa impactos em todos os intervenientes (na Escola, no Conselho Executivo, nos Professores da escola e das escolas parceiras, no Pessoal não Docente, na Comunidade Envolvente, na Família, no responsável pelo Projecto e nos alunos) e que, muitas vezes, esses impactos só se verificam a longo prazo. Verificamos também que a implementação destes projectos segue três princípios essenciais: a planificação, a realização e a avaliação sendo que as escolas tentam integrar os projectos no seu Projecto Educativo. As maiores dificuldades sentidas verificaram-se a nível da organização da escola, da carga burocrática inerente ao projecto e do pouco envolvimento e participação de alguns professores. Sugere-se que a Escola aposte cada vez mais na implementação deste tipo de projectos, pois estes podem contribuir para uma Escola mais democrática, mais flexível, com mais qualidade, mais motivadora e mais Europeia. ABSTRACT; The aim of this study was to understand and to identify the biggest impacts that the Community's education-related action programmes "Socrates" (namely Comenius 1) have in the School policy. So, the central question of this research was to find out, from the coordinators points of view, which were the most important impacts of the Comenius projects. This central question led to the formulation of the following three questions: a) How were the Comenius projects implemented at school? b) How were the Comenius projects integrated in school organisation and structure? c) Which were the difficulties coordinators had to face in order to organize and implement a Comenius project? Using a qualitative methodology, semi-structured interviews were held with five teachers from different schools in the region of Silves. The following instruments were used during the research: analysis of documents and interviews. The results of the research revealed that the Comenius projects have impacts (although they take a lot of time to be felt) on School, on School heads, on other teachers, on School staff, on the region, on parents, on coordinators and on pupils. They also revealed that the preparation, the activities and the evaluation are important moments to implement Comenius project and that all the projects are included in the School policy. The biggest difficulties had to do with the school organization, with the coordination work and with the lack of motivation and of participation of some colleagues. It is suggested that schools should implement more Comenius projects, because they can lead to a more democratic, flexible, motivating and European School.


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Analisa as mudanças promovidas no ambiente de CTI pela aprovação da nova Lei, convencionada como Novo Marco da CTI.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Sociais, 30 de Setembro de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.


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O texto procura elucidar as soluções e propostas contidas na PEC nº 241/2016 enviada ao Congresso Nacional pelo Poder Executivo visando instituir o Novo Regime Fiscal. Avalia os impactos da aprovação da PEC em tela sobre cada um dos principais grupos que compõem as despesas primárias do Governo, quais sejam: despesas previdenciárias, despesas com pessoal, despesas com saúde, despesas com educação, despesas com benefícios e programas sociais e despesas com investimentos


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The Information Technology (IT) is increasing his applicability to business, both private and public companies. It is necessary the adequate use of the new technologies and get cooperation and technology acceptance of the system. People tend to resist to the changes, contributing so that the technology is rejected or even it is not recognized as promoting of the changes. This study is relevant and aim to evaluate the impacts of new technologies, considering their users as fundamental factors in the change process. The survey analyzed the advantages and the barriers of the system use in three federal special judicial of Rio Grande do Norte, with data collected in May of 2007, through the application of questionnaires to thirty eight users of the virtual system CRETA. The users' perception was evaluated, under the optics of five variables: efficiency, image, agility, ease of use and quality. Starting from the obtained results, it was evidenced that the implementation of the system felt accordingly the expected and it reached the objectives intended that were: the velocity and efficiency in the path of the lawsuits, larger productivity, resulting in a better quality of the final work introduced to the citizen and proportionate an improvement in the organizational image of the judiciary power


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Formar gerentes con este énfasis es formar integralmente con visión de futuro, implementando una estrategia que transforme profundamente la gestión académica, y como resultado de este proceso amplio y continuo serían ellos los principales actores del ejercicio profesional en la toma de decisiones estratégicas de organizaciones relacionadas con tecnología, producción, finanzas y mercadeo, para que inteactúen positivamente con el ambiente general en los ecosistemas natulares, administrativos, productivos y urbanos


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Avalia o impacto nas políticas educacionais, previstas na Constituição, no Plano Nacional de Educação e no Plano Plurianual, com a implantação do “Novo Regime Fiscal” constante da PEC nº 241/2016, ora em tramitação no Congresso Nacional.


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Increasingly, the Information Technology is used in the society, including the private, public and third sector organizational context. Technological tools are created in order to speed, automate, control and monitor processes. These technologies generate impacts on areas that permeate their use and the objective of this study is to investigate the implementation process of the Eletronic Invoice and the impacts arising from this technological tool in companies. For that, case studies have been conducted in three companies that emit and receive Eletronic Invoice, in a Information System consultancy, that provides softwares of Eletronic Invoice, and in a State Tax Department. Data collection was performed with organizations representatives through electronic questionnaires. The study concludes that it is expected, by the investigated organizations, that the tool reaches the benefits offered by the Tax Administration. However, these benefits have not been identified yet and neither have the use of methodologies in order to identify them. Moreover, the main impact found was the need for better training and participant´s technical qualification, followed by reducing printing costs and paper purchase


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This study has been presented for the Master in business of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, the objectives are evaluate the social impacts of the tourism in the community of Tibau do Sul in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The research is a study of case and the analysis is qualitative and quantitative. The tourism is considerate for many people as an important source of richness, job and an important economic activity. However, for being an activity that involves as main element people, It can cause impacts, could these are beneficial or malign. To evaluate the community's perception about these impacts, it was applied a questionnaire returned to the perceptions of them about the next social indicators: health, job, security, education and life quality. Considering the advent of the tourist activity in a period fifteen year. Through the research could conclude that, of general form the population realizes the changes occurred in the municipal district of positive way. Except for some indicators that receive negative evaluation


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The principal purpose of this research was to investigate discriminant factors of survival and failure of micro and small businesses, and the impacts of these factors in the public politics for entrepreneurship in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The data were ceded by SEBRAE/RN and the Commercial Committee of the Rio Grande do Norte State and it included the businesses that were registered in 2000, 2001 and 2002. According to the theoretical framework 3 groups of factors were defined Business Financial Structure, Entrepreneurial Preparation and Entrepreneurial Behavior , and the factors were studied in order to determine whether they are discriminant or not of the survival and business failure. A quantitative research was applied and advanced statistical techniques were used multivariate data analysis , beginning with the factorial analysis and after using the discriminant analysis. As a result, canonical discriminant functions were found and they partially explained the survival and business failure in terms of the factors and groups of factors. The analysis also permitted the evaluation of the public politics for entrepreneurship and it was verified, according to the view of the entrepreneurs, that these politics were weakly effective to avoid business failure. Some changes in the referred politics were suggested based on the most significant factors found.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, Pós-Graduação em Geografia, 2016.


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The research analyzed the environmental impact on hydrographic microbasin of Parafuso stream at Moju county, Para State, Amazon (Brazil). Data were obtained using digital images, documentary research, questionnaires, semi structured interviews, direct observation and participatory mapping. The results showed that anthropogenic actions and population growth without planning, associated with not planned use of the natural resources, has been caused intense degradation in the physical, biological and anthropogenic environment. The identified springs of the Parafuso stream are difuse, temporary and altered. The parafuso stream network was classified at second order. Most of the environmental impacts identified are adverse character, of great importance, high magnitude and long duration. The physical environment is the most impacted. The major impacting activity is the agriculture, with long term damage in the physical and biological environment, in order of magnitude and importance.


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Extraído da dissertação: "Os impactos psicossociais da Doença Celíaca" Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, Universidade de Brasília, 2015.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—UnB/UFPB/UFRN, Programa MultiInstitucional e Inter-Regional de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Contábeis, 2016.


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O foco da nanotecnologia são estruturas na escala de 1 a 100 nm e seu papel fundamental é o desenvolvimento de novos materiais e tecnologias, úteis para o armazenamento de energia, tratamento de água, remediação, farmacologia, diagnóstico de doenças, cosméticos, entre outros. Apesar de suas vantagens, a nanotecnologia oferece riscos ambientais de grande importância, uma vez que esses novos materiais são desenvolvidos em laboratórios e não estão disponíveis na natureza, o que gera dúvidas sobre seus efeitos. Para diagnosticar as consequências dessas tecnologias no meio ambiente, foram levantados, por meio da consulta à literatura especializada, indicadores de impactos ambientais das Nanotecnologias. Alguns dos indicadores estão relacionados no presente trabalho e fornecem informações organizadas para promover o seu uso sustentável e permitir uma melhor qualidade de vida da população .