1000 resultados para Ilmatorjuntaohjus (12)
Informa sobre los resultados de los trabajos conjuntos del VNIRO (URSS) e IMARPE (Perú) como parte de un convenio de cooperación técnica Peruano-Soviético, que tuvo por finalidad estudiar los recursos pesqueros del litoral peruano.
Kirje 12.7.1945
Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities
Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities
Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities
Kirje 14.12.1961
The DOT, created by the Iowa Legislature, began operating July 1,1975. The newly formed Department of Transportation had a staff of 4,568 full-time equivalents (FTEs). These employees and their responsibilities came from the Highway Commission, Reciprocity Board, Aeronautics Commission, and parts of the Commerce Commission, Department of Revenue and Finance, Department of Public Safety and the Energy Policy Council. The DOT continually looks at ways to become more efficient in serving our customers. As a result the current workforce equals approximately 3,049 full-time employees. The seven transportation commissioners set policy for the department and are appointed by the governor, with no more than four from one political party. Membership on the commission is gender-balanced. Commissioners are confirmed by the Iowa Senate and serve on a staggered basis for four-year terms. Commission meetings are usually held monthly in Ames. The meetings are open to the public and follow a printed agenda.
Se registra la biomasa de diez especies palágicas: anchoveta, sardina, jurel, caballa, samasa, falso volador, bagre, vinciguerria, múnida y pota