862 resultados para Illinois. Data Information Systems Commission.
É possível assistir nos dias de hoje, a um processo tecnológico evolutivo acentuado por toda a parte do globo. No caso das empresas, quer as pequenas, médias ou de grandes dimensões, estão cada vez mais dependentes dos sistemas informatizados para realizar os seus processos de negócio, e consequentemente à geração de informação referente aos negócios e onde, muitas das vezes, os dados não têm qualquer relacionamento entre si. A maioria dos sistemas convencionais informáticos não são projetados para gerir e armazenar informações estratégicas, impossibilitando assim que esta sirva de apoio como recurso estratégico. Portanto, as decisões são tomadas com base na experiência dos administradores, quando poderiam serem baseadas em factos históricos armazenados pelos diversos sistemas. Genericamente, as organizações possuem muitos dados, mas na maioria dos casos extraem pouca informação, o que é um problema em termos de mercados competitivos. Como as organizações procuram evoluir e superar a concorrência nas tomadas de decisão, surge neste contexto o termo Business Intelligence(BI). A GisGeo Information Systems é uma empresa que desenvolve software baseado em SIG (sistemas de informação geográfica) recorrendo a uma filosofia de ferramentas open-source. O seu principal produto baseia-se na localização geográfica dos vários tipos de viaturas, na recolha de dados, e consequentemente a sua análise (quilómetros percorridos, duração de uma viagem entre dois pontos definidos, consumo de combustível, etc.). Neste âmbito surge o tema deste projeto que tem objetivo de dar uma perspetiva diferente aos dados existentes, cruzando os conceitos BI com o sistema implementado na empresa de acordo com a sua filosofia. Neste projeto são abordados alguns dos conceitos mais importantes adjacentes a BI como, por exemplo, modelo dimensional, data Warehouse, o processo ETL e OLAP, seguindo a metodologia de Ralph Kimball. São também estudadas algumas das principais ferramentas open-source existentes no mercado, assim como quais as suas vantagens/desvantagens relativamente entre elas. Em conclusão, é então apresentada a solução desenvolvida de acordo com os critérios enumerados pela empresa como prova de conceito da aplicabilidade da área Business Intelligence ao ramo de Sistemas de informação Geográfica (SIG), recorrendo a uma ferramenta open-source que suporte visualização dos dados através de dashboards.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
RESUMO: O Registo de Saúde Electrónico (RSE) detém uma importância vital para a melhoria dos cuidados e segurança do doente, para o acesso à sua informação, por profissionais de saúde, independentemente do momento e local de prestação dos cuidados clínicos, para a garantia da confidencialidade dos dados e para a redução da despesa dos serviços de saúde. É com base nesta sua importância que, no âmbito do Mestrado em Gestão da Saúde, da Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, desenvolvemos um trabalho de investigação, que tem como objectivos descrever o “estado da arte” dos sistemas de informação em saúde e do RSE em Portugal, Europa e América do Norte, identificar a importância do RSE para os profissionais de saúde e para o doente, e avaliar a influência de determinados factores na aceitação do RSE por parte dos profissionais de saúde. Para certos autores, os factores condicionantes da aprovação do RSE podem ser: a idade, a formação, os conhecimentos informáticos, o tempo de exercício profissional e a compreensão dos benefícios do RSE por parte dos profissionais de saúde. Desta forma, elegemos estes factores para determinar se de facto são estes os que incitam a aceitação do RSE. O estudo foi dirigido a directores de serviço, médicos, enfermeiros e enfermeiroschefes, de cinco hospitais nacionais. Aos 20 participantes deste estudo foi aplicado um questionário, constituído por questões fechadas, questões factuais, de opinião e de informação. A metodologia utilizada foi do tipo descritivo e os dados foram analisados quantitativamente. Foi utilizado o coeficiente de Spearman para avaliar a existência de relação entre as variáveis, e com o seu uso foi possível depreender que: não há evidência de relação entre a idade e a aceitação do RSE; o tempo de exercício profissional não determina a aprovação do RSE; há evidência de relação entre os conhecimentos informáticos e a aceitação do RSE; a formação na área de digitalização de dados condiciona a aprovação do sistema; há evidência de relação entre a opinião dos profissionais de saúde acerca da actuação do RSE e a sua aceitação por parte destes.
Semantic web approach for dealing with administrative boundary revisions: a case study of Dhaka City
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering(Industrial Information Systems)
RESUMO - Introdução: A ausência de um plano de contabilidade analítica para os Cuidados de Saúde Primários é um problema para a realização da contabilidade interna, fundamental para a gestão de qualquer instituição de saúde. Sem linhas orientadoras para a uniformização dos critérios de imputação e distribuição dos custos/proveitos, torna-se complicado obter dados analíticos para que haja um controlo de gestão mais eficaz, que permita a utilização dos recursos de uma forma eficiente e racional, melhorando a qualidade da prestação de cuidados aos utentes. Objectivo: O presente projecto de investigação tem como principal objectivo apurar o custo por utente nos Cuidados de Saúde Primários. Metodologia: Foi construída uma metodologia de apuramento de custos com base no método Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing. O custo foi imputado a cada utente utilizando os seguintes costs drivers: tempo de realização da consulta e a produção realizada para a imputação dos custos com o pessoal médico; produção realizada para a imputação dos outros custos com o pessoal e dos custos indirectos variáveis; número total de utentes inscritos para a imputação dos custos indirectos fixos. Resultados: O custo total apurado foi 2.980.745,10€. O número médio de consultas é de 3,17 consultas por utente inscrito e de 4,72 consultas por utente utilizador. O custo médio por utente é de 195,76€. O custo médio por utente do género feminino é de 232,41€. O custo médio por utente do género masculino é de 154,80€. As rubricas com mais peso no custo total por utente são os medicamentos (40,32%), custo com pessoal médico (22,87%) e MCDT (17,18%). Conclusão: Na implementação de um sistema de apuramentos de custos por utente, é fulcral que existam sistemas de informação eficientes que permitam o registo dos cuidados prestados ao utente pelos vários níveis de prestação de cuidados. É importante também que a gestão não utilize apenas os resultados apurados como uma ferramenta de controlo de custos, devendo ser potenciada a sua utilização para a criação de valor ao utente.
Tese apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Gestão de Informação
Dissertation submitted for obtaining the degree of Master in Environmental Engineering
The processes of mobilization of land for infrastructures of public and private domain are developed according to proper legal frameworks and systematically confronted with the impoverished national situation as regards the cadastral identification and regularization, which leads to big inefficiencies, sometimes with very negative impact to the overall effectiveness. This project report describes Ferbritas Cadastre Information System (FBSIC) project and tools, which in conjunction with other applications, allow managing the entire life-cycle of Land Acquisition and Cadastre, including support to field activities with the integration of information collected in the field, the development of multi-criteria analysis information, monitoring all information in the exploration stage, and the automated generation of outputs. The benefits are evident at the level of operational efficiency, including tools that enable process integration and standardization of procedures, facilitate analysis and quality control and maximize performance in the acquisition, maintenance and management of registration information and expropriation (expropriation projects). Therefore, the implemented system achieves levels of robustness, comprehensiveness, openness, scalability and reliability suitable for a structural platform. The resultant solution, FBSIC, is a fit-for-purpose cadastre information system rooted in the field of railway infrastructures. FBSIC integrating nature of allows: to accomplish present needs and scale to meet future services; to collect, maintain, manage and share all information in one common platform, and transform it into knowledge; to relate with other platforms; to increase accuracy and productivity of business processes related with land property management.
Nowadays, a significant increase on the demand for interoperable systems for exchanging data in business collaborative environments has been noticed. Consequently, cooperation agreements between each of the involved enterprises have been brought to light. However, due to the fact that even in a same community or domain, there is a big variety of knowledge representation not semantically coincident, which embodies the existence of interoperability problems in the enterprises information systems that need to be addressed. Moreover, in relation to this, most organizations face other problems about their information systems, as: 1) domain knowledge not being easily accessible by all the stakeholders (even intra-enterprise); 2) domain knowledge not being represented in a standard format; 3) and even if it is available in a standard format, it is not supported by semantic annotations or described using a common and understandable lexicon. This dissertation proposes an approach for the establishment of an enterprise reference lexicon from business models. It addresses the automation in the information models mapping for the reference lexicon construction. It aggregates a formal and conceptual representation of the business domain, with a clear definition of the used lexicon to facilitate an overall understanding by all the involved stakeholders, including non-IT personnel.
Geographic information systems give us the possibility to analyze, produce, and edit geographic information. Furthermore, these systems fall short on the analysis and support of complex spatial problems. Therefore, when a spatial problem, like land use management, requires a multi-criteria perspective, multi-criteria decision analysis is placed into spatial decision support systems. The analytic hierarchy process is one of many multi-criteria decision analysis methods that can be used to support these complex problems. Using its capabilities we try to develop a spatial decision support system, to help land use management. Land use management can undertake a broad spectrum of spatial decision problems. The developed decision support system had to accept as input, various formats and types of data, raster or vector format, and the vector could be polygon line or point type. The support system was designed to perform its analysis for the Zambezi river Valley in Mozambique, the study area. The possible solutions for the emerging problems had to cover the entire region. This required the system to process large sets of data, and constantly adjust to new problems’ needs. The developed decision support system, is able to process thousands of alternatives using the analytical hierarchy process, and produce an output suitability map for the problems faced.
Spatial analysis and social network analysis typically take into consideration social processes in specific contexts of geographical or network space. The research in political science increasingly strives to model heterogeneity and spatial dependence. To better understand and geographically model the relationship between “non-political” events, streaming data from social networks, and political climate was the primary objective of the current study. Geographic information systems (GIS) are useful tools in the organization and analysis of streaming data from social networks. In this study, geographical and statistical analysis were combined in order to define the temporal and spatial nature of the data eminating from the popular social network Twitter during the 2014 FIFA World Cup. The study spans the entire globe because Twitter’s geotagging function, the fundamental data that makes this study possible, is not limited to a geographic area. By examining the public reactions to an inherenlty non-political event, this study serves to illuminate broader questions about social behavior and spatial dependence. From a practical perspective, the analyses demonstrate how the discussion of political topics fluсtuate according to football matches. Tableau and Rapidminer, in addition to a set basic statistical methods, were applied to find patterns in the social behavior in space and time in different geographic regions. It was found some insight into the relationship between an ostensibly non-political event – the World Cup - and public opinion transmitted by social media. The methodology could serve as a prototype for future studies and guide policy makers in governmental and non-governmental organizations in gauging the public opinion in certain geographic locations.
The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is one of the big global challenges for the next decades due to its severe impact on the atmosphere that leads to a change in the climate and other environmental factors. One of the main sources of greenhouse gas is energy consumption, therefore a number of initiatives and calls for awareness and sustainability in energy use are issued among different types of institutional and organizations. The European Council adopted in 2007 energy and climate change objectives for 20% improvement until 2020. All European countries are required to use energy with more efficiency. Several steps could be conducted for energy reduction: understanding the buildings behavior through time, revealing the factors that influence the consumption, applying the right measurement for reduction and sustainability, visualizing the hidden connection between our daily habits impacts on the natural world and promoting to more sustainable life. Researchers have suggested that feedback visualization can effectively encourage conservation with energy reduction rate of 18%. Furthermore, researchers have contributed to the identification process of a set of factors which are very likely to influence consumption. Such as occupancy level, occupants behavior, environmental conditions, building thermal envelope, climate zones, etc. Nowadays, the amount of energy consumption at the university campuses are huge and it needs great effort to meet the reduction requested by European Council as well as the cost reduction. Thus, the present study was performed on the university buildings as a use case to: a. Investigate the most dynamic influence factors on energy consumption in campus; b. Implement prediction model for electricity consumption using different techniques, such as the traditional regression way and the alternative machine learning techniques; and c. Assist energy management by providing a real time energy feedback and visualization in campus for more awareness and better decision making. This methodology is implemented to the use case of University Jaume I (UJI), located in Castellon, Spain.
In the last few years, we have observed an exponential increasing of the information systems, and parking information is one more example of them. The needs of obtaining reliable and updated information of parking slots availability are very important in the goal of traffic reduction. Also parking slot prediction is a new topic that has already started to be applied. San Francisco in America and Santander in Spain are examples of such projects carried out to obtain this kind of information. The aim of this thesis is the study and evaluation of methodologies for parking slot prediction and the integration in a web application, where all kind of users will be able to know the current parking status and also future status according to parking model predictions. The source of the data is ancillary in this work but it needs to be understood anyway to understand the parking behaviour. Actually, there are many modelling techniques used for this purpose such as time series analysis, decision trees, neural networks and clustering. In this work, the author explains the best techniques at this work, analyzes the result and points out the advantages and disadvantages of each one. The model will learn the periodic and seasonal patterns of the parking status behaviour, and with this knowledge it can predict future status values given a date. The data used comes from the Smart Park Ontinyent and it is about parking occupancy status together with timestamps and it is stored in a database. After data acquisition, data analysis and pre-processing was needed for model implementations. The first test done was with the boosting ensemble classifier, employed over a set of decision trees, created with C5.0 algorithm from a set of training samples, to assign a prediction value to each object. In addition to the predictions, this work has got measurements error that indicates the reliability of the outcome predictions being correct. The second test was done using the function fitting seasonal exponential smoothing tbats model. Finally as the last test, it has been tried a model that is actually a combination of the previous two models, just to see the result of this combination. The results were quite good for all of them, having error averages of 6.2, 6.6 and 5.4 in vacancies predictions for the three models respectively. This means from a parking of 47 places a 10% average error in parking slot predictions. This result could be even better with longer data available. In order to make this kind of information visible and reachable from everyone having a device with internet connection, a web application was made for this purpose. Beside the data displaying, this application also offers different functions to improve the task of searching for parking. The new functions, apart from parking prediction, were: - Park distances from user location. It provides all the distances to user current location to the different parks in the city. - Geocoding. The service for matching a literal description or an address to a concrete location. - Geolocation. The service for positioning the user. - Parking list panel. This is not a service neither a function, is just a better visualization and better handling of the information.
This paper presents an embryo of a literary guide on the Carnation Revolution to be explored for educational historical excursions other than leisure and tourism. We propose a historical trail through the centre of Lisbon, city of the Carnation Revolution, called Walk through the Revolution. The trail aims to reinforce collective memory about the major events that occurred in the early moments leading to the coup. The trail is made up by nine places of rememberance, for which literary excerpts are suggested and which are supported by a digital research procedure. A set of seven fixed and observer-independent categories are used to analyse the literary contents of 23 literary works published up to 2013. These literary works refer to events that happened between the eve of April 25 and May 1, 1974. At the same time, literary descriptions are explored using a spatial approach in order to define the literary geography of the most iconic military actions and popular demonstrations that occurred in Lisbon and the surroundings. The literary geography and the cartography of the historical events are then compared. Data analysis and visualization benefit from the use of standardised and quantitative methods, including basic statistics and geographic information systems.