983 resultados para Igbo (African people)
Los restos fecales están compuestos mayoritariamente por materia orgánica, la cual se degrada con el tiempo despareciendo finalmente del registro arqueológico. Sin embargo, estos restos fecales también contienen ciertos elementos resistentes al paso del tiempo y a los efectos postdeposicionales. Las esferulitas son cristales de carbonato cálcico formadas en los intestinos de ciertos animales herbívoros, principalmente rumiantes y que posteriormente son depositados en los restos fecales. Los fitolitos de sílice, aunque se forman en las plantas, son también comúnmente identificados en los restos fecales de animales herbívoros. Su número y morfología dependerá de la dieta vegetal de estos animales. El estudio que aquí se presenta se centra en el análisis microscópico de ambos elementos, fitolitos y esferulitas, identificados en restos fecales, de varios animales herbívoros, recolectados durante la estación seca en la Garganta de Olduvai en Tanzania. Los fitolitos y las esferulitas fueron identificados y analizados siguiendo un método morfológico y cuantitativo. Los fitolitos fueron luego comparados con una colección de referencia de plantas modernas de la misma zona geográfica con el propósito de estudiar la dieta de cada uno de los animales analizados. Finalmente los resultados fueron relacionados con los obtenidos del estudio de esferulitas, con el propósito de analizar la relación entre morfología y número de fitolitos y morfología y número de esferulitas para cada uno de los restos fecales analizados. El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en evaluar la utilidad de combinar ambas técnicas para identificar restos fecales en el registro arqueológico y, consecuentemente, responder a cuestiones relacionadas con el animal productor de estos restos, su dieta y movimientos migratorios y, paralelamente, la paleovegetación y el paleopaisaje en una región determinada.
Rapport de synthèseLe syndrome métabolique représente un ensemble de facteurs de risque métaboliques souvent présents simultanément et il est associé à un risque accru de développer des maladies cardiovasculaires. La prevalence du syndrome métabolique est à la hausse au niveau mondial comme cela a souvent été documenté, en particulier dans les pays développés. Pourtant, les données concernant le syndrome métabolique dans les pays de la région sub-saharienne restent rares.Au cours des dernières années, plusieurs définitions du syndrome métabolique ont été formulées, dont celle du 'National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III', celle de 1 Organisation Mondiale de la Santé et celle du 'International Diabetes Federation'. Parmi les controverses au sujet du syndrome métabolique persiste la question de l'utilité de rechercher la présence du syndrome métabolique chez les patients diabétiques, étant donné que la présence d'un diabète en soit suffit pour identifier un individu à haut risque de faire un événement cardiovasculaire.L'objectif de ce travail de thèse a été de déterminer la prévalence du syndrome métabolique selon les trois définitions majeures mentionnées ci-dessus, grâce à une étude de population transversale, réalisée aux Seychelles en 2004 dans un échantillon représentatif de la population âgée de 24-65 ans (n=1255, taux de participation de 80.3%). L'intérêt d'examiner cette question dans ce pays était d'obtenir des informations dans un pays en transition épidémiologique.Les résultats de ce travail montrent que la prévalence du syndrome métabolique aux Seychelles est élevée, quelque soit la définition utilisée. Selon la définition utilisée, cette prévalence était d'environ 25% chez les hommes et variant entre 25 et 35% chez les femmes.Cependant, malgré des prévalences semblables selon ces trois définitions, la concordance entre ces définitions n'était pas bonne, impliquant que ces différentes définitions classifient, à un certain degré, des individus différents comme étant porteurs du syndrome métabolique.En outre, la plupart (environ 80%) des individus diabétiques avaient un syndrome métabolique. Après exclusion des individus diabétiques, la prévalence du syndrome métabolique dans la population est réduite d'environ un tiers, à environ 20-25%.Ces résultats montrent que, d'une part, le fardeau de maladie dû au syndrome métabolique aux Seychelles, un pays en voie de développement, est considérable. Cette observation peut potentiellement s'appliquer à d'autres pays à un stade de développement semblable. Cela renforce le besoin de mettre en oeuvre des stratégies de santé publique afin de cibler les causes de ces désordres métaboliques, tels que le surpoids et la sédentarité. D'un point de vue du diagnostic, les trois définitions du syndrome métabolique semblent classifier un nombre semblable de personnes atteints du syndrome métabolique dans cette population. Par contre, la relativement mauvaise concordance entre ces définitions - certaines personnes identifiés comme porteurs du syndrome métabolique selon une définition ne le sont pas selon une autre - confirme la nécessité de clarifier la signification de ces différentes définitions et/ou éventuellement de développer une définition unifiée et fiable du syndrome métabolique.
Background: Cannabis use has a negative impact on psychosis. Studies are needed to explore the efficacy of psychological interventions to reduce cannabis use in psychosis. Our aim is to study the efficacy of a specific motivational intervention on young cannabis users suffering from psychosis. Methods: Participants (aged less than 35 years) were randomly assigned to treatment as usual (TAU) alone, or treatment as usual plus motivational intervention (MI + TAU). TAU was comprehensive and included case management, early intervention and mobile team when needed. Assessments were completed at baseline and at 3, 6 and12 months follow-up. Results: Sixty-two participants (32 TAU and 30 MI + TAU) were included in the study. Cannabis use decreased in both groups at follow-up. Participants who received MI in addition to TAU displayed both a greater reduction in number of joints smoked per week and greater confidence to change cannabis use at 3 and 6 months follow-up, but differences between groups were nonsignificant at 12 months. Conclusions: MI is well accepted by patients suffering from psychosis and has a short-term impact on cannabis use when added to standard care. However, the differential effect was not maintained at 1-year follow-up. MI appears to be a useful active component to reduce cannabis use which should be integrated in routine clinical practice.
Domicola lithodesi, a new genus and species of gammaridean amphipod is described. It is placed in the family Calliopiidae. Two specimens, a male and a preparatory female, were collected in August 1990 from the pleonal cavity of the lithodid crab Lithodes ferox (Filhol, 1885), an anomuran crab caught at 300 m depth from off Namibia. The more relevant characters are: anophtalmous; body smooth, gammarid-like, male smaller than female, urosomite 1 with a prepeduncular spine; telson broad, entire, unlobed and unarmed; short rostrum; accessory flagellum scale-like, calceoli absent; lower lip without inner lobes; coxa 4 posteriorly excavated; gnathopods basic, subequal, with numerous palmar spines; dactyls on P3-7 with specialized adhesive organs; coxal gill 7 present; uropods eusirid type.
Gait disorders are frequent and important to assess in older people because they provide unique diagnostic and prognostic information. Gait disorders can be regarded as a marker of frailty because they are associated with several adverse consequences, including falls, cognitive disorders, functional decline, institutionalization, hospitalization, and death. Using structured instruments, gait assessment could be performed in primary care practice to classify the level of sensorimotor deficit and provide the necessary information to decide how to best intervene to improve gait performances, prevent falls as well as functional decline.
New evidence shows that older adults need more dietary protein than do younger adults to support good health, promote recovery from illness, and maintain functionality. Older people need to make up for age-related changes in protein metabolism, such as high splanchnic extraction and declining anabolic responses to ingested protein. They also need more protein to offset inflammatory and catabolic conditions associated with chronic and acute diseases that occur commonly with aging. With the goal of developing updated, evidence-based recommendations for optimal protein intake by older people, the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS), in cooperation with other scientific organizations, appointed an international study group to review dietary protein needs with aging (PROT-AGE Study Group). To help older people (>65 years) maintain and regain lean body mass and function, the PROT-AGE study group recommends average daily intake at least in the range of 1.0 to 1.2 g protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Both endurance- and resistance-type exercises are recommended at individualized levels that are safe and tolerated, and higher protein intake (ie, ≥1.2 g/kg body weight/d) is advised for those who are exercising and otherwise active. Most older adults who have acute or chronic diseases need even more dietary protein (ie, 1.2-1.5 g/kg body weight/d). Older people with severe kidney disease (ie, estimated GFR <30 mL/min/1.73m(2)), but who are not on dialysis, are an exception to this rule; these individuals may need to limit protein intake. Protein quality, timing of ingestion, and intake of other nutritional supplements may be relevant, but evidence is not yet sufficient to support specific recommendations. Older people are vulnerable to losses in physical function capacity, and such losses predict loss of independence, falls, and even mortality. Thus, future studies aimed at pinpointing optimal protein intake in specific populations of older people need to include measures of physical function.
S'han estudiat els nombres cromosómics i l'estructura dels cariotipus de 15 poblacions nordafricanes de Delphinium L. sect. Delphinium. Delphinium balansae Boiss. & Reuter, amb cariotipus mes simétric, apareix com a possible ancestre perenne de la resta d'espécies annuals amb cariotipus mes asimétric i mes curt. Es proposa una reorganització taxonómica de la secció, d'on es descriuen dues series noves (ser. Macropeiala ser. nova i ser. Balansae ser. nova.) i es proposen dues combinacions noves (D. nanum subsp. alboliliaceum i D. nanum subsp. elongatum).
L'entrevista amb l'escriptora cubano-americana Cristina García explora el tema de la identitat cubanoamericana i desvetlla la riquesa literària que sorgeix de la fusió de dues cultures, la cubana i la nord-americana, i com aquesta fusió innova la literatura nord-americana tradicional. En la seva novel·la, Dreaming in Cuban (1992), l'escriptora explora els efectes de la Revolució castrista des de la perspectiva de les dones cubanes que van quedar-se a l'illa, així com de les dones que emigraren als Estats Units. The conversation with Cuban-American writer Cristina García explores what it means to be Cuban-American, and reveals how to grow bicultural enriches mainstream American literature. In her novel Dreaming in Cuban (1992), the writer explores the effects of the Castro Revolution from the perspective of Cuban women who remained in Cuba, as well as from the experience of women who emigrated to the United States.
BACKGROUND: High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) is associated with several cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) and with renal function markers. However, these associations have not been examined in populations in the African region. We analyzed the distribution of hs-CRP and the relationship with a broad set of CVRF, renal markers and carotid intima-media thickness (IMT), in the Seychelles (African region). METHODS: We conducted a survey in the population aged 25-64years (n=1255, participation rate: 80.2%). Analyses were restricted to persons of predominantly African descent (n=1011). RESULTS: Mean and median hs-CRP serum concentrations (mg/l) were 3.1 (SD 7.6) and 1.4 (IQR 0.7-2.9) in men and 4.5 (SD 6.7) and 2.2 (IQR 1.0-5.4) in women (p<0.001 for difference between men and women). hs-CRP was significantly associated with several conventional CVRF, and particularly strongly with markers of adiposity. With regards to renal markers, hs-CRP was strongly associated with cystatin C and with microalbuminuria but not with creatinine. hs-CRP was not associated with IMT. CONCLUSIONS: Serum concentration of hs-CRP was significantly associated with sex, several CVRF and selected renal function markers, which extends similar findings in Europe and in North America to a population in the African region. These findings can contribute to guide recommendations for the use of hs-CRP in clinical practice in the region.
Few studies have been found that to assess the factors that explain higher levels of familyburden in adults with intellectualdisability (ID) and intellectualdisability and mental disorders (ID-MD). The aims of this study were to assess familyburden in people with ID and ID-MD and to determine which sociodemographic, clinical and functionaldisabilityvariables account for familyburden. The sample is composed of pairs of 203 participants with disability and their caregivers, of which 33.5% are caregivers of people with ID and 66.5% of ID-MD. Assessments were performed using scales of clinical and functionaldisability as the following instruments: Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale-III (WAIS-III), Inventory for Client and Agency Planning (ICAP), Psychiatric Assessment Schedule for Adults with Development Disability (PAS-ADD checklist), Disability Assessment Schedule of the World Health Organization (WHO-DAS-II) and familyburden (Subjective and Objective FamilyBurden Inventory - SOFBI/ECFOS-II). People with ID-MD presented higher levels of functionaldisability than those with ID only. Higher levels of familyburden were related to higher functionaldisability in all the areas (p < 0.006-0.001), lower intelligence quotient (p < 0.001), diagnosis of ID-MD (p < 0.001) and presence of organic, affective, psychotic and behavioral disorders (p < 0.001). Stepwise multiple regression showed that behavioral problems, affective and psychotic disorder, disability in participation in society, disability in personal care and presence of ID-MD explained more than 61% of the variance in familyburden. An integrated approach using effective multidimensional interventions is essential for both people with ID and ID-MD and their caregivers in order to reduce familyburden.
BACKGROUND: Intraabdominal adipose tissue (IAAT) is the body fat depot most strongly related to disease risk. Weight reduction is advocated for overweight people to reduce total body fat and IAAT, although little is known about the effect of weight loss on abdominal fat distribution in different races. OBJECTIVE: We compared the effects of diet-induced weight loss on changes in abdominal fat distribution in white and black women. DESIGN: We studied 23 white and 23 black women, similar in age and body composition, in the overweight state [mean body mass index (BMI; in kg/m(2)): 28.8] and the normal-weight state (mean BMI: 24.0) and 38 never-overweight control women (mean BMI: 23.4). We measured total body fat by using a 4-compartment model, trunk fat by using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, and cross-sectional areas of IAAT (at the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae) and subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue (SAAT) by using computed tomography. RESULTS: Weight loss was similar in white and black women (13.1 and 12.6 kg, respectively), as were losses of total fat, trunk fat, and waist circumference. However, white women lost more IAAT (P < 0.001) and less SAAT (P < 0.03) than did black women. Fat patterns regressed toward those of their respective control groups. Changes in waist circumference correlated with changes in IAAT in white women (r = 0.54, P < 0.05) but not in black women (r = 0.19, NS). CONCLUSIONS: Despite comparable decreases in total and trunk fat, white women lost more IAAT and less SAAT than did black women. Waist circumference was not a suitable surrogate marker for tracking changes in the visceral fat compartment in black women.
Describes the drafting of Iowa's 1857 constitution and its restoration in 1988 by University of Iowa conservator William Anthony.