1000 resultados para Idosos - Jardinopolis (SP)


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The transmission of malaria in Brazil is heterogeneous throughout endemic areas and the presence of asymptomatic Plasmodium sp. carriers (APCs) in the Brazilian Amazon has already been demonstrated. Malaria screening in blood banks is based on the selection of donors in respect to possible risks associated with travel or residence, clinical evidence and/or inaccurate diagnostic methods thereby increasing the probability of transfusion-transmitted infection. We evaluated the frequency of APCs in four blood services in distinct areas of the Brazilian Amazon region. DNA was obtained from 400 human blood samples for testing using the phenol-chloroform method followed by a nested-PCR protocol with species-specific primers. The positivity rate varied from 1 to 3% of blood donors from the four areas with an average of 2.3%. All positive individuals had mixed infections for Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum. No significant differences in the results were detected among these areas; the majority of cases originated from the transfusion centres of Porto Velho, Rondônia State and Macapá, Amapá State. Although it is still unclear whether APC individuals may act as reservoirs of the parasite, efficient screening of APCs and malaria patients in Brazilian blood services from endemic areas needs to be improved.


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The authors report neuromuscular manifestations in a 45-year-old woman after consuming octopus meat (Octopus sp.). The patient presented malaise, paresthesias in perioral and extremity areas, intense muscular weakness and arterial hypotension, followed by severe itch and disseminated cutaneous rash. Gastrointestinal manifestations and fever were not observed, reducing the probability of alimentary poisoning. The presence of muscular and neurological symptoms suggests neurotoxin action, which could have been ingested by the victim from the octopus salivary glands or from an accumulation of toxins in the meat, or by an unknown mechanism. There is little known about toxins of the Octopus genus and this communication is important alert to the possibility of poisoning in humans that eat octopus and its differentiation from alimentary poisonings arising from incorrect conservation of seafood.


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A case of subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis caused by Cladophialophora sp. is reported. The patient, an immunosuppressed host presented a nodule on the dorsum of the right hand which relapsed four months after excision. Dematiaceous septate hyphal and yeast like elements were seen in mycological and histological examination. The isolated fungus was identified on the basis of micro-macromorphological and physiologic characteristics.


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INTRODUCTION: The elderly population admitted for acute myocardial infarction is increasing. This group is not well studied in international trials and is probably treated with a more conservative approach. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the presentation and treatment of myocardial infarction according to age, particularly in very elderly patients. METHODS: We studied 1242 consecutive patients admitted with acute myocardial infarction, assessing in-hospital, 30-day and one-year mortality during follow-up for each age-group. Patients were divided into four groups according to age: <45 years (7.6%); 45-64 years (43.3%); 65-74 years (23.4%); and ≥75 years (25.7%). RESULTS: Elderly patients had a worse risk profile (except for smoking), more previous history of coronary disease and a worse profile on admission, with the exception of lipid profile, which was more favorable. With regard to treatment of the elderly, although less optimized than in other age-groups, it was significantly better compared to other registries, including for percutaneous coronary angioplasty. Both complications and mortality were worse in the older groups. In elderly patients (≥75 years), adjusted risk of mortality was 4.9-6.3 times higher (p<0.001) than patients in the reference age-group (45-64 years). In these patients, the independent predictors of death were left ventricular function and renal function, use of beta-blockers being a predictor of survival. CONCLUSIONS: Elderly patients represent a substantial proportion of the population admitted with myocardial infarction, and receive less evidenced-based therapy. Age is an independent predictor of short- and medium-term mortality.


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The phenolic profile and antioxidant activity of three endemic Laurus sp. from Portugal were analysed. Dried leaves of L. nobilis L., L. azorica (Seub.) Franco, and L. novocanariensis Rivas Mart., Lousã, Fern. Prieto, E. Días, J. C. Costa & C. Aguiar, collected in the mainland and in the Azores and Madeira archipelagos, respectively, were used to prepare different extracts (aqueous, ethanolic and hydroalcoholic). They were studied regarding their DPPH˙ scavenging activity, total phenolic and flavonoid contents, and the main phenolic compounds were identified by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS. Total flavonoid contents were 30.1, 46.3, and 36.7 mg of epicatechin equivalents per g of sample (dry weight) for L. nobilis, L. azorica and L. novocanariensis, respectively. Epicatechin was the major compound, representing ∼12.1% of total flavan-3-ols in L. nobilis, ∼25.6% in L. azorica, and ∼19.9% in L. novocanariensis. Although all samples presented a similar phenolic profile, significant differences were observed in their total contents and antioxidant activity.


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American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) occurs in epidemic outbreaks and in sporadic cases with small annual variation in the Pontal of Paranapanema, SP. There is little research on the sandfly fauna of this region. The last outbreaks were related to the Movement of the Landless Workers (MST) and with the ecological tourism in preserved forest of the Parque Estadual do Morro do Diabo (PEMD). AIM: identification of the sandfly fauna within the PEMD, mainly anthropophilic species already incriminated as vectors of ACL, as well as their seasonality, hourly frequency and data of the behavior. M&M: The captures were undertaken with CDC light and Shannon traps from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm, monthly from May 2000 to December 2001. The temperature and relative humidity data were registered at hourly intervals. RESULTS: The captured species were: Brumptomyia brumpti, Nyssomyia neivai, Nyssomyia whitmani, Pintomyia fischeri and Pintomyia pessoai. The P. pessoai predominated (34.39%) and N. neivai was less found (0.74%), only being captured in CDC traps. Shannon trap captured more sandflies (63.01%) than the CDC traps (36.99%). Despite the environmental degradation anthropophilic species, indicates favorable bioecological conditions for persistence of vectors and potential transmission of leishmaniasis.


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RESUMO: A transferência de indivíduos dependentes é uma das tarefas mais realizadas pelos ajudantes de acção directa (AAD) na prestação de cuidados a idosos, sendo crucial haver formação nesta área. No entanto, os programas de formação em transferências raramente são avaliados em termos de desempenho na realização deste tipo de tarefas. Objectivo: Este estudo teve como objectivos analisar o impacto da formação de AAD no desempenho da transferência de idosos internados na Residência São João de Ávila (RSJA) e identificar as percepções dos AAD relativamente à importância da formação profissional, formação em transferências e dificuldade sentida na sua realização. Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo com duas etapas: na primeira procedeu-se a um estudo descritivo exploratório (através de um questionário auto-administrado a 25 AAD); na segunda realizou-se um estudo quase experimental de observação com duas fases, entre as quais decorreu uma “Formação em Princípios e Conceitos Básicos em Reabilitação Física” (observação directa de 18 AAD durante a realização da transferência “deitado-sentado-cadeira” de idosos, através de uma grelha de observação). Resultados: O desempenho dos AAD na transferência melhorou após a formação. Os ajudantes manifestaram ter uma percepção positiva sobre a importância da formação profissional e da formação em transferências. Aproximadamente dois terços dos AAD revelaram não sentir dificuldades na realização de transferências. Conclusões: A formação teve um impacto positivo no desempenho dos AAD na transferência de idosos. Concluiu-se que há uma sensibilização generalizada por parte dos AAD para a importância da formação na sua profissão e, especificamente, para a formação em transferências. ---------------ABSTRACT: The transfers of dependent patients by healthcare assistants are tasks commonly used in elderly care. Therefore, it is crucial that healthcare assistants are trained to perform these tasks. However, training programs are rarely evaluated in terms of performance of these tasks. Aim: The aims of this study were 1) to determine the impact of healthcare assistant training in the transfers of the Residência São João de Ávila (RSJA) elderly patients; and 2) to analyze healthcare assistant’s perceptions about their education, their specialized training on the transfer technique, and their difficulty in performing transfers. Methods: The study was divided in two parts: an exploratory and descriptive study (self-report questionnaire applied to 25 healthcare assistants); and a quasi-experimental observation study, which involved a “training session on basic concepts and principles of physical rehabilitation” (direct observation of 18 healthcare assistants during the “bed-sitting-chair” transfer, using an observation table). Results: Healthcare assistant performance of the “bed-sitting-chair” transfer improved after training. The healthcare assistants showed positive perceptions about their education and specialized training on the transfer technique. Approximately two thirds of the assistants felt no difficulties in performing transfer tasks. Conclusions: The training had a positive influence in healthcare assistant performance. The healthcare assistants were aware of the importance of training in their profession and more specifically in transfer tasks.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão do Território, área de especialização em Deteção Remota e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica


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The environmental contamination by geohelminths represents a world public health problem and has been well documented by several authors. However, few papers describe the presence of such contamination in saline soils of coastal beaches. A study was performed on the beaches of the municipality of Santos in the period between May 2004 to April 2005 with the aim of determining the degree of contamination, and the correlation between contamination level and seasonal conditions and characteristics of the environment. Of the 2,520 samples analyzed, 18.2% (458) were contaminated, 32.3% (148) of which were localized in children's recreational areas (playgrounds). The parasite profile found in the analyzed samples indicated the presence of several zoonotic parasites: Ancylostoma larvae (82.5%), Toxocara sp. eggs (59.4%), Ancylostomidae-like eggs (37.1%), coccid oocysts (13.5%), Trichostrongylus sp. eggs and larvae, Ascaris lumbricoides eggs, (11.6%), Entamoeba sp. cysts (10.0%), Strongyloides sp. (4.8%), several free nematoids and some non-identified parasitic structures (3.3%). It was established that the highest frequency of parasitic structures occurred in the months between May and October 2004, and from February to March 2005. An increase in the diversity of parasitic forms was documented in the months between February to December 2004 and from January to April 2005, these periods having the highest rainfall.


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O presente relatório vem traduzir a configuração e o desenvolvimento de um projeto assente na metodologia de Investigação-Ação Participativa, com o objetivo de alcançar uma melhoria na qualidade de vida das pessoas idosas através da disciplina de ‘Cidadania Ativa’ inserida numa modalidade de Educação Não Formal de Adultos – ‘Academia Sénior’. Neste seguimento, foram utilizados vários métodos e técnicas de investigação que permitiram ao investigador, juntamente com os participantes implicados, obter uma visão mais holística sob o que os rodeia, recolhendo e analisando um conjunto de informações, que possibilitaram a identificação de diferentes problemas, necessidades e potencialidades dos próprios sujeitos. Após a construção do conhecimento sob a realidade e da resultante priorização de problemas/necessidades, como demanda um projeto de intervenção, sucedem as ações constituídas por um conjunto de atividades que procuram dar resposta aos objetivos orientadores do projeto. Todo este planeamento, com bases fixas na Educação e Intervenção Social, provém de um projeto que vem explanar a importância da Educação para a Cidadania, uma vez que surge a incumbência dos participantes (idosos) refletirem sobre os seus problemas numa dimensão generalizada, capazes de mergulhar até ao foro pessoal, institucional e diferentes campos sociais para que, autonomamente, se organizem e possam dar resolução aos mesmos. Ainda, nesta lógica, este projeto, contribuiu para a participação ativa dos idosos na resolução dos problemas institucionais, denotando consequentemente a transformação pessoal dos sujeitos. Importa referir ainda que todo este projeto e o conjunto de processos inerentes ao mesmo estiveram em constante (re)construção.


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RESUMO: Introdução: A visão é um sentido fundamental na relação do indivíduo com os mais variados ambientes, sendo elemento central na funcionalidade e independência do idoso, qualquer perturbação da função visual provoca limitações na qualidade de vida. As alterações demográficas em curso caracterizam-se pelo envelhecimento progressivo da população, paralelamente constata-se um aumento da prevalência de perturbações do sistema visual com alteração da função e do funcionamento visual. Considerando que os indivíduos idosos são mais dependentes da visão, e que não existem para esta área estudos desenvolvidos em Portugal, esta investigação tem como fundamento analisar a influência que a perturbação da função visual em indivíduos com 65 ou mais anos tem na qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde. Estudaram-se também as características sócio-demográficas dos indivíduos participantes, da saúde visual e a percepção da saúde geral, bem como identificaram se junto dos idosos participantes e de Médicos especialistas em Medicina Geral e Familiar perspectivas sobre perturbações da função visual e envelhecimento. Desenho de estudo: Estudo transversal, caso-controlo e descritivo-exploratório. Materiais e Métodos: A partir de uma população de 112 indivíduos com 65 ou mais anos, frequentadores de várias instituições de apoio social do Concelho de Loures e de idosos frequentadores/institucionalizados da Mansão de Santa Maria de Marvila, unidade orgânica da Fundação D. Pedro IV, foram incluídos no estudo 90 (80,4%). Após consentimento informado, procedeu-se à avaliação da função visual nos Laboratórios de Ortóptica da Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Saúde de Lisboa, onde também se aplicaram o Questionário de Funcionamento Visual VFQ-25 e uma questão aberta para o tipo de dificuldades de visão sentidas durante o último ano. Aplicou-se ainda, em ambiente virtual, uma pergunta aberta a Médicos especialistas em Medicina Geral e Familiar para aspectos relacionados com o diagnóstico/suspeita relativamente tardio de perturbações da função visual. Procedeu-se ao tratamento descritivo das características sócio-demográficas, da percepção de saúde geral e da saúde visual e das respostas dos idosos e dos médicos. Analisou-se a relação entre função visual e qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde aplicando o teste não-paramétrico de Mann-Whitney. Resultados: Constatou-se que os indivíduos da amostra são maioritariamente do género feminino (71,1%), casados (41,1%), detentores de baixos níveis de escolaridade em que 63,3% apenas frequentou/concluiu o 1º ciclo do ensino básico e quase na sua totalidade reformados (88,9%). Verifica-se que 77,8% dos idosos percepciona a sua saúde geral como razoável ou boa. Da mesma forma, 86,7% dos indivíduos têm a função visual alterada devido principalmente à alteração da acuidade visual para longe (86,7%), registando-se que 65,5% dos olhos tinham uma acuidade visual igual ou superior a 5/10. Outras dimensões que contribuíram para a alteração da função visual contam-se a sensibilidade ao contraste (63,3%), estereopsia (51,1%), visão cromática (38,9%) e a motilidade ocular (25,6%). Obtiveram-se assim maiores pontuações para as diversas escalas do questionário VFQ-25 em indivíduos com função visual alterada exceptuando nas escalas actividades de perto, condução e dependência. Verificou-se portanto existir relação entre alteração da função visual e perturbação da qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde. À questão colocada aos idosos, 42,6% não manifestou qualquer razão para que visse mal/sentisse dificuldades de visão durante o último ano. A diminuição da acuidade visual para longe/perto foi referida por 20,5% dos indivíduos, seguido pela deterioração do estado de saúde geral e ocular por 15%. As respostas do Médicos especialistas em Medicina Geral e Familiar sobre razões para a suspeita/diagnóstico relativamente tardia das perturbações da função visual, indicam a iliteracia dos idosos para a saúde da visão e semiologia ocular (34%), a baixa formação/informação dos Médicos de Medicina Geral e Familiar na área da saúde da visão (22%) e a pouca acessibilidade e resposta demorada/ineficaz dos serviços de oftalmologia do SNS (20%) como principais motivos para os assuntos questionados.Conclusões: As alterações do sistema visual com impacto na função e no funcionamento visual alteram a qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde, devido principalmente à alteração da acuidade visual para longe. Os idosos do estudo não valorizam a saúde visual ao percepcionarem positivamente a saúde geral e a saúde visual relativamente à avaliação da função visual. É fundamental definir estratégias e programas de literacia para a saúde da visão para toda a população, não apenas destinados a idosos. Sugere-se repensar o modelo de formação base dos Médicos com especial incidência na área da saúde da visão, com necessidades sentidas de formação/informação. As respostas obtidas dos idosos e dos Médicos indicaram existir fragilidades na saúde da visão, necessário repensar o modelo de prestação de cuidados de saúde nesta área. Esta investigação permitiu ao autor uma reflexão sobre as temáticas relacionadas com o envelhecimento levando a uma mudança de atitudes e comportamento na abordagem profissional a indivíduos idosos, promovendo autonomia nas escolhas e decisões em questões de saúde, na criação de estratégias para lidar com o problema de visão e na adaptação à nova condição de saúde da visão.---------------ABSTRACT:Purpose: The vision is a fundamental sense in the individual's relationship with the most varied environments, a central element in the functionality and independence of the elderly, any disturbance of visual function causes limitations in quality of life. The current demographic changes are characterized by progressive aging of population, there has been a parallel increase in the prevalence of disorders of the visual system by changing the visual function and functioning. Whereas the elderly are more dependent on vision, and there are no studies in this area developed in Portugal, this research is based analyze the influence that the disturbance of visual function in subjects aged 65 years or more has on the health related quality of life. We studied also the socio-demographic characteristics of the subjects, the eye health and general health perception, and identified themselves with the elderly participants and medical specialists in Family General Medicine perspective on disorders of visual function and aging. Design: Cross-sectional study, case control, descriptive and exploratory. Methods: From a population of 112 people with 65 or more years, regulars of various social welfare institutions of the Municipality of Loures and elderly regulars/institutionalized the Mansion of Santa Maria de Marvila, organic unity of the Foundation D. Pedro IV, were included 90 (80.4%). After informed consent, proceeded to the assessment of visual function in the Laboratories of Orthopticsof the School of Health Technology of Lisbon, where he also applied the Visual Functioning Questionnaire VFQ-25 and an open question for the type of vision difficulties experienced during the last year. Was applied also in a virtual environment, an open question to Doctors specialists in family general medicine related to the diagnosis/suspected relatively late disturbance of visual function. We carried out the descriptive treatment of socio-demographic characteristics, perception of general health and eye health and the responses of older people and doctors. We analyzed the relationship between visual function and quality of life related to health by applying the nonparametric Mann-Whitney test. Results: We found that individuals in the sample are mostly female (71.1%), married (41.1%), holders of low levels of education in which only 63.3% frequented / completed the 1st cycle of primary and almost entirely retired (88.9%). It is found that 77.8% of the elderly perceive their general health as fair or good. Likewise, 86.7% of individuals have altered vision mainly due to the change in visual acuity away (86.7%),up to 65.5% of eyes had a visual acuity of 5/10 or greater. Other dimensions that contributed to the alteration of visual function include contrast sensitivity (63.3%), stereopsis (51.1%), color vision (38.9%) and ocular motility (25.6%). There was thus obtained the highest scores for different scales of the questionnaire VFQ-25 in patients with altered vision except for scales related to near activities, driving and dependence. It is therefore a relationship between alteration in visual function and disturbance of quality of life related to health. To question for the elderly, 42.6% expressed no reason to see evil/feel difficulty seeing over the last year. The decrease in visual acuity for distance/near was reported by 20.5% of subjects, followed by the deterioration of general health and eye for 15%. The responses of medical specialists in general practice about reasons for the suspicion/diagnosis relatively late disturbance of visual function, indicate the illiteracy of the elderly for healthy vision and ocular semiology (34%), low education/information for Doctors in the health of vision (22%) and poor accessibility and response timeconsuming/ inefficient NHS ophthalmology services (20%) as main reasons for the subjects questioned. Conclusion: Changes in the visual system with an impact on visual function and the functioning change the health related quality of life, mainly due to the change in distance visual acuity. Older people do not value the visual health perceiving the general health and eye health positively relatively of visual function. It is essential to define strategies and literacy programs for eye health for the entire population, not just for the elderly. It is suggested reconsider the model of basic training of Doctors with special focus on the health of the vision, with special needs sensed training/information. The responses of older people and doctors have indicated there is weakness in eye health, need to rethink the model of health care in this area. This research allowed the author to reflect on issues related to aging leading to a change in attitudes and behavior in professional approach to the elderly, promoting autonomy in choices and decisions in health issues, creating strategies to deal with the problem of vision and adaptation to new conditions of eye health.


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Introdução: As quedas na população idosa associam-se a considerável mortalidade, morbilidade, défice funcional e institucionalização prematura, sendo o principal factor de risco de fractura. Os programas de exercício reduzem o risco de quedas no idoso e podem ter custos inferiores aos do tratamento das lesões resultantes. A Posturografia Dinâmica Computorizada é utilizada na avaliação postural. Também permite treino de equilíbrio, que tem sido pouco investigado. Objectivos: Avaliação do risco de queda antes e depois do treino de equilíbrio em Posturografia Dinâmica Computorizada. População e métodos: Foram avaliados 22 indivíduos com idade superior a 65 anos. A avaliação inicial inclui o teste “timed up and go”, a escala de confiança no equilíbrio específica para a actividade e a Posturografia Dinâmica Computorizada. Foi seguidamente realizado um programa de treino de equilíbrio em Posturografia Dinâmica Computorizada. Por fim, foi realizada uma reavaliação, repetindo procedimentos da avaliação inicial. Os valores registados foram comparados através do cálculo da respectiva evolução. Foi aplicado o teste de Shapiro-Wilk para testar a normalidade dos valores de cada variável em cada avaliação e o teste de Wilcoxon para amostras emparelhadas para se proceder à comparação dos valores observados em cada uma das avaliações. Resultados: No teste “timed up and go”, ocorreram evoluções significativas. Na escala de confiança no equilíbrio específica para a actividade, ocorreram evoluções significativas no teste modificado de interacção sensorial sobre o equilíbrio, no teste dos limites de estabilidade, no teste de transferência sedestação/ortostatismo e no teste de marcha na plataforma. Conclusões: Os indivíduos estudados apresentaram uma evolução significativa, com melhoria, de diversos parâmetros associados ao equilíbrio. As evoluções verificadas poderão traduzir benefícios clínicos do programa de treino efectuado.


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The pathogenic potential of Blastocystis sp. in experimental models requires further investigation. In this work, the pathogenicity of this parasite in the gastrointestinal tract of male Swiss mice was evaluated according to the inoculum size and period of infection. Animals were infected intragastrically, with 100, 500, 1,000, 5,000 and 10,000 Blastocystis sp. vacuolar forms obtained from a mixture of eight human isolates cultured axenically in Jones' medium. After seven, 14, 21, 28 and 60 days of infection, the animals were sacrificed and fragments of the small intestine (duodenum), large intestine, and cecum were subjected to histopathological analysis. Blastocystis sp. triggered an inflammatory response in the different tissues analyzed, with a predominance of mononuclear cells. The parasite was found in the muscular layer of the cecum, showing its invasive character. Larger inocula triggered inflammatory processes earlier (seven days) than smaller ones (from 21 days). We conclude that, in the proposed model, the pathogenicity of Blastocystis sp. isolates that were studied is related to inoculum size and period of infection.


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Anisakiasis and Pseudoterranovosis are human diseases caused by the ingestion of live Anisakidae larvae in raw, undercooked or lightly marinated fish. Larvae were collected from one salted cod sold for human consumption in a Sao Paulo market in 2013. One section of one brownish larva was used for molecular analyses. The partial COX2 gene sequence from the larva had a nucleotide identity of 99.8 % with Pseudoterranova azarasi, which belongs to the Pseudoterranova decipiens species complex. The risk of allergy when consuming dead larvae in salted fish is not well known and should be considered.


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Rickettsia felis is an emergent pathogen and the causative agent of a typhus-like rickettsiosis in the Americas. Its transmission cycle involves fleas as biological vectors (mainly Ctenocephalides felis) and multiple domestic and synanthropic mammal hosts. Nonetheless, the role of mammals in the cycle of R. felis is not well understood and many efforts are ongoing in different countries of America to clarify it. The present study describes for the first time in Mexico the infection of two species of opossum (Didelphis virginiana and D. marsupialis) by R. felis. A diagnosis was carried out from blood samples by molecular methods through the gltAand 17 kDa genes and sequence determination. Eighty-seven opossum samples were analyzed and 28 were found to be infected (32.1%) from five out of the six studied localities of Yucatan. These findings enable recognition of the potential epidemiological implications for public health of the presence of infected synanthropic Didelphis in households.