864 resultados para IT-related Capabilities
BACKGROUND: Many epidemiological studies indicate a positive correlation between cataract surgery and the subsequent progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Such a correlation would have far-reaching consequences. However, in epidemiological studies it is difficult to determine the significance of a single risk factor, such as cataract surgery. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We performed a retrospective case-control study of patients with new onset exudative age-related macular degeneration to determine if cataract surgery was a predisposing factor. A total of 1496 eyes were included in the study: 984 cases with new onset of exudative AMD and 512 control eyes with early signs of age-related maculopathy. Lens status (phakic or pseudophakic) was determined for each eye. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in lens status between study and control group (227/984 [23.1 %] vs. 112/512 [21.8 %] pseudophakic, p = 0.6487; OR = 1.071; 95 % CI = 0.8284-1.384). In cases with bilateral pseudophakia (n = 64) no statistically significant difference of the interval between cataract surgery in either eye and the onset of exudative AMD in the study eye was found (225.9 +/- 170.4 vs. 209.9 +/- 158.2 weeks, p = 0.27). CONCLUSIONS: Our results provide evidence that cataract surgery is not a major risk factor for the development of exudative AMD.
AIM: The aim of this study was to analyse the character of assault-related facial fractures in central Switzerland and to compare their prevalence with the data presented in similar reports from other countries. MATERIAL: The present study comprised 65 patients with assault-related maxillofacial fractures treated in the Department of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital of Bern between 2000 and 2002. METHODS: The mechanism, the causes of the injuries and the location of the fractures were analysed by reviewing emergency and hospital records. Concomitant injuries were also studied. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 33 years with the largest group being below 25 years. The male-to-female ratio was 56:9. The most common causes of assault-related injuries were fights, most frequently facial blows, accounting for 92.5% of all patients. Seventy-six per cent of the fractures occurred in the middle and upper facial skeleton with a predominance of 2:1 for the left side. In 39 patients (60%) surgery was necessary, with a mean hospital stay of 3.3 days. Thirty-five patients (54%) had concomitant injuries. Alcohol and drug abuse was found in 15 patients (23%). CONCLUSION: It seems that mostly young men suffer assault-related maxillofacial injuries. A contributing factor to the increased disposition for violence could be alcohol and drug abuse. Therefore, national prevention programmes for alcohol or drug abuse and addiction might have a positive effect on reducing the incidence of assault-related maxillofacial injuries.
It has been established that successful pancreas transplantation in Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic patients results in normal but exaggerated phasic glucose-induced insulin secretion, normal intravenous glucose disappearance rates, improved glucose recovery from insulin-induced hypoglycaemia, improved glucagon secretion during insulin-induced hypoglycaemia, but no alterations in pancreatic polypeptide responses to hypoglycaemia. However, previous reports have not segregated the data in terms of the length of time following successful transplantation and very little prospective data collected over time in individual patients has been published. This article reports that in general there are no significant differences in the level of improvement when comparing responses as early as three months post-operatively up to as long as two years post-operatively when examining the data cross-sectionally in patients who have successfully maintained their allografts. Moreover, this remarkable constancy in pancreatic islet function is also seen in a smaller group of patients who have been examined prospectively at various intervals post-operatively. It is concluded that successful pancreas transplantation results in remarkable improvements in Alpha and Beta cell but not PP cell function that are maintained for at least one to two years.
In previous studies, it was shown that there is a gunshot-related transport of skin particles and microorganisms from the entrance region into the depth of the bullet path. The present study deals with the question of whether gunshots may also cause a retrograde transport of skin particles and microorganisms from the bullet exit region back into the bullet path. For this purpose, we used a composite model consisting of rectangular gelatin blocks and pig skin. The skin pieces were firmly attached to the gelatin blocks on the side where the bullet was to exit. Prior to the test shots, the outer surface of the pig skin was contaminated with a thin layer of a defined bacterial suspension. After drying the skin, test shots were fired from a distance of 10 m using cartridges calibre .38 spec. with different bullet types. Subsequent analyses showed that in all shots with full penetration of the composite model, the bullet path contained displaced skin particles and microorganisms from the skin surface at the exit site. These could be regularly detected in the distal 6-8 cm of the track, occasionally up to a distance of 18 cm from the exit hole. The distribution of skin particles and microorganisms is presented and the possible mechanism of this retrograde transport is discussed.
BACKGROUND: Due to the increasing importance of quality of life assessments in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients, and the increased use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) for comparative purposes it is essential to understand the relationship between health-related quality of life (HRQL) instruments and the ICF. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to compare the content of recommended COPD-specific HRQL instruments using the ICF as reference. COPD-specific instruments mentioned in widely accepted guidelines were linked to the ICF using standardized linking rules. The degree of agreement between various health professionals was assessed by calculating the kappa statistic. RESULTS: Eleven instruments were included. They varied strongly in the number of concepts contained and the number of ICF categories used to map these concepts. A total of 548 concepts were identified and linked to 60 different ICF categories. Only the single category 'dyspnea' was covered by all instruments, whilst 21 categories were unique to specific instruments. The relationships of the measures with the ICF were identified. CONCLUSIONS: This study may aid researchers and clinicians to choose the most appropriate instrument for a specific purpose as well as help compare studies that have used different instruments for HRQL assessment.
To assess the relationship between renal plasma flow (ERPF) or glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and the levels of norepinephrine (NE) or epinephrine (E) in plasma or urine in the presence of progressive degrees of non-oliguric renal functional impairment, these variables were assessed simultaneously in 18 normal subjects, 72 with parenchymal kidney disease and 14 with essential hypertension. ERPF and GFR were lower (P less than 0.01 to 0.001) in the groups with renal disease (mean +/- SD, 340 +/- 230 and 68 +/- 43 ml/min/1.73 m2, respectively) or essential hypertension (434 +/- 101 and 97 +/- 25 ml/min/1.73 m2) than normal subjects (597 +/- 133 and 118 +/- 14 ml/min/1.73 m2). Plasma and urinary NE and E did not differ significantly among groups and were unrelated with ERPF or GFR (range 4 to 160 ml/min/1.73 m2), except for reduced (P less than 0.001) urinary NE and E excretion in the presence of a GFR less than 20 ml/min. Subgroups with renal disease and a normal (N = 39) or high blood pressure (N = 33) also were comparable in their plasma and urinary NE and E, while ERPF and GFR tended to be lower in hypertensive patients. It is concluded that a chronic reduction in excretory kidney function may have no relevant impact on circulating levels of NE and E per se, although their urinary excretion falls distinctly at the stage of advanced renal failure. These aspects deserve consideration when pathogenetic or diagnostic studies of catecholamines are performed in normotensive or hypertensive patients with impaired kidney function.
Ethanol from lignocellulosic feedstocks is not currently competitive with corn-based ethanol in terms of yields and commercial feasibility. Through optimization of the pretreatment and fermentation steps this could change. The overall goal of this study was to evaluate, characterize, and optimize ethanol production from lignocellulosic feedstocks by the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain Ethanol Red, ER) and Pichia stipitis CBS 6054. Through a series of fermentations and growth studies, P. stipitis CBS 6054 and S. cerevisiae (ER) were evaluated on their ability to produce ethanol from both single substrate (xylose and glucose) and mixed substrate (five sugars present in hemicellulose) fermentations. The yeasts were also evaluated on their ability to produce ethanol from dilute acid pretreated hydrolysate and enzymatic hydrolysate. Hardwood (aspen), softwood (balsam), and herbaceous (switchgrass) hydrolysates were also tested to determine the effect of the source of the feedstock. P. stipitis produced ethanol from 66-98% of the theoretical yield throughout the fermentation studies completed over the course of this work. S. cerevisiae (ER) was determined to not be ideal for dilute acid pretreated lignocellulose because it was not able to utilize all the sugars found in hemicellulose. S. cerevisiae (ER) was instead used to optimize enzymatic pretreated lignocellulose that contained only glucose monomers. It was able to produce ethanol from enzymatically pretreated hydrolysate but the sugar level was so low (>3 g/L) that it would not be commercially feasible. Two lignocellulosic degradation products, furfural and acetic acid, were evaluated for whether or not they had an inhibitory effect on biomass production, substrate utilization, and ethanol production by P. stipitis and S. cerevisiae (ER). It was determined that inhibition is directly related to the concentration of the inhibitor and the organism. The final phase for this thesis focused on adapting P. stipitis CBS 6054 to toxic compounds present in dilute acid pretreated hydrolysate through directed evolution. Cultures were transferred to increasing concentrations of dilute acid pretreated hydrolysate in the fermentation media. The adapted strains’ fermentation capabilities were tested against the unadapted parent strain at each hydrolysate concentration. The fermentation capabilities of the adapted strain were significantly improved over the unadapted parentstrain. On media containing 60% hydrolysate the adapted strain yielded 0.30 g_ethanol/g_sugar ± 0.033 (g/g) and the unadapted parent strain yielded 0.11 g/g ±0.028. The culture has been successfully adapted to growth on media containing 65%, 70%, 75%, and 80% hydrolysate but with below optimal ethanol yields (0.14-0.19 g/g). Cell recycle could be a viable option for improving ethanol yields in these cases. A study was conducted to determine the optimal media for production of ethanol from xylose and mixed substrate fermentations by P. stipitis. Growth, substrate utilization, and ethanol production were the three factors used to evaluate the media. The three media tested were Yeast Peptone (YP), Yeast Nitrogen Base (YNB), and Corn Steep Liquor (CSL). The ethanol yields (g/g) for each medium are as follows: YP - 0.40-0.42, YNB -0.28-.030, and CSL - 0.44-.051. The results show that media containing CSL result in slightly higher ethanol yields then other fermentation media. P. stipitis was successfully adapted to dilute acid pretreated aspen hydrolysate in increasing concentrations in order to produce higher ethanol yields compared to the unadapted parent strain. S. cerevisiae (ER) produced ethanol from enzymatic pretreated cellulose containing low concentrations of glucose (1-3g/L). These results show that fermentations of lignocellulosic feedstocks can be optimized based on the substrate and organism for increased ethanol yields.
Nonallergic rhinitis (NAR) can be defined as a chronic nasal inflammation which is not caused by systemic IgE-dependent mechanisms. It is common and probably affects far more than 200 million people worldwide. Both children and adults are affected. However, its exact prevalence is unknown and its phenotypes need to be evaluated using appropriate methods to better understand its pathophysiology, diagnosis and management. It is important to differentiate between infectious rhinitis, allergic/NAR and chronic rhinosinusitis, as management differs for each of these cases. Characterization of the phenotype, mechanisms and management of NAR represents one of the major unmet needs in allergic and nonallergic diseases. Studies on children and adults are required in order to appreciate the prevalence, phenotype, severity and co-morbidities of NAR. These studies should compare allergic and NAR and consider different age group populations including elderly subjects. Mechanistic studies should be carried out to better understand the disease(s) and risk factors and to guide towards an improved diagnosis and therapy. These studies need to take the heterogeneity of NAR into account. It is likely that neuronal mechanisms, T cells, innate immunity and possibly auto-immune responses all play a role in NAR and may also contribute to the symptoms of allergic rhinitis.
AIMS: In the Swiss heroin substitution trials, patients are treated with self-administered diacetylmorphine (heroin). Intravenous administration is not possible in patients that have venosclerosis. Earlier studies have demonstrated that oral diacetylmorphine may be used, although it is completely converted to morphine presystemically. Morphine bioavailability after high-dose oral diacetylmorphine is considerably higher than would be predicted from low-dose trials. The aim was to investigate whether the unexpectedly high bioavailability is due to a difference in the drug examined, and whether it depends on previous exposure or on dose. METHODS: Opioid-naive healthy volunteers and dependent patients from the Swiss heroin trials (n = 8 per group) received low doses of intravenous and oral deuterium-labelled morphine and diacetylmorphine, respectively. Patients also received a high oral diacetylmorphine dose. RESULTS: The maximum plasma concentration (C(max)) of morphine was twofold higher after oral diacetylmorphine than after morphine administration in both groups. However, morphine bioavailability was considerably higher in chronic users [diacetylmorphine 45.6% (95% confidence interval 40.0, 51.3), morphine 37.2% (30.1, 44.3)] than in naive subjects [diacetylmorphine 22.9% (16.4, 29.4), morphine 23.9% (16.5, 31.2)] after low oral doses (48.5 micromol) of either diacetylmorphine or morphine. Morphine clearance was similar in both groups. Moreover, oral absorption of morphine from diacetylmorphine was found to be dose dependent, with bioavailability reaching 64.2% (55.3, 73.1) for high diacetylmorphine doses (1601 micromol). CONCLUSIONS: Oral absorption of opioids is substance-, dose- and patient collective-dependent, suggesting that there may be a saturation of first-pass processes, the exact mechanism of which is not yet understood.
In this report, we attempt to define the capabilities of the infrared satellite remote sensor, Multifunctional Transport Satellite-2 (MTSAT-2) (i.e. a geosynchronous instrument), in characterizing volcanic eruptive behavior in the highly active region of Indonesia. Sulfur dioxide data from NASA's Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) (i.e. a polar orbiting instrument) are presented here for validation of the processes interpreted using the thermal infrared datasets. Data provided from two case studies are analyzed specifically for eruptive products producing large thermal anomalies (i.e. lava flows, lava domes, etc.), volcanic ash and SO2 clouds; three distinctly characteristic and abundant volcanic emissions. Two primary methods used for detection of heat signatures are used and compared in this report including, single-channel thermal radiance (4-µm) and the normalized thermal index (NTI) algorithm. For automated purposes, fixed thresholds must be determined for these methods. A base minimum detection limit (MDL) for single-channel thermal radiance of 2.30E+05 Wm- 2sr-1m-1 and -0.925 for NTI generate false alarm rates of 35.78% and 34.16%, respectively. A spatial comparison method, developed here specifically for use in Indonesia and used as a second parameter for detection, is implemented to address the high false alarm rate. For the single-channel thermal radiance method, the utilization of the spatial comparison method eliminated 100% of the false alarms while maintaining every true anomaly. The NTI algorithm showed similar results with only 2 false alarms remaining. No definitive difference is observed between the two thermal detection methods for automated use; however, the single-channel thermal radiance method coupled with the SO2 mass abundance data can be used to interpret volcanic processes including the identification of lava dome activity at Sinabung as well as the mechanism for the dome emplacement (i.e. endogenous or exogenous). Only one technique, the brightness temperature difference (BTD) method, is used for the detection of ash. Trends of ash area, water/ice area, and their respective concentrations yield interpretations of increased ice formation, aggregation, and sedimentation processes that only a high-temporal resolution instrument like the MTSAT-2 can analyze. A conceptual model of a secondary zone of aggregation occurring in the migrating Kelut ash cloud, which decreases the distal fine-ash component and hazards to flight paths, is presented in this report. Unfortunately, SO2 data was unable to definitively reinforce the concept of a secondary zone of aggregation due to the lack of a sufficient temporal resolution. However, a detailed study of the Kelut SO2 cloud is used to determine that there was no climatic impacts generated from this eruption due to the atmospheric residence times and e-folding rate of ~14 days for the SO2. This report applies the complementary assets offered by utilizing a high-temporal and a high-spatial resolution satellite, and it demonstrates that these two instruments can provide unparalleled observations of dynamic volcanic processes.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Due to the increasing importance of quality of life assessments in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients and due to an increased use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), for comparative purposes it is essential to understand the relationship between health-related quality of life (HRQOL) instruments and the ICF. The purpose of this study was to compare the content covered by OSA-specific instruments using the ICF. PATIENTS AND METHODS: OSA-specific instruments were identified, including the Calgary Sleep Apnea Quality of Life Index, the Functional Outcomes of Sleep Questionnaire, the Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patient-Oriented Severity Index, and the Quebec Sleep Questionnaire, and linked to the ICF by six health professionals according to standardized guidelines. The degree of agreement between health professionals was calculated by means of the kappa statistic. RESULTS: A total of 308 concepts were identified and linked to 78 different ICF categories; 35 categories of the component body function, one category of the component body structure, 38 categories of the component activities and participation, and four categories of the component environmental factors. Only contents within the chapters mental functions, mobility and social life were addressed by all instruments. Forty-seven categories were covered by only one instrument. CONCLUSION: The ICF proved highly useful for the comparison of HRQOL instruments. This analysis may help researchers and clinicians to choose the most appropriate HRQOL instrument for a specific purpose as well as help to compare study outcomes of studies using different instruments for HRQOL assessment.
Percutaneous vertebroplasty, comprising an injection of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) into vertebral bodies, is a practical procedure for the stabilization of osteoporotic compression fractures as well as other weakening lesions. Cement leakage is considered to be one of the major and most severe complications during percutaneous vertebroplasty. The viscosity of the material plays a key role in this context. In order to enhance the safety for the patient, a rheometer system was developed to measure the cement viscosity intraoperatively. For this development, it is of great importance to know the proper viscosity to start the procedure determined by experienced surgeons and the relation between the time period when different injection devices are used and the cement viscosity. The purpose of the study was to investigate the viscosity ranges for different injection systems during conventional vertebroplasty. Clinically observed viscosity values and related time periods showed high scattering. In order to get a better understanding of the clinical observations, cement viscosity during hardening at different ambient temperatures and by simulation of the body temperature was investigated in vitro. It could be concluded, that the direct viscosity assessment with a rheometer during vertebroplasty can help clinicians to define a lower threshold viscosity and thereby decrease the risk of leakage and make adjustments to their injection technique in real time. Secondly, the acceleration in hardening of PMMA-based cements at body temperature can be useful in minimizing leakages by addressing them with a short injection break.
Cancer is caused by a complex pattern of molecular perturbations. To understand the biology of cancer, it is thus important to look at the activation state of key proteins and signaling networks. The limited amount of available sample material from patients and the complexity of protein expression patterns make the use of traditional protein analysis methods particularly difficult. In addition, the only approach that is currently available for performing functional studies is the use of serial biopsies, which is limited by ethical constraints and patient acceptance. The goal of this work was to establish a 3-D ex vivo culture technique in combination with reverse-phase protein microarrays (RPPM) as a novel experimental tool for use in cancer research. The RPPM platform allows the parallel profiling of large numbers of protein analytes to determine their relative abundance and activation level. Cancer tissue and the respective corresponding normal tissue controls from patients with colorectal cancer were cultured ex vivo. At various time points, the cultured samples were processed into lysates and analyzed on RPPM to assess the expression of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and 24 proteins involved in the regulation of apoptosis. The methodology displayed good robustness and low system noise. As a proof of concept, CEA expression was significantly higher in tumor compared with normal tissue (p<0.0001). The caspase 9 expression signal was lower in tumor tissue than in normal tissue (p<0.001). Cleaved Caspase 8 (p=0.014), Bad (p=0.007), Bim (p=0.007), p73 (p=0.005), PARP (p<0.001), and cleaved PARP (p=0.007) were differentially expressed in normal liver and normal colon tissue. We demonstrate here the feasibility of using RPPM technology with 3-D ex vivo cultured samples. This approach is useful for investigating complex patterns of protein expression and modification over time. It should allow functional proteomics in patient samples with various applications such as pharmacodynamic analyses in drug development.
Hypertension is a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Hypertensive individuals show exaggerated norepinephrine (NE) reactivity to stress. Norepinephrine is a known lipolytic factor. It is unclear if, in hypertensive individuals, stress-induced increases in NE are linked with the elevations in stress-induced circulating lipid levels. Such a mechanism could have implications for atherosclerotic plaque formation. In a cross-sectional, quasi-experimentally controlled study, 22 hypertensive and 23 normotensive men (mean +/- SEM, 45 +/- 3 years) underwent an acute standardized psychosocial stress task combining public speaking and mental arithmetic in front of an audience. We measured plasma NE and the plasma lipid profile (total cholesterol [TC], low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol [LDL-C], high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides) immediately before and after stress and at 20 and 60 minutes of recovery. All lipid levels were corrected for stress hemoconcentration. Compared with normotensives, hypertensives had greater TC (P = .030) and LDL-C (P = .037) stress responses. Independent of each other, mean arterial pressure (MAP) upon screening and immediate increase in NE predicted immediate stress change in TC (MAP: beta = .41, P = .003; NE: beta = .35, P = .010) and LDL-C (MAP: beta = .32, P = .024; NE: beta = .38, P = .008). Mean arterial pressure alone predicted triglycerides stress change (beta = .32, P = .043) independent of NE stress change, age, and BMI. The MAP-by-NE interaction independently predicted immediate stress change of high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol (beta = -.58, P < .001) and of LDL-C (beta = -.25, P < .08). We conclude that MAP and NE stress reactivity may elicit proatherogenic changes of plasma lipids in response to acute psychosocial stress, providing one mechanism by which stress might increase cardiovascular risk in hypertension.
This paper provides an outline about the basic ideas of the capability approach. It will be argued that the capability approach is able to provide an appropriate approach in order to evaluate educational and social human services. As an egalitarian approach to social justice, the capability approach has particular strengths when issues concerning the actual life-conduct of tangible human beings come to the fore. In particular educational aspects of welfare and well-being might thus be well grounded on the Aristotelian reasoning of the capability approach. The paper focuses on the potentially fruitful relations of the capability approach and the philosophy and practice of ‘just’ education referring to the idea of the autonomy of life-practice.