999 resultados para IRON FILMS
Utilization of light and illumination systems in automotive industry for different purposes has been increased significantly in recent years. Volvo as one of the leading companies in manufacturing of luxury cars has found the great capacity in this area. The performance of such an illumination systems is one of the challenges that engineers in this industry are facing with. In this study an effort has been made to design a system to make the iron mark of Volvo being illuminated and the system is being evaluated by optics simulation in software using Ray optics method. At the end, results are assessed and some optimizations are carried out. Different kind of light guides, front side of the iron mark and some possible arrangement for LED also evaluated and different materials tested. The best combination from uniformity, color and amount of luminance aspect selected as a possible solution for this special project which can be used as a base for further studies in Volvo.
This study explores swords with ferrous inlays found in Finland and dating from the late Iron Age, ca. 700–1200 AD. These swords reflect profound changes not only in styles and fashion but also in the technology of hilts and blades. This study explores how many of these kinds of swords are known from Finland, how they were made and where, what their status was in Late Iron Age Finland, and where the Finnish finds stand in accordance with other areas of Europe. The various methods included measuring of the finds and statistics. The main method of revealing the inlaid marks was radiography due to its non-destructive nature. In cases where inlays were visible without radiography, their details were inspected via microscopy. To study the materials and manufacture of inlaid swords, a sample of them was metallographically analysed to determine the forging technologies and nature of used materials. Furthermore, the manufacture was also studied with experimental approaches. As a result, a catalogue of 151 swords with ferrous inlays was created. This number is relatively high compared with other European countries, although systematic studies have been conducted in only some countries. The inlaid motifs were classified into five distinct categories to help the classification. To summarize, almost every documented inlaid sword was unique in some respect including measurements, inlaid motifs and materials of blades and inlays. Technological variation was also present, some blades being poorer and some of higher quality in spite of the inlaid motifs. Misspelt inscriptions as well as letter-like marks were common in Finland and also in Scandinavia. Furthermore, the provenance of iron and steel used in some blades hints at Scandinavian ores. The above observations, along with the experimental results indicating the existence of multiple alternative techniques of inlaying, suggest that these swords were manufactured locally in Scandinavia, most likely in imitation of Continental European models. Inlaid swords were valued partly for their assumed functionality in combat, as evidenced by damage on some examined blades, or they were valued for their inlays, which could have had fashionable or symbolical meanings bound to local beliefs.
For advanced devices in the application fields of data storage, solar cell and biosensing, one of the major challenges to achieve high efficiency is the fabrication of nanopatterned metal oxide surfaces. Such surfaces often require both precise structure at the nanometer scale and controllable patterned structure at the macro scale. Nowadays, the dominating candidates to fabricate nanopatterned surfaces are the lithographic technique and block-copolymer masks, most of which are unfortunately costly and inefficient. An alternative bottom-up approach, which involves organic/inorganic self-assembly and dip-coating deposition, has been studied intensively in recent years and has proven to be an effective technique for the fabrication of nanoperforated metal oxide thin films. The overall objective of this work was to optimize the synthesis conditions of nanoperforated TiO2 (NP-TiO2) thin films, especially to be compatible with mixed metal oxide systems. Another goal was to develop fabrication and processing of NP-TiO2 thin films towards largescale production and seek new applications for solar cells and biosensing. Besides the traditional dip-coating and drop-casting methods, inkjet printing was used to prepare thin films of metal oxides, with the advantage of depositing the ink onto target areas, further enabling cost-effective fabrication of micro-patterned nanoperforated metal oxide thin films. The films were characterized by water contact angle determination, Atomic Force Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Grazing Incidence XRay Diffraction. In this study, well-ordered zinc titanate nanoperforated thin films with different Zn/Ti ratios were produced successfully with zinc precursor content up to 50 mol%, and the dominating phase was Zn2Ti3O8. NP-TiO2 structures were also obtained by a cost-efficient means, namely inkjet printing, at both ambient temperature and 60 °C. To further explore new biosensing applications of nanoperforated oxide thin films, inkjet printing was used for the fabrication of both continuous and patterned polymeric films onto NP-TiO2 and perfluorinated phosphate functionalized NP-TiO2 substrates, respectively. The NP-TiO2 films can be also functionalized with a fluoroalkylsilane, resulting in hydrophobic surfaces on both titania and silica. The surface energy contrast in the nanoperforations can be tuned by irradiating the films with UV light, which provides ideal model systems for wettability studies.
This thesis examines the processes through which identity is acquired and the processes that Hollywood :films employ to facilitate audience identification in order to determine the extent to which individuality is possible within postmodem society. Opposing views of identity formation are considered: on the one hand, that of the Frankfurt School which envisions the mass audience controlled by the culture industry and on the other, that of John Fiske which places control in the hands of the individual. The thesis takes a mediating approach, conceding that while the mass media do provide and influence identity formation, individuals can and do decode a variety of meanings from the material made available to them in accordance with the text's use-value in relation to the individual's circumstances. The analysis conducted in this thesis operates on the assumption that audiences acquire identity components in exchange for paying to see a particular film. Reality Bites (Ben Stiller 1994) and Scream (Wes Craven 1996) are analyzed as examples of mainstream 1990s films whose material circumstances encourage audience identification and whose popularity suggest that audiences did indeed identify with them. The Royal Tenenbaums (Wes Anderson 2001) is considered for its art film sensibilities and is examined in order to determine to what extent this film can be considered a counter example. The analysis consists of a combination of textual analysis and reception study in an attempt to avoid the problems associated with each approach when employed alone. My interpretation of the filmmakers' and marketers' messages will be compared with online reviews posted by film viewers to determine how audiences received and made use of the material available to them. Viewer-posted reviews, both unsolicited and unrestricted, as found online, will be consulted and will represent a segment of the popular audience for the three films to be analyzed.
The main purpose of this thesis is to study properties of La2/3Cai/3Mn03, both polycrystalline
ceramics and thin films. This material has striking related electrical and
magnetic properties. Thin films show colossal negative magnetoresistance (CMR) near
transition from an insulating to a metallic state accompanied closely by transition from
a paramagnetic to a ferromagnetic state. The double exchange mechanism (DE) and the
Jahn-Teller deformations play an important role in CMR effect. Applied pressure has a
very similar effect as does an applied magnetic field, except, at low temperatures (T
Interest in mixed-valent perovskite manganese oxides of La\-xAxMnO^ (v4-divalent alkaline earth Ca, Sr or Ba), whose unusual properties were discovered nearly a half century ago, has recently been revived. The discovery of the colossal magnetoresistance and pressure effects introduced new questions concerning the complex interplay between lattice structure, magnetism and transport in doped perovskite manganites. In this study, we report our experimental investigations of pressure and magnetic field dependencies of La-i/sCai/sMnOs (LCMO) epitaxial films with various thickness on SrTiO$ substrate. An analysis of film thickness dependency of the resistivity of LCMO epitaxial films under pressure and magnetic field has been performed by taking into account substrate contributions. This verifies the correlation of lattice distortion with magnetic and transport properties. Strong dependencies of Mn — O — Mn bond bending and Mn — O bond stretching with pressure as well as Mn spin alignment with magnetic field, and the lattice distortion induced by the substrate are discussed.
The reflectance of thin films of magnesium doped SrRu03(Mg-SR0) produced by pulsed laser deposition on SrTiOa (100) substrates has been measured at room temperature between 100 and 7500 cm~^. The films were chosen to have wide range of thickness, stoichiometry and electrical properties. As the films were very thin (less than 300 nm), and some were insulating the reflectance data shows structures due to both the film and the substrate. Hence, the data was analyzed using Kramers-Kronig constrained variational fitting (VDF) method to extract the real optical conductivity of the Mg-SRO films. Although the VDF technique is flexible enough to fit all features of the reflectance spectra, it seems that VDF could not eliminate the substrate's contribution from fllm conductivity results. Also the comparison of the two different programs implementing VDF fltting shows that this technique has a uniqueness problem. The optical properties are discussed in light of the measured structural and transport properties of the fllms which vary with preparation conditions and can be correlated with differences in stoichiometry. This investigation was aimed at checking the VDF technique and also getting answer to the question whether Mg^"*" substitutes in to Ru or Sr site. Analysis of our data suggests that Mg^+ goes to Ru site.
A method is presented for determining the composition of thin films containing the elements Bi, Sr, Br, Cu, and Ca. Quantitative x-ray fluorescence (XRF) consisting of radioactive sources (secondary foil excitor 241Am-Mo source and 55Pe source), a Si(Li) detector, and a multichannel analyzer were employed. The XRF system was calibrated by using sol gel thin films of known element composition and also by sputtered thin films analyzed by the conventional Rutherford Back Scattering (RBS). The XRF system has been used to assist and optimize the sputter target composition required to produce high-Tc BiSrCaCuO films with the desired metal composition.
SrMg^Rui-iOa thin films were made by using pulsed laser deposition on SrTiOa (100) substrates in either O2 or Ar atmosphere. The thin films were characterized by x-ray diffraction, energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis, dc resistivity measurement, and dc magnetization measurement. The effect of Mg doping was observed. As soon as the amount of Mg increased in SrMg-cRui-iOa thin films, the magnetization decreased, and the resistivity increased. It had little effect on the Curie temperature (transition temperature). The magnetization states of SrMgiRui-iOa thin films, for x < 0.15, are similar to SrRuOs films. X-ray diffraction results for SrMga-Rui-iOa thin films made in oxygen showed that the films are epitaxial. The thin films could not be well made in Ar atmosphere during laser ablation as there was no clear peak of SrMg^Rui-iOa in x-ray diffraction results. Substrate temperatures had an effect on the resistivity of the films. The residual resistivity ratios were increased by increasing substrate temperature. It was observed that the thickness of thin films are another factor for film quality: Thin films were epitaxial, but thicker films were not epitaxial.
The study examines the buddy film genre and the representation of masculinity in relation to the homosocial and the homoerotic. As a genre, the buddy films focus on male relationships, thematically seeking to mediate the boundaries surrounding the homosocial continuum and the intimacy and eroticism implicit in male bonding. Theories of genre, gender and identity are used to analyze the construction of masculine identity within the films. By providing a qualitative analysis of films from the 1960s to contemporary times, the research establishes a relationship between social changes, attitudes toward men and depictions of men. The buddy films adapt to address changes in the representation of masculinity, embodied in the difference between the male couple in the films. The early films of the 1960s served as templates that deconstructed traditional representations of male identity through articulating the tension within homosocial relationships. However, in the later films this tension became a refle~ive convention, acting to undermine the eroticism onto a displaced Other. The buddy film genre highlights the tension inherent to the male masquerade. This tension is situated in the need to represent the protagonist's homosocial relationship, while disavowing the eroticism that surrounds homosocial bonding. The structure of the buddy film genre, which focuses on the exploration of masculinity and representing the bonds of homosocial intimacy, makes these films a significant site for investigating the cultural construction of masculine identities.
Phenolic compounds are important components of grapes and wines. They have been found to have important roles in grape and wine systems and properties that are beneficial for human health. Vanillin (3-methoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde) is a phenolic compound coming from the oxidative degradation of lignin in oak-barrels during the aging of wine. Vanillin is an important flavour component of wine and its concentration in wine influences significantly the aroma and flavour of wine. The concentration of vanillin in wine is affected by various factors including the presence of metal ions. In this work, by using HPLC, HPLC-MS, and MS technologies, iron (III) cations were found to affect the oxidation of vanillin in a model system of wine, and the product of the oxidation was identified as divanillin. The mechanism of the redox reaction between vanillin and Fe^"^ is thought to follow that of other phenol oxidations. Increasing the concentration of Fe ^ in the model system accelerates divanillin production. The best pH condition for the divanillin production in the system is the range of 3.0 ~ 3.5. Increasing temperature from 20°C to 40°C accelerates the divanillin production. Divanillin was found to exist in three commercial red wines in this work. Keeping the storage temperature cool and decreasing the contact of grapes and wines with iron are two major measures suggested by this work in order to decrease the oxidation of vanillin during the making and aging of wine.
The synthesis of 3-ethynylthienyl- (2.07), 3-ethynylterthienyl- (2.19) substituted qsal [qsalH = N-(8-quinolyl)salicylaldimine] and 3,3' -diethynyl-2,2' -bithienyl bridging bisqsal (5.06) ligands are described along with the preparation and characterization of eight cationic iron(III) complexes containing these ligands with a selection of counteranions [(2.07) with: SCN- (2.08), PF6- (2.09), and CI04- (2.10); (2.19) with PF6 - (2.20); (5.06) with: cr (5.07), SeN- (5.08), PF6- (5.09), and CI04- (5.10)]. Spin-crossover is observed in the solid state for (2.08) - (2.10) and (5.07) - (5.10), including a ve ry rare S = 5/2 to 3/2 spin-crossover in complex (2.09). The unusal reduction of complex (2.10) produces a high-spin iron(I1) complex (2.12). Six iron(II) complexes that are derived from thienyl analogues of bispicen [bispicen = bis(2-pyridylmethyl)-diamine] [2,5-thienyl substituents = H- (3.11), Phenyl- (3.12), 2- thienyl (3.13) or N-phenyl-2-pyridinalimine ligands [2,5-phenyl substituents = diphenyl (3.23), di(2-thienyl) (3.24), 4-phenyl substituent = 3-thienyl (3.25)] are reported Complexes (3.11), (3.23) and (3.25) display thermal spin-crossover in the solid state and (3.12) remains high-spin at all temperatures. Complex (3.13) rearranges to form an iron(II) complex (3.14) with temperature dependent magnetic properties be s t described as a one-dimensional ferromagnetic chain, with interchain antiferromagnetic interactions and/or ZFS dominant at low temperatures. Magnetic succeptibility and Mossbauer data for complex (3.24) display a temperature dependent mixture of spin isomers. The preparation and characterization of two cobalt(II) complexes containing 3- ethynylthienyl- (4.04) and 3-ethynylterhienyl- (4.06) substituted bipyridine ligands [(4.05): [Co(dbsqh(4.04)]; (4.07): [Co(dbsq)2(4.06)]] [dbsq = 3,5-dbsq=3,5-di-tert-butylI ,2-semiquinonate] are reported. Complexes (4.05) and (4.07) exhibit thermal valence tautomerism in the solid state and in solution. Self assembly of complex (2.10) into polymeric spheres (6.11) afforded the first spincrossover, polydisperse, micro- to nanoscale material of its kind. . Complexes (2.20), (3.24) and (4.07) also form polymers through electrochemical synthesis to produce hybrid metaUopolymer films (6.12), (6.15) and (6.16), respectively. The films have been characterized by EDX, FT-IR and UV-Vis spectroscopy. Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements demonstrate that spin lability is operative in the polymers and conductivity measurements confirm the electron transport properties. Polymer (6.15) has a persistent oxidized state that shows a significant decrease in electrical resistance.
The present thesis describes syntheses, structural studies, and catalytic reactivity of new non-classical silane complexes of ruthenium and iron. The ruthenium complexes CpRu(PPri3)CI(T]2-HSiR3) (1) (SiR3 = SiCh (a), SiClzMe (b), SiCIMe2 (c), SiH2Ph (d), SiMe2Ph (e» were prepared by reactions of the new unsaturated complex CpRu(PPri3)CI with silanes. According to NMR studies and X-ray analyses, the complexes la-c exhibit unusual simultaneous Si··· H and Si··· CI-Ru interactions. The complex CpRu(PPri3)CI was also used for the preparation of the first examples of late transition metal agostic silylamido complexes CpRu(PPri3)(N(T]2-HSiMe2)R) (2) (R= Ar or But), which were characterized by NMR spectroscopy. The iron complexes CpFe(PMePri2)H2(SiR3) (3) (SiR3 = SiCh (a), SiClzMe (b), SiCIMe2 (c), SiH2Ph (d), SiMe2Ph (e» were synthesized by the reaction of the new borohydride iron complex CpFe(PMePri2)(B~) with silanes in the presence NEt3. The complexes 3 exhibit unprecedented two simultaneous and equivalent Si··· H interactions, which was confirmed by X-ray analyses and DFT calculations. A series of cationic ruthenium complexes [CpRu(PR3)(CH3CN)(112-HSiR'3)]BAF (PR3 = PPri 3 (4), PPh3 (5); SiR'3 = SiCh (a), SiClzMe (b), SiClMe2 (c), SiH2Ph (d), SiMe2Ph (e» was obtained by substitution of one of the labile acetonitrile ligands in [CpRu(PR3)(CH3CNh]BAF with sHanes. Analogous complexes [TpRu(PR3)(CH3CN)(T]2 -HSiR' 3)]BAF (5) were obtained by the reaction of TpRu(PR3)(CH3CN)CI with LiBAF in the presence of silanes. The complexes 4-5 were characterized by NMR spectroscopy, and the observed coupling constants J(Si-H) allowed us to estimate the extent of Si-H bond activation in these compounds. The catalytic activity in hydrosilylation reactions of all of the above complexes was examined. The most promising results were achieved with the cationic ruthenium precatalyst [CpRu(PPri3)(CH3CN)2t (6). Complex 6 shows good to excellent catalytic activity in the hydrosilylation of carbonyls, dehydrogenative coupling of silanes with alcohols, amines, acids, and reduction of acid chlorides. We also discovered very selective reduction of nitriles and pyridines into the corresponding N-silyl imines and l,4-dihydropyridines, respectively, at room temperature with the possibility of catalyst recycling. These chemoselective catalytic methods have no analogues in the literature. The reactions were proposed to proceed via an ionic mechanism with intermediate formation of the silane a-complexes 4.
Please consult the paper edition of this thesis to read. It is available on the 5th Floor of the Library at Call Number: Z 9999 C65 F86 2005
Within the crime film tradition there is a plethora of sub-genres all of which relate to crime and its consequences. However, directors Joel and Ethan Coen, Quentin Tarantino and David Lynch, all of whom create plots around crime and criminality, have been difficult to pin down and attribute to any given sub-genre. This thesis demonstrates that an absurdist philosophy can be used to effectively examine the content of the previously mentioned filmmakers. Through an analysis of these filmmakers and their better known works compelling evidence is revealed suggesting that these filmmakers may all belong to the emerging crime film sub-genre known as absurdist crime films.