975 resultados para INTERMEDIATE ENERGIES


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The intermediate band (IB) solar cell (Fig. 1) has been proposed [1] to increase photovoltaic efficiency by a factor above 1.5, based on the absorption of two sub-bandgap photons to promote an electron across the bandgap. To realize this principle, that can be applied also to obtain efficient photocatalysis with sunlight, we proposed in recent years several materials where a metal or heavy element, substituting for an electropositive atom in a known semiconductor that has an appropriate band gap width (around 2 eV), forms inside the gap the partially filled levels needed for this aim


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The intermediate band solar cell [1] has been proposed as a concept able to substantially enhance the efficiency limit of an ordinary single junction solar cell. If a band permitted for electrons is inserted within the forbidden band of a semiconductor then a novel path for photo generation is open: electron hole pairs may be formed by the successive absorption of two sub band gap photons using the intermediate band (IB) as a stepping stone. While the increase of the photovoltaic (PV) current is not a big achievement —it suffices to reduce the band gap— the achievement of this extra current at high voltage is the key of the IB concept. In ordinary cells the voltage is limited by the band gap so that reducing it would also reduce the band gap. In the intermediate band solar cell the high voltage is produced when the IB is permitted to have a Quasi Fermi Level (QFL) different from those of the Conduction Band (CB) and the Valence Band (VB). For it the cell must be properly isolated from the external contacts, which is achieved by putting the IB material between two n- and p-type ordinary semiconductors [2]. Efficiency thermodynamic limit of 63% is obtained for the IB solar cell1 vs. the 40% obtained [3] for ordinary single junction solar cells. Detailed information about the IB solar cells can be found elsewhere [4].


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Abstract This work is a contribution to the research and development of the intermediate band solar cell (IBSC), a high efficiency photovoltaic concept that features the advantages of both low and high bandgap solar cells. The resemblance with a low bandgap solar cell comes from the fact that the IBSC hosts an electronic energy band -the intermediate band (IB)- within the semiconductor bandgap. This IB allows the collection of sub-bandgap energy photons by means of two-step photon absorption processes, from the valence band (VB) to the IB and from there to the conduction band (CB). The exploitation of these low energy photons implies a more efficient use of the solar spectrum. The resemblance of the IBSC with a high bandgap solar cell is related to the preservation of the voltage: the open-circuit voltage (VOC) of an IBSC is not limited by any of the sub-bandgaps (involving the IB), but only by the fundamental bandgap (defined from the VB to the CB). Nevertheless, the presence of the IB allows new paths for electronic recombination and the performance of the IBSC is degraded at 1 sun operation conditions. A theoretical argument is presented regarding the need for the use of concentrated illumination in order to circumvent the degradation of the voltage derived from the increase in the recombi¬nation. This theory is supported by the experimental verification carried out with our novel characterization technique consisting of the acquisition of photogenerated current (IL)-VOC pairs under low temperature and concentrated light. Besides, at this stage of the IBSC research, several new IB materials are being engineered and our novel character¬ization tool can be very useful to provide feedback on their capability to perform as real IBSCs, verifying or disregarding the fulfillment of the “voltage preservation” principle. An analytical model has also been developed to assess the potential of quantum-dot (QD)-IBSCs. It is based on the calculation of band alignment of III-V alloyed heterojunc-tions, the estimation of the confined energy levels in a QD and the calculation of the de¬tailed balance efficiency. Several potentially useful QD materials have been identified, such as InAs/AlxGa1-xAs, InAs/GaxIn1-xP, InAs1-yNy/AlAsxSb1-x or InAs1-zNz/Alx[GayIn1-y]1-xP. Finally, a model for the analysis of the series resistance of a concentrator solar cell has also been developed to design and fabricate IBSCs adapted to 1,000 suns. Resumen Este trabajo contribuye a la investigación y al desarrollo de la célula solar de banda intermedia (IBSC), un concepto fotovoltaico de alta eficiencia que auna las ventajas de una célula solar de bajo y de alto gap. La IBSC se parece a una célula solar de bajo gap (o banda prohibida) en que la IBSC alberga una banda de energía -la banda intermedia (IB)-en el seno de la banda prohibida. Esta IB permite colectar fotones de energía inferior a la banda prohibida por medio de procesos de absorción de fotones en dos pasos, de la banda de valencia (VB) a la IB y de allí a la banda de conducción (CB). El aprovechamiento de estos fotones de baja energía conlleva un empleo más eficiente del espectro solar. La semejanza antre la IBSC y una célula solar de alto gap está relacionada con la preservación del voltaje: la tensión de circuito abierto (Vbc) de una IBSC no está limitada por ninguna de las fracciones en las que la IB divide a la banda prohibida, sino que está únicamente limitada por el ancho de banda fundamental del semiconductor (definido entre VB y CB). No obstante, la presencia de la IB posibilita nuevos caminos de recombinación electrónica, lo cual degrada el rendimiento de la IBSC a 1 sol. Este trabajo argumenta de forma teórica la necesidad de emplear luz concentrada para evitar compensar el aumento de la recom¬binación de la IBSC y evitar la degradación del voltage. Lo anterior se ha verificado experimentalmente por medio de nuestra novedosa técnica de caracterización consistente en la adquisicin de pares de corriente fotogenerada (IL)-VOG en concentración y a baja temperatura. En esta etapa de la investigación, se están desarrollando nuevos materiales de IB y nuestra herramienta de caracterizacin está siendo empleada para realimentar el proceso de fabricación, comprobando si los materiales tienen capacidad para operar como verdaderas IBSCs por medio de la verificación del principio de preservación del voltaje. También se ha desarrollado un modelo analítico para evaluar el potencial de IBSCs de puntos cuánticos. Dicho modelo está basado en el cálculo del alineamiento de bandas de energía en heterouniones de aleaciones de materiales III-V, en la estimación de la energía de los niveles confinados en un QD y en el cálculo de la eficiencia de balance detallado. Este modelo ha permitido identificar varios materiales de QDs potencialmente útiles como InAs/AlxGai_xAs, InAs/GaxIni_xP, InAsi_yNy/AlAsxSbi_x ó InAsi_zNz/Alx[GayIni_y]i_xP. Finalmente, también se ha desarrollado un modelado teórico para el análisis de la resistencia serie de una célula solar de concentración. Gracias a dicho modelo se han diseñado y fabricado IBSCs adaptadas a 1.000 soles.


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Plant nonspecific lipid transfer proteins (nsLTPs) bind a wide variety of lipids, which allows them to perform disparate functions. Recent reports on their multifunctionality in plant growth processes have posed new questions on the versatile binding abilities of these proteins. The lack of binding specificity has been customarily explained in qualitative terms on the basis of a supposed structural flexibility and nonspecificity of hydrophobic protein-ligand interactions. We present here a computational study of protein-ligand complexes formed between five nsLTPs and seven lipids bound in two different ways in every receptor protein. After optimizing geometries inmolecular dynamics calculations, we computed Poisson- Boltzmann electrostatic potentials, solvation energies, properties of the protein-ligand interfaces, and estimates of binding free energies of the resulting complexes. Our results provide the first quantitative information on the ligand abilities of nsLTPs, shed new light into protein-lipid interactions, and reveal new features which supplement commonly held assumptions on their lack of binding specificity.


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In this paper, a model for intermediate band solar cells is built based on the generally understood physical concepts ruling semiconductor device operation, with special emphasis on the behavior at low temperature. The model is compared to JL-VOC measurements at concentrations up to about 1000 suns and at temperatures down to 20 K, as well as measurements of the radiative recombination obtained from electroluminescence. The agreement is reasonable. It is found that the main reason for the reduction of open circuit voltage is an operational reduction of the bandgap, but this effect disappears at high concentrations or at low temperatures.


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The intermediate-band solar cell is designed to provide a large photogenerated current while maintaining a high output voltage. To make this possible, these cells incorporate an energy band that is partially filled with electrons within the forbidden bandgap of a semiconductor. Photons with insufficient energy to pump electrons from the valence band to the conduction band can use this intermediate band as a stepping stone to generate an electron-hole pair. Nanostructured materials and certain alloys have been employed in the practical implementation of intermediate-band solar cells, although challenges still remain for realizing practical devices. Here we offer our present understanding of intermediate-band solar cells, as well as a review of the different approaches pursed for their practical implementation. We also discuss how best to resolve the remaining technical issues.


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With the purpose of assessing the absorption coefficients of quantum dot solar cells, symmetry considerations are introduced into a Hamiltonian whose eigenvalues are empirical. In this way, the proper transformation from the Hamiltonian's diagonalized form to the form that relates it with Γ-point exact solutions through k.p envelope functions is built accounting for symmetry. Forbidden transitions are thus determined reducing the calculation burden and permitting a thoughtful discussion of the possible options for this transformation. The agreement of this model with the measured external quantum efficiency of a prototype solar cell is found to be excellent.


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An intermediate band solar cell is a novel photovoltaic device with the potential to exceed the efficiency of single gap solar cells. In the last few years, several prototypes of these cells, based on different technologies, have been reported. Since these devices do not yet perform ideally, it is sometimes difficult to determine to what extent they operate as actual intermediate band solar cells. In this article we provide the essential guidelines to interpret conventional experimental results (current-voltage plots, quantum efficiency, etc.) associated with their characterization. A correct interpretation of these results is essential in order not to mislead the research efforts directed towards the improvement of the efficiency of these devices.


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The effect of quantum dot (QD) size on the performance of quantum dot intermediate band solar cells is investigated. A numerical model is used to calculate the bound state energy levels and the absorption coefficient of transitions from the ground state to all other states in the conduction band. Comparing with the current state of the art, strong absorption enhancements are found for smaller quantum dots, as well as a better positioning of the energy levels, which is expected to reduce thermal carrier escape. It is concluded that reducing the quantum dot size can increase sub-bandgap photocurrent and improve voltage preservation.


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We have analyzed by means of Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) the Ti lattice location and the degree of crystalline lattice recovery in heavily Ti implanted silicon layers subsequently pulsed laser melted (PLM). Theoretical studies have predicted that Ti should occupy interstitial sites in silicon for a metallic-intermediate band (IB) formation. The analysis of Ti lattice location after PLM processes is a crucial point to evaluate the IB formation that can be clarifyied by means of RBS measurements. After PLM, time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry measurements show that the Ti concentration in the layers is well above the theoretical limit for IB formation. RBS measurements have shown a significant improvement of the lattice quality at the highest PLM energy density studied. The RBS channeling spectra reveals clearly that after PLM processes Ti impurities are mostly occupying interstitial lattice sites.


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Although others regulations regarding feed-in tariffs for photovoltaics (PV) existed in Spain previously, the one that meant a paradigm change was the introduction in 2007 of law R.D.661/2007 which established a feed-in tariff of 41,75 cents/kWh if the installed capacity was greater than 100KWp and 44,04 cents/kWh if it was smaller. The high level of the subsidies together with the lack of a limit for the total installed capacity originates the well-known Spanish photovoltaic boom. In September 2008 the installed PV capacity accounted for 3.2GWp (while the official objective stated in the national renewable roadmap was only 400MWp). To avoid this situation a new law, R.D. 1578/2008, was proclaimed which established a decreasing feed-in tariff of 32 cents/kWh (for ground installations) and 34 cents/kWh (for rooftops) and it limited the annual installed capacity to 500MWp. Although it was successful in limiting the PV subsidies total costs, the successive and sudden changes in regulations resulted very harmful to the local PV industry. In this article, the strong influence of feed-in tariff in the development of PV installed capacity and market evolution in Spain will be analyzed in detail. In addition, a comparison with other subsidized technologies which installed capacity has had a smoother evolution, as wind energy, will be presented.


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The intermediate band solar cell (IBSC) is a solar cell that, in order to increase its efficiency over that of single gap solar cells, takes advantage of the absorption of below-bandgap energy photons by means of an intermediate band (IB) located in the semiconductor bandgap. For this process to improve the solar cell performance, the belowbandgap photon absorption has to be effective and the IB cannot limit the open-circuit voltage of the cell. In this paper we provide a guide to the new researcher interested in the idea in order he can quickly become familiar with the concept and updated with the most relevant experimental results.


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Irradiation with swift heavy ions (SHI), roughly defined as those having atomic masses larger than 15 and energies exceeding 1 MeV/amu, may lead to significant modification of the irradiated material in a nanometric region around the (straight) ion trajectory (i.e., latent tracks). In the case of amorphous silica it has been reported that SHI irradiation originates nano-tracks of either higher density than the virgin material (for low electronic stopping powers, Se < 7 keV/nm) [1] or having a low-density core and a dense shell (Se > 12 keV/nm) [2]. The intermediate region has not been studied in detail but we will show in this work that essentially no changes in density occur in this zone. An interesting effect of the compaction is that the refractive index is increased with respect to that of the surroundings. In the first Se region it is clear that track overlapping leads to continuous amorphous layers that present a significant contrast with respect to the pristine substrate and this has been used to produce optical waveguides. The optical effects of intermediate and high stopping powers, on the other hand, are largely unknown so far. In this work we have studied theoretically (molecular dynamics and optical simulations) and experimentally (irradiation with SHI and optical characterization) the dependence of the macroscopic optical properties (i.e., the refractive index of the effective medium, n_EMA) on the electronic stopping power of the incoming ions. Our results show that the refractive index of the irradiated silica is not increased in the intermediate region, as expected; however, the core-shell tracks of the high-Se region produce a quite effective enhancement of n_EMA that could prove attractive for the fabrication of optical waveguides at ultralow fluences (as low as 1E11 cm^-2). 1. J. Manzano, J. Olivares, F. Agulló-López, M. L. Crespillo, A. Moroño, and E. Hodgson, "Optical waveguides obtained by swift-ion irradiation on silica (a-SiO2)," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 268, 3147-3150 (2010). 2. P. Kluth, C. S. Schnohr, O. H. Pakarinen, F. Djurabekova, D. J. Sprouster, R. Giulian, M. C. Ridgway, A. P. Byrne, C. Trautmann, D. J. Cookson, K. Nordlund, and M. Toulemonde, "Fine structure in swift heavy ion tracks in amorphous SiO2," Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 175503 (2008).


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Implementation of a high-efficiency quantum dot intermediate-band solar cell (QD-IBSC) must accompany a sufficient photocurrent generation via IB states. The demonstration of a QD-IBSC is presently undergoing two stages. The first is to develop a technology to fabricate high-density QD stacks or a superlattice of low defect density placed within the active region of a p-i-n SC, and the second is to realize half-filled IB states to maximize the photocurrent generation by two-step absorption of sub-bandgap photons. For this, we have investigated the effect of light concentration on the characteristics of QDSCs comprised of multi-layer stacks of self-organized InAs/GaNAs QDs grown with and without impurity doping in molecular beam epitaxy.


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In this study we analyze the electrical behavior of a junction formed by an ultraheavily Ti implanted Si layer processed by a Pulsed Laser Melting (PLM) and the non implanted Si substrate. This electrical behavior exhibits an electrical decoupling effect in this bilayer that we have associated to an Intermediate Band (IB) formation in the Ti supersaturated Si layer. Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToFSIMS) measurements show a Ti depth profile with concentrations well above the theoretical limit required to the IB formation. Sheet resistance and Hall mobility measurements in the van der Pauw configuration of these bilayers exhibit a clear dependence with the different measurement currents introduced (1menor queA-1mA). We find that the electrical transport properties measured present an electrical decoupling effect in the bilayer as function of the temperature. The dependence of this effect with the injected current could be explained in terms of an additional current flow in the junction from the substrate to the IB layer and in terms of the voltage dependence in the junction with the measurement current.