953 resultados para Hybrid-electric vehicles


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Latinalaisen Amerikan osuus maailmantaloudesta on pieni verrattuna sen maantieteelliseen kokoon, väkilukuun ja luonnonvaroihin. Aluetta pidetään kuitenkin yhtenä tulevaisuuden merkittävistä kasvumarkkinoista. Useissa Latinalaisen Amerikan maissa on teollisuutta, joka hyödyntää luonnonvaroja ja tuottaa raaka-aineita sekä kotimaan että ulkomaiden markkinoille. Tällaisia tyypillisiä teollisuudenaloja Latinalaisessa Amerikassa ovat kaivos- ja metsäteollisuus sekä öljyn ja maakaasun tuotanto. Näiden teollisuudenalojen tuotantolaitteiden ja koneiden valmistusta ei Latinalaisessa Amerikassa juurikaan ole. Ne tuodaan yleensä Pohjois-Amerikasta ja Euroopasta. Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan sähkömoottorien ja taajuusmuuttajien markkinapotentiaalia Latinalaisessa Amerikassa. Tutkimuksessa perehdytään Latinalaisen Amerikan maiden kansantalouksien tilaan sekä arvioidaan sähkömoottorien ja taajuusmuuttajien markkinoiden kokoa tullitilastojen avulla. Chilen kaivosteollisuudessa arvioidaan olevan erityistä potentiaalia. Diplomityössä selvitetään ostoprosessin kulkua Chilen kaivosteollisuudessa ja eri asiakastyyppien roolia siinä sekä tärkeimpiä päätöskriteerejä toimittaja- ja teknologiavalinnoissa.


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Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli tutkia älykkäiden paikoituskäyttöjen markkinoita ja liiketoimintamalleja. Työn pääongelmina oli määritellä alalla käytössä olevaa terminologiaa, määrittää markkinoiden koko paikoitusominaisuudet omaaville kolmivaihetaajuusmuuttajille, tutkia viiden alalla toimivan paikoituskäyttötoimittajan liiketoimintarakenteita ja tuotteita teknisestä näkökulmasta sekä esitellä kaksi teollisuuden käyttökohdetta paikoituskäytölle. Työn sisältö voidaan jakaa neljään eri osioon. Terminologian määrittely- ja markkinatutkimusosiot perustuvat pääasiassa kirjallisuustutkimukseen. Paikoituskäyttöjen toimittajia sekä niiden tuotteita käsittelevä osuus perustuu kirjallisuustutkimukseen sekä teknisiin esitteisiin ja manuaaleihin. Paikoituskäyttöjen sovellusesimerkit on selvitetty haastatteluin. Työ painottuu paikoituskäyttötoimittajien tuotteiden, tuoteominaisuuksien ja tuotetarjonnan tarkasteluun. Työn tuloksena on määritelty paikoituskäyttöjen liiketoiminnan tärkeimmät termit, paikoituskäyttöjen markkinoiden koko sekä markkinoiden koko paikoitusominaisuudet omaavalle kolmivaihetaajuusmuuttajalle. Alalla toimivien paikoituskäyttötoimittajien liiketoimintarakenne on selvitetty, jonka mukaan toimittajat on profiloitu komponentti-, komponenttipaketti-, toimialakeskeisiksi tai automaatiotoimittajiksi. Toimittajien paikoituskäyttötuotteet on luokiteltu viiteen eri luokkaan niiden teknisten ominaisuuksien perusteella. Lisäksi paikoituskäyttöjen suorituskyvyt on selvitetty säätimien momentti-, nopeus-, ja paikoituslaskenta-aikatasojen sekä kenttäväyläliityntöjen suhteen. Työssä kuvatut vanerinsorvausprosessi sekä FMS -materiaalinkäsittelyprosessi esittävät paikoituskäyttöjen potentiaalisia sovelluskohteita.


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Reaaliaikaisten käyttöjärjestelmien käyttö sulautetuissa järjestelmissä on kasvamassa koko ajan. Sulautettuja tietokoneita käytetään yhä useammassa kohteessa kuten sähkökäyttöjen ohjauksessa. Sähkökäyttöjen ohjaus hoidetaan nykyisin yleensä nopealla digitaalisella signaaliprosessorilla (DSP), jolloin ohjelmointi ja päivittäminen on hidasta ja vaikeaa johtuen käytettävästä matalan tason Assembler-kielestä. Ratkaisuna yleiskäyttöisten prosessorien ja reaaliaikakäyttöjärjestelmien käyttö. Kaupalliset reaaliaikakäyttöjärjestelmät ovat kalliita ja lähdekoodin saaminen omaan käyttöön jopa mahdotonta. Linux on ei-kaupallinen avoimen lähdekoodin käyttöjärjestelmä, joten sen käyttö on ilmaista ja sitä voi muokata vapaasti. Linux:iin on saatavana useita laajennuksia, jotka tekevät siitä reaaliaikaisen käyttöjärjestelmän. Vaihtoehtoina joko kova (hard) tai pehmeä (soft) reaaliaikaisuus. Linux:iin on olemassa valmiita kehitysympäristöjä mutta ne kaipaavat parannusta ennen kuin niitä voidaan käyttää suuressa mittakaavassa teollisuudessa. Reaaliaika Linux ei sovellus nopeisiin ohjauslooppeihin (<100 ms) koska nopeus ei riitä vielä mutta nopeus kasvaa samalla kun prosessorit kehittyvät. Linux soveltuu hyvin rajapinnaksi nopean ohjauksen ja käyttäjän välille ja hitaampaan ohjaukseen.


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The electrical and electroluminescence (EL) properties at room and high temperatures of oxide/ nitride/oxide (ONO)-based light emitting capacitors are studied. The ONO multidielectric layer is enriched with silicon by means of ion implantation. The exceeding silicon distribution follows a Gaussian profile with a maximum of 19%, centered close to the lower oxide/nitride interface. The electrical measurements performed at room and high temperatures allowed to unambiguously identify variable range hopping (VRH) as the dominant electrical conduction mechanism at low voltages, whereas at moderate and high voltages, a hybrid conduction formed by means of variable range hopping and space charge-limited current enhanced by Poole-Frenkel effect predominates. The EL spectra at different temperatures are also recorded, and the correlation between charge transport mechanisms and EL properties is discussed.


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This symposium presents research from different contexts to improve our collective understanding of a variety of aspects of mixed forms of service delivery, be they mixed contracting at the level of the market (which is more common in the U.S.), or mixed management and ownership at the level of the firm (which is more common in Europe). The articles included in this special symposium examine the factors that give rise to mixed forms of service delivery (e.g., economic and fiscal stress, regulatory flexibility, geography, management) and how these factors impact their design and operation. Articles also explore the performance of mixed forms of service delivery relative to more conventional arrangements like contracted or direct service delivery. The articles contribute to a better theoretical and conceptual understanding of mixed/hybrid forms of services delivery.


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We investigate nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) parameters of the rhodopsin chromophore in the dark state of the protein and in the early photointermediate bathorhodopsin via first-principles molecular dynamics simulations and NMR chemical shift calculations in a hybrid quantum/classical (QM/MM) framework. NMR parameters are particularly sensitive to structural properties and to the chemical environment, which allows us to address different questions about the retinal chromophore in situ. Our calculations show that both the 13C and the 1H NMR chemical shifts are rather insensitive to the protonation state of Glu181, an ionizable amino acid side chain located in the vicinity of the isomerizing 11-cis bond. Thus, other techniques should be better suited to establish its protonation state. The calculated chemical shifts for bathorhodopsin further support our previously published theoretical structure, which is in very good agreement with more recent X-ray data.


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The structure of the electric double layer in contact with discrete and continuously charged planar surfaces is studied within the framework of the primitive model through Monte Carlo simulations. Three different discretization models are considered together with the case of uniform distribution. The effect of discreteness is analyzed in terms of charge density profiles. For point surface groups,a complete equivalence with the situation of uniformly distributed charge is found if profiles are exclusively analyzed as a function of the distance to the charged surface. However, some differences are observed moving parallel to the surface. Significant discrepancies with approaches that do not account for discreteness are reported if charge sites of finite size placed on the surface are considered.


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The CO2-laser-MAG hybrid welding process has been shown to be a productive choice for the welding industry, being used in e.g. the shipbuilding, pipe and beam manufacturing, and automotive industries. It provides an opportunity to increase the productivity of welding of joints containing air gaps compared with autogenous laser beam welding, with associated reductions in distortion and marked increases in welding speeds and penetration in comparison with both arc and autogenous laser welding. The literature study indicated that the phenomena of laser hybrid welding are mostly being studied using bead-on-plate welding or zero air gap configurations. This study shows it very clearly that the CO2 laser-MAG hybrid welding process is completely different, when there is a groove with an air gap. As in case of industrial use it is excepted that welding is performed for non-zero grooves, this study is of great importance for industrial applications. The results of this study indicate that by using a 6 kW CO2 laser-MAG hybrid welding process, the welding speed may also be increased if an air gap is present in the joint. Experimental trials indicated that the welding speed may be increased by 30-82% when compared with bead-on-plate welding, or welding of a joint with no air gap i.e. a joint prepared as optimum for autogenous laser welding. This study demonstrates very clearly, that the separation of the different processes, as well as the relative configurations of the processes (arc leading or trailing) affect welding performance significantly. These matters influence the droplet size and therefore the metal transfer mode, which in turn determined the resulting weld quality and the ability to bridge air gaps. Welding in bead-onplate mode, or of an I butt joint containing no air gap joint is facilitated by using a leading torch. This is due to the preheating effect of the arc, which increases the absorptivity of the work piece to the laser beam, enabling greater penetration and the use of higher welding speeds. With an air gap present, air gap bridging is more effectively achieved by using a trailing torch because of the lower arc power needed, the wider arc, and the movement of droplets predominantly towards the joint edges. The experiments showed, that the mode of metal transfer has a marked effect on gap bridgeability. Transfer of a single droplet per arc pulse may not be desirable if an air gap is present, because most of the droplets are directed towards the middle of the joint where no base material is present. In such cases, undercut is observed. Pulsed globular and rotational metal transfer modes enable molten metal to also be transferred to the joint edges, and are therefore superior metal transfer modes when bridging air gaps. It was also found very obvious, that process separation is an important factor in gap bridgeability. If process separation is too large, the resulting weld often exhibits sagging, or no weld may be formed at all as a result of the reduced interaction between the component processes. In contrast, if the processes are too close to one another, the processing region contains excess molten metal that may create difficulties for the keyhole to remain open. When the distance is optimised - i.e. a separation of 0-4 mm in this study, depending on the welding speed and beam-arc configuration - the processes act together, creating beneficial synergistic effects. The optimum process separation when using a trailing torch was found to be shorter (0-2 mm) than when a leading torch is used (2-4 mm); a result of the facilitation of weld pool motion when the latter configuration is adopted. This study demonstrates, that the MAG process used has a strong effect on the CO2-laser-MAG hybrid welding process. The laser beam welding component is relatively stable and easy to manage, with only two principal processing parameters (power and welding speed) needing to be adjusted. In contrast, the MAG process has a large number of processing parameters to optimise, all of which play an important role in the interaction between the laser beam and the arc. The parameters used for traditional MAG welding are often not optimal in achieving the most appropriate mode of metal transfer, and weld quality in laser hybrid welding, and must be optimised if the full range of benefits provided by hybrid welding are to be realised.


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This thesis studies the possibilities to recover energy in a hydraulic forklift system. Controlling of the system is done directly with an electric servo motor drive and a hydraulic pump. A real system was built and tested and simulations of the system were made with Matlab. Results of the system and simulations were analysed and compared and according to them, energy can be recovered efficiently from the hydraulic forklift system. Also new ideas and directions of further research were obtained with the help of this research.


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The aim of the study is to obtain a mathematical description for an alternative variant of controlling a hydraulic circuit with an electrical drive. The electrical and hydraulic systems are described by basic mathematical equations. The flexibilities of the load and boom is modeled with assumed mode method. The model is achieved and proven with simulations. The controller is constructed and proven to decrease oscillations and improve the dynamic response of the system.


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The aim of this work is to design a flywheel generator for a diesel hybrid working machine. In this work we perform detailed design of a generator. Mobile machines are commonly used in industry: road building machines, three harvesting machines, boring machines, trucks and other equipment. These machines work with a hydraulic drive system. This system provides good service property and high technical level. Manufacturers of mobile machines tend to satisfy all requirements of customers and modernized drive system. In this work also a description of the frequency inverter is present. Power electronics system is one of the basic parts for structures perform in the project.


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Este artículo describe investigación sobre los efectos de la desambiguación morfosintáctica usada como un preproceso de un analizador sint´actico profundo basado en HPSG, en el contexto del desarrollo de un treebank del español de código abierto, en el entorno de DELPH-IN. La anotación treebank se realiza manualmente tomando las decisiones apropiadas entre las opciones propuestas por el sistema y ordenadas por un módulo estadístico. Los experimentos presentados muestran que el uso de un etiquetador reduce la ambigüedad de las frases, y contribuye a limitar la cantidad de frases cuyo análisis sobrepasa a el límite de tiempo, y ayuda a al m´odulo estadístico a clasificar el árbol correcto entre los n mejores. Por un lado, nuestros resultados validan los beneficios ya reportados en la literatura de tal preproceso de análisis profundo con respecto a la velocidad, cobertura y precisión. Por otro lado, proponemos una estrategia basada en existentes herramientas de código abierto y recursos para desarrollar con alta consitencia treebanks de sintaxis profunda para idiomas con limitada disponibilidad de recursos lingüísticos.


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Differences in parasite transmission intensity influence the process of acquisition of host immunity to Plasmodium falciparum malaria and ultimately, the rate of malaria related morbidity and mortality. Potential vaccines being designed to complement current intervention efforts therefore need to be evaluated against different malaria endemicity backgrounds. The associations between antibody responses to the chimeric merozoite surface protein 1 block 2 hybrid (MSP1 hybrid), glutamate-rich protein region 2 (GLURP R2) and the peptide AS202.11, and the risk of malaria were assessed in children living in malaria hyperendemic (Burkina Faso, n = 354) and hypo-endemic (Ghana, n = 209) areas. Using the same reagent lots and standardized protocols for both study sites, immunoglobulin (Ig) M, IgG and IgG sub-class levels to each antigen were measured by ELISA in plasma from the children (aged 6-72 months). Associations between antibody levels and risk of malaria were assessed using Cox regression models adjusting for covariates. There was a significant association between GLURP R2 IgG3 and reduced risk of malaria after adjusting age of children in both the Burkinabe (hazard ratio 0.82; 95 % CI 0.74-0.91, p < 0.0001) and the Ghanaian (HR 0.48; 95 % CI 0.25-0.91, p = 0.02) cohorts. MSP1 hybrid IgM was associated (HR 0.85; 95 % CI 0.73-0.98, p = 0.02) with reduced risk of malaria in Burkina Faso cohort while IgG against AS202.11 in the Ghanaian children was associated with increased risk of malaria (HR 1.29; 95 % CI 1.01-1.65, p = 0.04). These findings support further development of GLURP R2 and MSP1 block 2 hybrid, perhaps as a fusion vaccine antigen targeting malaria blood stage that can be deployed in areas of varying transmission intensity.