844 resultados para Heterogeneous information network


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In this article the medical data-advisory web-resource developed by authors is considered. This resource allows carrying out information interchange between consumers of medical services and the medical establishments which give these services, and firms-manufacturers of medical equipment and medicaments. Main sections of this web-site, their purposes and capabilities are considered in this article.


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The paper is devoted to the description of hybrid pattern recognition method developed by research groups from Russia, Armenia and Spain. The method is based upon logical correction over the set of conventional neural networks. Output matrices of neural networks are processed according to the potentiality principle which allows increasing of recognition reliability.


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In the present paper the problems of the optimal control of systems when constraints are imposed on the control is considered. The optimality conditions are given in the form of Pontryagin’s maximum principle. The obtained piecewise linear function is approximated by using feedforward neural network. A numerical example is given.


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Modern enterprises work in highly dynamic environment. Thus, the developing of company strategy is of crucial importance. It determines the surviving of the enterprise and its evolution. Adapting the desired management goal in accordance with the environment changes is a complex problem. In the present paper, an approach for solving this problem is suggested. It is based on predictive control philosophy. The enterprise is modelled as a cybernetic system and the future plant response is predicted by a neural network model. The predictions are passed to an optimization routine, which attempts to minimize the quadratic performance criterion.


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This work presents a theoretical-graph method of determining the fault tolerance degree of the computer network interconnections and nodes. Experimental results received from simulations of this method over a distributed computing network environment are also presented.


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* The work is supported by RFBR, grant 04-01-00858-a


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Two jamming cancellation algorithms are developed based on a stable solution of least squares problem (LSP) provided by regularization. They are based on filtered singular value decomposition (SVD) and modifications of the Greville formula. Both algorithms allow an efficient hardware implementation. Testing results on artificial data modeling difficult real-world situations are also provided.


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The principles of adaptive routing and multi-agent control for information flows in IP-networks.


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Part of network management is collecting information about the activities that go on around a distributed system and analyzing it in real time, at a deferred moment, or both. The reason such information may be stored in log files and analyzed later is to data-mine it so that interesting, unusual, or abnormal patterns can be discovered. In this paper we propose defining patterns in network activity logs using a dialect of First Order Temporal Logics (FOTL), called First Order Temporal Logic with Duration Constrains (FOTLDC). This logic is powerful enough to describe most network activity patterns because it can handle both causal and temporal correlations. Existing results for data-mining patterns with similar structure give us the confidence that discovering DFOTL patterns in network activity logs can be done efficiently.


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In this paper, a modification for the high-order neural network (HONN) is presented. Third order networks are considered for achieving translation, rotation and scale invariant pattern recognition. They require however much storage and computation power for the task. The proposed modified HONN takes into account a priori knowledge of the binary patterns that have to be learned, achieving significant gain in computation time and memory requirements. This modification enables the efficient computation of HONNs for image fields of greater that 100 × 100 pixels without any loss of pattern information.


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MINERVA is a project funded by the European Commission IST Programme within the 5th Framework Programme. It created a network of EU Ministries and other agencies in charge of cultural policies and programmes, which is open to enlargement to new countries and new sectors of the civil society. The network discusses, correlates and harmonises the activities carried out in the field of digitisation of cultural and scientific heritage, aiming at creating a common European platform made up of agreed recommendations, guidelines, standards. The network acts also to foster collaboration between European Commission and Member States, to ensure awareness of European policies at national level, to exchange good practice, to coordinate national programmes in order to embed in national digitisation activities the technical results achieved by the network. Some main outcomes of the activities are presented.


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The problems and methods for adaptive control and multi-agent processing of information in global telecommunication and computer networks (TCN) are discussed. Criteria for controllability and communication ability (routing ability) of dataflows are described. Multi-agent model for exchange of divided information resources in global TCN has been suggested. Peculiarities for adaptive and intelligent control of dataflows in uncertain conditions and network collisions are analyzed.


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An experimental comparison of information features used by neural network is performed. The sensing method was used. Suboptimal classifier agreeable to the gaussian model of the training data was used as a probe. Neural nets with architectures of perceptron and feedforward net with one hidden layer were used. The experiments were carried out with spatial ultrasonic data, which are used for car’s passenger safety system neural controller learning. In this paper we show that a neural network doesn’t fully make use of gaussian components, which are first two moment coefficients of probability distribution. On the contrary, the network can find more complicated regularities inside data vectors and thus shows better results than suboptimal classifier. The parallel connection of suboptimal classifier improves work of modular neural network whereas its connection to the network input improves the specialization effect during training.


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It is proposed an agent approach for creation of intelligent intrusion detection system. The system allows detecting known type of attacks and anomalies in user activity and computer system behavior. The system includes different types of intelligent agents. The most important one is user agent based on neural network model of user behavior. Proposed approach is verified by experiments in real Intranet of Institute of Physics and Technologies of National Technical University of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute”.


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On the basis of convolutional (Hamming) version of recent Neural Network Assembly Memory Model (NNAMM) for intact two-layer autoassociative Hopfield network optimal receiver operating characteristics (ROCs) have been derived analytically. A method of taking into account explicitly a priori probabilities of alternative hypotheses on the structure of information initiating memory trace retrieval and modified ROCs (mROCs, a posteriori probabilities of correct recall vs. false alarm probability) are introduced. The comparison of empirical and calculated ROCs (or mROCs) demonstrates that they coincide quantitatively and in this way intensities of cues used in appropriate experiments may be estimated. It has been found that basic ROC properties which are one of experimental findings underpinning dual-process models of recognition memory can be explained within our one-factor NNAMM.