1000 resultados para Hermann Löher


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Recovery from the end-Permian mass extinction is frequently described as delayed(1-3), with complex ecological communities typically not found in the fossil record until the Middle Triassic epoch. However, the taxonomic diversity of a number of marine groups, ranging from ammonoids to benthic foraminifera, peaked rapidly in the Early Triassic(4-10). These variations in biodiversity occur amidst pronounced excursions in the carbon isotope record, which are compatible with episodes of massive CO2 outgassing from the Siberian Large Igneous Province(4,11-13). Here we present a high-resolution Early Triassic temperature record based on the oxygen isotope composition of pristine apatite from fossil conodonts. Our reconstruction shows that the beginning of the Smithian substage of the Early Triassic was marked by a cooler climate, followed by an interval of warmth lasting until the Spathian substage boundary. Cooler conditions resumed in the Spathian. We find the greatest increases in taxonomic diversity during the cooler phases of the early Smithian and early Spathian. In contrast, a period of extreme warmth in the middle and late Smithian was associated with floral ecological change and high faunal taxonomic turnover in the ocean. We suggest that climate upheaval and carbon-cycle perturbations due to volcanic outgassing were important drivers of Early Triassic biotic recovery.


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BACKGROUND: The excess in cardiovascular risk in patients with rheumatoid arthritis provides a strong rationale for early therapeutical interventions. In view of the similarities between atherosclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis and the proven benefit of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in atherosclerotic vascular disease, it was the aim of the present study to delineate the impact of ramipril on endothelial function as well as on markers of inflammation and oxidative stress in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. METHODS AND RESULTS: Eleven patients with rheumatoid arthritis were included in this randomized, double-blind, crossover study to receive ramipril in an uptitration design (2.5 to 10 mg) for 8 weeks followed by placebo, or vice versa, on top of standard antiinflammatory therapy. Endothelial function assessed by flow-mediated dilation of the brachial artery, markers of inflammation and oxidative stress, and disease activity were investigated at baseline and after each treatment period. Endothelial function assessed by flow-mediated dilation increased from 2.85+/-1.49% to 4.00+/-1.81% (P=0.017) after 8 weeks of therapy with ramipril but did not change with placebo (from 2.85+/-1.49% to 2.84+/-2.47%; P=0.88). Although systolic blood pressure and heart rate remained unaltered, diastolic blood pressure decreased slightly from 78+/-7 to 74+/-6 mm Hg (P=0.03). Tumor necrosis factor-alpha showed a significant inverse correlation with flow-mediated dilation (r=-0.408, P=0.02), and CD40 significantly decreased after ramipril therapy (P=0.049). CONCLUSIONS: Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition with 10 mg/d ramipril for 8 weeks on top of current antiinflammatory treatment markedly improved endothelial function in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. This finding suggests that angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition may provide a novel strategy to prevent cardiovascular events in these patients.


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BACKGROUND: Because traditional nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs are associated with increased risk for acute cardiovascular events, current guidelines recommend acetaminophen as the first-line analgesic of choice on the assumption of its greater cardiovascular safety. Data from randomized clinical trials prospectively addressing cardiovascular safety of acetaminophen, however, are still lacking, particularly in patients at increased cardiovascular risk. Hence, the aim of this study was to evaluate the safety of acetaminophen in patients with coronary artery disease. METHODS AND RESULTS: The 33 patients with coronary artery disease included in this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study received acetaminophen (1 g TID) on top of standard cardiovascular therapy for 2 weeks. Ambulatory blood pressure, heart rate, endothelium-dependent and -independent vasodilatation, platelet function, endothelial progenitor cells, markers of the renin-angiotensin system, inflammation, and oxidative stress were determined at baseline and after each treatment period. Treatment with acetaminophen resulted in a significant increase in mean systolic (from 122.4±11.9 to 125.3±12.0 mm Hg P=0.02 versus placebo) and diastolic (from 73.2±6.9 to 75.4±7.9 mm Hg P=0.02 versus placebo) ambulatory blood pressures. On the other hand, heart rate, endothelial function, early endothelial progenitor cells, and platelet function did not change. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates for the first time that acetaminophen induces a significant increase in ambulatory blood pressure in patients with coronary artery disease. Thus, the use of acetaminophen should be evaluated as rigorously as traditional nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors, particularly in patients at increased cardiovascular risk. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: URL: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT00534651.


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BACKGROUND: Pioglitazone, an oral anti-diabetic that stimulates the PPAR-gamma transcription factor, increased survival of mice with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We performed a phase II, double blind, multicentre, placebo controlled trial of pioglitazone in ALS patients under riluzole. 219 patients were randomly assigned to receive 45 mg/day of pioglitazone or placebo (one: one allocation ratio). The primary endpoint was survival. Secondary endpoints included incidence of non-invasive ventilation and tracheotomy, and slopes of ALS-FRS, slow vital capacity, and quality of life as assessed using EUROQoL EQ-5D. The study was conducted under a two-stage group sequential test, allowing to stop for futility or superiority after interim analysis. Shortly after interim analysis, 30 patients under pioglitazone and 24 patients under placebo had died. The trial was stopped for futility; the hazard ratio for primary endpoint was 1.21 (95% CI: 0.71-2.07, p = 0.48). Secondary endpoints were not modified by pioglitazone treatment. Pioglitazone was well tolerated. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Pioglitazone has no beneficial effects on the survival of ALS patients as add-on therapy to riluzole. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinicaltrials.gov NCT00690118.


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O intervalo entre a dessecação e a semeadura da cultura de interesse comercial pode favorecer o crescimento e desenvolvimento dessas plantas e, conseqüentemente, aumentar sua produtividade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de diferentes intervalos de dessecação e uso de diferentes tipos de plantas de cobertura na fertilidade do solo, no teor nutricional e no crescimento inicial da cultura do milho. O experimento foi realizado em condições controladas de casa de vegetação, sendo constituído dos seguintes tratamentos: quatro intervalos de dessecação antecedendo a cultura comercial, que corresponderam a 21, 14, 7 e 0 dias, em interação com três espécies de cobertura vegetal; Crotalaria juncea (crotalária); Pennisetum americanum (milheto) e Brachiaria brizantha cv. marandu (braquiária). O maior intervalo entre a dessecação e a semeadura do milho aumentou o teor de MO, P e K no solo; o teor desses dois nutrientes no solo depende da planta de cobertura em questão. O milho apresentou maior absorção de N, P e K, em razão do maior intervalo de dessecação das plantas de cobertura. O crescimento do milho foi favorecido em razão dos maiores intervalos de dessecação das espécies de cobertura, devendo ser respeitado o intervalo superior a 14 dias para maior disponibilidade de nutrientes às plantas.


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O alto custo das adubações, a importância da nutrição mineral na produtividade e o nível de tecnologia adotado nas lavouras de arroz irrigado no sul do Brasil tornam relevante a utilização de técnicas de avaliação do estado nutricional, como a diagnose foliar. Entre os métodos para diagnóstico nutricional das plantas, destaca-se o Sistema Integrado de Diagnose e Recomendação (DRIS), que utiliza o conceito do balanço de nutrientes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer normas de referência DRIS e padrões nutricionais para a cultura do arroz irrigado por inundação. Foram utilizados resultados de análise foliar e de produtividade de 356 lavouras das diferentes regiões arrozeiras do Rio Grande do Sul na safra 2005/2006. As amostragens foram feitas no estádio de florescimento da cultura. A população de alta produtividade foi determinada pela melhor correlação entre o Índice de Balanço Nutricional (IBN) e a produtividade, sendo ela a que atingiu produtividade > 9.000 kg ha-1. O cálculo das funções e índices DRIS baseou-se no método original de Beaufils. Os resultados indicaram que: a concentração dos nutrientes mostrou relação positiva com os respectivos índices DRIS; o IBN apresentou correlação negativa com a produtividade; a determinação do ponto de equilíbrio DRIS permitiu o estabelecimento de um padrão nutricional para o arroz irrigado por inundação; e o método DRIS, utilizando normas específicas para o Rio Grande do Sul, foi eficiente no diagnóstico nutricional do arroz irrigado por inundação.


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We investigated the association between diet and head and neck cancer (HNC) risk using data from the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology (INHANCE) consortium. The INHANCE pooled data included 22 case-control studies with 14,520 cases and 22,737 controls. Center-specific quartiles among the controls were used for food groups, and frequencies per week were used for single food items. A dietary pattern score combining high fruit and vegetable intake and low red meat intake was created. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the dietary items on the risk of HNC were estimated with a two-stage random-effects logistic regression model. An inverse association was observed for higher-frequency intake of fruit (4th vs. 1st quartile OR = 0.52, 95% CI = 0.43-0.62, p (trend) < 0.01) and vegetables (OR = 0.66, 95% CI = 0.49-0.90, p (trend) = 0.01). Intake of red meat (OR = 1.40, 95% CI = 1.13-1.74, p p (trend) < 0.01) was positively associated with HNC risk. Higher dietary pattern scores, reflecting high fruit/vegetable and low red meat intake, were associated with reduced HNC risk (per score increment OR = 0.90, 95% CI = 0.84-0.97).


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We describe a calorimetric assay for the detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) within 5 h. Microbial heat was calculated in culture with and without cefoxitin. Among 30 genetically distinct clinical isolates, 19/20 MRSA (95%) and 10/10 methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (100%) were correctly identified. Microcalorimetry may be useful for rapid MRSA screening.


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Para o arroz irrigado, poucos trabalhos utilizam métodos de diagnose foliar desenvolvidos para as condições locais de clima, solo ou cultivares. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os métodos da Diagnose da Composição Nutricional e da Chance Matemática na definição dos padrões nutricionais de lavouras arrozeiras do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Resultados de produtividade de grãos e teores foliares de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn e Mo de 356 lavouras arrozeiras cultivadas sob sistema de irrigação por inundação foram utilizados para a determinação das faixas de suficiência calculadas pelo método da Chance Matemática. As faixas de suficiência foram comparadas com valores críticos propostos pela literatura e com o intervalo de confiança do teor médio dos nutrientes em lavouras consideradas nutricionalmente equilibradas, identificadas pelo método Diagnose da Composição Nutricional. Observou-se pouca concordância entre os valores das faixas de suficiência indicados pelos métodos da Chance Matemática e da Diagnose da Composição Nutricional e os respectivos valores indicados na literatura. A faixa de teores foliares adequados, consistentes com maior produtividade média das lavouras arrozeiras, foi indicada ser de 23 a 28 g kg-1 para N; 11 a 14 g kg-1 para K; 1,4 a 2,0 g kg-1 para S; 6 a 12 mg kg-1 para B; e 70 a 200 mg kg-1 para Fe. Para os teores foliares de P, Ca, Mg, B, Cu, Mn e Zn e Mo nenhuma das faixas adequadas testadas indicou capacidade para distinguir as lavouras arrozeiras quanto à produtividade média.


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