999 resultados para Hemoglobinopatias - Diagnóstico de laboratório
Partindo de adultos oriundos da colônia de Stomoxys calcitrans estabelecida na Estação para Pesquisas Parasitológicas W. O. Neitz, da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, a temperatura constante de 27-C e 70-80% de umidade relativa, uma fêmea e dois machos foram isolados em gaiolas individuais para observações de alguns parâmetros biológicos, previamente determinados, tais como: número de fêmeas que chegam a efetuar postura, número real de ovos por fêmea, periodicidade de postura e lingevidade das fêmeas. Depois de quatro ensaios com seis fêmeas no primeiro e no segundo, sete e oito fêmeas no terceiro e quarto ensaios, respectivametne, num total de 27 fêmeas isoladas, apenas dez fizeram posturas (37,0%); o número total de ovos foi 2.254, tendo a média de ovos por fêmea sido 83,4; as fêmeas tiveram um período e postura que variou de 3 a 17 dias, com uma média de 10,2 dias; o ritmo de postura variou de uma até sete posturas com intervalos, mas também, variando entre menos de 24 horas até seis dias.
Em prosseguimento ao estudo da biologia do Triatoma vitticeps (Gonçalves et al., 1988), foram feitas observações sobre a sua resistência ao jejum. Dos 286 ovos obtidos, apenas 201 eclodiram e atingiram o estádio pretendido para as observações. Os demais não eclodiram, não completaram a muda ou morreram sem motivo aparente. As ninfas foram acondicionadas, individualmente em frascos de Borrel, devidamente registrados. Para a alimentação foram utilizados camundongos e a medida que as ninfas atingiam o estágio pretendido a alimentação era suspensa até ocorrer a morte. A avaliação da resistência ao jejum foi feita da seguinte forma: o intervalo de dias entre o último repasto e a morte e entre a muda e a morte. Verificou-se que a resistência está diretamente relacionada com a fase de desenvolvimento. Para os parâmetros último repasto/morte e muda/morte, ambos os sexos foram menos resistentes do que as ninfas de 3º e 2º estádios, respectivamente. O experimento teve duração de 15 meses e neste período as temperaturas máxima e mínima e a umidade relativa do ar variaram em média de 25 ± 2ºC e 81 ± 3% UR, respectivamente. O material foi proveniente da criação de triatomíneos mantida no Departamento de Entomologia do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz.
Se aplicó la técnica de detección de antigenos precoces fluorescentes (DAPF) usando el anticuerpo monoclonal E-13 McAb, mediante el cual se lograron detectar 15 casos positivos a CMV de 75 muestras de orina o sangre ("buffy coat") tomadas de 52 pacientes inmunocomprometidos ingresados en el Instituto de Nefrología de ciudad Habana. Aplicando las técnicas clásicas de aislamiento en fibroblastos humanos diploides (MRC-5), se lograron aislar 12 cepas de CMV de casos previamente positivos por DAPF; lográndose además un aislamiento en una muestra reportada negativa por fluorescencia. Se observó una coincidencia de un 80% entre ambas técnicas. Se detectó la presencia de anticuerpos IgG contra CMV en todos los casos estudiados, utilizando para ello la técnica ELISA.
Observation about conhabitation among B. glabrata and B. tenagophila revealed a greater vulnerability of B. tenagophila population during the process of competition when its density was severaly decreased in 12 trials, moderate in 2 trials. It was higher than B. glabrata in only one trial. Some snail water chemical parameters analysed such as pH, alkalinity, conductivity and oxygen dissolve, an the viability rate of batch of eggs didn't give subsidy to explain the competition mechanism. The newly-born survival, in the situation of cohabitation, was low for both species. This reveals the existence of intra and interspecific competitive interacition. The fertility rate reduction of B. tenagophila during the cohabitation was considered as a cause of its exlusion. One of the factors that seems to have influenced the fertility rate was a possible wrong crossing.
El diagnóstico de la cuenca de río Frío forma parte del proyecto Araucaria XXI "Unidos por el agua", el objetivo principal de este estudio es conseguir una visión general en 4 ámbitos: biofísico, social, económico y administrativo para conocer el estado actual de la zona y poder conocer las principales problemáticas para posteriormente realizar el Plan de Manejo. La cuenca del río Frío se localiza en el Área de Conservación Huetar- Norte y esta constituida principalmente por los cantones de Guatuso y Los Chiles. Se trata de una zona con una importante variedad de ecosistemas y con una importante diversidad biológica, principalmente la avifauna. Esta zona ha sufrido a lo largo de los años una importante transformación paisajística, las grandes masas boscosas han sido modificadas muy rápidamente en pastos y cultivos, que son las principales actividades económicas. Se trata de una zona aislada de Costa Rica y fronteriza con Nicaragua, la situación de la zona tanto económica como social es mala, presenta índices de analfabetismo elevados, falta de fuentes de empleo, falta de recursos económicos y de presencia institucional. Las infraestructuras viales presentan un estado muy deteriorado que dificulta el desarrollo de actividades turísticas. A todo este conjunto de problemática observadas gracias al diagnóstico se les han planteado toda una serie de estrategias orientativas para mejorar la gestión de la cuenca del río Frío que buscan un desarrollo más sostenible de la zona.
Se ha elaborado un diagnóstico a partir de un exhaustivo análisis del Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Caño Negro. Esta zona pertenece al Área de Conservación Arenal Huetar Norte, situado al norte de Costa Rica. El refugio forma parte de la cuenca de río Frío y consiste en un sistema de humedales continentales. El diagnóstico contiene la descripción de los aspectos biofísicos, socioeconómicos y administrativo-institucionales del área. La metodología utilizada se basa en un estudio de la bibliografía sobre la zona y posteriormente un análisis detallado de este para observar las problemáticas y oportunidades. Se ha observado que el humedal consta de una gran riqueza ecológica tanto de flora como de fauna; presenta una situación socioeconómica con cifras preocupantes de empleo, salud y educación, por tratarse de una zona aislada. Administrativamente hablando tiene fuertes déficits tanto de presupuesto como de personal. También se trata de un ecosistema con grandes oportunidades como la gran biodiversidad que presenta (por lo que incluso recibió un reconocimiento RAMSAR), su gran potencial eco-turístico, su gran importancia migratoria para la avifauna e incluso su riqueza paisajística. A partir de esta realidad se han planteado unas estrategias de mejora como son la incorporación de nuevas actividades, una mejor gestión de los recursos o incluso un mayor control del Refugio para así mejorar la situación actual.
The biology immature stage of Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) was studied in the laboratory under four constant temperature. The study was carried out in biological incubators at 20, 25, 30 and 35-C; 65 ñ 10% relative humidity and 14 hours of photophase. The most favorable temperature for developing eggs, larval and pupal was 25-C, while 35-C proved to be harmful for a normal developing of S. calcitrans in larval stage. The incubation periods for egg were 69.90, 42.58, 26.10, 21.78 hours and 2.91, 1.77, 1.08, 0.90 days at 20, 25, 30, 35-C, respectively . The larval stage was 18.40, 11.63, 8.55 days and, the pupal stage, 8.60, 4.54, 3.60 days at 20, 25, 30-C, respectively. Threshold temperatures for males were a little higher than for females, however, this difference was lesser than 1-C. On the other hand, the quantity of energy (GD) for developing females was a little higher than for males. No difference was observed between the two methods used for calculating the above mentioned biological parameters of S. calcitrans.
Specific identification of the snail vectors: (a) shell features; (b) animal features (genital organs); (c) biochemical techniques (electrophoresis). The snail infection rates: (a) exposure to light and cercarial identification; (b) snail crushing and identification or the larval forms in the tissues.
Rhodnius pictipes Stal, 1872 is a silvatic species with a widespread distribution in South America, found in nine Brazilian states, naturally infected by Trypanosoma cruzi and T. rangeli. The individual rearing of this species under laboratory conditions, allowed the following biological aspects to be observed: incubation time, search for first meal after eclosion or moult, time - lapse between presentation of the blood meal and the beginning of feeding, duration of blood meal, time and place of defecation, number of blood meals, duration of each instar and adult longevity, and time required from egg to adult.
Triatoma nitida is a wild species occurring in Mexico and Central America. In order to establish the length of its life cycle and transmission potential, the following parameters were observed: the incubation period, the interval between hatching, or moulting, and the first feeding; the number of blood meals and the time of development. The time-lapse before the bite, the length of feeding and the interval between the end of the blood meal and defecation, as well as the site of defecation were also analyzed. Average length of the egg incubation period was 18.2 days. Time interval between the food source offering and the bite was less than 4 min in 60//of the analyzed cases, except in the fifth instar, where only 38//of the insects began feeding in less than 5 min. The blood-sucking period was long and rising until the fifth instar, decreasing in adults, and ranging from 1 min to 2 and a half hours. Only 26//of the blood meals were followed by defecations within 20 min. The average length of the life cycle was 897.5 days.
How adult females of calyptrate Diptera recognize the appropriate breeding substrate is a matter of controversy. Among holometabolic insects, the feeding opportunities of immature stages are generally determined by the adult female choice of an oviposition site. The ovipositional and larvipositional substrate preference for the synanthropic flies (Chrysomya megacephala, C. putoria, Phaenicia cuprina: Calliphoridae; Atherigona orientalis, Synthesiomyia nudiseta: Muscidae; Ravinia belforti, Parasarcophaga ruficornis, Peckia chrysostoma: Sarcophagidae) is presented in this work. The substrate used for testing were the following: bovine minced meat, fish (sardine), bovine liver, shrimp, squid, human faeces and banana. Bovine minced meat was the ovipositional and larvipositional substrate preferred by seven species. Human faeces were preferred by R. belforti.
Experiments with Squamatoides trivitattus were carried out in two different controlled temperatures (16±1°C/50-60% RH and 27±1°C/70-80% RH). The viability of larvae and pupae at 27°C was 89.82% and 92.75% respectively. Larvae did not develop at 16°C. Larval development lasted for 20±4 hr, 16±8 hr and 60±7 hr for the first, second and third instars, respectively, completing a total of 96±6 hr. The mean pupal period lasted for 15.7±1.6 days. In longevity tables for the adults, life-expectancy for 50% of the colony submitted to 16°C was of 1.78 weeks for males and 2.42 for females. At 27°C a life-expectancy of 1.15 weeks for males and 0.78 week for females was recorded. The average life-spans for males and females at 16°C were 3.5±2.0 and 3.8±2.6 weeks, respectively, and 1.9±1.2 weeks for both sexes. At 27°C, the longevity recorded was of 2.1±1.3 weeks for males and 1.7±1.1 week for females.
Biology of Triatoma pseudomaculata Corrêa & Espínola, 1964, under Laboratory Conditions (Hemiptera:Reduviidae:Triatominae) - Observations were made on the evolutive cycle of Triatoma pseudomaculata, held under laboratory conditions, fed weekly on bird (pigeon). Of 60 eggs obtained, only 34 nymphs reached the adult stage in a period of X(S)=398±76 days. The following parameters were observed: the time immature stages took to develop from egg to adult emergence; the occurrence of the first meal; the time-lapse between the presenting of the blood-meal and the begining of feeding; time of feeding; amount of blood ingested; variation of weight 24 hr after the blood-meal and until the next blood-meal; and the defecation pattern. The experiment was carried out for 20 months, held in BOD incubator with the average of temperature and humidity of 28±1ºC and 80±5% RU, respectively
Métodos: Estudio descriptivo en 134 pacientes en tratamiento para VIH/SIDA en Pereira y Manizales entre el 1 de julio de 2008 y el 30 de junio de 2009. Se evaluó la carga viral, conteo de linfocitos CD4, esquemas antirretrovirales, dosis diaria prescrita, tiempo evolución de enfermedad, duración de terapia, antecedentes de enfermedades oportunistas, costos de medicamentos. Resultados: Predominio masculino (91 hombres vs 43 mujeres), promedio de edad de 39 años y 59 meses de evolución de la enfermedad. Todos recibían esquemas a Dosis Diarias Definidas recomendadas. La terapia era efectiva en el 74,5% de los pacientes (carga viral & 400 copias/ml). Se pudo establecer que la falta de adherencia al tratamiento y el antecedente de haber tenido otras 2 infecciones de transmisión sexual se asociaban con mayor riesgo de no controlar la infección por VIH. El valor promedio de los medicamentos por año por paciente fue de € 2.865. Conclusiones. La falta de adherencia al tratamiento sigue siendo uno de los problemas más importantes para garantizar la efectividad, por lo cual los programas de control del VIH/SIDA deben asegurarla.