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Nutrient remobilizations in tree ligneous components have been little studied in tropical forests. A complete randomized block design was installed in Brazilian eucalypt plantations to quantify the remobilizations of phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sodium (Na) within stem wood. Three treatments were studied: control with neither K nor Na addition (C), 3 kmol ha-1 K applied (+K), and 3 kmol ha-1 Na applied (+Na). Biomass and nutrient contents were measured in the stem wood of eight trees destructively sampled at 1, 2, 3 and 4 years after planting in each treatment and annual rings were localized on discs of wood sampled every 3 m in half of the trees. Chemical analyses and wood density measurements were performed individually for each ring per level and per tree sampled. Nutrient remobilizations in annual rings were calculated through mass balance between two successive ages. Our results show that nutrient remobilizations within stem wood were mainly source-driven. Potassium and Na additions largely increased their concentration in the outer rings as well as the amounts remobilized in the first 2 years after the wood formation. The amount of Na remobilized in annual rings was 15 % higher in +Na than in +K the fourth year after planting despite a 34 % higher production of stem wood in +K leading to a much higher nutrient sink. A partial substitution of K by Na in the remobilizations within stem wood might contribute to enhancing Eucalyptus grandis growth in K-depleted soils. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
The ecology of forest and savanna trees species will largely determine the structure and dynamics of the forest-savanna boundaries, but little is known about the constraints to leaf trait variation imposed by selective forces and evolutionary history during the process of savanna invasion by forest species. We compared seasonal patterns in leaf traits related to leaf structure, carbon assimilation, water, and nutrient relations in 10 congeneric species pairs, each containing one savanna species and one forest species. All individuals were growing in dystrophic oxisols in a fire-protected savanna of Central Brazil. We tested the hypothesis that forest species would be more constrained by seasonal drought and nutrient-poor soils than their savanna congeners. We also hypothesized that habitat, rather than phylogeny, would explain more of the interspecific variance in leaf traits of the studied species. We found that throughout the year forest trees had higher specific leaf area (SLA) but lower integrated water use efficiency than savanna trees. Forest and savanna species maintained similar values of predawn and midday leaf water potential along the year. Lower values were measured in the dry season. However, this was achieved by a stronger regulation of stomatal conductance and of CO2 assimilation on an area basis (A area) in forest trees, particularly toward the end of the dry season. Relative to savanna trees, forest trees maintained similar (P, K, Ca, and Mg) or slightly higher (N) leaf nutrient concentrations. For the majority of traits, more variance was explained by phylogeny, than by habitat of origin, with the exception of SLA, leaf N concentration, and A area, which were apparently subjected to different selective pressures in the savanna and forest environments. In conclusion, water shortage during extended droughts would be more limiting for forest trees than nutrient-poor soils. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Photoelectrochemical properties of FTO/BiVO4 electrode were investigated in different electrolytic solutions, potassium chloride (KCl) and sodium sulphate (Na2SO4), and under visible light irradiation condition. In order to accomplish that, an FTO/BiVO4 electrode was built by combining the solution combustion synthesis technique with the dip-coating deposition process. The morphology and structure of the BiVO4 electrode were investigated through X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. Photoelectrochemical properties were analyzed through chronoamperometry measurements. Results have shown that the FTO/BiVO4 electrode presents higher electroactivity in the electrolyte Na2SO4, leading to better current stabilization, response time, and photoinduced current density, when compared to KCl electrolyte. Besides, this electrode shows excellent performance for methylene blue degradation under visible light irradiation condition. In Na2SO4, the electrode has shown higher degradation rate, 51 %, in contrast to 44 % in KCl, plus higher rate constant, 174 × 10-4 min-1 compared to 150 × 10-4 min-1 in KCl. Results presented in this communication leads to the indication of BiVO4 thin films as alternate materials to use in heterogeneous photoelectrocatalysis, more specifically in decontamination of surface water. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
New material collected in Albian and Cenomanian strata from Brazil helps us to better understand the structure of a poorly known dasycladacean alga, Holosporella nkossaensis P. Masse, in Bull Centr Rech Explor-Prod elf aquitaine, 19: 301-317, 1995: each of its fertile laterals, which are regularly arranged in verticils along the cylindrical algal thallus, consists of a distally inXated primary bearing two vesicular ampullae in terminal position. These traits are not known in representatives of the genus Holosporella Pia, 1930 nor in any genera described to date. On this basis, we introduce the new genus Brasiliporella with Brasiliporella nkossaensis emend. nov. comb. as its typespecies. We also discuss the systematic aYnity of the new taxon: it is ascribed to the Tribe Batophoreae, and in a broader manner the current paleontological 'interpretation of the concept' (in French: 'acception') of the Order Dasycladales, with the creation of two new families and accordingly with the emendation of two other families. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012.
Neomeris (Lamouroux, 1816) is an extant taxon, the origin of which can be tracked back into Early Cretaceous times. The introduction of a new mid-Cretaceous species from Brazil, i.e., Neomeris srivastavai n. sp., offers the opportunity to review the subdivision of the genus into three subgenera, to complete the catalogue of the fossil calcareous algae of Brazil, and to point out the huge stratigraphic gap and lack of documentation between the first occurrence of the dasycladacean model of reproduction, i.e., choristospory, and the oldest record so far known of an undescribed fossil Neomeris (from Portugal). © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012.
The Guarani aquifer system (GAS) represents one of the biggest aquifers in the world and is the most relevant groundwater resource in South America. For the first time, by combining field and laboratory measurements, a high-resolution aquifer analog model of fluvial-aeolian sediments of the GAS in São Paulo State (Brazil) is constructed. Three parallel sections of frontal outcrops, 28 m × 5.8 m, and two parallel sections of lateral outcrops, 7 m × 5.8 m, are recorded during open-pit mining of sandy sediments and describe in detail the three-dimensional distribution of the local lithofacies and hydrofacies. Variations of hydraulic conductivity, K, and porosity, n, are resolved on the centimeter scale, and the most permeable units of the fluvial-aeolian facies association are identified. The constructed aquifer analog model shows moderate hydraulic heterogeneity and a mean K value of 1.36 × 10-4 m/s, which is greater than the reported range of K values for the entire GAS in São Paulo State. The results suggest that the examined sedimentary unit constitutes a relevant portion of the GAS in São Paulo State in the context of groundwater extraction and pollution. Moreover, the constructed aquifer analog is considered an ideal basis for future numerical model experiments, aiming at in-depth understanding of the groundwater flow and contaminant transport patterns at this GAS portion or at comparable fluvial-aeolian facies associations. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Forest dynamics will depend upon the physiological performance of individual tree species under more stressful conditions caused by climate change. In order to compare the idiosyncratic responses of Mediterranean tree species (Quercus faginea, Pinus nigra, Juniperus thurifera) coexisting in forests of central Spain, we evaluated the temporal changes in secondary growth (basal area increment; BAI) and intrinsic water-use efficiency (iWUE) during the last four decades, determined how coexisting species are responding to increases in atmospheric CO2 concentrations (Ca) and drought stress, and assessed the relationship among iWUE and growth during climatically contrasting years. All species increased their iWUE (ca. +15 to +21 %) between the 1970s and the 2000s. This increase was positively related to Ca for J. thurifera and to higher Ca and drought for Q. faginea and P. nigra. During climatically favourable years the study species either increased or maintained their growth at rising iWUE, suggesting a higher CO2 uptake. However, during unfavourable climatic years Q. faginea and especially P. nigra showed sharp declines in growth at enhanced iWUE, likely caused by a reduced stomatal conductance to save water under stressful dry conditions. In contrast, J. thurifera showed enhanced growth also during unfavourable years at increased iWUE, denoting a beneficial effect of Ca even under climatically harsh conditions. Our results reveal significant inter-specific differences in growth driven by alternative physiological responses to increasing drought stress. Thus, forest composition in the Mediterranean region might be altered due to contrasting capacities of coexisting tree species to withstand increasingly stressful conditions. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
We analyzed the differences between irrigated and non-irrigated plants of three congeneric Styrax species that present distinct distribution patterns in the physiognomies of the Cerrado vegetation in Brazil. Styrax ferrugineus showed a stomatal conductance (gs) unresponsive to soil water deficit in potted plants. This may explain the high gas exchange and photochemical efficiency found in this species, which is well adapted to the Cerrado sensu stricto (s. str.), a savanna-type vegetation. S. camporum, which is widely distributed in the Cerrado sensu lato (s. l.) areas, was the only species that exhibited increased intrinsic water use efficiency on the days of maximum water deficit. This result distinguishes S. camporum from S. pohlii, which is a forest species, since the gs of both species decreased during the days of maximum water stress. In contrast to other studies, we propose that instantaneously measured traits, such as leaf gas exchange rates and chlorophyll fluorescence, may be used to detect non-plastic performances in response to environmental stress, helping explain distinct geographical distributions of congeneric species in the Cerrado vegetation. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to study the interactions of sedimentary humic substances (SHS) from a sugarcane cultivation area with Cu(II) and Cr(III) and to evaluate the occurrence of these metals in the pore water and SHS. Materials and methods: For this study, the northwestern region of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, which is considered the region with the highest production of sugar cane in the state, was selected. Samples of sediment were collected from four sampling sites in the Preto, Turvo, and Grande rivers. The SHS and pore water were extracted from the sediment using the method suggested by the International Humic Substances Society and centrifugation, respectively. The complexing capacity (CC) of the SHS for Cu(II) and Cr(III) was determined by individually titrating these metals with an ultrafiltration system using tangential flow. The total concentrations of Cr and Cu were determined for the pore water, sediments, and humic substances with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry and Zeeman background correction after an acid digestion, according to the methods described in US EPA Method 3050B. Results and discussion: The SHS from a site in the Turvo River, which is typically cultivated with sugarcane, possessed the highest concentration of Cu bound to SHS (25.0%), the largest CC (0.63 mmol Cu g-1 HS) and the highest concentration of this metal in the pore water (1.38 mg Cu Kg-1 sed.). For Cr, the SHS collected from a location on the Preto River dam had the largest CC (0.90 mmol Cr g-1 HS) and the lowest Cr content in the pore water (0.29 mg Cr Kg-1 sed.), indicating that there was an inverse relationship between the CC and the concentration of metal available in the pore water. Conclusions: Sedimentary humic substances might be one of the regulatory factors controlling the availability of Cu and Cr in the sediments found in a typical region that has been planted with sugarcane. Distinct behaviors were observed between the two elements investigated; higher CC and a larger fraction of Cu(II) were found in the pore water of samples originating from sugarcane crops. The opposite behavior was observed for the Cr(III) species. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
An alternative and simplified procedure is described to estimate the longitudinal resistances of transmission lines based on the real-time load profile. This method proposes to estimate the resistance parameters from the synchronized measurements of complex currents and complex voltages at the sending and receiving ends of transmission systems. The synchronized measurements can be in practice obtained using phasor measurement units (PMUs). © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
The aim of the study was to verify whether 8 weeks of resistance training employing maximal isokinetic eccentric (IERT) knee extensor actions would reduce the acute force loss observed after high-intensity treadmill running exercise. It was hypothesized that specific IERT would induce protective effects against muscle fatigue and ultrastructural damages, preventing or reducing the loss in mechanical muscle function after running. Subjects were tested before and after IERT protocol for maximal isometric, concentric and eccentric isokinetic knee extensor strength (60 and 180 s-1). In a second session, subjects performed treadmill running (~35 min) and the previously mentioned measurements were repeated immediately after running. Subsequently, subjects were randomized to training (n = 12) consisting of 24 sessions of maximal IERT knee extensors actions at 180 s-1, or served as controls (n = 8). The effects of acute running-induced fatigue and training on isokinetic and isometric peak torque, and rate of force development (RFD) were investigated. Before IERT, running-induced eccentric torque loss at 180 s-1 was -8 %, and RFD loss was -11 %. Longitudinal IERT led to reduced or absent acute running-induced losses in maximal IERT torque at 180 s-1 (+2 %), being significantly reduced compared to before IERT (p < 0.05), however, RFD loss remained at -11 % (p > 0.05). In conclusion, IERT yields a reduced strength loss after high-intensity running workouts, which may suggest a protective effect against fatigue and/or morphological damages. However, IERT may not avoid reductions in explosive muscle actions. In turn, this may allow more intense training sessions to be performed, facilitating the adaptive response to running training. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Objectives: This study evaluated the microtensile bond strength (MTBS) of non-aged and aged resin-based composites (RBC) (nanohybrid and nanofilled) after two surface conditioning methods, repaired using the composite of the same kind or a microhybrid composite. Materials and methods: Nanohybrid (Tetric EvoCeram-TE) and nanofilled (Filtek Supreme-FS) RBC blocks (5 × 5 × 6 mm) (N = 128) were fabricated and randomly divided into two groups: (a) no ageing (control group) and (b) ageing (5.000 thermocycling, 5-55 °C). RBC surfaces were polished by up to 1,200-grit silicone carbide papers and conditioned with either (a) air abrasion with 30-μm SiO2 particles (CoJet Sand) for 4 s + silane coupling agent (ESPE-Sil) + adhesive resin (VisioBond) (n = 16) or (b) adhesive application only (Multilink A+B for TE; Adper ScotchBond 1XT for FS) (n = 16). In half of the groups, repair resin of the same kind with the RBC and, in the other half, a different kind of composite (microhybrid, Quadrant Anterior Shine-AS) with its corresponding adhesive (Quadrant UniBond) was used. The specimens were submitted to MTBS test (0.5 mm/min). Data were analysed using three-way ANOVA and Tukey's tests. Degree of conversion (DC) of non-aged and aged resin composites (TE, FS) (n = 3 per group) was measured by micro-Raman analyses. Results: RBC type (p = 0.001) and ageing affected the MTBS results significantly (p = 0.001). Surface conditioning type did not show significant difference (p = 0.726), but less number of pre-test failures was experienced with the CoJet system compared to adhesive resin application only. Repair strength on aged TE showed significantly less (p < 0.05) MTBS than for FS. FS repaired with the same kind of RBC and adhesive resin presented the highest cohesive failures (43 %). DC was higher for TE (71 %) than for FS (58 %) before ageing. Conclusion: On the aged RBCs, less favourable repair strength could be expected especially for nanohybrid composite. For repair actions, RBC surface conditioning could be accomplished with either adhesive resin application only or with CoJet system, providing that the latter resulted in less pre-test failures. Clinical relevance: Clinicians could condition the resin surface prior to repair or relayering with either CoJet system or adhesive resin application only, depending on the availability of the system. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Background: Surgical approaches to temporomandibular region have been the subject of numerous controversies in the literature. Pre-auricular approaches have been used with the observance of high success rate, and during surgery history, various modifications of this approach were conducted in order to reduce irreversible sequelae. Thus, given the relevance of the study, this article proposes to alert the professionals that carry out these surgical approaches in relation to the anatomical structures involved and to describe and emphasise the benefits of endaural approach. Case report: A Caucasian male patient, victim of a firearm injury, sustained a wound on the right pre-auricular region, and at the time of assessment, he complained of pain, mouth opening difficulty and dysphagia. On physical examination, there was oedema and ecchymosis in the right periorbital region. In the radiological examination, a foreign body compatible with a firearm projectile was observed in the right pre-auricular region, being in accordance with the information collected. The endaural incision and divulsion by plans was then made until the projectile. Discussion: For proper exposure of the region, several studies were designed to evaluate the patterns of branching and anastomosis of the facial nerve. As for the best cosmetic result with the different pre-auricular approaches, the endaural approach was described as an approach that offers great cosmetic results because the incision design guides the surgeon in the wound closure and causes a decrease in the tension of flap, unlike that observed by some authors. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
The reproductive biology of a species includes factors beyond its sexual maturity, fecundity and reproductive period, and may extend to the differential distribution of individuals. The reproductive dynamics of the blue crab Callinectes ornatus was investigated through monthly collections over the course of 2 years in three bays on the southeastern coast of Brazil. For each bay, six transects were established, four of them parallel to the beach line (at depths of 5, 10, 15, and 20 m), one transect exposed to wave action, and another sheltered from waves. Females and males were classified according to the gonadal maturation stage, and were grouped as individuals with reproductive potential (mature gonads or breeding females) or not (rudimentary gonads or in development). Analyses using ordination techniques (PCA) and gradient analysis (CCA) showed that 82.13 % of environmental variations were explained by the transect arrangement, and these characteristics explained 86.70 % of the differential distribution of female crabs and 96.57 % of the distribution of males. These results indicate that females with reproductive potential were more abundant in deeper regions, while females with rudimentary or developed gonads were abundant in shallower habitats and areas sheltered from wave action. Thus, the distribution of C. ornatus in these bays was linked to their reproductive state, as part of the reproductive strategy of the population. © 2013 Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Purpose: Preeclampsia (PE) is a specific syndrome of pregnancy clinically identified by hypertension and proteinuria from the 20th week of gestation associated with a systemic inflammatory response and oxidative stress. While pro-inflammatory cytokines have been extensively studied in PE, other factors in the circulation that also influence the magnitude of inflammation have received much less attention. The present study compared serum concentrations of five immune-regulatory compounds in normotensive pregnant women and in women with gestational hypertension (GH) or PE. Methods: Sixty women with PE, 53 with GH and 40 normotensive women paired by gestational age were evaluated. Sera were evaluated for concentrations of extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN), hyaluronan, gelsolin, visfatin and histone 2B by ELISA. Differences between groups were analyzed by nonparametric tests, with a significance level of 5 %. Results: Increased levels of EMMPRIN and hyaluronan were present in preeclamptic women as compared to the GH and normotensive groups. There was no difference between groups in gelsolin, visfatin or histone 2B. Conclusion: Increased release of EMMPRIN and hyaluronan may contribute to an elevated pro-inflammatory response and tissue damage in women with PE. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.