771 resultados para Healthcare in schools
Com o intuito de contribuir para a qualificação do ensino escolar da Química na República de Angola, a presente investigação analisou as caraterísticas do Conhecimento Didático do Conteúdo e a Qualidade de Ensino dos professores considerados peritos naquela área disciplinar. A questão de partida que orientou o estudo foi a seguinte: “O que é que carateriza o Conhecimento Didático do Conteúdo dos professores peritos de Química e qual a sua relação com a Qualidade de Ensino?”. A investigação implementada é de tipo quasi-experimental, com um caráter descritivo e exploratório. A amostra foi constituída por grupos de professores e alunos (peritos e não peritos). Os dados recolheram-se por entrevistas aos professores peritos e a observação das suas aulas, por captação de imagens; por questionários e testes de avaliação aos alunos dos dois grupos. A análise dos resultados obedeceu a metodologia quantitativa e qualitativa. Os resultados revelam que, os professores peritos reúnem requisitos caraterizados pelas suas intervenções de pedagogias mais ativas que os tornam mais eficazes. As caraterísticas das suas intervenções propiciam melhorias na qualidade de ensino. Contudo, as conclusões gerais implicam a necessidade de formação dos professores, de modo a melhorar a qualidade de ensino da Química em Angola.
Currently, few studies address what kindergarten children think about bullying behaviour and explore whether or not they perceive bullying as a prevalent concern in their day-to-day school activities. This study described 15 Canadian kindergarten students' graphic and narrative representations (drawings and stories) of their bullying experiences. The content of students' drawings and stories were analyzed to explore how kindergarten children perceived bullying within the context of their lives. Coding categories were developed to analyze the kindergartners' perceptions, and emerging themes were also explored. In general, findings showed that kindergartners perceive bullying situations as occurring during one-to-one peer interaction and not within social group situations. Results are discussed in relation to educational implications.
This qualitative study examined the effects of hospital restructuring on a group of nurses at a community hospital. Eleven nurses were asked questions in order to gain insight into their experience in this situation. Ten of these participants were female, and one was male. The intent was to gather information about how restructuring has affected their lives, including, their motivational factors and barriers to participation in continuing education, and their descriptions of their workplace environment. Audiotaped interviews were conducted on two occasions to obtain this data. Emergent themes included the nurses' comments about continuing education, motivational factors, barriers that included geography and time, reactions of co-workers, restructuring, the College of Nurses' Quality Assurance Program including peer feedback, and performance appraisals. The literature review compares the barriers and motivational factors to the previous research findings. Thus, this study gave voice to the experience of this group of nurses, working in a healthcare setting that is involved in restructuring. This information is important to the healthcare system, since many areas are involved in restructuring. The whole process, if it is to be successful, depends on the frontline workers, namely the nurses. Thus, if there is anything to be learned from this group of people, that could be used to improve this progression, everyone would benefit from this information, were it to be implemented. Everyone is a stakeholder in the quality of healthcare in our province. The frontline workers are the ones that hold the vantage point to be able to provide suggestions for the changes needed to successful. These nurses are not just motivated by work issues however, and educating them and motivating them will also improve the care provided through increased knowledge and enhanced self-esteem.
The purpose ofthe study was to examine the relationshq) between self-serving cognitive distortions and involvement in bullying behaviours. While relationships were e}q)k)red for both bullies and victims, the bully represented the main focus ofthis research. The participants ofthis study were 206 elementary school children in grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 from a school board in South Western Ontario. Participants conq>leted a 2- part self-report questionnaire within a 1-week time period. Part I aimed to measure self-serving cognitive distortions, while Part II was designed to assess selfreports of bullying behaviours. Analyses revealed that a significant direct relationship existed between children's self-serving cognitive distortions and bullying others. More specifically, children's self-serving cognitive distortions were moderately correlated with bullying others (r = .50, p< 0.01). This finding was consistent for both male and female participants. In addition, significant moderate correlations also existed between each ofthe 9 subscales ofself-serving cognitive distortions and bullying others. In regard to the relationship between children's self-serving cognitive distortions and victimization, a low significant direct relationshq) was found (r = .22 p<0.01). This finding was consistent for both male and female participants. The results ofthis study are discussed in terms oftheir theoretical, as well as applied implications.
Bullying was approached as a social phenomenon in the present study. The central aim of this thesis was to uncover some of the factors that contribute to the attitudes and behavioural choices of bystanders during bullying situations. With this type of information, interventions can be tailored to change the behaviour of bystanders during bullying situations, and thus the ethos of the larger group. Thus, acting to alter the available sources of reinforcement for bullying behaviour and peer intervention attempts. Six hundred and twenty-six students participated. Students were sampled from grades 4 (n=140), 5 (n=l 13), 7 (n=205), and 8 (n=168). Students were measured for their involvement in bullying and victimization, as well as for involvement in the following bystander behaviours: encouraging, onlooking, defending, and seeking adult support. In addition, students were measured for tolerance of deviance, pro-victim attitudes, social anxiety and fear, and self-efficacy for peer intervention. Last, students were asked to complete a series of qualitative measures, including a series of hypothetical vignettes and open-ended questions. Analyses centered on the following areas: 1) rates of bullying, victimization, and bystander behaviour; 2) the influence of age and gender on bystander behaviour; 3) the characteristics associated with students who predominantly report involvement with defending, seeking adult assistance, encouraging, and onlooking behaviour; and 4) the influence of past involvement with bullying and victimization on bystander behaviour. b .--' -i . k Rates of bullying, victimization, and bystander behaviour were comparable to findings in the existing literature, where male students were more likely than female students to report involvement in both bullying and victimization. Boys were more likely than girls to report participation in encouraging and onlooking behaviours, while being less likely to report involvement in defending and seeking adult assistance. Partly consistent with existing findings, older students were more likely to report involvement in bullying, encouraging, and onlooking behaviour than younger students, who were more likely to report victimization, defending, and seeking adult assistance. Self-identified encouragers and onlookers reported a similar array of characteristics, in that they tended express high levels of tolerance of deviance, while expressing low levels of pro-victim attitudes and self-efficacy for peer intervention. Likewise, self-identified defenders and seekers of adult assistance tended to report a similar array of characteristics to each other, in that they tended to report low levels of tolerance of deviance, while expressing high levels of pro-victim attitudes and self efficacy for peer intervention. Additionally, self-identified bullies and self-identified bully-victims tended to report increased involvement in encouraging and onlooking, whereas self-identified victims tended to report increased involvement in defending behaviour and seeking adult assistance. Results are discussed in terms of implications for bullying prevention and intervention. Specifically, evidence from the present study suggests that as bystanders, students predominantly act to either support bullying acts or to support the victims of these acts, or alternatively, to actively remain outside bullying situations. Thus, encouraging students to make small changes in the way they express these sentiments during bullying situations would act to alter the culture of the larger peer group and the sources of reinforcement available for bullying acts as well as peer intervention attempts.
This research acknowledges the difficulties experienced by teachers presenting integrated arts curricula. Instructional support is offered by arts organizations that provide arts partnerships with local schools boards. The study focuses on the experiences of 8 teachers from a Catholic school board in southern Ontario who participated in integrated arts programs offered by The Royal Conservatory of Music's Learning Through the Arts™ (LTTATM) program and a local art gallery's Art Based Integrated Learning (ABIL) program and examines their responses to the programs and their perception of personal and professional development through this association. Additionally, questions were posed to the . "aftisfs"from-tneSe]Jfograrrrs;-and"they liiscus·sed·how"participating in-collaboration with teachers in the development of in-school programs enabled them to experience personal and professional development as well. Seven themes emerged from the data. These themes included: teachers' feelings of a lack of preparedness to teach the arts; the value of the arts and arts partnerships in schools; the role of the artists in the education of teachers; professional development for both teachers and artists; the development of collegiality; perceptions of student engagement; and the benefits and obstacles of integrating the arts into the curriculum. This document highlights the benefits to both teachers and artists of arts partnerships between schools and outside arts organizations.
The present study examined the bullying experiences of a group of students, age 10-14 years, identified as having behaviour problems. A total often students participated in a series of mixed methodology activities, including self-report questionnaires, story telling exercises, and interview style joumaling. The main research questions were related to the prevalence of bully/victims and the type of bullying experiences in this population. Questionnaires gathered information about their involvement in bullying, as well as about psychological risk factors including normative beliefs about antisocial acts, impulsivity, problem solving, and coping strategies. Journal questions expanded on these themes and allowed students to explain their personal experiences as bullies and victims as well as provide suggestions for intervention. The overall results indicated that all of the ten students in this sample have participated in bullying as both a bully and a victim. This high prevalence of bully/victim involvement in students from behavioural classrooms is in sharp contrast with the general population where the prevalence is about 33%. In addition, a common thread was found that indicated that these students who participated in this study demonstrate characteristics of emotionally dysregulated reactive bullies. Theoretical implication and educational practices are discussed.
The current study examined the association between involvement in bullying and victimization and internalizing difficulties such as self-esteem, social anxiety, depression and body image. Possible gender differences were also examined. The participants, high school students from Southern Ontario (N=533), were drawn from a larger, data set as part ofa study that was completed by the Youth Lifestyle Choices: Community Research Alliance (YLCCURA). The students completed a self-report questionnaire on a number ofmeasures; including, bullying, victimization, self-esteem, social anxiety, depression and body image. The results of this study suggest that those students who self-identified as victims and bully-victims also report higher levels of anxiety and depression than controls and bullies. Severe victims and bullyvictims had a lower body image than severe bullies and controls, whereas severe bullies seem to have a higher body image score than controls. These results are relevant when considering treatments and interventions for students experiencing adjustment difficulties who may also be at risk for bullying victimization. The results also suggest that particular attention needs to be focused on those adolescents who play multi-roles in bullying situations (i.e., bully-victims), since these students may come to the attention ofthe school system for externalizing behaviours, but may also need assistance for internalizing maladjustments.
Educators should movefrom teacher-centered learning to student-centered learning, from isolated work to collaborative work, andfromfactual knowledgebased instructions to critical thinking and informed decision-making. The high tech classroom should be more interactive and encourage active, exploratory, inquiry-based learning, as opposed to the didactic mode in which teachersfeed students information. (Valenti,2000, p. 85) The influence of technology in schools is growing as quickly as the students it impacts. As a pioneer in an e-leaming high school, I hoped to better understand the effects and influences of this learning tool in the English classroom. Using interpretive ethnography as my main frame of reference, I examined the role of technology in a grade 9 Academic English class environment. My role was participant observer as I worked with 4 students in the Laptop Program at St. Augustine Catholic High School. Through interview, observation, joumaling, and thick description, I undertook a journey into cyberspace. I documented the experiences, the frustrations, and the highlights of being in e-leaming along with my students. In this study, I specifically considered the issues of teacher training, administrative support, technology support personnel, resource availability, the role of the teacher in a constructivist classroom, and the benefits of the laptop computer as a learning tool in classroom and school.
This qualitative research study explores how teachers who write social justicefocused curriculum support resources conceptualize curriculum and social justice. Curriculum used in schools reflects underlying assumptions and choices about what knowledge is valuable. Class-based, cultural, racial, and religious stereotypes are reinforced in schooling contexts. Are the resources teachers create, select, and use to promote social justice reproducing and reinforcing forms of oppression? Why do teachers pursue social justice through curriculum writing? What are their hopes for this work? Exploring how Teachers' beliefs and values influence cy.rriculum writing engages the teachers writing and using curriculum support resources in critical reflective thought about their experiences and efforts to promote social justice. Individual and focus group interviews were conducted with four teacher-curriculum writers from Ontario schools. In theorizing my experiences as a teacher-curriculum writer, I reversed roles and participated in individual interviews. I employed a critical feminist lens to analyze the qualitati ve data. The participants' identities influenced how they understand social justice and write curriculum. Their understandings of injustices, either personal or gathered through students, family members, or oth.e. r teachers, influenced their curriculum writing . The teacher-curriculum writers in the study believed all teachers need critical understandings of curriculum and social justice. The participants made a case for representation from historically disadvantaged and underrepresented groups on curriculum writing teams. In an optimistic conclusion, the possibility of a considerate curriculum is proposed as a way to engage the public in working with teachers for social justice.
This qualitative case study explored elementary school teachers' lived experiences and perceptions surrounding the implementation of an antibullying program within the public school system. The purpose of this study was to share the individual stories of teachers who have implemented an antibullying initiative and how their journey into the bullying phenomenon changed their personal beliefs, their students, and their school climate. Five elementary school teachers (3 female, 2 male) from 5 different public schools in a southwestern region of Ontario completed 8 closed-ended questions and participated in l-on-l semistructured interviews. All 5 teachers had implemented the "Imagine ... A School Without Bullying" initiative or were involved with its predecessor the "Good Kid Sid" pilot project. The interviews were audiotaped and transcribed. The data were coded, and broad themes were reduced to a smaller number of topics where a more in-depth analysis occurred. Findings showed that reports of bullying existed at each of the schools. All 5 teachers felt their initiative was making a positive difference in their school; however this did not come without some resistance from staff. A common finding heard from all of their stories was the need for more time. Implications for antibullying initiatives are discussed, and advice to anyone beginning an antibullying initiative is offered by each of the 5 teachers involved in this study.
Estelle Cuffe Hawley (1894-1995) was an educator, businesswoman and politician, who became the first woman alderman on the St. Catharines City Council. She began her career as a teacher in Peterborough in 1913, and later taught in St. Catharines at Connaught School and St. Paul’s Ward School, where she served as Principal for six years. In 1928-29, she worked as an exchange teacher in Edmonton, Alberta. This would be Estelle’s last year in the teaching profession. She moved back to St. Catharines in 1930 and began a career in business, as an employee of Sun Life Assurance Co. She remained in this profession until around 1952. It was during this period that she became very active in the community and local politics. In 1934 she was elected to the St. Catharines Board of Education, where she advocated for the improvement of teachers’ salaries, the introduction of nursing services in schools, and the inclusion of music in the curriculum. She served as a member of the school board until 1937. The following year, she became the first woman elected to the St. Catharines City Council. As an alderman, she worked to improve the community's social welfare services, serving consecutively as chairman of all committees. She established comprehensive health services (including medical, dental and nursing), in the public, separate and secondary schools of St. Catharines, the first program of its kind in Canada. She was also instrumental in establishing minimum housing standards and engaging the public in local government by arranging a series of lectures by city officials. She remained a member of City Council until 1943. The following year she campaigned unsuccessfully for the mayoralty. In 1953 she married Hubert Hawley and moved to Orillia. She continued to remain active in the community, serving as President of the Ontario Recreation Association from 1950-1953, and editor of their Bulletin from 1955-1961. During the 1960s, she worked with various groups, including the Voice of Women, the Mental Health Association and the Freedom from Hunger Campaign. In addition to this work, Estelle wrote poetry and short stories, some of which were published in the Peterborough Review, the Globe and Mail and the Canadian Churchman. Some of her short stories (often about her childhood experiences) were broadcast on the CBC, as well as her experiences as a Town Councillor (under the pseudonym Rebecca Johnson in 1961). She also broadcast a segment that was part of a series called “Winning the Peace” in April 1944. Estelle was a sought-after public speaker, speaking on topics such as peace, democracy, citizenship, education, and women’s rights. In 1976, Brock University conferred an honorary Doctor of Law degree to Estelle for her leadership as an educator, businesswoman and a stateswoman. Her husband Hubert died that same year, and Estelle subsequently moved to Mississauga. With the assistance of an Ontario Heritage Foundation grant, she began work on her memoir. She later moved back to Orillia and died there in 1995, at the age of 101.
This study sought to create a curriculum resource for Ontario secondary school educators that addresses the inadequate preparation of students prior to their involvement in community service. Specifically, Helping Youth Venture Into Volunteerism: A Resource for Ontario Secondary School Educators was designed to help grade 10 Civics and Citizenship teachers prepare students for the 40 hours of community service that are a prerequisite for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. The resource discusses problems with the current unstructured program, outlines researchers’ recommendations to address such problems, and provides comprehensive unit and lesson plans to help educators meet curriculum expectations for grade 10 Civics and Citizenship. In addition, the study examined the rationale and development of the community service program and reviewed related literature corresponding both to Ontario’s community service program as well as service-learning programs in schools. Study results and the accompanying resource will help improve the community service program’s effectiveness by integrating it into school practices and curriculum and making it more relevant, structured, and meaningful to students. By improving the community service program, students will be more engaged in community service and more likely will become lifelong volunteers and active members of their community.
Teachers can reflect on their practices by articulating and exploring incidents they consider critical to themselves or others. By talking about these critical incidents, teachers can make better sense of seemingly random experiences that occur in their teaching because they hold the real inside knowledge, especially personal intuitive knowledge, expertise and experience that is based on their accumulated years as language educators teaching in schools and classrooms. This paper is about one such critical incident analysis that an ESL teacher in Canada revealed to her critical friend and how both used McCabe’s (2002) narrative framework for analyzing an important critical incident that occurred in the teacher’s class.
Les équipes virtuelles font l’objet de beaucoup d’attention depuis près de deux décennies. Elles font désormais partie des organisations qui ont dû s’ajuster à l’internationalisation des marchés. Elles sont aussi de plus en plus présentes dans les universités qui mettent en place des cours en environnement virtuel pour préparer leurs étudiants aux nouvelles réalités du marché du travail. Elles sont aussi le fruit des modes nées sous l’impulsion de l’approche constructiviste de la pédagogie. Les recherches qui s’intéressent a elles ont des préoccupations principalement téléologiques et utilitaristes qui donnent le point de vue des gestionnaires et des enseignants sur le phénomène. Peu de recherches se sont penchées sur l’expérience vécue par les membres de ces équipes. Par ailleurs, la volonté de dégager les lois générales des équipes virtuelles amène les chercheurs à l’amputer d’une partie de sa complexité. Notre recherche propose d’observer la manière dont des étudiants ont vécu leur expérience de collaboration en équipe virtuelle. Nous adoptons une posture interprétative et une approche narrative pour observer leur «sensemaking». Cette perspective nous permet de tenir compte de la complexité du phénomène. Nos questions de recherche sont : comment les étudiants font-ils sens de leur collaboration? Comment le «sensemaking» individuel contribue-t-il à construire le «sensemaking» collectif? Nos résultats nous renseignent sur l’importance que revêt le «sensegiving», pour les équipes virtuelles, dans la création de «sensemaking» collectif.