999 resultados para Hallam, Arthur Henry, 1811-1833


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Eleanore Celeste begins by discussing her birthday gifts she received from friends and family. There is talk that Arthur might soon be release from the army. She also mentions she is teaching higher grades and she finds it "very hard". The children of celebrities in Newark attend the school she is currently placed. The letter is labelled number 242.


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The letter begins by describing her Red Cross uniform to be worn during the Xmas campaign. She also mentions an outing to see a show "Glorianna", then dancing at Murrays, then Hunter Island Inn for dinner. This letter is labelled number 202.


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The letter describes pictures Eleanore Celeste had received from Arthur. The second part of the letter discusses a trip to the Metropolitan to see three one act Italian operas. The singers mentioned are Farrar and Amato. She also discusses a fur coat that Arthur is planning to buy for her as a gift. The letter is labelled number 90.


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The letter describes some difficulty Arthur has had with a man named Walter. She also describes her activities for the day. Eleanore Celeste mentions all of the things she is packing to bring to Shelter Bay when she leaves to be with Arthur. Accompanying this letter is a letter to "Aunt Lessie". It appears to be signed "Love from all and more than ever from Pal". This letter discusses his writing and soon sending it to a magazine and boxing gloves he has just purchased.


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This letter is very faded and difficult to read. It mentions that she leaves one letter on a counter while picking up a parcel and the there is a written note included: "Miss Reynolds - Am holding a letter you left on my counter when you bought these towels - will hold it until you call -" This letter is labelled number 235.


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The letter begins with discussion about possible improper handling of "the books". She then describes "new plans" for their home. The second letter discusses her mother having five teeth extracted and two abscesses burned off. Her sister also had a wisdom tooth removed. The first letter is labelled number 56 and the second 57.


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The letter begins with discussion of Xmas gifts. Arthur is sending a German helmet souvenir and Eleanore Celeste plans to put it in their den. She then talks about Spanish influenza spreading "there are hundreds of new cases reported every day..." This letter is labelled number 201.


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The letter discusses friends and some who have been conscripted. She describes her activities for the day. She mentions she has been reading Ambassador Gerard's "My four Years in Germany". This letter is labelled "4th".


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The letter discusses fish that needs to be sold by the couple, but no one is interested because the fish is mostly bone and skin. The second letter mentions they have been married for five months. The first letters are labelled numbers 96 and 97.


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The letter describes a conversation Eleanore Celeste had with her mother as she studied the Prussian-Danish War of 1864. Her mother was in Denmark at the time and elaborated on her studies. Eleanore Celeste's grandfather "held a high position in the Danish court". The family had kept an album of photographs that included pictures of Frederick VII, Christian IX etc. The pictures had been given to him by the Royal family. The next part of the letter talks about Arthur possibly returning to the United States at the end of the year. She also mentions that Arthur had sent a letter to his mother about either returning to the United States or possibly getting assigned to troops and she became upset. Eleanore Celeste writes that she tried to console Arthur's mother, but she "began picturing you at the front, in the midst of the danger". This letter is labelled 38th.


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The letter describes a day Eleanore Celeste spent downtown and many friends she ran into during her outing. She then mentions an article she read that states most troops will be out of France by July 1st. This letter is labelled number 278.


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The letter talks about an evening playing pinochle and hang man with Gus. Eleanore Celeste then describes her plans for the next couple of days. This letter is labelled number 26.


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Eleanore Celeste has been to visit Arthur Schmon's parents. His father has not been feeling well and takes a week vacation per month. His mother worries because the checks Arthur sends do not come when they should. Eleanore Celeste requests that Arthur write to Washington to have it straightened out. She also mentions her family and who they are visiting over the next week. This letter is labelled number 114.


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Eleanor Celeste asks if Arthur will be held to his five year contract even though the war is over. The letter is labelled number 210.


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Eleanore Celeste mentions that she is ill in bed. A doctor diagnosis tonsillitis and she is feeling better and can go back to school. The letter is labelled number 168.