997 resultados para Guimarães, Roberto Pereira
Agroforestry systems are indicated as an alternative for sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) cultivation in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, however there are not many field experiments on plant performance under these conditions in the world. The objective of this work was to assess crop yield and partitioning in a sugarcane-rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) interface in on-farm conditions. The availability of irradiance for the crop along the interface was simulated and its effe ct over sugarcane dry matter production was tested. Crop yield was negatively affected by distance of the trees, but development and sucrose were not affected. Above ground dry matter increased from 16.6 to 51.5 t ha-1 from trees. Partitioning did not have a defined standard, as harvest index increased from 0.85 to 0.93, but specific leaf area was not significant along the transect, ranging from 13.48 to 15.73 m² kg-1. Light is the main factor of competition between the trees and the crop, but the relative importance of below ground interactions increases closer to the trees. Feasibility of the system depends on maturity of the trees and management strategies.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da força iônica da solução de equilíbrio sobre a adsorção e dessorção de arsênio, em 17 latossolos, de diferentes regiões geográficas brasileiras. A adsorção de As foi avaliada em dois valores de força iônica (15 e 150 mmol L-1), duas doses de As (15 e 150 µmol L-1), relação solo:solução final de 1:100 e pH 5,5. Não houve diferença nas porcentagens de adsorção, entre os valores de força iônica 15 e 150 mmol L-1 (63,51 e 64,46%). A porcentagem de dessorção na dose 15 µmol L-1 foi inferior a 15%, nos dois valores de força iônica, exceto para os solos LVd4 e LAd1, em que a porcentagem de dessorção foi superior a 20%.
Induction of systemic resistance in tomato by the autochthonous phylloplane resident Bacillus cereus
The objective of this work was to verify if the induced resistance mechanism is responsible for the capacity of a phylloplane resident bacteria (Bacillus cereus), isolated from healthy tomato plants, to control several diseases of this crop. A strain of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato was used as the challenging pathogen. The absence of direct antibiosis of the antagonist against the pathogen, the significant increase in peroxidases activity in tomato plants exposed to the antagonist and then inoculated with the challenging pathogen, as well as the character of the protection, are evidences wich suggest that biocontrol efficiency presented by the antagonist in previous works might be due to induced systemic resistance (ISR).
The aim of this work was to quantify low molecular weight organic acids in the rhizosphere of plants grown in a sewage sludge-treated media, and to assess the correlation between the release of the acids and the concentrations of trace-elements in the shoots of the plants. The species utilized in the experiment were cultivated in sand and sewage sludge-treated sand. The acetic, citric, lactic, and oxalic acids, were identified and quantified by high performance liquid chromatography in samples collected from a hydroponics system. Averages obtained from each treatment, concentration of trace elements in shoots and concentration of organic acids in the rhizosphere, were compared by Tukey test, at 5% of probability. Linear correlation analysis was applied to verify an association between the concentrations of organic acids and of trace elements. The average composition of organic acids for all plants was: 43.2, 31.1, 20.4 and 5.3% for acetic, citric, lactic, and oxalic acids, respectively. All organic acids evaluated, except for the citric acid, showed a close statistical agreement with the concentrations of Cd, Cu, Ni, and Zn found in the shoots. There is a positive relationship between organic acids present in the rhizosphere and trace element phytoavailability.
The objective of this work was to analyze the pattern of esterase activity in the development stages of Rhipicephalus microplus by nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis using specific staining for esterase. The electrophoretical results revealed the presence of nine regions displaying esterase activity, stained with both alpha-naphthyl acetate and beta-naphthyl acetate, and classified as alpha-beta-esterase. Stage-specific esterases were found, with the first nymphal and larval stages showing the greatest esterase activity throughout the development. An esterase called EST-4 was detected only in males and was considered sex-specific. There are differences in the esterase profile among the different postembryonic development stages of R. microplus.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar a retenção e a dessorção competitivas dos ânions nitrato, sulfato, silicato e fosfato na fração argila gibbsítica de um Gleissolo Melânico. Amostras da fração argila foram agitadas em tubos de centrífuga com solução de NaCl 30 mmol c L-1 contendo estes ânions em quantidades equivalentes a 30% das respectivas capacidades máximas de retenção exibidas pela argila. Para fins comparativos, as amostras foram agitadas com a mesma solução contendo 1 mmol c L-1 de cada um dos ânions citados. Os tubos foram centrifugados e determinaram-se as concentrações aniônicas nos sobrenadantes. A dessorção foi realizada agitando-se a fração argila remanescente nos tubos de centrífuga com a solução de NaCl, quantificando-se os ânions liberados. Em outro ensaio, com o silício e o fósforo previamente adsorvidos à gibbsita, adicionou-se, na seqüência, o fósforo e o silício intercalados para avaliar a capacidade de dessorver o ânion previamente adsorvido. O fosfato foi preferencialmente adsorvido em relação aos demais ânions estudados e a aplicação prévia de silício reduziu a fixação de fosfato. Desse modo, a aplicação de silício previamente à de fósforo favorece a fitodisponibilidade deste em solos altamente intemperizados.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi mapear o uso da terra do Bioma Cerrado na escala de 1:250.000. As seguintes classes de uso da terra foram consideradas: culturas agrícolas, pastagens cultivadas, reflorestamentos, áreas urbanas e áreas de mineração. A metodologia envolveu a segmentação de imagens do satélite Landsat, a classificação visual dos segmentos e a análise da exatidão global do mapa final. Aproximadamente 39,5% do Cerrado apresentaram algum tipo de uso de terra. Pastagens cultivadas e culturas agrícolas foram as classes predominantes, com 26,5 e 10,5%, respectivamente.
The objective of this work was to analyze the agronomic performance and chromosomal stability of transgenic homozygous progenies of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill.], and to confirm the resistance of these plants against Anticarsia gemmatalis. Eleven progenies expressing cry1Ac, hpt and gusA genes were evaluated for agronomic characteristics in relation to the nontransformed parent IAS 5 cultivar. Cytogenetical analysis was carried out on transgenic and nontransgenic plants. Two out of the 11 transgenic progenies were also evaluated, in vitro and in vivo, for resistance to A. gemmatalis. Two negative controls were used in resistance bioassays: a transgenic homozygous line, containing only the gusA reporter gene, and nontransgenic 'IAS 5' plants. The presence of cry1Ac transgene affected neither the development nor the yield of plants. Cytogenetical analysis showed that transgenic plants presented normal karyotype. In detached-leaf bioassay, cry1Ac plants exhibited complete efficacy against A. gemmatalis, whereas negative controls were significantly damaged. Whole-plant feeding assay confirmed a very high protection of cry1Ac against velvetbean caterpillar, while nontransgenic 'IAS 5' plants and homozygous gusA line exhibited 56.5 and 71.5% defoliation, respectively. The presence of cry1Ac transgene doesn't affect the majority of agronomic traits (including yield) of soybean and grants high protection against A. gemmatalis.
The objectives of this work were to study the genetic control of grain yield (GY) and nitrogen (N) use efficiency (NUE, grain yield/N applied) and its primary components, N uptake efficiency (NUpE, N uptake/N applied) and N utilization efficiency (NUtE, grain yield/N uptake), in maize grown in environments with high and low N availability. Experiments with 31 maize genotypes (28 hybrid crosses and three controls) were carried out in soils with high and low N rates, in the southeast of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. There was a reduction of 23.2% in average GY for maize grown in soil with low N, in comparison to that obtained with high N. There were 26.5, 199 and 400% increases in NUtE, NUpE, and NUE, respectively, for maize grown with low N. The general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) were significant for GY, NUE and NUpE for maize grown in high N soil. Only GCA was significant for NUpE for maize grown in low N soil. The GCA and SCA for NUtE were not significant in either environment. Additive and non-additive genetic effects are responsible for the genetic control of NUE and GY for maize grown in soils with high N availability, although additive effects are more important.
Os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar a herança da resistência ao complexo de enfezamento em milho e determinar as melhores fontes de resistência entre as linhagens estudadas. Foram realizadas as análises dialélica e médias de gerações em linhagens de milho. Para a análise dialélica, foram cruzadas 12 linhagens de milho, em dialélico parcial. Para análises de médias de gerações, foram cruzadas três linhagens resistentes e quatro suscetíveis, para a obtenção das gerações F1, F2, RCP R e RCP S. Os trabalhos foram conduzidos em Jaboticabal, SP. A incidência de enfezamento foi avaliada no estádio fenológico R3. Efeitos significativos quanto à capacidade geral de combinação e capacidade específica de combinação foram obtidos, o que indicou que, no controle do caráter enfezamentos, estão envolvidos tanto os efeitos aditivos quanto os de dominância. Análises de médias de gerações mostraram a presença de poucos genes envolvidos com o controle da resistência, com predominância de efeitos aditivos, o que permite a seleção de genótipos resistentes. As linhagens L02, L03 e L05 poderão ser utilizadas como fontes de resistência, em futuras combinações híbridas.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar correlações genéticas e fenotípicas entre escores visuais e características de carcaça medidas por ultrassom, para verificar a eficácia desses escores na determinação da musculosidade e na avaliação da carcaça. As características de carcaça medidas por ultrassom foram área de olho de lombo (AOL) e espessura de gordura subcutânea (EG), mensuradas entre a região da 12ª e 13ª costelas, bem como a espessura de gordura subcutânea na garupa (EGP8). As características de estrutura (E), precocidade (P) e musculosidade (M) foram avaliadas por meio de escores visuais. Os componentes de covariância usados para estimar as correlações genéticas e fenotípicas foram obtidos pelo método da máxima verossimilhança restrita, em uma análise multicaracterística. As estimativas de correlações genéticas entre AOL e E, P e M foram 0,54, 0,58 e 0,61, respectivamente, e indicaram que, a longo prazo, a utilização da AOL como critério de seleção poderá produzir animais com maiores escores visuais para essas características. As correlações genéticas estimadas entre as espessuras de gordura (EG e EGP8) e os escores P e M apresentaram comportamento semelhante. Entretanto, as correlações genéticas entre as espessuras de gordura (EG e EGP8) e E foram próximas de zero. As correlações fenotípicas seguiram as mesmas tendências das respectivas correlações genéticas. Essas estimativas indicam que os escores visuais são determinados, em parte, pelos mesmos conjuntos de genes que influenciam a AOL.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the occurrence of Aceria tosichella Keifer (Prostigmata: Eriophyidae), the wheat curl mite, in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Samples to detect A. tosichella specimens were collected in wheat, corn, oat crops and potential host grasses in 46 localities, in October 2006, August and October 2007. Samples of wheat were also collected in experimental greenhouses at Embrapa Trigo, Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil. A. tosichella specimens were found in wheat samples from Passo Fundo, Palmeira das Missões, São Luís Gonzaga, and Santo Antônio das Missões, RS, Brazil. Symptoms due to A. tosichella infestations were observed only in greenhouse conditions. This is the first report of A. tosichella in Brazil and the second in South America.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of KMnO4 on the extension of postharvest life of 'Sunrise Golden' papaya, stored under modified atmosphere and refrigeration. Fruit with up to 10% yellow peel were harvested in a commercial orchard in Linhares, state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. Sets of three fruit (unit mass of 289.9±18.5 g) were wrapped in low-density polyethylene films (28 ¼m thick) containing sachets of KMnO4 at 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 g per bag. The bags were sealed and stored at 10.4±0.9°C and 90±5% relative humidity for 25 days. After this period, the fruit were removed from the bags and maintained at 21±0.8°C and 90±5% relative humidity until complete ripening. Four days after bag sealing, CO2 concentration stabilized in all treatments, and was higher in bags without KMnO4. In all treatments, fruit reached the climacteric respiratory peak on the third day after bag removal, coinciding with peel color index of 3.5. Increasing the KMnO4 dose reduced the losses in fruit fresh matter, consistency and pulp electrolyte leakage. Potassium permanganate was effective in maintaining the fruit at the pre-climacteric stage during the 25-day storage, and did not interfere with normal ripening after bag removal.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic variability of rice (Oryza sativa) landraces collected in Brazilian small farms. Twelve simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers characterized 417 landraces collected in 1986, 1987 and 2003, in the state of Goiás, Brazil. The number of landraces with long and thin grain type increased in the evaluated period, probably due to market demand. Based on the molecular data, the genetic variability increased during this period and, as per to the factorial correspondence analysis, most of the accessions were grouped according to the year of collection. The incorporation of modern rice cultivars in landrace cultivation areas and the selection carried out by small farmers are the most probable factors responsible for increasing landrace genetic variability, during the evaluated period. Genotype exchange between farmers, selection practice and local environmental adaptation are able to generate novel adapted allele combinations, which can be used by breeding programs, to reinitiate the process.
The objective of this study was to determine the minimum number of plants per plot that must be sampled in experiments with sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) full-sib families in order to provide an effective estimation of genetic and phenotypic parameters of yield-related traits. The data were collected in a randomized complete block design with 18 sugarcane full-sib families and 6 replicates, with 20 plants per plot. The sample size was determined using resampling techniques with replacement, followed by an estimation of genetic and phenotypic parameters. Sample-size estimates varied according to the evaluated parameter and trait. The resampling method permits an efficient comparison of the sample-size effects on the estimation of genetic and phenotypic parameters. A sample of 16 plants per plot, or 96 individuals per family, was sufficient to obtain good estimates for all traits considered of all the characters evaluated. However, for Brix, if sample separation by trait were possible, ten plants per plot would give an efficient estimate for most of the characters evaluated.