984 resultados para Guggenheim-museo


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In extensions of the standard model with a heavy fourth generation, one important question is what makes the fourth-generation lepton sector, particularly the neutrinos, so different from the lighter three generations. We study this question in the context of models of electroweak symmetry breaking in warped extra dimensions, where the flavor hierarchy is generated by choosing the localization of the zero-mode fermions in the extra dimension. In this setup the Higgs sector is localized near the infrared brane, whereas the Majorana mass term is localized at the ultraviolet brane. As a result, light neutrinos are almost entirely Majorana particles, whereas the fourth-generation neutrino is mostly a Dirac fermion. We show that it is possible to obtain heavy fourth-generation leptons in regions of parameter space where the light neutrino masses and mixings are compatible with observation. We study the impact of these bounds, as well as the ones from lepton flavor violation, on the phenomenology of these models.


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We examine the possibility that a new strong interaction is accessible to the Tevatron and the LHC. In an effective theory approach, we consider a scenario with a new color-octet interaction with strong couplings to the top quark, as well as the presence of a strongly coupled fourth generation which could be responsible for electroweak symmetry breaking. We apply several constraints, including the ones from flavor physics. We study the phenomenology of the resulting parameter space at the Tevatron, focusing on the forward-backward asymmetry in top pair production, as well as in the production of the fourth-generation quarks. We show that if the excess in the top production asymmetry is indeed the result of this new interaction, the Tevatron could see the first hints of the strongly coupled fourth-generation quarks. Finally, we show that the LHC with root s = 7 TeV and 1 fb(-1) integrated luminosity should observe the production of fourth-generation quarks at a level at least 1 order of magnitude above the QCD prediction for the production of these states.


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Here, we characterize the Aspergillus homologue ncsA Neuronal Calcium Sensor. We that ncsA is not an essential gene and Delta ncsA growth decreased in the presence of EGTA and SDS. the Delta ncsA mutant is more resistant to calcium NcsA: mRFP localizes to the cytoplasm and its localization is not affected by the cellular response to calcium chloride or EGTA. The Delta ncsA mutant strain more sensitive to voriconazole, itraconazole, and Polar growth in the Delta ncsA mutant was also more aVected by lovastatin than in the wild type The Spitzenkorper can be visualized in both strains although the vacuolar system does not seem to be very different, there is an increase in the staining intensity on the germling surface of the Delta ncsA strain. NcsA promotes pmcA and pmcB expression and therefore there is a reduced expression of these ion pumps in the Delta ncsA mutant background, and also of other genes involved in the response to calcium in A. fumigatus. The ncsA inactivation mutation is not causing loss of virulence in a low dose murine infection when compared to the corresponding wild type strain.


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Farnesol (FOH) is a non-sterol isoprenoid produced by dephosphorylation of farnesyl pyrophosphate, a catabolite of the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway. These isoprenoids inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis. It has been shown previously that FOH triggers morphological features characteristic of apoptosis in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. Here, we investigate which pathways are influenced through FOH by examining the transcriptional profile of A. nidulans exposed to this isoprenoid. We observed decreased mRNA abundance of several genes involved in RNA processing and modification, transcription, translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis, amino acid transport and metabolism, and ergosterol biosynthesis. We also observed increased mRNA expression of genes encoding a number of mitochondrial proteins and characterized in detail one of them, the aifA, encoding the Apoptosis-Inducing Factor (AIF)-like mitochondrial oxidoreductase. The Delta aifA mutant is more sensitive to FOH (about 8.0% and 0% survival when exposed to 10 and 100 mu M FOH respectively) than the wild type (about 97% and 3% survival when exposed to 10 and 100 mu M FOH respectively). These results suggest that AifA is possibly important for decreasing the effects of FOH and reactive oxygen species. Furthermore, we showed an involvement of autophagy and protein kinase C in A. nidulans FOH-induced apoptosis.


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Farnesol (FOH) is a nonsterol isoprenold produced by dephosphorylanon of farnesyl pyrophosphate a catabolite of the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway These isoprenoids inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis Here we show that Aspergillus nidulans MA encoding the apoptosis-Inducing factor (AIF)-like mitochondrial oxidoreductase plays a role in the function of the mitochondrial Complex I Additionally we demonstrated that ndeA B and ndiA encode external and internal alternative NADH dehydrogenases respectively that have a function in FOH resistance When exposed to FOH the Delta aifA and Delta ndeA strains have increased ROS production while Delta ndeB Delta ndeA Delta ndeB and Andul mutant strains showed the same ROS accumulation than in the absence of FOH We observed several compensatory mechanisms affecting the differential survival of these mutants to FOH (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved


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P>Carbon dioxide (CO(2)) and its hydration product bicarbonate (HCO(3)-) are essential molecules in various physiological processes of all living organisms. The reversible interconversion between CO(2) and HCO(3)- is in equilibrium. This reaction is slow without catalyst, but can be rapidly facilitated by Zn2+-metalloenzymes named carbonic anhydrases (CAs). To gain an insight into the function of multiple clades of fungal CA, we chose to investigate the filamentous fungi Aspergillus fumigatus and A. nidulans. We identified four and two CAs in A. fumigatus and A. nidulans, respectively, named cafA-D and canA-B. The cafA and cafB genes are constitutively, strongly expressed whereas cafC and cafD genes are weakly expressed but CO(2)-inducible. Heterologous expression of the A. fumigatus cafB, and A. nidulans canA and canB genes completely rescued the high CO(2)-requiring phenotype of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae Delta nce103 mutant. Only the Delta cafA Delta cafB and Delta canB deletion mutants were unable to grow at 0.033% CO(2), of which growth defects can be restored by high CO(2). Defects in the CAs can affect Aspergilli conidiation. Furthermore, A. fumigatus Delta cafA, Delta cafB, Delta cafC, Delta cafD and Delta cafA Delta cafB mutant strains are fully virulent in a low-dose murine infection.


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Calcineurin plays an important role in the control of cell morphology and virulence in fungi. Calcineurin is a serine/threonine-specific protein phosphatase heterodimer consisting of a catalytic subunit A and a regulatory subunit B. A mutant of Aspergillus fumigatus lacking the calcineurin A (calA) catalytic subunit exhibited defective hyphal morphology related to apical extension and branching growth, which resulted in drastically decreased filamentation. Here, we investigated which pathways are influenced by A. fumigatus calcineurin during proliferation by comparatively determining the transcriptional profile of A. fumigatus wild type and Delta calA mutant strains. Our results showed that the mitochondrial copy number is reduced in the Delta calA mutant strain, and the mutant has increased alternative oxidase (aoxA) mRNA accumulation and activity. Furthermore, we identified four genes that encode transcription factors that have increased mRNA expression in the Delta calA mutant. Deletion mutants for these transcription factors had reduced susceptibility to itraconazole, caspofungin, and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Proteins are subject to modification by reactive oxygen species (ROS), and oxidation of specific amino acid residues can impair their biological function, leading to an alteration in cellular homeostasis. Sulfur-containing amino acids as methionine are the most vulnerable to oxidation by ROS, resulting in the formation of methionine sulfoxide [Met(O)] residues. This modification can be repaired by methionine sulfoxide reductases (Msr). Two distinct classes of these enzymes, MsrA and MsrB, which selectively reduce the two methionine sulfoxide epimers, methionine-S-sulfoxide and methionine-R-sulfoxide, respectively, are found in virtually all organisms. Here. we describe the homologs of methionine sulfoxide reductases, msrA and msrB, in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. Both single and double inactivation mutants were viable, but more sensitive to oxidative stress agents as hydrogen peroxide, paraquat, and ultraviolet light. These strains also accumulated more carbonylated proteins when exposed to hydrogen peroxide indicating that MsrA and MsrB are active players in the protection of the cellular proteins from oxidative stress damage. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Severe dengue infection in humans causes a disease characterized by thrombocytopenia, increased levels of cytokines, increased vascular permeability, hemorrhage, and shock. Treatment is supportive. Activation of platelet-activating factor (PAF) receptor (PAFR) on endothelial cells and leukocytes induces increase in vascular permeability, hypotension, and production of cytokines. We hypothesized that activation of PAFR could account for the major systemic manifestations of dengue infection. Inoculation of adult mice with an adapted strain of Dengue virus caused a systemic disease, with several features of the infection in humans. In PAFR(-/-) mice, there was decreased thrombocytopenia, hemoconcentration, decreased systemic levels of cytokines, and delay of lethality, when compared with WT infected mice. Treatment with UK-74,505, an orally active PAFR antagonist, prevented the above-mentioned manifestations, as well as hypotension and increased vascular permeability, and decreased lethality, even when started 5 days after virus inoculation. Similar results were obtained with a distinct PAFR antagonist, PCA-4246. Despite decreased disease manifestation, viral loads were similar (PAFR(-/-)) or lower (PAFR antagonist) than in WT mice. Thus, activation of PAFR plays a major role in the pathogenesis of experimental dengue infection, and its blockade prevents more severe disease manifestation after infection with no increase in systemic viral titers, suggesting that there is no interference in the ability of the murine host to deal with the infection. PAFR antagonists are disease-modifying agents in experimental dengue infection.


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O objetivo desse artigo ?? investigar como a ren??ncia fiscal ?? utilizada na ??rea de museus. A fundamenta????o te??rica faz breve apresenta????o da literatura sobre implementa????o e descreve o uso da ren??ncia fiscal na ??rea de museus mediante an??lise de seis vari??veis: incentivos, autonomia, informa????o, apoio institucional, apoio social e etapas e tempo. A metodologia utilizada foi a an??lise documental e entrevistas. A an??lise foi feita com ajuda do programa NVIVO9. As principais conclus??es s??o que embora haja incentivos e autonomia em graus suficientes para permitir boa implementa????o via ren??ncia fiscal, h?? quest??es informacionais e referentes ??s etapas e tempo que dificultam sua implementa????o. Al??m disso, a ren??ncia fiscal ?? concentradora, desigual e apresenta baixa participa????o de empresas do setor privado. Esses problemas parecem diminuir a capacidade de a implementa????o de museus mediante o uso da ren??ncia fiscal alcan??ar os efeitos almejados.


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Disertación presentada en la Facultad de Ciencias y Tecnología de la Universidad Nueva de Lisboa para obtención del grado de Master en Conservación y Restauración (Área de Cerámica)


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This paper aims to present the main features of the roman theatre of Bracara Augusta identified in 1999. Although it is still under study, a significant set of evidence made it possible to present its characteristics, to value the socioeconomic issues related with its construction and to discuss the aspects related to the development of the NW Iberian Peninsula cities, where traditionally this type of equipment was believed to be absent, and to understand the diffusion of roman public architecture models in peripheral regions within the Western Empire.


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The excavations carried out under the rescue “Project of Bracara Augusta” have generated significant amounts of data that enabled the reconstruction of Bracara Augusta urban evolution and the characterization of its buildings and blocks. This paper aims to enhance the existing data related with the domestic architecture of the roman town, which was mainly represented by the houses of domus type.


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Between 2008 and 2009 a preventive excavation supervised by the Unit of Archaeology of the University of Minho was conducted in an area with approximately 5000 square meters allowing the identification of a wide sector of the Via XVII necropolis, which is one of the five roman necropolises known to have existed in Bracara Augusta. The findings enabled us to define a typological framework related with incinerations, to understand the internal organization of the necropolis and recover the ritual marks of the funerary practices between the first century BC and the second century AD.


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INTRODUCCIÓN: Durante su evolución, las plantas han desarrollado un sistema químico de defensa con el fin de combatir el estrés del medio ambiente utilizando sus metabolitos secundarios. De todos los productos químicos secundarios sintetizados por las plantas, los terpenos han contribuido significativamente al desarrollo de nuevos compuestos y son producidos por una gran variedad de plantas, algunos animales (insectos y organismos marinos) y microorganismos. Son abundantes en frutas, cereales, verduras y flores, en musgos, algas y líquenes y son un componente importante de las resinas de las plantas, constituyendo uno de los grupos más amplios de fitonutrientes. Los terpenos son los principales componentes de los aceites esenciales de las plantas aromáticas y tienen gran actividad biológica y actúan como antioxidantes protegiendo los lípidos del ataque de radicales libres de especies del oxígeno, como oxígeno singlete, y radicales hidroxilo, peróxido y superóxido. OBJETIVO GENERAL. Determinar la composición química del aceite esencial de S. areira y la actividad anti-oxidante de la fracción rica en terpenos hidrocarburos y sus componentes mayoritarios, en un modelo experimental de pulmón de ratón. OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS: a) Obtener el aceite esencial a partir de hojas de S. areira; b) Identificar y cuantificar los terpenos presentes en el aceite esencial de S. areira; c) Separar la fracción mayoritaria del aceite esencial (AE) (terpenos hidrocarburos); d)Detectar a nivel pulmonar los posibles efectos anti-oxidante de la administración intraperitoneal (i.p.) de la fracción de hidrocarburos obtenidas del aceite esencial de S. areira y de sus componentes mayoritarios, en un modelo inflamatorio. MATERIALES Y METODOS: 1) Obtención de las muestras de S. areira: Serán recolectada en la localidad de Mendiolaza, Córdoba. Un ejemplar de la misma será depositado en el Museo Botánico de la Fac. Cs. Ex. Fís. y Nat., UNC.2) Obtención del AE: El material vegetal será obtenido por destilación por arrastre por vapor de agua en un equipo tipo Clevenger modificado. 3) Fraccionamiento AE: Se separará la fracción mayoritaria del aceite que corresponde a la de los terpenos hidrocarburos con el fin de determinar su actividad biológica. Dicha separación se llevará a cabo por cromatografía en placa delgada (CCD) utilizando n-hexano o cloroformo como sistema de solvente para la fase móvil. También se determinará la actividad de los compuestos mayoritarios, los cuales serán obtenidos de muestras comerciales (ICN Pharmaceuticals) y para el caso de los que no estén disponibles en el comercio, serán aislados por técnicas cromatográficas. 4) Identificación y cuantificación de los terpenos del AE:Para la cuantificación de los terpenos, se realizará un análisis por cromatografía gas-liquido-espectrometría de masas (GC-MS) empleando un equipo Perkin Elmer Q600 equipado con detector de ionización de llama, con una columna capilar Elite-wax (Crossband-PEG) (60m x 0. 25 mm ID x 0. 25 µm df). La interpretación de los espectros de masas se realizará utilizando una biblioteca Adamns, NIST y por comparación con espectros similares tomados de bibliografía. 5) Inducción de inflamación con LPS y tratamiento con una fracción del AE de S. areira: Se procederá a la instilación nasal de LPS (1,67µg/Kg de peso corporal) y a las 2hs, la administración intraperitoneal de la fracción hidrocarbonada de AE (300 mg/Kg) y se determinará a las 3hs: TNF-α; infiltrado celular y dienos conjugados en muestras obtenidas en lavado bronqueo-alveolar en pulmón de ratón. 6) Genotoxidad: Se utilizará Allium cepa L. para evaluar aberraciones cromosómicas. Estadística : Se analizarán los datos con ANAVA: no paramétrico con Kruskal Wallis y Dunn a posterior (InfoStat, 2010). De los resultados se espera obtener un perfil químico de los terpenos hidrocarbonados de S. areira y evaluar su posible acción antioxidante.