1000 resultados para Gravitational potential
In this study, a quantitative approach was used to investigate the role of D142, which belongs to the highly conserved E/DRY sequence, in the activation process of the alpha1B-adrenergic receptor (alpha1B-AR). Experimental and computer-simulated mutagenesis were performed by substituting all possible natural amino acids at the D142 site. The resulting congeneric set of proteins together with the finding that all the receptor mutants show various levels of constitutive (agonist-independent) activity enabled us to quantitatively analyze the relationships between structural/dynamic features and the extent of constitutive activity. Our results suggest that the hydrophobic/hydrophilic character of D142, which could be regulated by protonation/deprotonation of this residue, is an important modulator of the transition between the inactive (R) and active (R*) state of the alpha1B-AR. Our study represents an example of quantitative structure-activity relationship analysis of the activation process of a G protein-coupled receptor.
Milk fat globule-EGF factor 8 (MFG-E8) is a glycoprotein highly expressed in breast cancer that contributes to tumor progression through largely undefined mechanisms. By analyzing publicly available gene expression profiles of breast carcinomas, we found that MFG-E8 is highly expressed in primary and metastatic breast carcinomas, associated with absent estrogen receptor expression. Immunohistochemistry analysis of breast cancer biopsies revealed that MFG-E8 is expressed on the cell membrane as well as in the cytoplasm and nucleus. We also show that increased expression of MFG-E8 in mammary carcinoma cells increases their tumorigenicity in immunodeficient mice, and conversely, its downregulation reduces their in vivo growth. Moreover, expression of MFG-E8 in immortalized mammary epithelial cells promotes their growth and branching in three-dimensional collagen matrices and induces the expression of cyclins D1/D3 and N-cadherin. A mutant protein unable to bind integrins can in part exert these effects, indicating that MFG-E8 function is only partially dependent on integrin activation. We conclude that MFG-E8-dependent signaling stimulates cell proliferation and the acquisition of mesenchymal properties and contributes to mammary carcinoma development.
Myoblast transfer therapy has been extensively studied for a wide range of clinical applications, such as tissue engineering for muscular loss, cardiac surgery or Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy treatment. However, this approach has been hindered by numerous limitations, including early myoblast death after injection and specific immune response after transplantation with allogenic cells. Different cell sources have been analyzed to overcome some of these limitations. The object of our study was to investigate the growth potential, characterization and integration in vivo of human primary fetal skeletal muscle cells. These data together show the potential for the creation of a cell bank to be used as a cell source for muscle cell therapy and tissue engineering. For this purpose, we developed primary muscular cell cultures from biopsies of human male thigh muscle from a 16-week-old fetus and from donors of 13 and 30 years old. We show that fetal myogenic cells can be successfully isolated and expanded in vitro from human fetal muscle biopsies, and that fetal cells have higher growth capacities when compared to young and adult cells. We confirm lineage specificity by comparing fetal muscle cells to fetal skin and bone cells in vitro by immunohistochemistry with desmin and 5.1 H11 antibodies. For the feasibility of the cell bank, we ensured that fetal muscle cells retained intrinsic characteristics after 5 years cryopreservation. Finally, human fetal muscle cells marked with PKH26 were injected in normal C57BL/6 mice and were found to be present up to 4 days. In conclusion we estimate that a human fetal skeletal muscle cell bank can be created for potential muscle cell therapy and tissue engineering.
Veterans of infection, Leishmania parasites have been plaguing mammals for centuries, causing a morbidity toll second only to that of malaria as the most devastating protozoan parasitic disease in the world. Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is, by far, the most prevalent form of the disease, with symptoms ranging from a single self-healing lesion to chronic metastatic leishmaniasis (ML). In an increasingly immunocompromised population, complicated CL is becoming a more likely outcome, characterized by severely inflamed, destructive lesions that are often refractory to current treatment. This is perhaps because our ageing arsenal of variably effective antileishmanial drugs may be directly or indirectly immunomodulatory and may thus have variable effects in each type and stage of CL. Indeed, widely differing immune biases are created by the various species of Leishmania, and these immunological watersheds are further shifted by extrinsic disturbances in immune homeostasis. For example, we recently showed that a naturally occurring RNA virus (Leishmania RNA virus (LRV)) within some Leishmania parasites creates hyperinflammatory cross-talk, which can predispose to ML: a case of immunological misfire that may require a different approach to immunotherapy, whereby treatments are tailored to underlying immune biases. Understanding the intersecting immune pathways of leishmaniasis and its co-infections will enable us to identify new drug targets, and thereby design therapeutic strategies that work by untangling the immunological cross-wires of pathogenic cross-talk.
Most optimistic views, based on Optimum Currency Areas (OCA) literature, have concluded that the probability of asymmetric shocks to occur at anational level will tend to diminish in the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)as a result of the intensification of the integration process during the most recent years. Therefore, since Economic Geography Theories predict a higherspecialisation of regions, it is expected that asymmetric shocks will increase.Previous studies have examined to what extent asymmetric shocks have been relevant in the past using, mainly, static measures of asymmetries such as the correlation coefficients between series of shocks previously calculated from astructural VAR model (Bayoumi and Eichengreen, 1992).In this paper, we study the evolution of manufacturing specific asymmetries in Europe from a dynamic point of view (applying the modelproposed by Haldane and Hall, 1991) in order to obtain new evidence about potential risks of EMU.
A population of undifferentiated cells with neuronal potentialities were revealed in rat sciatic nerve. Explant cultures of sciatic nerve were prepared from newborn or early postnatal rat. Cultures were growth in F14 medium supplemented with 10% of fetal calf serum, incubated in a humidified 3% CO2, 97% air atmosphere. Within 2 weeks, refractile cells exhibiting the morphology of neurons were observed in all examined cultures. These cells had ovoid or multipolar refractile cells bodies with extended cytoplasmic processes. The neuronal nature of these cells was confirmed by their immunostaining with specific neuronal markers: neurofilament triplets, neuron-specific enolase, peripherin, microtubule-associated proteins, and brain spectrin. This neuronal population displayed various phenotypes. The CO2 concentration in the incubator plays an important role, since the number of differentiated neurons was lower in cultures incubated in 5% CO2. Since the sciatic nerve is devoid of nerve cell bodies in vivo, we concluded that early postnatal sciatic nerve contains crest cells with neuronal potentialities differentiating into neurons in response to the culture's environmental cues.
Progress in the understanding of the hepatitis C virus life cycle allowed the development of new, very promising antiviral therapies. Although these new drugs have a favourable profile in terms of efficacy, tolerance and interaction potential, their prescription in the setting of comedication and impaired renal or hepatic function remains a challenge. Here, we provide a summary of pharmacological considerations, focusing on sofosbuvir, simeprevir and daclatasvir. A better understanding of their metabolic pathways and transporters may help the prescriber to identify and manage drug interactions especially in patients under immunosuppressive or anti-HIV therapy. Recommendations for the prescription of these drugs in specific situations are also discussed.
The system of no-till sowing stands out as being a technology that suits the objectives of more rational use of the soil and greater protection against the erosion. However, through till, any of it, occurs modifications of the soil's structure. This current work aims to study the influence of the energy state of the water and of the organic matter on the mechanism of compaction of Red Oxisol under no-till management system. Humid and non-deformed sample were collected in horizon AP of two agricultural areas under no-till, with and without rotation of cultures. In the laboratory, these samples were broken into fragments and sifted to obtain aggregates of 4 to 5 mm sized, which were placed in equilibrium under four matrix potentials. Thereafter, they were exposed to uni-dimensional compression with pressures varying from 32 to 1,000 kPa. The results in such a way show that the highest compressibility of aggregates both for the tilling with rotation of cultures as for the tilling without rotation of cultures, occurred for matrix potential -32 kPa (humidity of 0.29-0.32 kg kg-1, respectively), while the minor occurred for the potentials of -1 and -1,000 kPa (humidity of 0.35 and 0.27 kg kg-1, respectively), indicating that this soil should not be worked with humidity ranging around 0.29 to 0.32 kg kg-1 and the highest reduction of volume of aggregates was obtained for the mechanical pressures lower than 600 inferior kPa, indicating that these soils showed to be very influenced by compression, when exposed to mechanical work. Also, the aggregates of soil under no-till and rotation of crops presented higher sensitivity to the compression than the aggregates of soil under no-till and without rotation of crops, possibly for having better structural conditions given to a higher content of organic matter.
Nutrients are basically transported to the roots by mass flow and diffusion. The aim of this study was to quantify the contribution of these two mechanisms to the acquisition of macronutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S) and cationic micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu) by maize plants as well as xylem exudate volume and composition in response to soil aggregate size and water availability. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse with samples of an Oxisol, from under two management systems: a region of natural savanna-like vegetation (Cerradão, CER) and continuous maize under conventional management for over 30 years (CCM). The treatments were arranged in a factorial [2 x (1 + 2) x 2] design, with two management systems (CER and CCM), (1 + 2) soil sifted through a 4 mm sieve and two aggregate classes (< 0.5 mm and 0.5 - 4.0 mm) and two soil matric potentials (-40 and -10 kPa). These were evaluated in a randomized block design with four replications. The experiment was conducted for 70 days after sowing. The influence of soil aggregate size and water potential on the nutrient transport mechanisms was highest in soil samples with higher nutrient concentrations in solution, in the CER system; diffusion became more relevant when water availability was higher and in aggregates < 0.5 mm. The volume of xylem exudate collected from maize plants increased with the decrease in aggregate size and the increased availability of soil water in the CER system. The highest Ca and Mg concentrations in the xylem exudate of plants grown on samples from the CER system were related to the high concentrations of these nutrients in the soil solution of this management system.
Most optimistic views, based on Optimum Currency Areas (OCA) literature, have concluded that the probability of asymmetric shocks to occur at anational level will tend to diminish in the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)as a result of the intensification of the integration process during the most recent years. Therefore, since Economic Geography Theories predict a higherspecialisation of regions, it is expected that asymmetric shocks will increase.Previous studies have examined to what extent asymmetric shocks have been relevant in the past using, mainly, static measures of asymmetries such as the correlation coefficients between series of shocks previously calculated from astructural VAR model (Bayoumi and Eichengreen, 1992).In this paper, we study the evolution of manufacturing specific asymmetries in Europe from a dynamic point of view (applying the modelproposed by Haldane and Hall, 1991) in order to obtain new evidence about potential risks of EMU.
Stereochemistry is now influencing most areas of pharmacotherapy, with a growing awareness in the field of psychiatry and, more specifically, depression. This is due to the fact that the enantiomers of many chiral drugs may have distinct pharmacological, pharmacokinetic and/or pharmacogenetic profiles. Consequently, in some instances there may be an advantage in using a single enantiomer over the racemic form-thus providing a basis for the development of new therapeutic agents, as well as the potential to improve current treatments. This review highlights some of the potential advantages and disadvantages that using single enantiomers might offer. The principles are exemplified through reference to the stereoselective properties of several established chiral psychotropic drugs, including thioridazine, methadone, trimipramine, mianserin, mirtazapine, fluoxetine and citalopram. Emphasis is given to the treatment of depression and how the potential of one pure enantiomer-escitalopram, the S-enantiomer of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor citalopram-appears to be fulfilling its preclinical promise in the clinic.
PURPOSE: Small intestinal submucosa is a xenogenic, acellular, collagen rich membrane with inherent growth factors that has previously been shown to promote in vivo bladder regeneration. We evaluate in vitro use of small intestinal submucosa to support the individual and combined growth of bladder urothelial cells and smooth muscle cells for potential use in tissue engineering techniques, and in vitro study of the cellular mechanisms involved in bladder regeneration. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Primary cultures of human bladder urothelial cells and smooth muscle cells were established using standard enzymatic digestion or explant techniques. Cultured cells were then seeded on small intestinal submucosa at a density of 1 x 105 cells per cm.2, incubated and harvested at 3, 7, 14 and 28 days. The 5 separate culture methods evaluated were urothelial cells seeded alone on the mucosal surface of small intestinal submucosa, smooth muscle cells seeded alone on the mucosal surface, layered coculture of smooth muscle cells seeded on the mucosal surface followed by urothelial cells 1 hour later, sandwich coculture of smooth muscle cells seeded on the serosal surface followed by seeding of urothelial cells on the mucosal surface 24 hours later, and mixed coculture of urothelial cells and smooth muscle cells mixed and seeded together on the mucosal surface. Following harvesting at the designated time points small intestinal submucosa cell constructs were formalin fixed and processed for routine histology including Masson trichrome staining. Specific cell growth characteristics were studied with particular attention to cell morphology, cell proliferation and layering, cell sorting, presence of a pseudostratified urothelium and matrix penetrance. To aid in the identification of smooth muscle cells and urothelial cells in the coculture groups, immunohistochemical analysis was performed with antibodies to alpha-smooth muscle actin and cytokeratins AE1/AE3. RESULTS: Progressive 3-dimensional growth of urothelial cells and smooth muscle cells occurred in vitro on small intestinal submucosa. When seeded alone urothelial cells and smooth muscle cells grew in several layers with minimal to no matrix penetration. In contrast, layered, mixed and sandwich coculture methods demonstrated significant enhancement of smooth muscle cell penetration of the membrane. The layered and sandwich coculture techniques resulted in organized cell sorting, formation of a well-defined pseudostratified urothelium and multilayered smooth muscle cells with enhanced matrix penetration. With the mixed coculture technique there was no evidence of cell sorting although matrix penetrance by the smooth muscle cells was evident. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrated that urothelial cells and smooth muscle cells maintain the expression of the phenotypic markers of differentiation alpha-smooth muscle actin and cytokeratins AE1/AE3. CONCLUSIONS: Small intestinal submucosa supports the 3-dimensional growth of human bladder cells in vitro. Successful combined growth of bladder cells on small intestinal submucosa with different seeding techniques has important future clinical implications with respect to tissue engineering technology. The results of our study demonstrate that there are important smooth muscle cell-epithelial cell interactions involved in determining the type of in vitro cell growth that occurs on small intestinal submucosa. Small intestinal submucosa is a valuable tool for in vitro study of the cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions that are involved in regeneration and various disease processes of the bladder.
After a steady decline in the early 20th century, several terrestrial carnivore species have recently recovered in Western Europe, either through reintroductions or natural recolonization. Because of the large space requirements of these species and potential conflicts with human activities, ensuring their recovery requires the implementation of conservation and management measures that address the environmental, landscape and social dimensions of the problem. Few examples exist of such integrated management. Taking the case of the otter (Lutra lutra) in Switzerland, we propose a multi-step approach that allows to (1) identify areas with potentially suitable habitat, (2) evaluate their connectivity, (3) verify the potentiality of the species recolonization from populations in neighbouring countries. We showed that even though suitable habitat is available for the species and the level of structural connectivity within Switzerland is satisfactory, the level of connectivity with neighbouring populations is crucial to prioritize strategies that favour the species recovery in the field. This research is the first example integrating habitat suitability and connectivity assessment at different scales with other factors in a multi-step assessment for species recovery.
Calculations of the binding energy of bound positron states in metal surfaces, with explicit inclusion of plasmon dispersion and single-particle effects, are presented. The binding energy is greatly reduced with respect to the undispersed case.