928 resultados para Geometrical Isomers
Deformation bands are structures, developed in porous sandstones, that has small offsets and they are not shown on seismic section. The deformation bands of the pre and synrift sandstones of Araripe Basin were studied in outcrop, macroscopic and microscopic scales. The hierarchical, cinematic and spatial-geometric characteristics, and also the deformational mechanisms acting during its structural evolution were established too. In general, the mesoscopic scale observation allowed to discriminate deformation bands as singles or clusters in three main sets: NNE-SSW dextral; NE-SW normal (sometimes with strike-slip offset); and E-W sinistral; further a bed-parallel deformation bands as a local set. The microscopic characterization allowed to recognize the shearing and cataclastic character of such structures. Through the multi-scale study done in this work we verified that deformation bands analyzed were preferentially developed when sandstones under advanced stage of lithification. We also infer that the geometrical-spatial complexity of these bands, together with the presence of cataclastic matrix, can difficult the migration of fluids in reservoir rocks, resulting on their compartmentalization. Therefore, the study of deformation bands can aid researches about the structural evolution of sedimentary basin, as well as collaborate to understand the hydrodynamic behavior of reservoirs compartmented by these deformational structures
This study aimed at evaluating performance and egg quality of Japanese quails fed feeds containing different corn and limestone particle sizes. A total number of 648 birds in the peak of production was distributed in a random complete block experimental design, using a 2x3 factorial arrangement (2 corn particle sizes and 3 limestone particle sizes). Birds were designated to one of two blocks, with six replicates of 18 birds each. Mean geometric diameter (MGD) values used were 0.617mm and 0.723mm (corn fine and coarse particle sizes, respectively), and 0.361mm, 0.721mm, and 0.947mm (limestone fine, intermediate and coarse particle sizes, respectively). The following treatments were applied: T1: fine corn feed, with 100% fine limestone; T2: fine corn feed, with 50% fine limestone and 50% intermediate limestone; T3: fine corn feed, with 50% fine limestone and 50% coarse limestone; T4: coarse corn feed, with 100% fine limestone; T5: coarse corn feed, with 50% fine limestone and 50% intermediate limestone; T6: coarse corn feed, with 50% fine limestone and 50% coarse limestone. The experiment lasted 112 days, consisting of 4 cycles of 28 days. No significant interaction was observed among corn and limestone particle sizes for any of the analyzed parameters. There were no significant effects (p>0.05) of the tested corn particle sizes on quail performance or egg quality. There were significant (p<0.05) isolated effects of limestone particle size only on the percentage of cracked eggs, which was reduced when birds fed 50% coarse limestone (0.947mm) and 50% fine limestone (0.361mm) as compared to those fed 100% fine limestone. Therefore, the inclusion of 50% coarse limestone (0.947mm) is recommended for quail egg production.
Mario Sergio Palma, Yasuhiro Itagaki, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Hideo Naoki and Terumi Nakajima. Structural characterization of a new acylpolpaminetoxin from the venom of Brazilian garden spider Nephilengys: cruentata. Toxicon 36, 455-493, 1998.-The use of mass spectrometry, in which high-energy CID and charge remote fragmentation both of protonated and sodium-attached molecular ions was applied, afforded the structural elucidation of a new acylgolyaminetoxin with M-W= 801 da from the venom of the Brazilian garden spider Nephilengys cruentata. In spite of having the same M-W of the NPTX-2, previously described in the venom of the Joro spider Nephila clavata, neither toxins are isomers. In order to differentiate them by using the most usual nomenclature, the new toxin was named NPTX-801C and the NPTX-2 was renamed to NPTX-801E. Both toxins have as common structure the 4-hydroxyindole-3-acetyl-asparaginyl-cadaveryl moiety in their molecules and their structure may be represented in a simplified way: NPTX-801E is HO-indole-Asn-Cad-Pta-Orn-Arg and NPTX-801C is HO-indole-Asn-Cad-Gly-Put-Pta-Pta. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
PVC films submitted to ultrasonic irradiation presented structural changes as probed by infrared measurements. These measurements showed some infrared bands alterations attributed to the increase concentration of some conformational isomers of PVC and the presence of some new species in the macromolecular matrix. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Let p be a prime, and let zeta(p) be a primitive p-th root of unity. The lattices in Craig's family are (p - 1)-dimensional and are geometrical representations of the integral Z[zeta(p)]-ideals < 1 - zeta(p)>(i), where i is a positive integer. This lattice construction technique is a powerful one. Indeed, in dimensions p - 1 where 149 <= p <= 3001, Craig's lattices are the densest packings known. Motivated by this, we construct (p - 1)(q - 1)-dimensional lattices from the integral Z[zeta(pq)]-ideals < 1 - zeta(p)>(i) < 1 - zeta(q)>(j), where p and q are distinct primes and i and fare positive integers. In terms of sphere-packing density, the new lattices and those in Craig's family have the same asymptotic behavior. In conclusion, Craig's family is greatly extended while preserving its sphere-packing properties.
Employing the general principles of classification of SU3 states, we have found 285 quantum number isomers (QNI), i.e. nuclei for which there are two possible SU3 quantum number sets, characterized by the maximal eigenvalue of the SU3 group Casimir operator, at the minimal value N-0(min) for the quantum number N-0 of the group U3(A-1) symmetric representation, allowed by the Pauli principle. 41 of these QNI can be attributed to the nun-excited, ground SU3 configurations of realistic nuclei. Two examples of QNI: Si-28 and Zn-60, have been studied in detail in the framework of the strictly restricted dynamics model (SRDM).
To estimate realistic cross sections in ultra peripheral heavy ion collisions we must remove effects of strong absorption. One method to eliminate these effects make use of a Glauber model calculation, where the nucleon-nucleon energy dependent cross sections at small impact parameter are suppressed. In another method we impose a geometrical cut on the minimal impact parameter of the nuclear collision ((b)min > R-1 + R-2, where R-i is the radius of ion 'i'). In this last case the effect of a possible nuclear radius dependence with the energy has not been considered in detail up to now. Here we introduce this effect showing that for final states with small invariant mass the effect is negligible. However when the final state has a relatively large invariant mass, e.g., an intermediate mass Higgs boson, the cross section can decrease up to 50%. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V.
We study the propagation of waves in an elastic tube filled with an inviscid fluid. We consider the case of inhomogeneity whose mechanical and geometrical properties vary in space. We deduce a system of equations of the Boussinesq type as describing the wave propagation in the tube. Numerical simulations of these equations show that inhomogeneities prevent separation of right-going from left-going waves. Then reflected and transmitted coefficients are obtained in the case of localized constriction and localized rigidity. Next we focus on wavetrains incident on various types of anomalous regions. We show that the existence of anomalous regions modifies the wavetrain patterns. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We study the existence of homoclic solutions for reversible Hamiltonian systems taking the family of differential equations u(iv) + au - u +f(u, b) = 0 as a model, where fis an analytic function and a, b real parameters. These equations are important in several physical situations such as solitons and in the existence of finite energy stationary states of partial differential equations, but no assumptions of any kind of discrete symmetry is made and the analysis here developed can be extended to others Hamiltonian systems and successfully employed in situations where standard methods fail. We reduce the problem of computing these orbits to that of finding the intersection of the unstable manifold with a suitable set and then apply it to concrete situations. We also plot the homoclinic values configuration in parameters space, giving a picture of the structural distribution and a geometrical view of homoclinic bifurcations. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Conditions for CP violation in the scalar potential sector of general N-Higgs-doublet models are analyzed from a group theoretical perspective. For the simplest two-Higgs-doublet model potential, a minimum set of conditions for explicit and spontaneous CP violation is presented. The conditions can be given a clear geometrical interpretation in terms of quantities in the adjoint representation of the basis transformation group for the two doublets. Such conditions depend on CP-odd pseudoscalar invariants. When the potential is CP invariant, the explicit procedure to reach the real CP-basis and the explicit CP transformation can also be obtained. The procedure to find the real basis and the conditions for CP violation are then extended to general N-Higgs-doublet model potentials. The analysis becomes more involved and only a formal procedure to reach the real basis is found. Necessary conditions for CP invariance can still be formulated in terms of group invariants: the CP-odd generalized pseudoscalars. The problem can be completely solved for three Higgs-doublets.
By exploring the relationship between the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a gravitational field and the light propagation in a refractive medium, it is shown that, in the presence of a positive cosmological constant, the velocity of light will be smaller than its special relativity value. Then, restricting again to the domain of validity of geometrical optics, the same result is obtained in the context of wave optics. It is argued that this phenomenon and the anisotropy in the velocity of light in a gravitational field are produced by the same mechanism.
We calculate the gravitational deflection of massive particles moving with relativistic velocity in the solar system to second post-Newtonian order. For a particle passing close to the Sun with impact parameter b, the deflection in classical general relativity is Phi(C)[GRAPHICS]where v(0) is the particle speed at infinity and M is the Sun's mass. We compute afterwards the gravitational deflection of a spinless neutral particle of mass m in the same static gravitational field as above, treated now as an external field. For a scalar boson with energy E, the deflection in semiclassical general relativity (SGR) is Phisc[GRAPHICS]This result shows that the propagation of the =2E spinless massive boson produces inexorably dispersive effects. It also shows that the semiclassical prediction is always greater than the geometrical one, no matter what the boson mass is. In addition, it is found that SGR predicts a deflection angle of similar to2.6 arcsec for a nonrelativistic spinless massive boson passing at the Sun's limb.
The teleparallel gravity theory, treated physically as a gauge theory of translations, naturally represents a particular case of the most general gauge-theoretic model based on the general affine group of spacetime. on the other hand, geometrically, the Weitzenbock spacetime of distant parallelism is a particular case of the general metric-affine spacetime manifold. These physical and geometrical facts offer a new approach to teleparallelism. We present a systematic treatment of teleparallel gravity within the framework of the metric-affine theory. The symmetries, conservation laws and the field equations are consistently derived, and the physical consequences are discussed in detail. We demonstrate that the so-called teleparallel GR-equivalent model has a number of attractive features which distinguishes it among the general teleparallel theories, although it has a consistency problem when dealing with spinning matter sources.
In this work we apply a nonperturbative approach to analyze soliton bifurcation ill the presence of surface tension, which is a reformulation of standard methods based on the reversibility properties of the system. The hypothesis is non-restrictive and the results can be extended to a much wider variety of systems. The usual idea of tracking intersections of unstable manifolds with some invariant set is again used, but reversibility plays an important role establishing in a geometrical point of view some kind of symmetry which, in a classical way, is unknown or nonexistent. Using a computer program we determine soliton solutions and also their bifurcations ill the space of parameters giving a picture of the chaotic structural distribution to phase and amplitude shift phenomena. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.