989 resultados para Geological extrapolation
The overall purpose of this study was to develop a thorough inspection regime for onsite wastewater treatment systems, which is practical and could be implemented on all site conditions across the country. With approximately 450,000 onsite wastewater treatment systems in Ireland a risk based methodology is required for site selection. This type of approach will identify the areas with the highest potential risk to human health and the environment and these sites should be inspected first. In order to gain the required knowledge to develop an inspection regime in-depth and extensive research was earned out. The following areas of pertinent interest were examined and reviewed, history of domestic wastewater treatment, relevant wastewater legislation and guidance documents and potential detrimental impacts. Analysis of a questionnaire from a prior study, which assessed the resources available and the types of inspections currently undertaken by Local authorities was carried out. In addition to the analysis of the questionnaire results, interviews were carried out with several experts involved in the area of domestic wastewater treatment. The interview focussed on twelve key questions which were directed towards the expert’s opinions on the vital aspects of developing an inspection regime. The background research, combined with the questionnaire analysis and information from the interviews provided a solid foundation for the development of an inspection regime. Chapter 8 outlines the inspection regime which has been developed for this study. The inspection regime includes a desktop study, consultation with the homeowners, visual site inspection, non-invasive site tests, and inspection of the treatment systems. The general opinion from the interviews carried out, was that a standardised approach for the inspections was necessary. For this reason an inspection form was produced which provides a standard systematic approach for inspectors to follow. This form is displayed in Appendix 3. The development of a risk based methodology for site selection was discussed and a procedure similar in approach to the Geological Survey of Irelands Groundwater Protection Schemes was proposed. The EPA is currently developing a risk based methodology, but it is not available to the general public yet. However, the EPA provided a copy of a paper outlining the key aspects of their methodology. The methodology will use risk maps which take account of the following parameters: housing density, areas with inadequate soil conditions, risk of water pollution through surface and subsurface pathways. Sites identified with having the highest potential risk to human health and the environment shall be inspected first. Based on the research carried out a number of recommendations were made which are outlined in Chapter 10. The principle conclusion was that, if these systems fail to operate satisfactorily, home owners need to understand that these systems dispose of the effluent to the 'ground' and the effluent becomes part of the hydrological cycle; therefore, they are a potential hazard to the environment and human health. It is the owners, their families and their neighbours who will be at most immediate risk.
გარდატეხილი ტალღების კორელაციური და არეკვლილი ტალღების საერთო სიღრმული წერტილის მეთოდების მიხედვით აგებულია ლისი-დუშეთის პროფილის სეისმოგეოლოგიური ჭრილი. მასში გამოყოფილი ჰორიზონტების ასაკობრივი დონეები და ლითოფაციალური აგებულება, ძირითადად, განსაზღვრულია ლისისა და ბიწმინდის ჭაბურღილების მონაცემებით. ამასთან, ჭრილი სეისმოტომოგრაფიულად მიბმულია შინდისისა და ქიწნისის ჭაბურღილებთან. აგებულია ლისი-დუშეთის პროფილის სეისმოტომოგრაფილი ჭრილი, სადაც ნათლად გამოიყოფა დანალექი ფორმაციების სიმძლავრეები და გავრცელების კონტურები, რაც კარგ თანხვედრაშია სეისმოგეოლოგიურ ჭრილთან.
ახალი გეომაგნიტური და გეოლოგიური ინფორმაციების საფუძველზე დადგენილია, რომ წითელწყაროს მაგნიტური ანომალიის წყაროა ბაიოსის პორფირიტული წყების ქანები. ამასთან ერთად, გამოთქმულია მოსაზრება საკვლევი რეგიონის გეოტექნიკური განვითარების და მაგნიტური ანომალიის წარმოშობის გეოლოგიური ისტორიის შესახებ.
მდინარე მტკვარზე ჰიდროელექტროსადგურის მშენებლობის რაიონის საინჟინრო-გეოლოგიური პირობების გამოკვლევა გეოფიზიკური მეთოდებით გეოფიზიკური გამოკვლევების შედეგად შესწავლილია მდ. მტკვარზე ჰიდროელექტროსადგურის მშენებლობის რაიონის საინჟინრო-გეოლოგიური პირობები. დადგენილია იქ გავრცელებული ნალექების სიმძლავრეები და ფიზიკური პარამეტრები. გამოვლენილია მეწყრული და პოტენციურად მეწყერსაშიში უბნები და დადგენილია მათში ფილტრაციის გაბატონებული მიმართულება. შეფასებულია ჰეს მშენებლობის რაიონის სეისმურობა.
ელექტროძიების ექსპრეს-მეთოდით პროგრამული უზრუნველყოფის IPI2WIN გამოყენებით კვლევის მიზანს წარმოადგენს ბაკურიანის პლატოზე გავრცელებული ნალექების საინჟინრო-გეოლოგიური და ჰიდროგეოლოგიური პირობების დაზუსტება ცენტრალური პროფილის მაგალითზე. IPI2WIN პროგრამული უზრუნველყოფით მიღებული კუთრი ელექტრული წინაღობის ჭრილი კარგ თანხვედრაშია ტრადიციული პალეტური ინტერპრეტაციის შედეგად მიღებულ (I-I’) გეოელექტრულ ჭრილთან.
Изучение инжинерно-геологических условии Бугеуьского (Рача) оползня геофизическими методами разветки
ბუნებრივი ელექტრული ველის მეთოდით განისაზღვრა ბუგეულის მეწყერზე მიწისქვეშა წყლების მოძრაობის მიმართულება, დადგინდა მათი დინების საკმაოდ მაღალი სიჩქარე და დაფიქსირდა დამეწყრილი მასის ბოლო ნიშნულები.
n.s. no.15(1985)
White micas in carbonate-rich tectonites and a few other rock types of large thrusts in the Swiss Helvetic fold-and-thrust belt have been analyzed by Ar-40/Ar-39 and Rb/Sr techniques to better constrain the timing of Alpine deformation for this region. Incremental Ar-40/Ar-39 heating experiments of 25 weakly metamorphosed (anchizone to low greenschist) samples yield plateau and staircase spectra. We interpret most of the staircase release spectra result from variable mixtures of syntectonic (neoformed) and detrital micas. The range in dates obtained within individual spectra depends primarily on the duration of mica nucleation and growth, and relative proportions of neoformed and detrital mica. Rb/Sr analyses of 12 samples yield dates of ca. 10-39 Ma (excluding one anomalously young sample). These dates are slightly younger than the Ar-40/Ar-39 total gas dates obtained for the same samples. The Rb/ Sr dates were calculated using initial Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios obtained from the carbonate-dominated host rocks, which are higher than normal Mesozoic carbonate values due to exchange with fluids of higher Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios (and lower O-18/O-16 ratios). Model dates calculated using Sr-87/Sr-86 values typical of Mesozoic marine carbonates more closely approximate the Ar-40/Ar-39 total gas dates for most of the samples. The similarities of Rb/Sr and Ar-40/Ar-39 total gas dates are consistent with limited amounts of detrital mica in the samples. The delta(18)O values range from 24-15%. (VSMOW) for 2-6 mum micas and 27-16parts per thousand for the carbonate host rocks. The carbonate values are significantly lower than their protolith values due to localized fluid-rock interaction and fluid flow along most thrust surfaces. Although most calcite-mica pairs are not in oxygen isotope equilibrium at temperatures of ca. 200-400 degreesC, their isotopic fractionations are indicative of either 1) partial exchange between the minerals and a common external fluid, or 2) growth or isotopic exchange of the mica with the carbonate after the carbonate had isotopically exchanged with an external fluid. The geological significance of these results is not easily or uniquely determined, and exemplifies the difficulties inherent in dating very fine-grained micas of highly deformed tectonites in low-grade metamorphic terranes. Two generalizations can be made regarding the dates obtained from the Helvetic thrusts: 1) samples from the two highest thrusts (Mt. Gond and Sublage) have all of their Ar-40/Ar-39 steps above 20 Ma, and 2) most samples from the deepest Helvetic thrusts have steps (often accounting for more than 80% of Ar-39 release) between 15 and 25 Ma. These dates are consistent with the order of thrusting in the foreland-imbricating system and increase proportions of neoformed to detrital mica in the more metamorphosed hinterland and deeply buried portions of the nappe pile. Individual thrusts accommodated the majority of their displacement during their initial incorporation into the foreland-imbricating system, and some thrusts remained active or were reactivated down to 15 Ma.
Crystallization temperatures of the oceanic carbonatites of Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, have been determined from oxygen isotope fractionations between calcite, silicate minerals (feldspar, pyroxene, biotite, and zircon) and magnetite. The measured fractionations have been interpreted in the light of late stage interactions with meteoric and/or magmatic water. Cathodoluminescence characteristics were investigated for the carbonatite minerals in order to determine the extent of alteration and to select unaltered samples. Oxygen isotope fractionations of minerals of unaltered samples yield crystallization temperatures between 450 and 960degreesC (average 710degreesC). The highest temperature is obtained from pyroxene-calcite pairs. The above range is in agreement with other carbonatite thermometric Studies. This is the first study that provides oxygen isotope data coupled with a CL study on carbonatite-related zircon. The CL pictures revealed that the zircon is broken and altered in the carbonatites and in associated syenites. Regarding geological field evidences of syenite-carbonatite relationship and the close agreement of published zircon U/Pb and whole rock and biotite K/Ar and Ar-Ar age data, the most probable process is early zircon crystallization from the syenite magma and late-stage reworking during magma evolution and carbonatite segregation. The oxygen isotope fractionations between zircon and other carbonatite minerals (calcite and pyroxene) support the assumption that the zircon would correspond to the early crystallization of syenite-carbonatite magmas.
The upper part of three deep seismic lines running across the Penninic Swiss Alps of Valais have been studied. Numerous reflectors illustrate the nappe structure of this internal part of the orogen. These reflectors, even at great depths (20-25 km), can be correlated with outcropping geological features and are most likely produced by lithological boundaries rather than by mylonites zones, which are hardly reflective in such an environment. Our interpretations, largely constrained by projections of the outcropping geology, have improved our knowledge of the deep structure of this segment of the Alpine belt, enhancing the importance of the backfolding and the crustal scale deformation phase which produced the Rawil-Valpelline depression and the Aar-Toce culmination. Furthermore we have here the possibility of correlating seismic patterns produced by ductile folds with the outcropping structures.