922 resultados para Geographic information system (GIS)
Ao longo das últimas décadas o Parque Natural da Arrábida (PNArr) tem vindo a ser alvo de um elevado número de pressões antrópicas. Tal situação fica-se a dever à atractividade paisagística e ambiental e à localização geográfica desta Área Protegida, que se encontra próximo de áreas urbanas com uma elevada densidade populacional. Uma dessas pressões antrópicas é a área construída, na sua grande maioria residências secundárias, que se verificam em algumas áreas no interior do PNArr, sobretudo a partir da segunda metade da década de 80 do século passado. Este fenómeno origina uma série de efeitos negativos, como por exemplo a fragmentação de habitats. Com base nesta premissa propõe-se uma metodologia que permita proceder à monitorização de áreas edificadas na área do parque. A presente dissertação pretendeu avaliar o contributo da Detecção Remota (DR) e dos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG) como instrumentos para monitorizar a taxa de edificação, que é restringida pelos planos de ordenamento. Para tal foram selecionadas três áreas: Portinho da Arrábida, Vale de Picheleiros e Serra da Azóia, que foram analisadas num espaço temporal de 45 anos, entre 1967 e 2012. Para proceder à caracterização, quantificação e espacialização da evolução de áreas construídas foram utilizados SIG e DR. A análise efectuada teve como informação geográfica de base Fotografias Aéreas (1967, 1977 e 1978) e Ortofotomapas (1995, 1999, 2007 e 2012), informação vectorial referente aos limites do PNArr e aos Planos de Ordenamento e, como informação complementar, a Base Geográfica de Referenciação da Informação dos anos de 1991, 2001 e 2011. Os resultados obtidos demonstram a existência de dinâmicas evolutivas da área construída diferenciadas em cada uma das três áreas de estudo. No Portinho da Arrábida as demolições ocorridas em 1986 reduziram a área edificada e desde então o aumento da área construída é pouco significativo. No Vale de Picheleiros registou-se um aumento de dez vezes a área construída inicial e é mais notório o impacto das medidas de restrição à edificação estabelecidas no plano de ordenamento de 2005, comparativamente ao plano preliminar de ordenamento de 1980. Na Serra da Azóia, o reduzido aumento de áreas construídas, entre 2007 e 2012, no zonamento Protecção Complementar II, traduz o efeito das restrições à edificação estabelecidas no plano de ordenamento de 2005. No outro zonamento, Perímetro Urbano, não é possível verificar os efeitos das restrições, uma vez que esta área está fora da gestão do Parque. As informações geográficas produzidas com base na utilização de Tecnologias de Informação Geográfica revelam ser essenciais para a gestão e monitorização da taxa de edificação. Os resultados produzidos ajudam à caracterização do território, bem como à identificação de tendências de evolução da área edificada.
INTRODUCTION: The northeast region of Brazil is endemic for zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis (ZVL). The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of infection in dogs in Petrolina.METHODS: Blood samples were collected from dogs (n = 600), and bone-marrow biopsy was performed in animals with positive serological test results that presented clinical signs of ZVL. The serological analyses were performed using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (S7(r)Biogene).RESULTS: Of the 600 dogs tested, 19% (115/600) presented anti-L. infantum chagasi antibodies.CONCLUSIONS: Our data are important because canine infection is an important risk factor for the human disease.
Accessibility is nowadays an important issue for the development of cities. It is seen as a priority in order toguarantee equal access to fundamental rights, to improve the quality of life of citizens and to ensure that everyone, regardless of age, mobility or ability, have equal access to all the resources and benefits cities have to offer. Consequently, factors closely related to the accessibility have gained a higher relevance for identifying and assessing the location of urban facilities. The main goal of the paper is to present an accessibility evaluation model applied in Santarém, in Brazil, a city located midway between the larger cities of Belem and Manaus. The research instruments, sampling method and data analysis proposed for mapping urban accessibility are described. Daily activities were used to identify and group key destinations. The model was implemented within a geographic information system and integrates the individualâ s perspective through the definition of each key destination weight, reflecting their significance for daily activities in the urban area. Accessibility to key destinations was mapped over 24 districts of the city of Santarém. The results of this model application can support city administration decision-making for new investments in order to improve urban quality of life.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (Área de Conhecimento: Educação ambiental e para a Sustentabilidade)
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências (Especialidade de Geologia)
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil
The main objective of this thesis on flooding was to produce a detailed report on flooding with specific reference to the Clare River catchment. Past flooding in the Clare River catchment was assessed with specific reference to the November 2009 flood event. A Geographic Information System was used to produce a graphical representation of the spatial distribution of the November 2009 flood. Flood risk is prominent within the Clare River catchment especially in the region of Claregalway. The recent flooding events of November 2009 produced significant fluvial flooding from the Clare River. This resulted in considerable flood damage to property. There were also hidden costs such as the economic impact of the closing of the N17 until floodwater subsided. Land use and channel conditions are traditional factors that have long been recognised for their effect on flooding processes. These factors were examined in the context of the Clare River catchment to determine if they had any significant effect on flood flows. Climate change has become recognised as a factor that may produce more significant and frequent flood events in the future. Many experts feel that climate change will result in an increase in the intensity and duration of rainfall in western Ireland. This would have significant implications for the Clare River catchment, which is already vulnerable to flooding. Flood estimation techniques are a key aspect in understanding and preparing for flood events. This study uses methods based on the statistical analysis of recorded data and methods based on a design rainstorm and rainfall-runoff model to estimate flood flows. These provide a mathematical basis to evaluate the impacts of various factors on flooding and also to generate practical design floods, which can be used in the design of flood relief measures. The final element of the thesis includes the author’s recommendations on how flood risk management techniques can reduce existing flood risk in the Clare River catchment. Future implications to flood risk due to factors such as climate change and poor planning practices are also considered.
L’objecte d’aquest estudi és determinar el ritme restaurador i caracteritzar la tipologia de les restauracions d’algunes activitats extractives de Catalunya. S’ha analitzat l’evolució dels treballs de restauració en una selecció d’activitats extractives de Catalunya i s’ha estimat la qualitat de les restauracions efectuades en base a la observació de la vegetació desenvolupada, el control de l’erosió i la integració paisatgística. Per dur a terme aquest estudi s’ha creat una base de dades en format de qüestionari, combinada amb un sistema d’informació geogràfica, que s’ha assajat en un treball de camp amb una mostra limitada d’activitats extractives. A partir de la interpretació dels resultats, es determina que actualment la gestió incorpora la necessitat de restaurar, però com a element subordinat a la producció. Això produeix una manca de planificació que incideix directament en la qualitat de les restauracions dutes a terme. La gestió de les pedreres encara ha de situar el concepte de restauració integrada com a eix central del desenvolupament i planificació de l’activitat extractiva.
1. Landscape modification is often considered the principal cause of population decline in many bat species. Thus, schemes for bat conservation rely heavily on knowledge about species-landscape relationships. So far, however, few studies have quantified the possible influence of landscape structure on large-scale spatial patterns in bat communities. 2. This study presents quantitative models that use landscape structure to predict (i) spatial patterns in overall community composition and (ii) individual species' distributions through canonical correspondence analysis and generalized linear models, respectively. A geographical information system (GIS) was then used to draw up maps of (i) overall community patterns and (ii) distribution of potential species' habitats. These models relied on field data from the Swiss Jura mountains. 3. Fight descriptors of landscape structure accounted for 30% of the variation in bat community composition. For some species, more than 60% of the variance in distribution could be explained by landscape structure. Elevation, forest or woodland cover, lakes and suburbs, were the most frequent predictors. 4. This study shows that community composition in bats is related to landscape structure through species-specific relationships to resources. Due to their nocturnal activities and the difficulties of remote identification, a comprehensive bat census is rarely possible, and we suggest that predictive modelling of the type described here provides an indispensable conservation tool.
A 0.125 degree raster or grid-based Geographic Information System with data on tsetse, trypanosomosis, animal production, agriculture and land use has recently been developed in Togo. This paper addresses the problem of generating tsetse distribution and abundance maps from remotely sensed data, using a restricted amount of field data. A discriminant analysis model is tested using contemporary tsetse data and remotely sensed, low resolution data acquired from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration and Meteosat platforms. A split sample technique is adopted where a randomly selected part of the field measured data (training set) serves to predict the other part (predicted set). The obtained results are then compared with field measured data per corresponding grid-square. Depending on the size of the training set the percentage of concording predictions varies from 80 to 95 for distribution figures and from 63 to 74 for abundance. These results confirm the potential of satellite data application and multivariate analysis for the prediction, not only of the tsetse distribution, but more importantly of their abundance. This opens up new avenues because satellite predictions and field data may be combined to strengthen or substitute one another and thus reduce costs of field surveys.
El present treball Final de Carrera és un apropament als Sistemas d'Informació Geogràfica (SIG), segons dues vessants: la teòrica, oferint informació general sobre els SIG, i la pràctica, mostrant el desenvolupament d'una aplicació concreta basada en programari SIG.
Aquesta memòria representa la documentacó d'un treball de recerca i desenvolupament sobre un sistema d'informació geogràfica (SIG)
Aquest document detalla, desglossant la informació en diferents capítols, les tasques que s'han fet per a construir un sistema d'informació geogràfica (SIG) de carreteres emprant el producte Geomedia Professional 5.2 d'Intergraph: què és un SIG, per a què serveix, quins usos pot tenir i què el diferencia d'altres productes semblants com ara un programari de disseny assistit per ordinador (CAD) o un sistema de teledetecció, nocions de cartografia, formats d'intercanvi d'informació geogràfica, etc.
En la logística de Vall Companys Grup, un problema fonamental que cal resoldre és el de la situació geogràfica de tots els elements que participen en la logística, com ara fàbriques, granges, camions i magatzems; a més, se n'han d'estudiar les interrelacions per a aconseguir un aprofitament òptim dels recursos disponibles. Per a resoldre aquest problema, l'eina adequada seria un sistema d'informació geogràfica (SIG). En aquest projecte s'estudia què és un SIG i els conceptes que engloba, i se'n presenta un de comercial: Geomedia Professional 5.2. Fent servir aquest producte, s'ha construït un prototipus que estableix les bases per a poder resoldre el problema de logística de Vall Companys Grup i que mostra les potencialitats de Geomedia Professional 5.2.
El present treball de fi de carrera (TFC) és un estudi dels Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica (SIG) per tal de gestionar informació cadastral. Com a objecte concret de l'estudi s'ha triat la població de Centelles, Osona.