965 resultados para Gelfand-Dickey formalism
Rational solutions of the Painlevé IV equation are constructed in the setting of pseudo-differential Lax formalism describing AKNS hierarchy subject to the additional non-isospectral Virasoro symmetry constraint. Convenient Wronskian representations for rational solutions are obtained by successive actions of the Darboux-Bäcklund transformations. ©2010 American Institute of Physics.
Using the results recently obtained for computing integrals over (non-minimal) pure spinor superspace, we compute the coefficient of the massless two-loop four-point amplitude from first principles. Contrasting with the mathematical difficulties in the RNS formalism where unknown normalizations of chiral determinant formulæ force the two-loop coefficient to be determined only indirectly through factorization, the computation in the pure spinor formalism can be smoothly carried out. © SISSA 2010.
We review the basic hypotheses which motivate the statistical framework used to analyze the cosmic microwave background, and how that framework can be enlarged as we relax those hypotheses. In particular, we try to separate as much as possible the questions of gaussianity, homogeneity, and isotropy from each other. We focus both on isotropic estimators of nongaussianity as well as statistically anisotropic estimators of gaussianity, giving particular emphasis on their signatures and the enhanced cosmic variances that become increasingly important as our putative Universe becomes less symmetric. After reviewing the formalism behind some simple model-independent tests, we discuss how these tests can be applied to CMBdata when searching for large-scale anomalies. Copyright © 2010 L. Raul Abramo and Thiago S. Pereira.
We present a nonperturbative quantization of the two-dimensional massless gauged Thirring model by using the path-integral approach. First, we will study the constraint structure of model via the Dirac's formalism and by using the Faddeev-Senjanovic method we calculate the vacuum-vacuum transition amplitude in a Rξ-gauge, then we compute the Green's functions in a nonperturbative framework. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
Non-abelian gauge theories are super-renormalizable in 2+1 dimensions and suffer from infrared divergences. These divergences can be avoided by adding a Chern-Simons term, i.e., building a Topologically Massive Theory. In this sense, we are interested in the study of the Topologically Massive Yang-Mills theory on the Null-Plane. Since this is a gauge theory, we need to analyze its constraint structure which is done with the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism. We are able to find the complete set of Hamiltonian densities, and build the Generalized Brackets of the theory. With the GB we obtain a set of involutive Hamiltonian densities, generators of the evolution of the system. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
In this paper we present a new approach for thermal lens analysis using a two-wavelength DSPI (Digital Speckle Pattern Interferometry) setup for wavefront sensing. The employed geometry enables the sensor to detect wavefronts with small phase differences and inherent aberrations found in induced lenses. The wavefronts was reconstructed by four-stepping fringe evaluation and branch-cut unwrapping from fringes formed onto a diffusive glass. Real-time single-exposure contour interferograms could be obtained in order to get discernible and low-spacial frequency contour fringes and obtain low-noise measurements. In our experiments we studied the thermal lens effect in a 4% Er-doped CaO-Al2O3 glass sample. The diode lasers were tuned to have a contour interval of around 120 μm. The incident pump power was longitudinally and collinearly oriented with the probe beams. Each interferogram described a spherical-like wavefront. Using the ABCD matrix formalism we obtained the induced lens dioptric power from the thermal effect for different values of absorbed pump power. © 2012 Copyright SPIE.
The fixed-slope correlation between tetramer and trimer binding energies, observed by Tjon in the context of nuclear physics, is mainly a manifestation of the dominance of the two-nucleon force in the nuclear potential, which makes the four-body scale on the order of the three-body one. In a more general four-boson case, the correlation between tetramer and trimer binding energies has a non-fixed slope, which expresses the dependence on the new scale. The associated scaling function generates a family of Tjon lines. This conclusion relies on a recent study with weakly-bound four identical bosons, within a renormalized zero-range Faddeev-Yakubovsky formalism. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
Recently, classical elasticity theory for thin sheets was used to demonstrate the existence of a universal structural behavior describing the confinement of sheets inside cylindrical tubes. However, this kind of formalism was derived to describe macroscopic systems. A natural question is whether this behavior still holds at nanoscale. In this work, we have investigated through molecular dynamics simulations the structural behavior of graphene and boron nitride single layers confined into nanotubes. Our results show that the class of universality observed at macroscale is no longer observed at nanoscale. The origin of this discrepancy is addressed in terms of the relative importance of forces and energies at macro and nano scales. © 2012 Materials Research Society.
The influence of superficial defects on the vortex configurations of a thin superconducting disk is investigated within the time dependent Ginzburg-Landau formalism. The free energy, magnetization, vorticity, and the Cooper pair density are calculated for both metastable and stable vortex configurations and different number of defects on its surface in the presence of an external magnetic field applied perpendicular to the disk area. We show that the competition between the confinement geometry and the geometric position of the defects leads to non-conventional vortex configurations which are not compatible with the symmetry of the sample geometry.
Correspondence between the self-dual model and the topologically massive electrodynamics: A new view
Following the study of the Topologically Massive Theories under the Hamilton-Jacobi, we now analyze the constraint structure of the Self-Dual model as well as its correspondence with the Topologically Massive Electrodynamics. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.
We present a formalism for the computation of one-nucleon-induced nonmesonic weak hypernuclear decay rates in laboratory coordinates, within an independent-particle shell model framework, with a view to its generalization to the case of two-nucleon-induced transitions. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.
The dynamics of dissipative and coherent N-body systems, such as a Bose-Einstein condensate, which can be described by an extended Gross-Pitaevskii formalism, is investigated. In order to analyze chaotic and unstable regimes, two approaches are considered: a metric one, based on calculations of Lyapunov exponents, and an algorithmic one, based on the Lempel-Ziv criterion. The consistency of both approaches is established, with the Lempel-Ziv algorithmic found as an efficient complementary approach to the metric one for the fast characterization of dynamical behaviors obtained from finite sequences. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this work, a particular BRST-exact class of deformations of the b ghost in the non-minimal pure spinor formalism is investigated and the impact of this construction in the N= 2 ĉ = 3 topological string algebra is analysed. As an example, a subclass of deformations is explicitly shown, where the U (1) current appears in a conventional form, involving only the ghost number currents. Furthermore, a c ghost like composite field is introduced, but with an unusual construction. © 2013 SISSA, Trieste, Italy.
In this paper, we show how to compute in O(n2) steps the Fourier coefficients associated with the Gelfand-Levitan approach for discrete Sobolev orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle when the support of the discrete component involving derivatives is located outside the closed unit disk. As a consequence, we deduce the outer relative asymptotics of these polynomials in terms of those associated with the original orthogonality measure. Moreover, we show how to recover the discrete part of our Sobolev inner product. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We consider the non-Markovian Langevin evolution of a dissipative dynamical system in quantum mechanics in the path integral formalism. After discussing the role of the frequency cutoff for the interaction of the system with the heat bath and the kernel and noise correlator that follow from the most common choices, we derive an analytic expansion for the exact non-Markovian dissipation kernel and the corresponding colored noise in the general case that is consistent with the fluctuation-dissipation theorem and incorporates systematically non-local corrections. We illustrate the modifications to results obtained using the traditional (Markovian) Langevin approach in the case of the exponential kernel and analyze the case of the non-Markovian Brownian motion. We present detailed results for the free and the quadratic cases, which can be compared to exact solutions to test the convergence of the method, and discuss potentials of a general nonlinear form. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.