752 resultados para Gall wasps


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Photosynthetic eukaryotes have a critical role as the main producers in most ecosystems of the biosphere. The ongoing environmental metabarcoding revolution opens the perspective for holistic ecosystems biological studies of these organisms, in particular the unicellular microalgae that often lack distinctive morphological characters and have complex life cycles. To interpret environmental sequences, metabarcoding necessarily relies on taxonomically curated databases containing reference sequences of the targeted gene (or barcode) from identified organisms. To date, no such reference framework exists for photosynthetic eukaryotes. In this study, we built the PhytoREF database that contains 6490 plastidial 16S rDNA reference sequences that originate from a large diversity of eukaryotes representing all known major photosynthetic lineages. We compiled 3333 amplicon sequences available from public databases and 879 sequences extracted from plastidial genomes, and generated 411 novel sequences from cultured marine microalgal strains belonging to different eukaryotic lineages. A total of 1867 environmental Sanger 16S rDNA sequences were also included in the database. Stringent quality filtering and a phylogeny-based taxonomic classification were applied for each 16S rDNA sequence. The database mainly focuses on marine microalgae, but sequences from land plants (representing half of the PhytoREF sequences) and freshwater taxa were also included to broaden the applicability of PhytoREF to different aquatic and terrestrial habitats. PhytoREF, accessible via a web interface (http://phytoref.fr), is a new resource in molecular ecology to foster the discovery, assessment and monitoring of the diversity of photosynthetic eukaryotes using high-throughput sequencing.


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Cuatro derivados en -τρον y -θρον se refieren no a un objeto, sino a una persona. Analizo κύκηθρον y τάρακτρον, con especial atención al pasaje de la Paz de Aristófanes, y λαίμαστρον y el plural νώβυστρα, documentados en Herodas.


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Marketing and policy researchers seeking to increase the societal impact of their scholarship should engage directly with relevant stakeholders. For maximum societal effect, this engagement needs to occur both within the research process and throughout the complex process of knowledge transfer. A relational engagement approach to research impact is proposed as complementary and building upon traditional approaches. Traditional approaches to impact employ bibliometric measures and focus on the creation and use of journal articles by scholarly audiences, an important but incomplete part of the academic process. The authors suggest expanding the strategies and measures of impact to include process assessments for specific stakeholders across the entire course of impact: from the creation, awareness, and use of knowledge to societal impact. This relational engagement approach involves the co-creation of research with audiences beyond academia. The authors hope to begin a dialogue on the strategies researchers can make to increase the potential societal benefits of their research.


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Based on optical imaging and spectroscopy of the Type II-Plateau SN 2013eq, we present a comparative study of commonly used distance determination methods based on Type II supernovae. The occurrence of SN 2013eq in the Hubble flow (z = 0.041 ± 0.001) prompted us to investigate the implications of the difference between "angular" and "luminosity" distances within the framework of the expanding photosphere method (EPM) that relies upon a relation between flux and angular size to yield a distance. Following a re-derivation of the basic equations of the EPM for SNe at non-negligible redshifts, we conclude that the EPM results in an angular distance. The observed flux should be converted into the SN rest frame and the angular size, θ, has to be corrected by a factor of (1 + z)2. Alternatively, the EPM angular distance can be converted to a luminosity distance by implementing a modification of the angular size. For SN 2013eq, we find EPM luminosity distances of DL = 151 ± 18 Mpc and DL = 164 ± 20 Mpc by making use of different sets of dilution factors taken from the literature. Application of the standardized candle method for Type II-P SNe results in an independent luminosity distance estimate (DL = 168 ± 16 Mpc) that is consistent with the EPM estimate. Spectra of SN 2013eq are available in the Weizmann Interactive Supernova data REPository (WISeREP): http://wiserep.weizmann.ac.il


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Les modèles d'optimalité postulent que les animaux en quête de ressources utilisent le taux de gain de valeur adaptative pour optimiser plusieurs comportements tels que la répartition du temps lors de l’exploitation d‘un agrégat et l'investissement en progénitures. Bien que la durée de plusieurs comportements doit être régulée, peu d’évidences de la perception du temps sont actuellement disponibles pour les insectes et aucune pour les guêpes parasitoïdes, et ce malgré leur importance en tant que modèles écologiques. De plus, puisque les guêpes parasitoïdes sont poïkilothermes, cette capacité pourrait être affectée par la température. Nous avons supposé que les guêpes parasitoïdes auraient la capacité de percevoir le temps, à la fois de façon prospective (mesure du temps écoulé) et rétrospective (durée d'un événement passé), afin d'optimiser les décisions liées à l'exploitation d’agrégats d’hôtes et à la reproduction. Nous avons également émis l'hypothèse que la température aurait une incidence sur la perception du temps des guêpes parasitoïdes. Pour la mesure prospective du temps, nous avons utilisé la capacité d’apprentissage associatif de Microplitis croceipes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Les guêpes ont été entraînées à associer une odeur à la durée d'un intervalle entre des hôtes. Après leur entraînement, elles ont été testées dans un tunnel de vol avec un choix d’odeurs. Les guêpes ont choisi majoritairement l'odeur associée à l'intervalle de temps auquel elles étaient testées. Nous avons également investigué le rôle de la dépense énergétique sur la mesure du temps. Suite à une restriction de mouvement des guêpes pendant l'intervalle de temps entre les hôtes, elles choisissaient aléatoirement dans le tunnel de vol. L'absence de dépense énergétique les aurait rendues incapables de mesurer le temps. La dépense d'énergie est donc un substitut essentiel pour mesurer le temps. Pour la mesure rétrospective du temps, nous avons utilisé le processus d'évaluation de l'hôte de Trichogramma euproctidis (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Certains trichogrammes utilisent la durée du transit initial sur l'œuf hôte afin d’en évaluer la taille et d’ajuster le nombre d’œufs à y pondre. Nous avons augmenté artificiellement la durée de transit initiale de T. euproctidis en suspendant l'œuf hôte pour le faire paraître plus gros qu'un œuf de taille similaire. Une augmentation de la durée de transit initiale a augmenté la taille de la ponte. Ceci démontre la capacité de T. euproctidis de mesurer la durée du transit initial, et donc d’une mesure du temps rétrospective. Pour déterminer si la température modifie la mesure du temps dans les espèces poïkilothermes, nous avons utilisé le comportement d’exploitation d’agrégats d’hôtes de T. euproctidis. Les modèles d’optimalités prédisent que les guêpes devraient rester plus longtemps et quitter à un faible taux de gain de valeur adaptative suite à un déplacement de longue durée plutôt que pour un déplacement de courte durée. Nous avons testé l'impact d'un déplacement de 24 h à différentes températures sur l'exploitation d’agrégats d’hôtes. Un déplacement à température chaude augmente le temps de résidence dans l’agrégat et diminue le taux de gain de valeur adaptative au moment de quitter ; ces comportements sont associés à un trajet de longue durée. L'inverse a été observé lors d’un déplacement à une température froide. Les températures chaude et froide ont modulé la mesure du temps en accélérant ou ralentissant l'horloge biologique, faisant paraître le déplacement respectivement plus long ou plus court qu’il ne l’était réellement. Ces résultats démontrent clairement que les guêpes parasitoïdes ont la capacité de mesurer le temps, autant rétrospectivement que prospectivement. Des preuves directes de leur capacité sont maintenant disponibles pour au moins deux espèces de guêpes parasitoïdes, une composante essentielle des modèles d'optimalité. Le rôle de la dépense énergétique dans la mesure du temps a aussi été démontré. Nos résultats fournissent également la preuve de l'impact de la température sur la perception du temps chez les insectes. L'utilisation de la dépense énergétique en tant que proxy pour mesurer le temps pourrait expliquer une partie de sa thermosensibilité, puisque les guêpes parasitoïdes sont poïkilothermes. Cette mesure du temps sensible à la température pourrait affecter des stratégies de lutte biologique. Sur le terrain, au début de la journée, la température de l'air sera similaire à la température de l'air autour des plantes infestées par des parasites, alors qu'elle sera plus chaude pendant la journée. En lutte biologique augmentative, les guêpes parasitoïdes libérées resteraient plus longtemps dans les agrégats d’hôtes que celles relâchées en début de journée.


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The use of remote sensing for monitoring of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in fluvial environments has been limited by the spatial and spectral resolution of available image data. The absorption of light in water also complicates the use of common image analysis methods. This paper presents the results of a study that uses very high resolution (VHR) image data, collected with a Near Infrared sensitive DSLR camera, to map the distribution of SAV species for three sites along the Desselse Nete, a lowland river in Flanders, Belgium. Plant species, including Ranunculus aquatilis L., Callitriche obtusangula Le Gall, Potamogeton natans L., Sparganium emersum L. and Potamogeton crispus L., were classified from the data using Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) and expert knowledge. A classification rule set based on a combination of both spectral and structural image variation (e.g. texture and shape) was developed for images from two sites. A comparison of the classifications with manually delineated ground truth maps resulted for both sites in 61% overall accuracy. Application of the rule set to a third validation image, resulted in 53% overall accuracy. These consistent results show promise for species level mapping in such biodiverse environments, but also prompt a discussion on assessment of classification accuracy.


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Ideas about the evolution of imperfect mimicry are reviewed. Their relevance to the colours patterns of hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae) are discussed in detail. Most if not all of the hoverflies labelled as mimetic actually are mimics. The apparently poor nature of their resemblance does not prevent them from obtaining at least some protection from suitably experienced birds. Mimicry is a dominant theme of this very large family of Diptera, with at least a quarter of all species in Europe being mimetic. Hoverfly mimics fall into three major groups according to their models, involving bumblebees, honeybees and social wasps. There are striking differences in the general levels of mimetic fidelity and relative abundances of the three groups, with accurate mimicry, low abundance and polymorphism characterizing the bumblebee mimics: more than half of all the species of bumblebee mimics are polymorphic. Mimics of social wasps tend to be poor mimics, have high relative abundance, and polymorphism is completely absent. Bumblebee models fall into a small number of Muellerian mimicry rings which are very different between the Palaearctic and Nearctic regions. Social wasps and associated models form one large Muellerian complex. Together with honeybees, these complexes probably form real clusters of forms as perceived by many birds. All three groups of syrphid mimics contain both good and poor mimics; some mimics are remarkably accurate, and have close morphological and behavioural resemblance. At least some apparently 'poor' mimetic resemblances may be much closer in birds' perception than we imagine, and more work needs to be done on this. Bumblebees are the least noxious and wasps the most noxious of the three main model groups. The basis of noxiousness is different, with bumblebees being classified as non-food, whereas honeybees and wasps are nasty-tasting and (rarely) stinging. The distribution of mimicry is exactly what would be expected from this ordering, with polymorphic and accurate forms being a key feature of mimics of the least noxious models, while highly noxious models have poor-quality mimicry. Even if the high abundance of many syrphid mimics relative to their models is a recent artefact of man-made environmental change, this does not preclude these species from being mimics. It seems unlikely that bird predation actually controls the populations of adult syrphids. Being rare relative to a model may have promoted or accelerated the evolution of perfect mimicry: theoretically this might account for the pattern of rare good mimics and abundant poor ones, but the idea is intrinsically unlikely. Many mimics seem to have hour-to-hour abundances related to those of their models, presumably as a result of behavioural convergence. We need to know much more about the psychology of birds as predators. There are at least four processes that need elucidating: (a) learning about the noxiousness of models; (b) the erasing of that learning through contact with mimics (extinction, or learned forgetting); (c) forgetting; (d) deliberate risk-taking and the physiological states that promote it. Johnston's (2002) model of the stabilization of imperfect mimicry by kin selection is unlikely to account for the colour patterns of hoverflies. Sherratt's (2002) model of the influence of multiple models potentially accounts for all the patterns of hoverfly mimicry, and is the most promising avenue for testing.


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We tested the prediction that, if hoverflies are Batesian mimics, this may extend to behavioral mimicry such that their numerical abundance at each hour of the day (the daily activity pattern) is related to the numbers of their hymenopteran models. After accounting for site, season, microclimatic responses and for general hoverfly abundance at three sites in north-west England, the residual numbers of mimics were significantly correlated positively with their models 9 times out of 17, while 16 out of 17 relationships were positive, itself a highly significant non-random pattern. Several eristaline flies showed significant relationships with honeybees even though some of them mimic wasps or bumblebees, perhaps reflecting an ancestral resemblance to honeybees. There was no evidence that good and poor mimics differed in their daily activity pattern relationships with models. However, the common mimics showed significant activity pattern relationships with their models, but the rarer mimics did not. We conclude that many hoverflies show behavioral mimicry of their hymenopteran models.


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Originalmente presentada como tesis del autor (Dr. en Ciencias Económicas -- Universidad de San Gall. Facultad de Ciencias Ecómicas y Sociales, 1982).


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L’informazione in campo ambientale assume un’importanza fondamentale in relazione all’obiettivo di accrescere il livello di consapevolezza e di sensibilità in relazione al concetto di ambiente, sia al fine di promuovere comportamenti coerenti con il principio di sviluppo sostenibile, sia per contribuire allo sviluppo di una responsabilità individuale e collettiva. Le tecnologie mobili nascono e si evolvono a partire dalla necessità dell’uomo di espandere i propri limiti e dall’esigenza di avere la possibilità di comunicare e accedere alle informazioni in maniera diretta e immediata. L'utilizzo di dispositivi mobili, quali smartphone e tablet, è in netta crescita in tutte le categorie di utenza e nei differenti contesti sociali. Possedere un dispositivo mobile dotato di accesso alla rete internet permette di avere il sapere a portata di mano e di comunicare con utenti in tutto il modo senza barriere fisiche e temporali. Inoltre, possono essere strumenti di grande aiuto, sia nel campo lavorativo che nel tempo libero, grazie all’utilizzo di innumerevoli applicazioni create ad hoc per l'acquisizione di informazioni e la loro fruizione. L’aspirazione del progetto, inserito nel Sistema di Comunicazione, Informazione e Diffusione dell’Osservatorio della Biodiversità della Sicilia, è la realizzazione di una applicazione che permetta ai visitatori di approfondire e consolidare i luoghi e forme della conoscenza offerti, durante la visita dell’Osservatorio della Biodiversità Regione Sicilia, dal personale qualificato rivestito dalle figure di ricercatori e tecnologi dell’IAMC CNR della sede di Capo Granitola. Gli scopi principali sono la comunicazione, l’informazione e l’educazione per lo sviluppo di conoscenze e sensibilità sul tema della Biodiversità per spronare gli utenti alla salvaguardia del territorio, rendendo facilmente accessibile l’approfondimento dei concetti riguardanti numerose specie e habitat del nostro territorio, attraverso una dimensione scientifica di stampo ludico.


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Il progetto all’interno del quale si è inserita l' attività "Sperimentare in acquacoltura il novellame di Sardina pilchardus" è il Progetto Ritmare (La Ricerca Italiana per il Mare). Il progetto Ritmare è un progetto strategico per la ricerca sul mare in Italia, che vuole coniugare le risorse ambientali del mare con l’uso connesso alle attività produttive e allo sfruttamento energetico delle sue risorse, sviluppando tecnologie ed innovazione e, al tempo stesso, promuovendone la sua conoscenza e il rispetto. In tale contesto il progetto mira a sperimentare in acquacoltura il novellame di sardina, prodotto agroalimentare tradizionalmente consumato e molto richiesto nei paesi rivieraschi del Mediterraneo. ll novellame per anni è stato pescato in modo puntuale ma per la bassissima sostenibilità e per l’impatto sugli stock adulti, la comunità europea ne ha deciso la sospensione. Il progetto vuole tentare di reintegrare il prodotto sul mercato attraverso una produzione sostenibile, evitando la perdita culturale. Saranno indagate le caratteristiche organolettiche del prodotto per promuoverne il consumo e verificate le ricadute industriali attraverso la realizzazione di un Business plan.


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Apparitions of empire and imperial ideologies were deeply embedded in the International Exhibition, a distinct exhibitionary paradigm that came to prominence in the mid-nineteenth century. Exhibitions were platforms for the display of objects, the movement of people, and the dissemination of ideas across and between regions of the British Empire, thereby facilitating contact between its different cultures and societies. This thesis aims to disrupt a dominant understanding of International Exhibitions, which forwards the notion that all exhibitions, irrespective of when or where they were staged, upheld a singular imperial discourse (i.e. Greenhalgh 1988, Rydell 1984). Rather, this thesis suggests International Exhibitions responded to and reflected the unique social, political and economic circumstances in which they took place, functioning as cultural environments in which pressing concerns of the day were worked through. Understood thus, the International Exhibition becomes a space for self-presentation, serving as a stage from which a multitude of interests and identities were constructed, performed and projected. This thesis looks to the visual and material culture of the International Exhibition in order to uncover this more nuanced history, and foregrounds an analysis of the intersections between practices of exhibition-making and identity-making. The primary focus is a set of exhibitions held in Glasgow in the late-1880s and early-1900s, which extends the geographic and temporal boundaries of the existing scholarship. What is more, it looks at representations of Canada at these events, another party whose involvement in the International Exhibition tradition has gone largely unnoticed. Consequently, this thesis is a thematic investigation of the links between a municipality routinely deemed the ‘Second City of the Empire’ and a Dominion settler colony, two types of geographic setting rarely brought into dialogue. It analyses three key elements of the exhibition-making process, exploring how iconographies of ‘quasi-nationhood’ were expressed through an exhibition’s planning and negotiation, its architecture and its displays. This original research framework deliberately cuts across strata that continue to define conceptions of the British Empire, and pushes beyond a conceptual model defined by metropole and colony. Through examining International Exhibitions held in Glasgow in the late-Victorian and Edwardian periods, and visions of Canada in evidence at these events, the goal is to offer a novel intervention into the existing literature concerning the cultural history of empire, one that emphasises fluidity rather than fixity and which muddles the boundaries between centre and periphery.


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Survival of the free-living mycetophagous form of Deladenus siricidicola, the major biological control agent of Sirex woodwasp, Sirex noctilio, was tested in known (Pinus taeda) and predicted novel (P. elliottii subsp. elliottii × P. caribaea var. hondurensis) hybrid host taxa. Trials were established in the field to simulate nematode dispersal both naturally by infected wasps and following commercial inoculation, as well as in the laboratory under controlled conditions. Nematodes showed reduced survival in hybrid pine compared with P. taeda for all tree-associated treatments, but performed equivalently in petri-dish bioassays containing substrate of each taxon. Growth of Amylostereum areolatum, the food source of D. siricidicola was lower on plates containing ground hybrid substrate than on plates containing ground P. taeda. Some physical differences were found between taxa, including differences in bordered pit diameters, tracheid widths, and basic density, but these did not consistently explain reduced performance. More plant secondary compounds (predominantly oleoresins) were present in hybrid taxa than in P. taeda, and in standing trees compared with felled trees. Our results suggested that D. siricidicola may not be as effective in hybrid pine taxa for the biological control of S. noctilio as it is in its current known host taxa, possibly because of reduced growth of its food source, A. areolatum in hybrid pine.


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Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is known to involve the gastrointestinal tract, but gallbladder involvement is rare. The authors report the case of a 26-year-old postpartum female who presented with acute right upper quadrant abdominal pain and was diagnosed with acute acalculous cholecystitis (AAC). In the presence of concomitant features of nephritis, pericardial effusion, anaemia and positive ANA titre, the diagnosis of SLE was confirmed during hospitalisation. Histopathological analysis of the gall bladder revealed evidence of vasculitis. Although rare, AAC can be the first presentation of patients diagnosed with SLE. Prompt diagnosis and management results in a better patient outcome.