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This study assessed visual working memory through Memonum computerized test in schoolchildren. The effects of three exposure times (1, 4 and 8 seconds) have been evaluated, and the presentation of a distractor on the mnemonic performance in the test Memonum in 72 children from a college in the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga, Colombia, aged between 8 and 11 in grades third, fourth and fifth grade. It has been found significant difference regarding the exposure time in the variables number of hits and successes accumulated, showing a better mnemonic performance in participants who took the test during 8 seconds compared to children who took the test during 1 second; in addition, the presence of a distractor showed a significant difference regarding the strengths and successes accumulated. Such distractor is considered a stimulus generator interference that disrupts the storage capacity of working memory in children. Additionally, a significant difference was found with respect to the use of mental rehearsal strategy, indicating that participants who took the test in 4 and 8 seconds, respectively, assigned higher scores than children who took the test in 1 second. A long exposure time to stimuli during Memonum test increases the holding capacity. Also, the use of a distractor affects the storage capacity and this, at the same time, increases the school progression due to the use of mnemonic strategies that children use to ensure the memory of the numerical series
Regarding the standardization of psychological assessment instruments, that is, the construction of referential interpretations of a test, we can find different procedures performed both by Classical Test Theory (CTT) and the Theory of Item Response (IRT). Especially in this case (IRT), we can admit one test as a default, so to use its standardization and transfer the cut-off point to another instrument. Based on this information, the present study aimed to provide a cutoff score for the Baptista Depression Scale - Adult Version (EBADEP-A) through procedures of norms-transfer based on the Center for Epidemiologic Studies – Depression Scale (CES-D). The EBADEP-A presented good distribution and ability to discriminate depressive symptoms, and the sample, consisting of Brazilian College students, received a cutoff score of 32 points. It is emphasized that this is an exploratory and preliminary study, and it is suggested further analyzes to be performed with clinical samples for which results can be corroborated or confronted.
The historiographical paper presented is about the students’ activism and participation in the Latin American psychology. This aims are: 1) to provide a brief historic overview of the Latin American psychology; 2) to review on the students’ participation in the Latin American psychology; 3) to raise students’ future perspectives for the Latin American psychology. It is recognized that there is an extensive past of Latin American psychology and an emerging historiographical work that re fl ects that past.However, there are several historiographical gaps not covered yet by the investigations in the region. In this context, this paper wants to contribute to the study of the students’ activism and participation in the Latin American psychology construction. The historical perspective is supported by the renewed historiographical conception called instant history” which focuses on ancient and recent history at the same time. Indirect sources were used: articles, monographs and compiled editions.
Appreciation of humor includes several cognitive and social processes. None can say that two communities will laugh at the same jokes and find funny the same humorous content. This study worked differences in humor appreciation of university students and comparisons were made between sex and age of participants. To assess the appreciation of humor was built an instrument with 15 written jokes. This instrument was presented to a total sample of 81 students, divided into 3 groups of different age. Participants had to evaluate two aspects: the playfulness and the difficulty of each stimulus or humorous vignette. The jokes that showed significant differences in jocularity have a particular structure marked for a disqualifying content to men, indicating, as noted the literature, that men have more fun with sexual humor and prefers this kind of jokes as well as content related to aggressive or hostile, while women have more fun with humorous vignettes when the man is the victim and reject more when the victim is a woman. In terms of age and the appreciation of humor, there are differences in the type of situations and social contexts valued in the jokes, involving relationship between situational and social aspects of humor.
Descriptive Cross-sectional study involving 787 students from a private university in Bogota. Its objectives were to determine the alcohol consump- tion prevalence, alcoholism and risk of alcoholism and determine the current pattern of alcohol con- sumption. A survey –which included the CAgE index– was used to collect the data. A prevalence of alcoholism of 23%, and of risk of alcoholism of 15% were found. Results show that alcohol con- sumption in university students begins in high school and it is a problematic conduct that it is worth being enlarged and analyzed in greater detail including other variables and perfecting the diag- nosis of alcoholism and its risk in order to achieve early identification and intervention.
This article gives an overview of presuppositions and explanations posed by behaviorist psychology (particularly its radical branch), cognitive–nativist sciences (i.e. psycholinguistics and a branch of cognitive psychology) and other disciplines regarding important psychological events such as anxiety, stress, fear, mood states and language. In relation to the discussion of environment versus genetics, contributions from behavioral neurobiology and neuropsychology are added, showing evidence of traits that can be multigenerationally inherited in a non-genetic way, which have an impact thought the life of organisms and on their way of interacting with the environment; ways in which behavior can be altered by recently unsuspected environmental agents or events, and the overlooked role of prenatal experiences in the explanation of behavior. The evidence calls into question presuppositions made by the academic disciplines listed above, and suggests alternative behavior reinterpretations and explanations
Los adultos jóvenes se han convertido, en las últimasdécadas, en un asunto de debate e investigaciónevolutiva y social, tanto en psicología, comoen otras disciplinas relacionadas. Este recienteinterés se justifi ca en la tendencia contemporáneade las sociedades occidentales industrializadas a laprolongación de la adolescencia y la postergacióndel comienzo de roles adultos comunes. No obstante,en países emergentes, como Colombia, losestudios son muy escasos, la mayor parte basadosen encuestas. Con base en una perspectiva relacional-intergeneracional (establecida por VittorioCigoli y Eugenia Scabini), la presente investigaciónexploró cualitativamente, mediante entrevistassemi-estructuradas la transición a la vida adulta de40 adultos jóvenes colombianos, 20 mujeres y 20hombres. Los resultados fueron confrontados conla teoría contemporánea dominante en este campo(la “adultez emergente” en países desarrollados,propuesta por Jeffrey J. Arnett), la cual no predicelos resultados de un país en vías de desarrollo comoColombia. En cambio, se encontró una fuertepresencia del apoyo familiar como característicafundamental para la transición a la adultez en Colombia,fenómeno que se deriva naturalmente dela teoría relacional-intergeneracional.
Diversos estudios han reportado que cuando existe variabilidad en las condiciones de entrenamiento el éxito en la transferencia de lo aprendido es mayor que cuando las condiciones de entrenamiento son constantes. Es viable suponer que exponer a los participantes a ambos tipos de entrenamiento y en diferente secuencia, se observarán efectos diferentes a los reportados hasta ahora. En el presente estudio participaron 10 estudiantes que fueron aleatoriamente asignados a uno de dos grupos experimentales: Grupo CC-VV y Grupo VV-CC. Los resultados muestran que durante el entrenamiento, al margen de la secuencia, los porcentajes de respuestas correctas más elevados se presentan bajo condiciones constantes. En pruebas de transferencia se observa que la transferencia de lo aprendido durante el entrenamiento es baja cuando CC es el primer entrenamiento recibido. Los resultados en pruebas de comportamiento creativo no arrojaron diferencias significativas entre los grupos aunque se observa mejor ejecución en el Grupo VV-CC. Los hallazgos amplían la información sobre la contribución de la variabilidad del entrenamiento sobre la emergencia de comportamiento creativo y adicionalmente se demuestra existencia de reversibilidad y efectos de secuenciación.
In 1950, the English mathematician Alan Mathison Turing proposed the basis of what some authors consider the test that a machine must pass to establish that it can think. This test is basically a game; nevertheless, it has had great infl uence in the development of the theories of the mind performance. The game specifications and some of its repercussions in the conception of thinking, the consciousness and the human will, will be ramifications of the path that will take us through the beginning of the artificial intelligence, passing along some of its singular manifestations, to culminate in the posing of certain restrictions of its fundaments.
Se ha visto que el Síndrome de Gilles de la Tourette (SGT) tiene un componente lingüístico importante y que algunos autores han estudiado. El presente artículo busca encontrar la evidencia existente en esta relación. El SGT se produce por una alteración en la neurotransmisión de dopamina en los circuitos frontales y subcorticales y una de sus manifestaciones son los tics vocales simples y complejos. Como el síntoma más llamativo de la enfermedad es la coprolalia, se ha estudiado desde varios puntos de vista, encontrándose que no está presente en todos los pacientes con SGT, que no se correlaciona con la severidad de la enfermedad y que el aspecto cultural influye en la expresión de este síntoma. Se han reportado casos de coprolalia mental y coprolalia en pacientes con sordera congénita. Los tics motores complejos pueden estar asociados con ansiedad severa correlacionándose con fallas en los procesos de inhibición. Otra alteración que se ha encontrado en pacientes con SGT es la disfluencia, la cual es diferente de la tartamudez clásica. A nivel del lenguaje en el SGT se han observado una serie de conocimientos rápidos que incluyen el procesamiento cognitivo de las formas de lenguaje gobernadas por reglas.
El objetivo de esta investigación es examinar desde una perspectiva ecológica la salud mental de los adolescentes desplazados por la violencia política en Colombia. Se tomó como base el modelo ecológico integrado del impacto del trauma de Elbedour, ten Bensel y Bastien (1993), que estipula la influencia combinada de diferentes niveles de factores unidos a la experiencia traumática, factores individuales y factores proximales que vienen de la familia, y de los factores sociales de la red social familiar. El estudio se realizó con 98 jóvenes en edades entre los 9 a 16 años (M= 12.5 años, dt= 2.18), habitantes de las afueras de Barranquilla, de los cuales 48 son desplazados por la violencia (26 de sexo masculino, 22 de sexo femenino) y 50 son sedentarios pobres (26 de sexo masculino, 24 de sexo femenino). Los cuestionarios se escogieron en función de su utilización en contextos de pobreza y/o violencia (Macksoud, 1992; Macksoud & Aber, 1996; Macksoud, Aber, Dyregrov & Raundalen, 1990). Los resultados muestran que los adolescentes desplazados son más deprimidos y ansiosos que sus pares sedentarios. La ansiedad está unida al número total de eventos traumáticos, mientras que la depresión se explica más bien por la separación de los padres. Las competencias sociales y el ambiente social actúan como factores protectores. Entre los factores del ambiente social se observa el hecho de vivir en una familia extensa y de inscribirse en una red social que incluye a los amigos de la familia. En su conjunto, la familia y la preservación de su unidad aparecen como elementos cruciales.