926 resultados para Feldspathic ceramic
Fiskars konserniin kuuluvan Arabian posliinitehtaan tuotantostrategia on päivitetty edellisen kerran vuonna 2008. Tuolloin on määritelty ne tuoteryhmät jotka hankitaan ulkopuolisilta toimittajilta sekä ne tuoteryhmät jotka valmistetaan omalla tehtaalla. Tuotteiden yksikkökustannusten merkittävän nousun myötä, tuotantostrategiaa on tullut tarvetta muuttaa, kuitenkin niin että omalla tehtaalla on rooli sekä valmistusyksikkönä että osaamiskeskuksena. Diplomityössä tarkastellaan Arabian tehtaan tilannetta nykyisten valmistusteknologioiden, ydinosaamisen, nykyisen toimittajakentän ja kustannusrakenteiden kautta sekä kuvataan nykyisen tuotantostrategian haasteet. Teorian tarjoaman viitekehyksen ja Fiskars Operating Modelin suuntaviivoja noudattaen laaditaan tehtaalle uusi tuotantostrategia, jonka avulla määritellään tehtaalla valmistettavat tuoteryhmät, valmistusteknologiat ja tarvittavat investoinnit. Lisäksi määritellään tehtaalle rooli keraamisen osaamisen keskuksena ja vierailukohteena.
In recent times the packaging industry is finding means to maximize profit. Wood used to be the most advantageous and everyday material for packaging, worktables, counters, constructions, interiors, tools and as materials and utensils in the food companies in the world. The use of wood has declined vigorously, and other materials like plastic, ceramic, stainless steel, concrete, and aluminum have taken its place. One way that the industry could reduce its cost is by finding possibilities of using wood for primary packaging after which it can be safely recycled or burned as a carbon source for energy. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis is to investigate the possibility of press-forming a wood film into primary packaging. In order to achieve the stated objectives, discussion on major characteristics of wood in terms of structure, types and application were studied. Two different wood species, pine and birch were used for the experimental work. These were provided by a local carpentry workshop in Lappeenranta and a workshop in Ruokolahti supervised by Professor Timo Kärki. Laboratory tests were carried out at Lappeenranta University of Technology FMS workshop on Stenhøj EPS40 M hydraulic C-frame press coupled with National Instruments VI Logger and on the Adjustable packaging line machine at LUT Packaging laboratory. The tests succeeded better on the LUT packaging line than on the Stenhoj equipment due to the integrated heating system in the machine. However, there is much work to be done before the quality of a tray produced from the wood film is comparable to that of the wood plastic composite tray.
The aim of this study was to introduce the tangential microfiltration (TMF) technique on the production of orange juice (TMFJ), and compare it with pasteurised juice (control) as regards chemical composition and sensorial characteristics. We used a TMF pilot equipped with four monotubular ceramic membranes (0.1, 0.2, 0.8 and 1.4mm) arranged in series with a filtering area of 0.005 m² each. Commercial flash-pasteurised orange juice was used as the initial product. Experiments were divided into three parts: a) the characterisation of the TMF pilot; b) optimisation of operational conditions; c) production of the TMFJ. In the second part, membrane with 0.8-mm pores presented best flux followed by those with 1.4-, 0.1-, and 0.2-mm pores. However, to guarantee permeate sterility, we chose the membrane with 0.1-mm pores for TMFJ production. Initially, the orange juice was sieved in order to separate part of the pulp, being subsequently submitted to TMF. A mixture of retentate and pulp was made, and was subsequently pasteurised. We obtained the TMFJ by adding the permeate to the mixture. TMFJ presented soluble solids content (°Brix), pulp, pH, and titrable acidity similar to the initial pasteurised juice (control). Nevertheless, 28% of vitamin C was lost during the TMFJ production. According to the juice taster panel, the control juice presented best sensorial characteristics (greater aroma intensity and fruity flavour) when compared with the TMJF.
West Indian cherry (Malpighia glabra L.) and pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Meer)juice clarification by cross-flow UF, using polysulphone hollow fiber and ceramic tubular membranes with, respectively, nominal molecular weight cut off values of 100kDaltons and average pore diameters of 0.01mm, were studied. The influence of enzymatic treatment using enzyme concentrations of 20, 100 and 300mg/L, a time of 90min and a temperature of 40ºC for depectinization was verified. The juices were then clarified in a laboratory scale filtration unit, with an effective filtration area of 0.12m² for the polysulphone hollow fiber membrane and of 0.005m² for the ceramic tubular membranes. The influence of enzymatic treatment on viscosity, turbidity and total pectin of the juice, before ultrafiltration, is reported. Membrane performance was evaluated in terms of flow rate and clarity of the permeate. The permeate flow rate of depectinized pineapple juice was higher (30 - 60%) for both membranes. Depectinized West Indian cherry juice presented a lower permeate flow rate for the polysulphone hollow fiber membrane. The increase in permeate flow rate, with the use of the 300mg/L and 100mg/L enzyme concentration was not significant, so it is economically advantageous to ultrafilter depectinized juice, treated with an enzyme concentration of 20mg/L.
Fiber-reinforced composite fixed dental prostheses – Studies of the materials used as pontics University of Turku, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Dentistry, Department of Biomaterials Science, Finnish Doctoral Program in Oral Sciences – FINDOS, Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Turku, Finland 2015 Fiber-reinforced composites (FRC), a non-metallic biomaterial, represent a suitable alternative in prosthetic dentistry when used as a component of fixed dental prostheses (FDPs). Some drawbacks have been identified in the clinical performance of FRC restorations, such as delamination of the veneering material and fracture of the pontic. Therefore, the current series of studies were performed to investigate the possibilities of enhancing the mechanical and physical properties of FRC FDPs by improving the materials used as pontics, to then heighten their longevity. Four experiments showed the importance of the pontic design and surface treatment in the performance of FRC FDPs. In the first, the load-bearing capacities of inlay-retained FRC FDPs with pontics of various materials and thicknesses were evaluated. Three different pontic materials were assessed with different FRC framework vertical positioning. Thicker pontics showed increased load-bearing capacities, especially ceramic pontics. A second study was completed investigating the influence of the chemical conditioning of the ridge-lap surface of acrylic resin denture teeth on their bonding to a composite resin. Increased shear bond strength demonstrated the positive influence of the pretreatment of the acrylic surfaces, indicating dissolution of the denture surfaces, and suggesting potential penetration of the monomer systems into the surface of denture teeth. A third study analyzed the penetration depth of different monomer systems on the acrylic resin denture teeth surfaces. The possibility of establishing a durable bond between acrylic pontics and FRC frameworks was demonstrated by the ability of monomers to penetrate the surface of acrylic resin denture teeth, measured by a confocal scanning type microscope. A fourth study was designed to evaluate the load-bearing capacities of FRC FDPs using the findings of the previous three studies. In this case, the performance of pre-shaped acrylic resin denture teeth used as pontics with different composite resins as filling materials was evaluated. The filling material influenced the load-bearing capacities, providing more durable FRC FDPs. It can be concluded that the mechanical and physical properties of FRC FDPs can be improved as has been shown in the development of this thesis. The improvements reported then might provide long lasting prosthetic solutions of this kind, positioning them as potentially permanent rehabilitation treatments. Key words: fiber-reinforced composite, fixed dental prostheses, inlay-retained bridges, adhesion, acrylic resin denture teeth, dental material.
In this work, Sr2FeMoO6 (SFMO) thin films were studied with the main focus on their magnetic and magneto-transport properties. The fabrication process of pulsed laser deposited SFMO films was first optimized. Then the effects of strain, film thickness and substrate were thoroughly investigated. In addition to these external factors, the effect of intrinsic defects on the magnetic properties of SFMO were also clarified. Secondly, the magnetoresistivity mechanims of SFMO films were studied and a semiempirical model of the temperature dependence of resistivity was introduced. The films were grown on single crystal substrates using a ceramic target made with sol-gel method. The structural characterization of the films were carried out with X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and high kinetic energy photoelectron spectroscopy. The magnetic properties were measured with SQUID magnetometer and the magneto-transport properties by magnetometer with a resistivity option. SFMO films with the best combination of structural and magnetic properties were grown in Ar atmosphere at 1050 °C . Their magnetic properties could not be improved by the ex situ post-annealing treatments aside from the treatments in ultra-high vacuum conditions. The optimal film thickness was found to be around 150 nm and only small improvement in the magnetic properties with decreasing strain was observed. Instead, the magnetic properties were observed to be highly dependent on the choice of the substrate due to the lattice mismatch induced defects, which are best avoided by using the SrTiO3 substrate. The large difference in the Curie temperature and the saturation magnetization between the SFMO thin film and polycrystalline bulk samples was connected to the antisite disorder and oxygen vacancies. Thus, the Curie temperature of SFMO thin films could be improved by increasing the amount of oxygen vacancies for example with ultra-high vacuum treatments or improving the B-site ordering by further optimization of the deposition parameters. The magneto-transport properties of SFMO thin films do not follow any conventional models, but the temperature dependence of resistivity was succesfully described with a model of two spin channel system. Also, evidences that the resistivity-temperature behaviour of SFMO thin films is dominated by the structural defects, which reduce the band gap in the majority spin band were found. Moreover, the magnetic field response of the resistivity in SFMO thin films were found to be superposition of different mechanisms that seems to be related to the structural changes in the film.
Työn tarkoituksena oli kuparin ja hapon erottaminen toisistaan malliaineliuoksesta membraanitekniikalla. Kaivannaisteollisuudessa happoja käytetään metalleiden liuottamiseen. Lisäksi happamia jätevesiä syntyy sulfidikaivoksissa, sadeveden liuottaessa metalleja. Raskasmetallit ovat erittäin myrkyllistä vesieliöille. Työn tavoitteena oli saada happo ja metalli hyödynnettävään muotoon. Työn kokeellisessa osassa vertailtiin kahta polymeeristä ja keraamista membraania hapon ja metallin erotuksessa. Mittauksissa käytetyt membraanit olivat: AMS Technologies A-3012 ja A-3014 sekä Inopor ® Type SKR. Syöttöliuos sisälsi kuparisulfaattia ja rikkihappoa. Suodatukset tehtiin 30 ºC lämpötilassa useissa paineissa ja pH-arvoissa. Polymeeristen membraanien suodatusnäytteistä saadut retentiot kuparille olivat vastaavia aikaisempien tutkimusten tuloksien kanssa. A-3012 kalvon kuparin retentio oli 95 % ja A-3014 kalvolle kuparin retentio oli 90 %. Lisäksi mittausten korkeimmissa pH-arvoissa (2,9-2,3) happo konsentroitui permeaattiin. Polymeerisillä membraaneilla ei ollut merkkejä kalvon likaantumisesta tai hajoamisesta. Keraamisella membraanilla mitatut tulokset eivät olleet vastaavia aikaisempien tutkimusten tuloksien kanssa. Kuparin retentio olivat 2 ja 20 prosentin välillä, eikä liuoksen pH eronnut syötön ja permeaatin välillä. Tulosten perusteella molemmat tutkitut polymeeriset membraanit soveltuvat kuparin erottamiseen happamasta liuoksesta. Mittauksissa käytetty keraaminen membraani ei sovellu tähän tehtävään.
The Island Lake greenstone belt is one of the major Archean supracrustal exposures in the northwestern part of the Superior Province of the Canadian Shield. This belt is subdivided into two units: 1) a lower sequence characterised by pillowed to massive, locally pyroclastic, basalt to andesite with a thin central zone of felsic derivatives, all of which are interbedded with and overlain by thick sequences of turbidite facies rock; 2) the upper unit which consists of thick stratified conglomerate overlain by thickly bedded arkose and feldspathic greywacke. Reconnaissance sampling traverses were completed across both the strike of the belt and along its margins with adjacent granitoids. Most of the belt is within the greenschist metamorphic f acies with amphibolite facies occurring in certain areas near t he margins. A post-tectonic, low pressure thermal event may be responsible for the development of a unit of cordierite schi s t which stretches southeastwards from the east end of Cochrane Bay. Volcanism is cyclical in nature changing from tholeiitic to calc-alkaline. There is a general progression in the character of the lavas from mafic t o felsic with stratigraphic height. Chemica l d a ta sugges t that h i gh level fractionation of a mantle- derived ' dry' magma i s t he s ource of the thole i iti c lavas. Contamination of this magma with 'we t' sia l and subsequent fractionation may be r esponsi b l e for the calcalkaline phases .Observations of stratigraphic relationships (in particular the contact between the supracrustals and the granitoids) coupled with the metamorphic and chemical studies, allow the construction of a preliminary model for the evolution of the Island Lake greenstone belt. The following sequential development is suggested: 1) a platform stage characterised by the subaqueous effusion of mafic to intermediate lavas of alternating tholeiitic and calc-alkaline affinities; 2) an edifice stage marked by the eruption of felsic calc-alkaline rocks; 3) an erosional stage characterised by the deposit~on of thick sequences of turbidite facies rocks; 4) the impingement of granitic masses into the margins of the greenstone belt, which was probably related to a downward warping of the supracrustal pilei 5) the erosion of sialic massifs surrounding and within the greenstone belt and of early supracrustal piles, to give the clastic upper unit.
The quartzite microfabric found in the Lorrain Formation was studied across the La Cloche syncline, along a regional north-south transect along highway 6, near Whitefish Falls, Ontario. The complete stratigraphic sequence across the syncline is preserved, and is present on each fold limb. The lithostratigraphic units with the smallest grains size and lowest mica content are located close to the core of the fold, while coarser grained mica and feldspar rich units are situated at the northern and southern most extent of the transect. Deformation mechanisms vary with lithology and with position across the fold. Pressure solution appears to be the dominant deformation mechanism in the feldspathic, micaceous and ferruginous units. In the finer grained, mica poor white medium grained and cherty sandstone units, grain boundary migration (GBM) characteristics show dominance over those of pressure solution and show high amounts of fracturing which cut migrated boundaries and therefore post date GBM. All samples across the fold display a preferred orientation of quartz c-axes. The senses of asymmetry of fabrics are found to be similar across the syncline, with the exception of the ferruginous sandstone unit. Formation of these similar fabrics synmietries can not be the result of strain related to first order folding. The mica content appears to be related to the percentage of quartz lost due to pressure solution as a result of strain; the more mica present, the less quartz was lost. Calculations based on the shape of initial grains suggest that conservatively 30% of the quartz volume has been dissolved out of the Lorrain quartzite, and potentially migrated hundreds of meters to other members of the Huronian Supergroup as there was no meso or macroscopic evidence observed in outcrop.
Lead chromium oxide is a photoconductive dielectric material tha t has great potential of being used as a room temperature photodetector. In this research, we made ceramic pellets of this compound as well as potassium doped compound Pb2-xKxCr05, where x=O, 0.05, 0.125. We also investigate the properties of the lanthanum doped sample whose chemical formula is Pb1.85Lao.15Cr05' The electronic, magnetic and thermal properties of these materials have been studied. Magnetization measurements of the Pb2Cr05 sample indicate a transition at about 310 K, while for the lanthanum doped sample the transition temperature is at about 295 K indicating a paramagnetic behavior. However, the potassium doped samples are showing the transition from paramagnetic state to diamagnetic state at different temperatures for different amounts of potassium atoms present in the sample. We have studied resistivity as a function of temperature in different gas environments from 300 K to 900 K. The resistivity measurement of the parent sample indicates a conducting to insulating transition at about 300 K and upon increasing the temperature further, above 450 K the sample becomes an ionic conductor. As temperature increases a decrease in resistance is observed in the lanthanum/potassium doped samples. Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry experiment an endothermic peak is observed for the Pb2Cr05 and lanthanum/potassium doped samples at about 285 K.
Le présent document consiste en une étude de la céramique caractéristique de la ville d’Amarna (Akhet-Aton) en lien avec les productions palatiales dans les sociétés complexes. Dans une première partie, cette poterie à décor bleu est mise en contexte. La situation géographique, historique et religieuse de la ville sont mises en relief. Les thèmes habituels lors de l’étude d’une céramique sont ensuite abordés : les ateliers, les matériaux, la transformation, la cuisson, les formes et motifs. La fonction de ces vases restant un point de questionnement, diverses théories à ce sujet sont analysées. Le questionnement d’un lien entre ces vases et l’idéologie religieuse instaurée par le pharaon Akhenaton se pose ensuite et la comparaison entre les motifs et l’iconographie des palais de la ville et des tombes de l’époque permet d’y répondre positivement. Ces deux derniers points permettent de bien saisir l’importance de cette céramique dans le cadre amarnien. La seconde partie du travail concerne le concept d’objet palatial. Ce type de production est défini et plusieurs critères sont énumérés. Ces critères sont ensuite appliqués à des objets palatiaux appartenant à des sociétés complexes afin de les confirmer. Ces caractéristiques vérifiées, elles sont appliquées à la céramique à décor bleu afin de vérifier si celle-ci correspond à une industrie palatiale. Comme ce style de poterie répond à tous les critères, il est possible d’affirmer qu’il s’agit d’un objet palatial. Il est même possible de dire à ce sujet qu’il s’agit d’un objet de prestige consommé par une élite et qui sert de véhicule à l’idéologie en place.
Ce mémoire porte sur la chronologie culturelle des Amérindiens du Nord-Est américain. Il vise à documenter un des épisodes culturels de la préhistoire de l’Estrie, soit le Sylvicole moyen ancien, compris entre l’an 400 avant notre ère et 500 de notre ère. De la poterie typique de cette période a été récoltée sur le site Vieux-Pont (BiEx-1) à Lennoxville par des archéologues amateurs et professionnels depuis sa découverte. L’analyse des tessons de poterie réalisée dans ce projet a surtout révélé une forte homogénéité de l’effet basculant, une technique d’application décorative, sur la paroi interne et la panse des vases. Elle a aussi permis de proposer une occupation récente au Sylvicole moyen ancien, entre les ans 1 et 500-600 de notre ère. L’analyse comparative suggère la participation des groupes de Vieux-Pont aux mêmes réseaux d’interactions et d’échanges que ceux des régions de Montréal, de Québec, du Haut-Richelieu et de la Nouvelle-Angleterre.
Pour respecter les droits d'auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire a été dépouillée de ses documents visuels et audio-visuels. La version intégrale du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Ce mémoire porte sur la variabilité observée dans un assemblage, composé à la fois d’artéfacts lithiques et céramiques, représentatif de la plus grande collection archéologique dominée par une composante du Sylvicole moyen ancien connue au Québec. Les traits caractéristiques des poteries qui ont été transportées, abandonnées, et en partie manufacturées sur la station 3-arrière du complexe de Pointe-du-Buisson, sont appréhendés à travers une acception holistique de la notion de «style», qui inclut tous les aspects des attributs qu’elle couvre, à savoir les technologiques, les morphologiques, les décoratifs et les fonctionnels. Grâce à l’application d’une méthode typologique, une approche peu utilisée depuis plusieurs décennies, du moins dans le Nord-Est américain, et dont le mérite propre réside dans sa capacité à traiter l’artéfact dans son ensemble, des schémas comportementaux (cognitifs et procéduraux) visibles sur les tessons de bord décorés ont été mis en lumière. Ces derniers sont intimement liés aux techniques décoratives employées par les potières, et semblent s’être modifiés au fil du temps de la manière suivante : type «sigillé» précédant les types plus récents «repoussé» et «basculant». Une analyse comparative, basée sur un échantillon de sites localisés dans la région de Haut-Saint-Laurent et dans celles avoisinantes, a par ailleurs souligné d’importantes similarités entre l’assemblage céramique de la composante du Sylvicole moyen ancien de BhFl-1d’ et ceux des sites de Vieux-Pont (Estrie), d’Oka (rivière des Outaouais), de Pointe-du-Gouvernement (Haut-Richelieu) et de Winooski (aux abords du Lac Champlain dans le Vermont). Ces résultats appuient l’identification d’une manifestation culturelle qui est très étroitement connectée aux phases Canoe Point et Winooski de la tradition Point Peninsula. Résultant des conclusions susmentionnées, et d’autres issues d’enquêtes récentes, des considérations d’ordre taxonomique s’ensuivent. Bien qu’une refonte complète du taxon «Sylvicole moyen» soit prématurée, une critique de ce taxon s’avère nécessaire. Aussi des taxons tels que l’Early Horticultural Period de Snow ou le «Sylvicole initial» de Wright et Clermont sont discutés, dans la mesure où ils pourraient renvoyer à une définition plus générale, mais aussi peut-être plus fidèle, des caractéristiques anthropologiques propres aux populations qui ont vécu le long du Saint-Laurent et de ses tributaires depuis le Sylvicole inférieur jusqu’à la fin du Sylvicole moyen tardif.
Le site archéologique de Las Mercedes est situé sur le versant atlantique du Costa Rica. Ce site monumental est considéré comme le haut lieu d'une société hiérarchisée ayant une organisation sociopolitique complexe. Las Mercedes semble avoir été un centre administratif et cérémoniel dont l'apogée se situe entre 1000 et 1500 ans de notre ère. Notre mémoire porte sur la documentation d'assemblages céramiques extraits de contextes archéologiques stratigraphiques provenant notamment de deux monticules architecturaux. Notre projet se veut une contribution à une meilleure connaissance de Las Mercedes, selon une perspective diachronique d'affiliation culturelle et de séquences d'occupation. Les datations radiométriques provenant de l'assise des monticules convergent aux alentours de l'an 1000 de notre ère. D'autre part, les assemblages céramiques correspondant aux styles culturels El Bosque (500 avant notre ère à 500 de notre ère), La Selva (500-1000) et La Cabana (1000-1500) représentant une séquence temporelle d'environ deux millénaires. La présente étude vise à comprendre ce phénomène à l'aide des données provenant de l'intervention archéologique conduite, en 2005, conjointement par le Museo Nacional du Costa Rica et l'Université de Montréal. Les assemblages sont décrits selon des attributs technologiques, morphologiques et stylistiques en vue d'en faire une étude comparative et interprétative. Les résultats de notre recherche suggèrent qu'indépendamment des contextes archéologiques, les assemblages ont un composition hétérogène formée des trois styles culturels. Par ailleurs, le modèle présente un certain caractère homogène. Ainsi, les assemblages se composent de façon récurrente de 12% de céramique El Bosque, 55 % La Selva et 33 % La Cabana. Une interprétation parcellaire peut être soutirée de ce mélange céramique. L'amalgame des styles culturels témoignent que Las Mercedes a connu une longue occupation, toutefois les résultats ne permettent pas de confirmer ou d'infirmer nos hypothèses de travail.