925 resultados para Federal aid to youth services


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Le mode de vie des Cris de la Baie James a changé radicalement au cours des dernières années. La carie dentaire est maintenant un problème de santé publique important, et des données montrent que les Cris utilisent les services dentaires en situation d’urgence plutôt qu’en prévention. Il apparaît donc important de savoir si les Cris sont satisfaits des services dentaires publics qui sont disponibles et de mieux comprendre leurs besoins. Ce projet aborde les deux questions suivantes : Quelles sont les attentes des résidants des localités cries pour les services dentaires? Est-ce que les services existants répondent aux attentes des gens? Nous avons mené une recherche qualitative descriptive basée sur des entrevues semi- structurées (n = 13). Les entrevues ont été enregistrées et transcrites. Nous avons ensuite procédé à une analyse inductive-déductive des transcriptions. Les résultats montrent que les participants ont des attentes très variées, mais que celles-ci sont rarement satisfaites. Premièrement, ils veulent accéder rapidement aux services lorsqu’ils en ressentent le besoin, par exemple en présence de douleur dentaire. Les participants désirent aussi transiger avec des professionnels dentaires attentionnés et expérimentés, ce qui n’est pas toujours le cas, selon eux. En conclusion, nous aimerions faire trois principales recommandations : améliorer l’accès aux services dentaires, en particulier en situation d’urgence; entraîner les professionnels dentaires en approches centrées sur le patient et pour en savoir plus sur la culture crie; et dialoguer avec les Cris pour développer, mettre en place et évaluer les services de santé dentaire.


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Cette recherche propose une analyse qualitative du contenu de signalements retenus à la protection de la jeunesse et leur évaluation pour des enfants de minorités visibles. Les premiers objectifs de cette recherche sont de décrire les deux premières étapes de l’intervention en protection de la jeunesse, soit la réception du signalement et l’évaluation du besoin de protection. Par la suite, elle vise l’élaboration d’une typologie de familles de minorités visibles signalées à la protection de la jeunesse. Une analyse qualitative de contenu est conduite en utilisant une grille d’analyse des dossiers de 48 situations d’enfants signalés à la protection de la jeunesse. Il s’agit d’une analyse secondaire de données d’une étude plus large portant sur l’intervention en protection de la jeunesse auprès de familles de minorités visibles. Les résultats de la présente étude montrent que les informations consignées aux dossiers par les intervenants respectent les dimensions légales du jugement sur la compromission du développement ou de la sécurité d’un enfant. Toutefois, l’absence d’éléments ethnoculturels dans la majorité des dossiers, ou leur traitement superficiel, sont surprenants. La typologie découlant de cette analyse décrit quatre profils présentant des dynamiques familiales distinctes : les familles traversant une crise, les familles qui abdiquent leur rôle parental, les familles isolées et les familles éclatées. Ces résultats rendent compte de la diversité des dynamiques familiales et par conséquent, des besoins de ces familles quant aux interventions des services de protection. Enfin, étant donné l’importance de l’évaluation et de ses conclusions dans la trajectoire de ces familles à l’égard de la DPJ, l’intégration des éléments ethnoculturels devrait être systématique afin de leur offrir une réponse adaptée et culturellement sensible.


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L’objectif de cette étude exploratoire était de mieux comprendre, du point de vue des animateurs/animatrices qui oeuvrent auprès des jeunes, le phénomène de l’engagement des jeunes dans les programmes parascolaires. Des entretiens qualitatifs ont été entrepris à cette fin avec six animateur(trices). Plusieurs obstacles à l’engagement ont été identifiés, la plupart étant extérieurs aux jeunes. Quelques actions et attitudes spécifiques des animateur(trices) ont été relevées comme importantes pour aider les jeunes à surmonter ces obstacles. De plus, la structure et le contenu du programme, ainsi que l’environnement de groupe, jouent des rôles primordiaux. Les dimensions soulevées par les animateur(trices) ont permis d’enrichir et rendre plus holistique un modèle d’engagement qui a été développé à partir d’une recension des écrits dans ce domaine. Finalement, les implications pour la formation des animateurs(trices) et pour la structure des programmes pour les jeunes ont été explorées.


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La gestion des villes d’Afrique de l’Ouest pose problème à la période contemporaine : extension urbaine non maitrisée, services de base insuffisants, insécurité foncière. À travers l’aide internationale, d’importantes réformes visant à améliorer son efficacité ont pourtant été mises en place, mais elles semblent avoir été inefficaces. Dépassant ce constat d’échec, la thèse vise à comprendre comment se déroule l’acte de gérer la ville dans les circonstances particulières des villes d’Afrique de l’Ouest. La mise en œuvre du Registre foncier urbain (RFU), système d’information foncière municipal multi-fonctions introduit au Bénin à travers des programmes de développement au début des années 1990, constitue le prisme à travers lequel la gestion urbaine est analysée. Celle-ci est ainsi approchée par les actes plutôt que par les discours. S’appuyant sur une démarche socio-anthropologique, la mise en œuvre de l’instrument est analysée depuis le point de vue des acteurs locaux et selon une double grille de lecture : d’une part, il s’agit de saisir les logiques de l’appropriation locale dont le RFU a fait l’objet au sein des administrations; d’autre part, il s’agit de comprendre son interaction avec le territoire, notamment avec les dynamiques complexes d’accès au sol et de sécurisation foncière. Une étude de cas multiple a été menée dans trois communes : Cotonou, Porto-Novo et Bohicon. Deux ensembles de conclusions en découlent. Tout d’abord, le RFU s’est imposé comme l’instrument pivot de la fiscalité locale, mais est mis en œuvre de manière minimale. Ce fonctionnement particulier est une adaptation optimale à un contexte fait de rivalités professionnelles au sein d’administrations cloisonnées, d’enjeux politico-financiers liés aux différentes sources de revenus communaux et de tensions politico-institutionnelles liées à une décentralisation tardive. Les impacts du RFU en termes de développement des compétences professionnelles nationales sont insuffisants pour réformer la gestion urbaine depuis l’intérieur de l’administration municipale. Ensuite, alors qu’il vise à centraliser l’information sur les propriétaires présumés de la terre, le RFU se heurte à la marchandisation de cette information et à la territorialisation de la régulation foncière. La mise en œuvre du RFU s’en trouve affectée de deux manières : d’une part, elle s’insère dans ces circuits marchands de l’information foncière, avec cependant peu de succès ; d’autre part, elle a un impact différencié selon les territoires de la régulation foncière. En définitive, l’acte de gérer la ville au Bénin n’est pas devenu automatique avec l’introduction d’instruments comme le RFU. La municipalité se repose plutôt sur les piliers classiques de l’action publique, l’administration et le politique, pour gérer la ville plurielle de manière différenciée. À l’endroit des concepteurs d’action publique, cette thèse plaide pour une prise en compte des modes de régulation existant dans les sociétés africaines, fussent-ils pluriels, reconnaissant les voies originales que prend la construction des institutions en Afrique.


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This paper discusses the implementation details of a child friendly, good quality, English text-to-speech (TTS) system that is phoneme-based, concatenative, easy to set up and use with little memory. Direct waveform concatenation and linear prediction coding (LPC) are used. Most existing TTS systems are unit-selection based, which use standard speech databases available in neutral adult voices.Here reduced memory is achieved by the concatenation of phonemes and by replacing phonetic wave files with their LPC coefficients. Linguistic analysis was used to reduce the algorithmic complexity instead of signal processing techniques. Sufficient degree of customization and generalization catering to the needs of the child user had been included through the provision for vocabulary and voice selection to suit the requisites of the child. Prosody had also been incorporated. This inexpensive TTS systemwas implemented inMATLAB, with the synthesis presented by means of a graphical user interface (GUI), thus making it child friendly. This can be used not only as an interesting language learning aid for the normal child but it also serves as a speech aid to the vocally disabled child. The quality of the synthesized speech was evaluated using the mean opinion score (MOS).


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La arquitectura de la Cooperación Internacional ha atravesado varios cambios. Entre ellos, el surgimiento de la Cooperación Sur-Sur dejó entrever el marcado interés de los países en desarrollo por hacer parte de la misma. En Brasil, el gobierno de Lula da Silva fue el gran promotor de esta cooperación, especialmente con aquellos países de habla portuguesa en África. En este contexto, la presente monografía pretende determinar de qué manera la construcción social de identidad incide en la dinámica de Cooperación Sur-Sur entre Brasil y los países lusófonos africanos. Mediante una perspectiva constructivista, se analiza el valor de diversos elementos sociales, culturales e históricos cuya interacción configuró determinadas percepciones entre Brasil y los países lusófonos africanos. Este proceso de interacción social permitió la consolidación de una identificación positiva entre ellos, fortaleciendo su acercamiento político y generando así un considerable aumento en el volumen y las temáticas de los proyectos de cooperación formulados de 2003 a 2010.


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El presente caso de estudio tiene como objetivo explicar el rol de la cooperación internacional para el desarrollo en Tanzania, Mozambique, Nigeria para la consolidación del liderazgo político internacional de Japón. El interés de realizar esta investigación es la ampliación del conocimiento sobre el uso del poder blando, para alcanzar los objetivos de política exterior japonesa. Por eso, se llevara a cabo una revisión bibliográfica para el análisis de documentos oficiales y artículos académicos para la consolidación de información. A partir de ello, se pretende demostrar que la cooperación al desarrollo es una herramienta de política exterior japonesa para consolidarse como líder, en la medida en que el uso de herramientas propias de la cooperación y el presupuesto destinada a la ejecución de éstas tienen incidencia en los votos de estos Estados africanos para las iniciativas japonesas en las Naciones Unidas.


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The potential of digital interactive television (iDTV) to promote original services, formats and contents that can be relevant to support personal health care and wellness of individuals, namely elderly people, has not been yet fully explored in the past. Therefore, in a context of rapid change of the technological resources, in which the distribution and presentation of content comes associated with new platforms (such as digital terrestrial TV and IPTV), it is important to perceive the configurations that are being developed for interactive digital TV (iDTV) that may result in relevant outcomes within the field of healthcare and wellness, with the aim of offering complementarity to the existing services and contents made available today via the traditional means and media. This article describes and discusses the preliminary results of the first part of the research project iDTV-HEALTH: Inclusive services to promote health and wellness via digital interactive television. These first results suggest that iDTV solutions may represent a real contribution to delivery healthcare and wellness to the target population, namely as a supplement to health services provision.


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The South Eastern Museums Service is one of ten Area Museums Councils in Great Britain. They are partnerships; membership organizations to which the 2 000 + museums belong. They provide advice, support, technical services, information and training for their members. They are the principal channel of government grant-in-aid to local government, university and independent museums. This funding comes from the Department of National Heritage via the Museums & Galleries Commission. At the South Eastern Museums Service I am responsible for the development and delivery of training for 600 museums in our region and the provision of information about museums and of interest to museums. This paper explains how we approach in-service training and the value of the definition of national standards for our work. It will pose some questions: What is training? What is a training need? and describe a new initiative, the development of training materials and their delivery.


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Introdução: O adiamento das altas clínicas nas Unidades de Cuidados Continuados Integrados (UCCI) por motivos sociais é actualmente considerado um dos principais motivos que impedem a integração atempada de novos clientes na Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados, RNCC, daqui em diante designada como a REDE. Este atraso tem impacto ao nível da recuperação e estabilização dos utentes, bem como ao nível de eficiência e eficácia da UCCI, não podendo deixar de se considerarem os aspectos sociais e económicos. Objectivo Geral: Identificar os determinantes que influenciam as altas clínicas em UCCI. Métodos e População do Estudo: Este é um estudo de caso colectivo, em que os dados observacionais, transversais, são recolhidos por meio de questionário de auto-relato (por cada área de intervenção directa) e por análise dos processos de consulta de pacientes. O objecto desta pesquisa abrange dois grupos: o grupo de amostra composto por 70 profissionais de saúde que lidam directamente com os utentes e o grupo amostra composto de utentes internados na UCCI L Nostrum, com alta clínica entre 1/1/2011 e 31/12/2012, e que foram integrados através da REDE. Foram recolhidos os dados de 293 utentes sendo objecto de estudo os casos de 83 utentes integrados através da REDE e com prolongamento de internamento por motivos sociais. Resultados: Na percepção dos profissionais de saúde, as respostas institucionais apresentam-se como a condicionante mais indicada, tanto para os utentes em geral, com 22 indicações (88%) como para os utentes da REDE, com 10 indicações (40%). Relativamente aos motivos familiares há referência de 76% para os utentes em geral e de 36% para os utentes da REDE. Os motivos económicos também apresentam, para os profissionais inquiridos, um valor expressivo (68%) nos utentes em geral, estando nos da REDE este factor condicionante a par com os motivos familiares (36%). Os motivos estruturais têm menor expressão tanto nos utentes em geral (32%) como nos utentes da REDE (16%). “Outros” para os utentes em geral, refere-se a dependência funcional (4%). Nos motivos familiares, para os utentes em geral, 23 (92%) foi mais vezes indicada a insuficiência de suporte familiar, para os utentes da REDE, 13 (52%). A ausência de suporte familiar, para os utentes em geral, representa 48% das respostas, seguindo-se o suporte inadequado (28%) e a ausência de cuidadores (24%). Para os utentes da REDE, o suporte inadequado apresenta-se como segundo motivo (7%), seguindo-se a ausência de suporte familiar (16%). Na percepção dos profissionais, os utentes da REDE estão também condicionados pela distância geográfica (8%) da sua área residencial. Em termos estruturais, os motivos mais assinalados pelos profissionais para a generalidade dos utentes foram as barreiras físicas à mobilidade (80%) e a habitação sem condições básicas de habitabilidade (78%). Os mesmos motivos foram assinalados para os utentes da REDE, barreiras físicas à mobilidade (40%) e habitação sem condições de habitabilidade (28%). No entanto, relativamente aos utentes em geral, a ausência de habitação (29%) e a distância geográfica (4%) também foram motivos assinalados. Dos motivos económicos percebidos pelos profissionais, a insuficiência de rendimentos é o factor mais assinalado pela generalidade dos utentes (84%) e pelos da REDE (68%), seguida da percepção da capacidade de reposta limitada das instituições, 64% para a generalidade dos utentes e 28% para os da REDE e por fim os tipos de respostas insuficientes para as necessidades individuais dos utentes (20% dos utentes em geral e 12% da REDE). No total dos dois anos, 2011 e 2012, verificaram-se na UCCI L Nostrum 293 prorrogações (100%) das quais 210 (71,6%) foram consideradas dentro do prazo e justificadas com motivos clínicos, enquanto 83 (28,3%) foram efectivamente protelamentos por motivos sociais, tendo em conta que nestes casos os utentes já não tinham critérios clínicos que justificassem a sua permanência na UCCI. Das 210 prorrogações consideradas dentro do prazo e justificadas com motivos clínicos, 93 (44,3%) foram-no por tempo de espera para transferência de UCCI. Em 2011, dos 146 utentes com alta protelada (100%), 50 utentes (34,2%) permaneceram na UCCI por motivos sociais, enquanto em 2012 houve registo de 33 casos de protelamento (22,4%) em 147 (100%) altas prorrogadas. Conclusões: Dos factores identificados como motivo de protelamento nos 83 utentes, estritamente por motivos sociais, destaca-se o protelamento de alta por espera de integração em equipamento/resposta adequada, nomeadamente lar ou serviços de apoio domiciliário (79,5%), seguindo-se a insuficiência de rendimentos do utente/familiares para contratação de serviços ou resposta institucional (74,7%), a inexistência de condições habitacionais para regresso ao domicílio (63,9%) e a insuficiência de suporte familiar (54,2%). Regista-se também a inadequação do suporte familiar (31,3%), a inexistência de suporte familiar (28,9%) e, em menor percentagem, a ausência de condições estruturais (13,3%). A ausência de domicílio (sem abrigo) (8,4%) e a ausência de rendimentos (4,8%) também foram factores inibidores da alta clínica. Dos 293 utentes identificados que tiveram protelamento da alta por motivos sociais verificou-se que 144 (49,1%) dos utentes permaneceram unicamente pela existência de condicionantes institucionais e familiares/estruturais. Aspectos éticos: ao longo deste estudo, foram assegurados e respeitados, todos os procedimentos de garantia da confidencialidade e rigor na recolha dos dados, e a não interferência nas dinâmicas da instituição, dos utentes e dos profissionais.


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The present essay’s central argument or hypothesis is, consequently, that the mechanisms accelerating a wealth concentrating and exclusionary economy centred on the benefit and overprotection of big business—with a corresponding plundering of resources that are vital for life—generated forms of loss and regression in the right to healthcare and the dismantling of institutional protections. These are all expressed in indicators from 1990-2005, which point not only to the deterioration of healthcare programs and services but also to the undermining of the general conditions of life (social reproduction) and, in contrast to the reports and predictions of the era’s governments, a stagnation or deterioration in health indicators, especially for those most sensitive to the crisis. The present study’s argument is linked together across distinct chapters. First, we undertake the necessary clarification of the categories central to the understanding of a complex issue; clarifying the concept of health itself and its determinants, emphasizing the necessity of taking on an integral understanding as a fundamental prerequisite to unravelling what documents and reports from this era either leave unsaid or distort. Based on that analysis, we will explain the harmful effects of global economic acceleration, the monopolization and pillaging of strategic healthcare goods; not only those which directly place obstacles on the access to health services, but also those like the destructuration of small economies, linked to the impoverishment and worsening of living modes. Thinking epidemiologically, we intend to show signs of the deterioration of broad collectivities’ ways of life as a result of the mechanisms of acceleration and pillage. We will then collect disparate evidence of the deterioration of human health and ecosystems to, finally, establish the most urgent conclusions about this unfortunate period of our social and medical history.


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The uptake of metals by earthworms occurs predominantly via the soil pore water, or via an uptake route which is related to the soil pore water metal concentration. However, it has been suggested that the speciation of the metal is also important. A novel technique is described which exposes Eisenia andrei Bouche to contaminant bearing solutions in which the chemical factors affecting its speciation may be individually and systematically manipulated. In a preliminary experiment, the LC50 for copper nitrate was 0.046 mg l(-1) (95 % confidence intervals: 0.03 and 0.07 mg l(-1)). There was a significant positive correlation between earthworm mortality and bulk copper concentration in solution (R-2 = 0.88, P less than or equal to 0.001), and a significant positive increase in earthworm tissue copper concentration with increasing copper concentration in solution (R-2 = 0.97, P less than or equal to 0.001). It is anticipated that quantifying the effect of soil solution chemical speciation on copper bioavailability will provide an excellent aid to understanding the importance of chemical composition and the speciation of metals, in the calculation of toxicological parameters.


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This paper provides an extended analysis of the child labor problem in the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector, focusing specifically on the situation in sub-Saharan Africa. In recent years, the issue of child labor in ASM has garnered significant attention from the International Labor Organization (ILO), which has been particularly active in raising public awareness of the problem; and, has proceeded to implement policies and collaborative project work aimed at Curtailing children's participation in ASM activities in a number of African countries. The analysis concludes with a critical appraisal of an ILO project recently launched in the Talensi-Nabdam District in the Upper East Region of Ghana, which sheds light on how the child labor problem is being tackled in practice in ASM communities in sub-Saharan Africa. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Many ecosystem services are delivered by organisms that depend on habitats that are segregated spatially or temporally from the location where services are provided. Management of mobile organisms contributing to ecosystem services requires consideration not only of the local scale where services are delivered, but also the distribution of resources at the landscape scale, and the foraging ranges and dispersal movements of the mobile agents. We develop a conceptual model for exploring how one such mobile-agent-based ecosystem service (MABES), pollination, is affected by land-use change, and then generalize the model to other MABES. The model includes interactions and feedbacks among policies affecting land use, market forces and the biology of the organisms involved. Animal-mediated pollination contributes to the production of goods of value to humans such as crops; it also bolsters reproduction of wild plants on which other services or service-providing organisms depend. About one-third of crop production depends on animal pollinators, while 60-90% of plant species require an animal pollinator. The sensitivity of mobile organisms to ecological factors that operate across spatial scales makes the services provided by a given community of mobile agents highly contextual. Services vary, depending on the spatial and temporal distribution of resources surrounding the site, and on biotic interactions occurring locally, such as competition among pollinators for resources, and among plants for pollinators. The value of the resulting goods or services may feed back via market-based forces to influence land-use policies, which in turn influence land management practices that alter local habitat conditions and landscape structure. Developing conceptual models for MABES aids in identifying knowledge gaps, determining research priorities, and targeting interventions that can be applied in an adaptive management context.


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A combined computational and experimental polymorph search was undertaken to establish the crystal forms of 7-fluoroisatin, a simple molecule with no reported crystal structures, to evaluate the value of crystal structure prediction studies as an aid to solid form discovery. Three polymorphs were found in a manual crystallisation screen, as well as two solvates. Form I ( P2(1)/c, Z0 1), found from the majority of solvent evaporation experiments, corresponded to the most stable form in the computational search of Z0 1 structures. Form III ( P21/ a, Z0 2) is probably a metastable form, which was only found concomitantly with form I, and has the same dimeric R2 2( 8) hydrogen bonding motif as form I and the majority of the computed low energy structures. However, the most thermodynamically stable polymorph, form II ( P1 , Z0 2), has an expanded four molecule R 4 4( 18) hydrogen bonding motif, which could not have been found within the routine computational study. The computed relative energies of the three forms are not in accord with experimental results. Thus, the experimental finding of three crystalline polymorphs of 7- fluoroisatin illustrates the many challenges for computational screening to be a tool for the experimental crystal engineer, in contrast to the results for an analogous investigation of 5- fluoroisatin.