1000 resultados para Epidemia em Ribeirão Preto


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Objetivou-se compreender a experiência relativa à morbidade materna grave, a partir de um grupo de mulheres que vivenciou esse problema. Adotaram-se os preceitos metodológicos da pesquisa qualitativa, sendo o Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo o referencial metodológico. Foram entrevistadas 16 mulheres que vivenciaram a morbidade materna grave. Os resultados foram discutidos a partir de quatro temas: descrevendo o desejo e o planejamento para ter um filho, percebendo seu problema de saúde, sua influência na gestação e para o concepto, passando pelo choque inicial no pós-parto e experienciando a situação de risco: desejos, frustrações e superação. Espera-se que este trabalho possa contribuir para qualificar a assistência de enfermagem, especialmente para reconhecer a diversidade e amplitude de necessidades que mulheres apresentam em situações de morbidade grave, durante o ciclo gravídico puerperal.


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Este estudo objetivou verificar a compreensão das experiências dos familiares em relação ao cuidado com a saúde bucal das crianças. É estudo qualitativo, realizado em 2007, em distrito de saúde do município de Ribeirão Preto, SP, com 12 cuidadores. Utilizou-se referencial teórico da vulnerabilidade e a perspectiva hermenêutica. Três categorias empíricas foram elaboradas: os significados do cuidado com a saúde bucal, em busca das causas e da prevenção de agravos bucais e a realidade dos serviços de saúde bucal. Entre outros elementos potencializadores da vulnerabilidade infantil aos agravos bucais, emergiu a supervalorização da causalidade biológica, do atendimento de alta complexidade e da odontologia estética e, entre os protetores, a valorização do saber popular e a integração de ações e conhecimentos profissionais. Aponta-se para a revisão das estratégias de prevenção e promoção de saúde bucal, fornecendo elementos para auxiliar os serviços de saúde a reorganizarem o cuidado com a saúde bucal de crianças.


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OBJETIVOS: avaliar a qualidade do cuidado pré-natal desenvolvido na atenção primária, comparando os modelos tradicional e Estratégia Saúde da Família. MÉTODO: estudo de avaliação de serviço, pautado nas políticas públicas de saúde. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevista com gerentes, observação nas unidades de saúde e análise de prontuários de gestantes, selecionados aleatoriamente. Diferenças nos indicadores de estrutura e processo foram avaliadas pelo teste qui-quadrado, adotando-se p<0,05 como nível crítico, cálculo dos odds ratio e intervalos de confiança de 95%. RESULTADOS: foram evidenciadas estruturas semelhantes em ambos os modelos de atenção. Indicadores-síntese de processo, criados neste estudo, e os indicados pelas políticas públicas apontaram situação mais favorável nas Unidades de Saúde da Família. Para o conjunto de atividades preconizadas para o pré-natal, o desempenho foi deficiente em ambos os modelos, embora pouco melhor nas Unidades de Saúde da Família. CONCLUSÃO: os resultados indicam a necessidade de ações para melhoria da atenção pré-natal nos dois modelos de atenção básica no município avaliado.


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OBJETIVO: investigar a pré-fragilidade e os fatores associados a essa condição, considerando as medidas de velocidade da marcha dos idosos. MÉTODO: a seleção dos participantes ocorreu por meio de critérios de inclusão/exclusão e teste de rastreamento cognitivo. A amostra foi calculada com base na estimativa da proporção populacional e constituída por 195 idosos, usuários de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde de Curitiba, PR. Os dados foram coletados mediante questionário sociodemográfico/clínico e teste de velocidade da marcha. RESULTADOS: a pré-fragilidade para velocidade da marcha possui moderada prevalência (27,3%) e associou-se à faixa etária entre 60 e 69 anos, baixa escolaridade, não se sentir solitário, utilizar anti-hipertensivo, apresentar doença cardiovascular e sobrepeso. CONCLUSÃO: considera-se relevante identificar os idosos na condição de pré-fragilidade, pois, dessa maneira, existe a possibilidade de intervenção imediata com a finalidade de estacionamento do quadro. É significativo o déficit de estudos sobre a síndrome da fragilidade em idosos brasileiros, principalmente aqueles que se referem a um componente isolado. Visto que a enfermagem gerontológica se encontra nos primeiros passos referentes à temática, entende-se que a identificação da prevalência deve ser o ponto primordial das pesquisas sobre o tema.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Relationships of several reproductve traits and milk yield were studied in 716 Gyr cows at Sant'Ana da Serra farm, Mococa, State of São Paulo, a humid tropical climate region. Mean age at first calving was 49.8 +/- 0.4 months, with a coeficient of cariation (C. V.) of 20.8%. Only year of parturition significantly affected age at first calving (P < 0.01). Heritability, estimated from paternal half-sib correlations, was 0.91 +/- 0.20, a value considered unrealistically high. Overall mean gestation length was 287.7 +/- 0.5 days (C. V. = 3.3%) for 419 observations, with month and year of parturition having significant effects. Heritability estimate was 0.30 +/- 0.14. Overall mean dry period for 1.276 observations was 238 +/- 3 days (C. V. = 48%); repeatability estimate was 0.19 +/- 0.06. Estimated annual genetic trend for dry period was -0.6 days, phenotypic trend was 11.5 days, and environmental trend, 12.1 days. Month and year of parturition and cow age had no significant effect on dry period. Highest milk yield was obtained at fourth lactation. The gross correlation between milk yield and gestation period was 0.11, and between previous dry period and subsequent milk yield, 0.16. Normal gestations of 285 to 290 days were associated with higher milk yields. Milk yield increased as dry period advanced from 30 to 390 days, and declined as dry period continued beyond 390 days. Delays in first mating and a more extensive dry period decreased reproductive efficiency in the herd studied.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The main characteristics of 55 nests of Protopolybia exigua exigua were periodically evaluated in Ribeirão Preto, southeastern Brazil. Although the queens' life-span can eventually reach one year, nests barely thrive for six months because most of them are periodically invaded by the scavenger phorid fly, Megaselia aff. picta. Under heavy infestation the adult wasp population partially closes the nest entrance, migrates and constructs a new nest in the neighborhood. Afterwards the old-nest's entrance can be completely closed by the wasps which results in blocking the parasitoid flies inside. In the tropics, predation by ants is considered the main selective pressure which shaped most of the bionomic characteristics of Polistinae wasps. It is suggested that Megaselia can easily overcome the usual wasps defensive tactics just because they are so specialized against ants. Aerial raids, fast erratic-jerking movements, rapid and efficient oviposition behavior, etc. can eventually turn Megaselia into a very important enemy of some social wasps.


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The experiment with pheasants in initial growth phase (1 to 35 days of age), which had as its objective evaluating the nutritional needs of pheasants in the growth phase as to protein levels in the diets, was conducted on a pheasant farm located at Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. Small pheasants were used, which were submitted to isocaloric diets containing 26%, 28% and 30% of crude protein. The experimental design was totally random with four repetitions of 30 birds per parcel, totaling 360 birds. The results showed that a 30% crude protein level should be recommended for pheasants in the growth phase (1 to 35 days of age).


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This study examines the ecology of a population of Geoffroy's side-necked turtle Phrynops geoffroanus inhabiting a polluted urban river in Ribeirão Preto city, São Paulo state, south-eastern Brazil. Adult turtles fed mainly on Chironomidae larvae and pupae (Chironomus cf. plumosus, 100% of occurrence frequency) and domestic waste, but they also consumed terrestrial items (cockroach, snails) and carrion. Juvenile turtles showed more feeding diversity than the adults and exhibited a trend for predation on Chironomidae pupae, but this is not reflected in resource partitioning. The elevated number of turtles (170-230 turtles/ha of river) and biomass (255-345 kg/ha of river) inhabiting this urban river is probably the result of the abundance of sewage and organic waste produced by humans, the absence of predators, and increased availability of nesting areas. Such factors convert this area into an environment highly advantageous for the survival of Geoffroy's side-necked turtle.


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This paper presents the identification of tectonic deformation through the application of the stream-gradient index (slope x length) method in the Rio do Peixe hydrographic basin, located in western State of Sã o Paulo. The main principle used is that river valleys are the best tools for this type of analysis because of their fast adjustment to even the most gentle crustal deformations. This type of analysis for structural studies is extremely useful in the western region of the State of São Paulo, where deep chemical weathering results in a thick regolith and scarce outcrops. The stream length index is the ratio of the altimetric amplitude of each drainage and the natural logarithm of its length. The value obtained is plotted on maps at the median point of each drainage, allowing the drawings of lines with the same values (isodefs). Three anomalies (A, B and C) were identified along the Rio do Peixe valley representing uplift sectors indicated by the formation and distribution of Upper Quaternary deposits in terraces and modern fluvial plains and alluvial fans. In correlation with known tectonic data for this region it is possible to attribute the A and B anomalies to the Ribeirão Preto and Presidente Prudente crustal sutures, respectively. The smaller C anomaly needs further field investigation, but it could be associated with the Três Lagoas crustal suture. It must be emphasised that these sutures are inherited from the Precambrian Basement which had a strong influence on the Phanerozoic evolution in the whole sedimentary and volcanic stratigraphic pile of the Paraná Basin and on the dominant structural lineaments directions developed therein .The A, Band C anomalies are suggestive of renewed uplift as a result of neotectonic action in modern times.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different types of rhizomes utilized as seed and the effects of mulch in the culture of Turmeric. This work was conducted in the experimental cultivation area of the Universidade de Ribeirão Preto - UNAERP, in Ribeirao Preto, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil from September/1997 to July/1998. The experiments were arranged in a randomized complete block with a factorial arrangement 2x3, design with 4 replications (32 plants each). The treatments consisted of the use of types of rhizomes utilized to proliferation (head and finger) and types of mulch (absent, grass and leaves/branches). This study investigated proliferation (61, 88 and 124 days after installation), length, shooting and number of leaves of the mother plant besides the number of leaves of the shoot (112, 146 and 233 days after installation), number of finger rhizomes and head rhizomes, fresh and dry biomass of rhizomes and the yield of essential oil (after harvest - July 1998). Obtained results showed a great influence of the type of rhizome used to proliferation. Head rhizomes produced, in weight, about 30% more, when compared to plants from finger rhizomes. Mulching almost duplicated rhizome productivity from 2338 kg.ha -1 of dry rhizomes to 4499 kg.ha -1, when rhizome used to proliferation was finger and from 3046 kg.ha -1 to 5943 kg.ha -1, when using head rhizomes. The yield of essential oil did not show any alteration, independently of the treatments realized.


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This article describes the Reflecting Practitioners Program developed by Instituto Familiae at GRATA (Grupo de Assistência em Transtornos Alimentares) placed at the Clinical Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto - University of Sao Paulo (HC-FMRP-USP). The aim of this program was to take care of the caretakers - the GRATA interdisciplinary team - through the development of their reflecting ability, the appropriation of their own resources and the support on constructing alternative histories and on solving situations defined by them as problematic. Thirteen monthly meeting had been carried out among Familiae members and GRATA interdisciplinary team. The changes described by the participants had occurred through sessions developed with interdisciplinary pairs and through the development of their capacity to construct more comfortable positions - as members of the team and in the relationship among professional/client/ family. This triad became to be seen by the team through its resources and abilities, instead of its flaws and lacks. As a result, horizontal relationships could be privileged instead of hierarchical ones.


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This paper presents the results of a geophysical study carried out in northeastern São Paulo State and southwestern Minas Gerais State over an area 80 km wide and 97.5 km long in SE Brazil. The Bouguer anomaly map, and geological and structural data allowed to identify three different gravity domains - crustal blocks limited by major discontinuities -related to the structural pattern of the area. These discontinuities were interpreted as geosuture zones underlying the Paraná Basin sediments which have extensions in the Pre-cambrian Basement. The crustal discontinuities named Alterosa and Ribeirão Preto may be seen as A - type collision sutures in a triple junction arramgement. Two prominent linear anomalies are recognized in the Bouguer anomaly map, as well as the limit between the Brasilia and São Paulo crustal blocks or paleoplates. The Alterosa suture zone trends NW-SE while the Ribeirão Preto suture has a NE-SW direction. The Bouguer anomaly map provides subsidies and information on new concepts and theories leading to the refinement of tectonic models.


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The cultivation of sugarcane demands the use of herbicides such as Diuron and Hexazinone. Some supply wells from Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, built in the Guarani Aquifer are located in recharge points, and the presence of sandy Quartzarenic Neosol in these areas increases the vulnerability of the groundwater to contamination from herbicides This paper reports the water quality monitored in some wells located in the recharge area and the removal of Diuron and Hexazinone by means of adsorption in granular activated carbon (GAC), preceded or not by preoxidation with chlorine and chlorine dioxide in a pilot plant. The results indicated that Diuron was more strongly adsorbed than Hexazinone and that the saturation time of the GAC in the test with preoxidation was shorter than in the test without preoxidation, which may have occurred mainly due to the formation of by-products that competed with the adsorption of the herbicides.