1000 resultados para Engenharia Informática
Presentamos una aplicación informática realizada en GW-BASIC para el estudio de las centuriaciones romanas, que facilita la determinación de orientaciones y módulos de centuria, así como la definición de la retícula teórica para su posterior contrastación y evaluación.
INFORMACION E INFORMATICA La evolución del ser humano se ha comparado a una espiral ascendente cuyo radio es cada vez menor, queriendo simbolizar con ella el incremento en la velocidad con la que se adquieren nuevas conocimientos y aplicaciones de los mismos que son en definitiva, una consecuencia de toda la experiencia acumulada previamente...
Among all activities related to the management of science and technology in Brazil, program monitoring and evaluation is certainly one of the less developed and most needed. There are no universal methodologies that can be applied. In essence programs can be evaluated by relating their achievements to pre-established goals. A second strategy is to compare programs similar in nature, utilizing as reference common indicators. Finally programs can be evaluated by their socio-economic impact comparing investments to outcomes. All strategies mentioned require appropriate program design monitoring and expert independent evaluation. In Brazil as in many other countries including developed ones this activity is complicated by the fact that programs vary widely in their scope and goals. In Brazil program designs often do not specify clearly their purposes and output indicators, many are not monitored properly which makes evaluation difficult. Consequently science and technology programs are difficult to be compared to each other, and even evaluated on the basis of pre-established goals. In PADCT monitoring and evaluation proved to be the most challenging activities. Two lessons however were learnt. One is that the process of monitoring and evaluation has to be continuously exposed to criticism to be perfected; and the second is that the evaluation process must not be exhausted shortly after investments since translation of scientific knowledge into industrial applications may prove to be a lengthy process. In this exercise we certainly do not pretend to evaluate the QEQ subprogram but to organize some of the information produced by different sources related to this subject, including the PADCT administration. We use somewhat each strategy described: compare the outputs of the QEQ to predetermined proposed goals (particularly in PADCT II), compare the QEQ to other PADCT subprograms, and specify some outputs in terms of technological and industrial applications. Finally, we utilize this opportunity to discuss science and technology M&E in general and the complexity of developing this area in Brazil.
For economical and ecological reasons, synthetic chemists are confronted with the increasing obligation of optimizing their synthetic methods. Maximizing efficiency and minimizing costs in the production of molecules and macromolecules constitutes, therefore, one of the most exciting challenges of synthetic chemistry. The ideal synthesis should produce the desired product in 100% yield and selectivity, in a safe and environmentally acceptable process. In this highlight the concepts of atom economy, molecular engineering and biphasic organometallic catalysis, which address these issues at the molecular level for the generation of "green" technologies, are introduced and discussed.
Una de las bases de la innovación es elconocimiento. Éste se genera mediante una serie deprocesos que conforman el denominado ciclo delconocimiento. Para soportar la Gestión del Conocimientohan surgido diferentes herramientas y plataformastecnológicas. En este contexto surge el actual trabajofocalizado en los grupos de investigación en el área deInformática en la Ciudad de Montería (Colombia). Laparte empírica está basada en metodologías cualitativas, yla recogida de datos se ha efectuado mediante entrevistasen profundidad realizadas a ocho personas, representantesde los grupos de investigación. El objetivo es doble: a)presentar el mapa del conocimiento de los grupos deinvestigación, identificando las Áreas de Conocimiento deestos grupos y la terminología asociada; b) obtenerelementos para el diseño de una plataforma tecnológicaque soporte la Gestión del Conocimiento entre los grupos.Por último se señalan líneas futuras de investigación paracontribuir al desarrollo regional.
The goal of this work was to establish the origins of the chemical engineering course at the National School of Chemistry of the University of Brazil (at present, the School of Chemistry of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro). There was a previous Industrial Chemistry course at the Higher School of Agriculture and Veterinary, established in 1920, following the French model. This course was the basis of the creation of the National School of Chemistry in 1933. During the 1940s, teachers and students claimed for a new course in true connection with the needs of the country and to reach full valorization of their job. The structure of the new Chemical Engineering course was approved in 1946 and the first class begun in 1952. This course was of great importance during the Brazilian industrial development during the 1950s and 1960s.
Tant en la meva etapa d’estudiant com en la meva curta vida laboral, he participat en el desenvolupament de varies aplicacions de gestió, tant d’escriptori com web, que majoritàriament sempre estaven dividides en tres capes però en dos nivells: la base de dades i l’aplicació, que contenia tant la lògica de negoci com la vista. Des de fa temps he tingut la curiositat i la necessitat d’intentar desenvolupar una aplicació de gestió que estigui distribuïda en tres o més nivells, separant el model de dades i la lògica de negoci de la vista. Crec que el treball de fi de carrera és idoni per desenvolupar-la. L’aplicació a desenvolupar anirà destinada a la gestió d’un servei d’informàtica, que s’encarrega de resoldre les incidències, inventariar i realitzar el manteniment preventiu dels equips informàtics d’una o de varies empreses. Es crearà una aplicació que contindrà el model de dades i la lògica de negoci. També es crearan dues aplicacions clients: una aplicació d’escriptori que donarà accés a totes i cadascuna de les funcionalitats del sistema i una aplicació web que oferirà un accés lleuger i des de qualsevol ubicació a les funcionalitats d’explotació del sistema. Per últim, també es crearà una altre aplicació web que s’encarregarà de generar els llistats sol•licitats per les dues aplicacions clients. D’aquesta manera també es centralitzarà la gestió dels llistats de les aplicacions del sistema. Per desenvolupar el sistema, s’utilitzarà la plataforma J2EE de Java, i es comptarà amb l’ajuda de marcs de treball com, per exemple, Oracle ADF o JasperReports. Com a conclusió general, puc assegurar que si es distribueixen les tres capes d’un sistema en tres nivells s’obtenen beneficis en l’administració, en el manteniment, en l’escalabilitat, en la flexibilitat i en la reutilització de les aplicacions. El principal inconvenient és el possible augment de lentitud en les aplicacions clients.
In this study, novel Chitosan/PVA based films were chemically crosslinked by glutaraldehyde, under pH=(4,00 ±0,05), in order to achieve structures tailored for wound tissue engineering applications. Both precursors and developed films were characterized by FTIR, SEM and XRD in order to determine the presence of chemicals groups and nanostructural order, respectively. The results have shown that the glutaraldehyde crosslinking have altered the crystallinity of pure chitosan and the increase on the C=N bands and simultaneous decrease on NH2 bands suggested that Chitosan/GA crosslinking has preference to occur in carbon-2 of the saccharide ring by the Schiff's base reaction. Also, FTIR spectroscopy clearly showed that crosslinking has also taken place with blends of PVA and chitosan. The mechanical properties presented high degree dependence with on the increase of the content of chitosan and glutaraldehyde. The results have indicated that, by controlling the ratio [PVA]/[chitosan] in the blends and the extent of chemical crosslinking, it was possible to tailor the hybrid network produced aiming to obtain properties of interest for the specific application.
This work deals with an evaluation of an experimental application about polarimetry for pharmacy and food engineering courses. Foods obtained from the undergraduate students were used for demonstrating multidisciplinary concepts and these concepts were associated to the teaching of polarimetry. According to the results, the benefits of the contextualization are beyond the class and the undergraduating students became interested in control of quality of foods. From these results, it can be concluded that the experimental emphasis given is valid and creates motivation and interest for learning physico-chemistry, in comparison with the traditional methodology applied to teach polarimetry.
Recycling and sustainable development are increasing in importance around the world. In Brazil, the new National Policy on Solid Wastes has prompted discussion on the future of electronic waste (e-waste). Brazil generates the greatest amount of e-waste among Latin American countries. Nevertheless complete recycling, including end processing of e-waste, does not occur in Brazil. This paper discusses the physical and chemical technologies currently used worldwide and in Brazil for printed circuit board recycling, with emphasis on metal recovery and plastic processing. The goal is to put in evidence the important role that chemistry can play in developing cheaper processes to recycle e-waste.
Banco del conocimiento
Banco del conocimiento
Banco del conocimiento
Banco del conocimiento
Banco del conocimiento