871 resultados para Empirical Research
The strategic orientation of firms can take on many forms. Researchers most commonly distinguish between entrepreneurial, market, and learning orientations. In combination, strategic orientations represent a firm's value proposition in terms of the markets in which it operates, where it deploys its resources, and which behavioral patterns are established. This thesis provides insights into the effectiveness of strategic orientations by adopting multiple theoretical perspectives. The strategic orientations of entrepreneurial, market, learning, and innovation orientations are investigated in an isolated as well as interrelated manner. The first research article concentrates on entrepreneurial orientation as its conceptualization and operationalization is subject to several debates in the literature. This conceptual study shows how the challenges of the entrepreneurial orientation construct can be overcome in future research to arrive at a higher level of construct clarity. Thereby, the theoretical perspectives of entrepreneurial dominant logic and the theory of planned behavior are employed. The literature has predominantly focused on investigating the effectiveness of particular strategic orientations. Recently, scholars have stressed their synergetic impact on firm performance and, as such, the relevance of considering their combined role in creating superior value for firms. However, empirical research on their interrelatedness remains scant and dispersed, making it necessary to conduct further research on strategic orientations in an integrative manner. As such, the second research article demonstrates which interrelated roles are played by entrepreneurial, market, and learning orientations in their relationship to firm performance. The rich body of existing knowledge is synthesized by means of meta-analysis under the perspective of strategic coalignment as well as the resource-based view of the firm.
Depuis une vingtaine d’années, le modèle cognitif basé sur les interprétations (Groupe de recherche sur la cognition dans le trouble obsessionnel compulsif [OCCWG], 1997, 2001, 2003, 2005) représente le modèle psychologique de l’étiologie et du maintien du TOC le plus étudié au plan empirique. Cependant, peu de recherches ont porté sur les deux postulats importants du modèle touchant respectivement le développement des croyances liées à l’obsessionnalité et la contribution des états affectifs au maintien des interprétations et des croyances (réactivité cognitive). L’objectif de cette thèse est de contribuer à la validation empirique de ces postulats. Fondé sur un devis corrélationnel dans un échantillon de participants mixte (participants troubles obsessionnels-compulsifs et participants non cliniques), le premier article étudie les liens entre les expériences de l’enfance et la présence de croyances obsessionnelles chez l’adulte. Deux modèles alternatifs sont comparés qui représentent d’une part un lien spécifique, et d’autre part un lien non spécifique entre les expériences de l’enfance et les croyances obsessionnelles adultes. Les résultats suggèrent la présence à la fois de relations spécifiques et non spécifiques entre les expériences de l’enfance et les croyances adultes. Les expériences de l’enfance et les domaines de croyance obsessionnels qui montrent des liens spécifiques sont ceux relatifs à la responsabilité, à la perception du danger, et au perfectionnisme. En contrepartie, les expériences de l’enfance relatives à la perception de danger et dans une moindre mesure la sociotropie, apparaissent étroitement liés à la plupart des domaines de croyances adultes (intolérance à l’incertitude, surestimation du danger, importance et contrôle des pensées). Dans la seconde étude, nous nous intéressons à la mesure et l’analyse longitudinales de la réactivité cognitive telle qu’elle s’exprime dans l’environnement naturel de huit participants troubles obsessionnels-compulsifs de type ruminateur. Par le biais de huit protocoles à cas uniques intensifs, l’analyse de contingence entre les scores quotidiens d’humeur (4 états émotionnels cotés par participant) et d’interprétations (une interprétation idiographique des intrusions par participant) permet d’établir une mesure de l’importance de la réactivité cognitive chez chaque participant. Ces résultats sont ensuite analysés du point de vue des postulats principaux de deux modèles spécifiques de la réactivité cognitive (modèle de l’Infusion de l’affect [Forgas, 2008] et modèle de l’Humeur comme intrant [Meeten & Davey, 2011]. Ainsi, les analyses intra-individuelles répétées trans-comportements) et interindividuelles (trans-participants) permettent d’illustrer le rôle proximal déterminant des stratégies de traitement de l’information (traitement systématique; traitement superficiel; traitement altéré) employées par les participants. En résumé, les résultats obtenus dans ces deux études fournissent des données utiles à la poursuite de la validation du modèle des interprétations du TOC. Dans la première étude, l’identification de liens spécifiques entre les EE et les croyances obsessionnelles soutient la séquence étiologique postulée, alors que l’identification de liens non spécifiques suggère que d’autres trajectoires étiologiques peuvent être pertinentes. Dans la seconde étude, l’analyse longitudinale et naturaliste des covariations humeur – interprétations se révèle d’abord féconde à identifier les phénomènes de réactivité cognitive postulés dans le modèle des interprétations. Ensuite, en conformité aux modèles intégrés de la réactivité cognitive, l’analyse des liens entre cette réactivité et les stratégies privilégiées de neutralisation des participants permet d’identifier le rôle clé des différentes stratégies de traitement de l’information dans la réactivité cognitive.
Este trabalho apresenta o resultado de cinco estudos teóricos e empíricos embasados nas teorias de trocas sociais entre Líder-liderados (leader-member exchange), nas trocas sociais entre integrantes de equipes (team-member exchange) e no comprometimento organizacional, realizados nos anos de 2012 e 2013. A pesquisa empírica investigou a liderança, o comprometimento organizacional e o trabalho em equipe, mediante a participação voluntária de militares do Exército Brasileiro, dentre os quais se destacam aqueles que integraram a Missão de Paz para Estabilização do HAITI (MINUSTAH). Os dados da pesquisa foram coletados mediante o emprego de entrevistas individuais, realização de grupos focais (focus group) e aplicação de surveys pela internet. Os resultados dos estudos qualitativos indicaram a relevância da qualidade das trocas sociais entre líderes e liderados e do comprometimento organizacional para o trabalho desenvolvido na Missão de Paz para Estabilização do HAITI (MINUSTAH). Os estudos quantitativos indicaram o papel mediador do componente afetivo do comprometimento organizacional na relação entre a qualidade de trocas líder-liderado e a qualidade de trocas sociais em equipes. Análises comparativas identificaram diferenças no padrão de qualidade das trocas sociais estabelecidas entre líderes e liderados, entre os diferentes níveis hierárquicos e entre os militares que atuaram ou não na MINUSTAH. Verificou-se, ainda, que níveis mais elevados na qualidade de trocas sociais estabelecidas entre líderes e liderados e em equipes de trabalho estão associados a níveis mais elevados do componente afetivo de comprometimento organizacional. Estima-se que o presente estudo possa contribuir para o avanço de pesquisas sobre liderança e trocas sociais, além de subsidiar o aperfeiçoamento de programas de ensino, de treinamento e de fomento a pesquisas científicas, que possam favorecer as relações civis-militares no contexto brasileiro.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
While empirical research to date has generally supported positive effects of estrogen on verbal memory performance in women, the literature examining specific effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) on cognitive functioning in mid-life women is more equivocal. The Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test-Extended Version (RBMT-E), a measure of everyday memory functioning in adults within an average range of cognitive functioning, was administered to a sample of 104 New Zealand women aged 40 to 60 years who had self-selected to either use or not use HRT (53 HRT users and 51 non-users). Self-report. measures of mood, stress, general health and menopausal symptoms were also administered. These variables, along with age and education level, were used in analyses of group differences on the everyday memory measures. Results showed significant differences between the groups for three sub-tests of the RBMT-E:'Story Immediate', 'Story Delayed', and 'Message Delayed'. Women who use HRT scored higher on these subtests than those who do not use HRT. After calculation of a total profile score (adjusting for age and IQ), HRT users score higher than HRT non-users on the RBMT-E overall measure of Everyday Memory. These pilot results suggest that HRT use in this sample-is related to enhanced verbal memory in everyday memory tasks and that the RBMT-E may be a useful tool for further work in this area of research.
Thesis (D.M.A.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
his paper seeks to map a decade of organizational downsizing in Australia utilizing a comprehensive longitudinal data set of 4153 firms. Aggregate downsizing measures conceal extensive change within organizations. We seek to assess these processes by comparing a conventional downsizing measure with more specific occupational downsizing measures. The results show the contours of change in Australia over the 1990s; indicate that there are distinctive and contrasting trends; and raise significant issues for future theoretical and empirical research.
Many theorists have wrestled with the notion of how people balance their need to be included in social groups with their need to be different and distinctive. This question is particularly salient to researchers from the social identify perspective, who have traditionally viewed individual differentiation within groups as being inimical to group identification. In this article we present a number of strategies that people can use to balance their need to belong and their need to be different, without violating social identity principles. First, drawing from optimal distinctiveness theory, we discuss 4 ways in which the need for belonging and the need to be different can be resolved by maximizing group distinctiveness. We then discuss 4 ways in which it is possible to achieve individual differentiation within a group at the same time demonstrating group identification. These strategies are discussed and integrated with reference to recent empirical research and to the social identity perspective.
Health promotion activities consume a growing proportion of health sector spending in most developed countries. Yet, there is still considerable debate in the non-economic literature about exactly what health promotion constitutes and precisely how its role is to be conceived. This paper provides one economic answer to such questions. It sets out an argument that health promotion may be viewed, through the lens of traditional welfare economics, as a response to problems of market failure. A Grossman-type health investment model is invoked to analyse individual deviations from equilibrium and the possible instruments and targets of health promotion policy. The paper concludes by suggesting some of the alternative conceptual approaches that might be brought to bear, as well as some ideas for empirical research.
Denial is a commonly used strategy to rebut a false rumor. However, there is a dearth of empirical research on the effectiveness of denials in combating rumors. Treating denials as persuasive messages, we conducted 3 laboratory-based simulation studies testing the overall effectiveness of denials in reducing belief and anxiety associated with an e-mail virus rumor. Under the framework of the elaboration likelihood model, we also tested the effects of denial message quality and source credibility, and the moderating effects of personal relevance. Overall, the results provided some support for the effectiveness of denials with strong arguments and an anxiety-alleviating tone in reducing rumor-related belief and anxiety. The effects of denial wording and source credibility were visible for participants who perceived high personal relevance of the topic. Limitations of the current research and future research directions are discussed.
A methodological framework for conducting a systematic, mostly qualitative, meta-synthesis of community-based rehabilitation (CBR) project evaluation reports is described. Developed in the course of an international pilot study, the framework proposes a systematic review process in phases which are strongly collaborative, methodologically rigorous and detailed. Through this suggested process, valuable descriptive data about CBR practice, strategies and outcomes may be synthesized. It is anticipated that future application of this methodology will contribute to an improved evidence base for CBR, which will facilitate the development of more appropriate policy and practice guidelines for disability service delivery in developing countries. The methodology will also have potential applications in areas beyond CBR, which are similarly. evidence poor' (lacking empirical research) but 'data rich' (with plentiful descriptive and evaluative reports).
Both the New Zealand Ministry of Education's Literacy Experts Group and the Australian National Inquiry into the Teaching of Literacy have recently acknowledged the centrality of systematic instruction in synthetic phonics to early reading instruction, but this conclusion remains contentious in some circles. This paper briefly summarises empirical research in basic psychology and evidence-based evaluation studies supporting the inclusion of systematic synthetic phonics instruction within the early reading curriculum, allowing practising psychologists to develop an informed opinion on this issue.
Virtual teams differ from tradidonal, co-located teams in that they primarily communicate via informadon technolog}' such as email, video conferencing and web based coUaboradve environments rather than in a face-to-face medium. There has been a lack of empirical research into the influence that leadership has within virtual teams upon key outcomes such as performance and knowledge sharing. This paper examines antecedents of knowledge sharing and performance, namely role clarit)' and trust in a team leader. We predicted that transformadonal leadership would posidvely influence both performance and knowledge sharing within virtual teams. We also h^'pothesised that trust in a leader and role clarit)' would mediate both the associadon between transformadonal leadership and performance as well as the associadon between transformadonal leadership and knowledge sharing within virtual teams. Data was collected from a public sector organisadon using virtual teams, Pardcipants responded to a self-report quesdonnaire. Supervisor radngs of performance and knowledge sharing were also obtained. In general we found support for a posidve reladonship between transformadonal leadership and performance and knowledge sharing within virtual teams. Using mediated muldple regression, we found support for the mediadng role of trust in the leader and role clarit}' between transformadonal leadership and performance and knowledge sharing. Implicadons of the results are provided.
This paper reports on research findings from a larger study which seeks to understand leadership from the experiences of well-known and well-recognised Australian leaders across a spectrum of endeavours such as the arts, business, science, the law and politics. To date there appears to be limited empirical research that has investigated the insights of Australian leaders regarding their leadership experiences, beliefs and practices. In this paper, the leadership story of a well-respected medical scientist is discussed revealing the contextual factors that influenced her thinking about leadership as well as the key values she embodies as a leader. The paper commences by briefly considering some of the salient leadership literature in the field. In particular, two prominent theoretical frameworks provided by Leavy (2003)and Kouzes and Posner (2002) are explored. While Leavy’s framework construes leadership as consisting of three “C’s” – context , conviction and credibility, Kouzes and Posner (2002)refer to five practices of exemplary leadership. The paper provides a snapshot of the life forces and context that played an important role in shaping the leader’s views and practices. An analytical discussion of these practices is considered in the light of the earlier frameworks identified. Some implications of the findings from this non-education context for those in schools are briefly noted.
The entrepreneurship models in existence in Sri Lanka are often based on the assumptions of n-Ach and personality trait theory. In this paper we describe empirical research into entrepreneurial motivations in Sri Lanka that addresses the neglect of socio-cultural factors. Our findings suggest that entrepreneurial motivation in Sri Lanka is rooted not in a need for individual achievement, but in the conscious or unconscious need to satisfy a sense of social intimacy. The emphasis on social power, social relations and collectivism create a setting for entrepreneurial motivation in Sri Lanka that drives almost directly counter to western ideologies of entrepreneurial motivation (from paper).