758 resultados para Education in literature
Websites of academic institutions are the prime source of information about the institution. Libraries, being the main provider of information for the academics, need to be represented in the respective homepages with due importance. Keeping this in mind, this study is an attempt to understand and analyze the presence and presentation of libraries of Engineering Colleges (EC) in Kerala in their respective websites. On the basis of the reviewed literature and an observation of libraries of nationally important institutions imparting technical education in India, a set of criteria were developed for analyzing the websites/web pages. Based on this an extensive survcy of the websites of ECs were done. The collected data was then analyzed using Microsoft Excel. The library websites were then ranked on the basis of this analysis. It was observed that majority of the websites of ECs in Kerala have least representation of their respective libraries. Another important observation is that even the highest scoring libraries satisfy only half of the criteria listed for analysis.
The 21st century is marked by a paradigm shift in education that has resulted both in threats and opportunities. It has brought new challenges and an opportunity for higher education. Higher education in India is undergoing rapid changes. The challenges ahead are multifaceted and multidimensional. Though the data show a massive growth in the number of students' enrollment in colleges/universities, holistic view reveals that still only a meager of the total population has access to higher education. Globalization and privatization are imposing new challenges but the nations are still entangled in solving the basic problems of accessibility to higher education for all. In the wake of the transition from elitist to mass education, universities worldwide are under pressure to enhance access and equity, on the one hand, and to maintain high standards of quality and excellence, on the other. Today the notion of equity not only implies greater access to higher education, but also opportunities for progress. In recent debates on higher education, the notions of equity and access go beyond minority to diversity. Affirmative action, too, has become raceexclusive and gender-neutral.1
In 2001 the Indian Banks Association have come up with a model frame work for educational loans in the country. With the approval of the Central Government the public sector banks in India started to give education loans. The private and cooperative banks also joined the fray. Due to growing NPAs and the intervention of the Government these norms were modified in 2011. The budget allocation for the primary and higher secondary education is on the increase in India. However, higher education has been of late relegated or left to the mercy of the private players. There has been a steady growth of educational loans disbursed, private colleges and deemed universities started and enrolments of students in higher education during the years 2001 to 2011. This paper is a humble attempt to 1) analyse the growth of the educational loans vis-à-vis other forms of personal loans at the national level, 2) showcase the disbursements of educational loans in Kerala State, 3) to assess the growth of educational institutions and enrolment of students in higher education in India from secondary data and 4) to make suggestions based on the findings
Das Ziel der Dissertation war die Untersuchung des Computereinsatzes zur Lern- und Betreuungsunterstützung beim selbstgesteuerten Lernen in der Weiterbildung. In einem bisher konventionell durchgeführten Selbstlernkurs eines berufsbegleitenden Studiengangs, der an das Datenmanagement der Bürodatenverarbeitung heranführt, wurden die Kursunterlagen digitalisiert, die Betreuung auf eine online-basierte Lernbegleitung umgestellt und ein auf die neuen Lernmedien abgestimmtes Lernkonzept entwickelt. Dieses neue Lernkonzept wurde hinsichtlich der Motivation und der Akzeptanz von digitalen Lernmedien evaluiert. Die Evaluation bestand aus zwei Teilen: 1. eine formative, den Entwicklungsprozess begleitende Evaluation zur Optimierung der entwickelten Lernsoftware und des eingeführten Lernkonzeptes, 2. eine sowohl qualitative wie quantitative summative Evaluation der Entwicklungen. Ein zentraler Aspekt der Untersuchung war die freie Wahl der Lernmedien (multimediale Lernsoftware oder konventionelles Begleitbuch) und der Kommunikationsmedien (online-basierte Lernplattform oder die bisher genutzten Kommunikationskanäle: E-Mail, Telefon und Präsenztreffen). Diese Zweigleisigkeit erlaubte eine differenzierte Gegenüberstellung von konventionellen und innovativen Lernarrangements. Die Verbindung von qualitativen und quantitativen Vorgehensweisen, auf Grund derer die subjektiven Einstellungen der Probanden in das Zentrum der Betrachtung rückten, ließen einen Blickwinkel auf den Nutzen und die Wirkung der Neuen Medien in Lernprozessen zu, der es erlaubte einige in der Literatur als gängig angesehene Interpretationen in Frage zu stellen und neu zu diskutieren. So konnten durch eine Kategorisierung des Teilnehmerverhaltens nach online-typisch und nicht online-typisch die Ursache-Wirkungs-Beziehungen der in vielen Untersuchungen angeführten Störungen in Online-Seminaren verdeutlicht werden. In den untersuchten Kursen zeigte sich beispielsweise keine Abhängigkeit der Drop-out-Quote von den Lern- und Betreuungsformen und dass diese Quote mit dem neuen Lernkonzept nur geringfügig beeinflusst werden konnte. Die freie Wahl der Lernmedien führte zu einer gezielten Nutzung der multimedialen Lernsoftware, wodurch die Akzeptanz dieses Lernmedium stieg. Dagegen war die Akzeptanz der Lernenden gegenüber der Lernbegleitung mittels einer Online-Lernplattform von hoch bis sehr niedrig breit gestreut. Unabhängig davon reichte in allen Kursdurchgängen die Online-Betreuung nicht aus, so dass Präsenztreffen erbeten wurde. Hinsichtlich der Motivation war die Wirkung der digitalen Medien niedriger als erwartet. Insgesamt bieten die Ergebnisse Empfehlungen für die Planung und Durchführung von computerunterstützten, online-begleiteten Kursen.
Speaker: Lynda Hardman Organiser: Time: 04/02/2015 12:30-13:30 Location: B32/3077 Abstract The challenges of addressing gender inequalities in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine is widely acknowledged. We currently hold a bronze award and ECS is one of many academic units in the University which has gained Athena Swan Charter status. In this seminar, Professor Lynda Hardman, Chair of the Informatics Europe working group "Women in Informatics Research and Education” will be explaining the causes of issued underlying gender inequality and constructive routes to addressing this important agenda. In undertaking to commit to an action plan which is a prerequisite of gaining charter status, the University or academic department agreed to accept and incorporate the Athena Swan six principles listed below: * To address gender inequalities requires commitment and action from everyone, at all levels of the organisation * To tackle the unequal representation of women in science requires changing cultures and attitudes across the organisation * The absence of diversity at management and policy-making levels has broad implications which the organisation will examine * The high loss rate of women in science is an urgent concern which the organisation will address * The system of short-term contracts has particularly negative consequences for the retention and progression of women in science, which the organisation recognises * There are both personal and structural obstacles to women making the transition from PhD into a sustainable academic career in science, which require the active consideration of the organisation. This seminar is designed to provide an opportunity to explore these issues NOTE: Lynda will be basing here talk on some of the work she directed as chair of the "Women in Informatics Research and Education” working group. The purpose of the working group is to actively participate and promote actions that contribute to improve gender balance in Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies. The first concrete result of the working group's activities was the publication of the booklet "More Women in Informatics Research and Education" in 2013. The booklet is a compact source of clear and simple best practices to deans and heads of departments that aim to increase the participation of women as both students and employees in their institutions. Many tips included were also inspired by colleagues already in leading positions who have already implemented actions in their institutions to attract more women and ensure their continued participation in the organization at commensurate ratios with their male colleagues. The booklet is endorsed by the European Commission and features a foreword by Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission, responsible for the Digital Agenda.
This paper attempts to address the interesting phenomenon of dominance of women in higher educational sector of Goa-a remarkable postcolonial event which occurred after Goa attained statehood in 1987. The Indian state of Goa has been experiencing a rapid socio-economic and cultural transformation. At present it enjoys many of the highest human development indicators in India, matching some of the developed countries. Its’ projected population at present is 1.45 million (Indian decennial census 2001 reported 1.348 million). When the Portuguese rule ended, the literacy was just 31 % whereas it stood at 82 % in 2001. Goa is a highly urbanized state in India. In 1960 there were just five towns and 15 % urban population. In 2001 the figures were, 44 towns and 50 % urban population. On economic front Goa has made tremendous progress mainly on account of the growth of mining, tourism and the service sector. Tourist arrivals in Goa have exceeded the state’s population from 2001. The Gross state domestic product (GSDP) at current prices in 2003-04 was Indian Rupees (Rs.) 96570 million, up from Rs. 3930 million when Goa became a full-fledged state. The banks are flush with funds indicating a booming economy. Goa has lowest birth and death rates and a life expectancy of 68 years for the males and 72 for females. The sex ratio however has shown a declining trend since 1960, from 1066 to 960 in 2001 (Table 1).The sex ratio for 0-6 years age group was 933. On this background we intend to examine the changing pattern of female education in Goa.
A dança é uma actividade de grande exigência atlética, que pode conduzir a um elevado número de lesões, particularmente na região do tornozelo, possivelmente devido à amplitude extrema do movimento articular de flexão plantar do mesmo, que os bailarinos, especialmente do sexo feminino possuem, para realizar a ponta e meia ponta tão características do ballet clássico (Kadel, 2006; Motta-Valencia, 2006; Russel, Kruse, Koutedakis, McEwan, Wyon, 2010). Estas posições de flexão plantar extrema produzem força excessiva na região posterior do tornozelo, o que muitas vezes pode resultar em conflito, dor e incapacidade, representando na maioria das vezes um desafio de diagnóstico. O síndrome do conflito posterior do tornozelo refere-se a um grupo de entidades patológicas que resultam da flexão plantar forçada do tornozelo, de forma repetitiva ou traumática, causando um conflito das estruturas ósseas e/ou de tecidos moles (Hamilton, Geppert, Thompson, 1996; Hamilton, 2008) . Os objectivos deste projecto são compreender os quais os factores de risco, mecânicos e funcionais que contribuem para a mecânica patológica da lesão descritos na literatura, e proceder a uma avaliação biomecânica do movimento de flexão plantar do tornozelo. Método. Realizar uma revisão sistemática de literatura dirigida á mecânica patológica do síndrome do conflito posterior do tornozelo em bailarinas e conduzir um estudo caso-controlo, cujo objectivo é avaliar, comparar e descrever o movimento da flexão plantar do tornozelo realizado ao efectuar os movimentos de ponta e meia-ponta, em bailarinas pré-profissionais com e sem lesão recorrente resultante do conflito posterior do tornozelo. Resultados. Não foram encontrados estudos relacionados especificamente com a mecânica patológica do tornozelo, no entanto vários estudos foram encontrados considerando as características clínicas e anatómicas assim como os procedimentos de tratamento, indicando que os principais factores de risco relacionados com a lesão se dividem em factores mecânicos e funcionais que quando combinados entre si e associados ao sobre-uso podem resultar no conflito posterior do tornozelo. Na avaliação do movimento foram observadas diferenças na actividade muscular entre os sujeitos com lesão e controlos, tendo sido possível a observação de um padrão na sequência de activação para um dos movimentos testados. Na oscilação postural e na rigidez do tornozelo foram também observadas diferenças entre os sujeitos bem como entre as posições realizadas. Conclusão. Concluiu-se que não sendo possível alterar a anatomia do bailarino, por vezes é possível intervir a nível funcional melhorando a capacidade técnica de forma obter um melhor desempenho e a actuar preventivamente em relação às lesões, uma vez que estas podem apresentar padrões cinéticos próprios, relacionados com a função muscular, a estabilidade postural e a rigidez articular.
This paper, based on the findings of a qualitative study, discusses the influence of Ghana's recently introduced English-only language-in-education policy on pupils' classroom communicative practices and learning generally. It highlights how the use of English- an unfamiliar language- creates anxiety among students and stalls effective classroom participation. The paper first considers the key issues that impinge on the literacy development in multilingual classrooms in postcolonial Africa including the uninformed attitudes towards mother tongue/bilingual education. It then draws on the empirical data from Africa and elsewhere to refute the negative perceptions about mother-tongue education, and examines the prospects for bilingual/mother-tongue education in multilingual classrooms in Ghana.
Education and ethnicity cannot be discussed without taking language into account. This paper will argue that any discussion of ethnic minorities cannot ignore the question of language, nor can any discussion of human rights ignore the question of language rights. Unfortunately, in today's globalised world, governments and minorities are faced with conflicting pressures: on the one hand, for the development and use of education in a global/international language; on the other for the use and development of mother tongue, local or indigenous languages in education. Language complexity and ethnic plurality were largely brought about as a result of the creation of nation-states, which were spread around the world as a result of European colonialism. European languages and formal education systems were used as a means of political and economic control. The legacy that was left by the colonial powers has complicated ethnic relations and has frequently led to conflict. While there is now greater recognition of the importance of language both for economic and educational development, as well as for human rights, the forces of globalisation are leading towards uniformity in the languages used, in culture and even in education. They are working against the development of language rights for smaller groups. We are witnessing a sharp decline in the number of languages spoken. Only those languages which are numerically, economically and politically strong are likely to survive. As a result many linguistic and ethnic groups are in danger of being further marginalised. This paper will illustrate this thesis both historically and from several contemporary societies, showing how certain policies have exacerbated ethnic conflict while others are seeking to promote harmony and reconciliation. Why this should be so will be explored. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.