892 resultados para Early Modern Spain


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The main objective of this article is to focus on the analysis of teaching techniques, ranging from the use of the blackboard and chalk in old traditional classes, using slides and overhead projectors in the eighties and use of presentation software in the nineties, to the video, electronic board and network resources nowadays. Furthermore, all the aforementioned, is viewed under the different mentalities in which the teacher conditions the student using the new teaching technique, improving soft skills but maybe leading either to encouragement or disinterest, and including the lack of educational knowledge consolidation at scientific, technology and specific levels. In the same way, we study the process of adaptation required for teachers, the differences in the processes of information transfer and education towards the student, and even the existence of teachers who are not any longer appealed by their work due which has become much simpler due to new technologies and the greater ease in the development of classes due to the criteria described on the new Grade Programs adopted by the European Higher Education Area. Moreover, it is also intended to understand the evolution of students’ profiles, from the eighties to present time, in order to understand certain attitudes, behaviours, accomplishments and acknowledgements acquired over the semesters within the degree Programs. As an Educational Innovation Group, another key question also arises. What will be the learning techniques in the future?. How these evolving matters will affect both positively and negatively on the mentality, attitude, behaviour, learning, achievement of goals and satisfaction levels of all elements involved in universities’ education? Clearly, this evolution from chalk to the electronic board, the three-dimensional view of our works and their sequence, greatly facilitates the understanding and adaptation later on to the business world, but does not answer to the unknowns regarding the knowledge and the full development of achievement’s indicators in basic skills of a degree. This is the underlying question which steers the roots of the presented research.


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Knowledge of the development of hydrographic networks can be useful for a number of research works in hydraulic engineering. We thus, intend to analyse the cartography regarding the first work that systematically encompasses the entire hydrographic network: Tomas Lopez’s Geographic Atlas of Spain (1787). In order to achieve this goal, we will first analyze –by way of the Geographic Information System (GIS) – both the present and referred historical cartographies. In comparing them, we will use the then-existing population centres that correspond to modern ones. The aim is to compare the following research variables in the hydrographic network: former toponyms, length of riverbeds and distance to population centres. The results of this study will show the variation in the riverbeds and the probable change in their denomination.


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Los años cincuenta y sesenta son los años de la incorporación definitiva de la arquitectura española al panorama internacional. Entre los arquitectos que protagonizan ese salto sin retorno, se encuentra el grupo de aquellos que unos años más tarde serán denominados por Juan Daniel Fullaondo como Escuela de Madrid. Carlos Flores, en su libro Arquitectura Española Contemporánea 1880-1950, se refiere a esos arquitectos como aquellos que se aplicaban a la difícil tarea de restablecer en España un tipo de arquitectura que conectaba con las teorías, soluciones y lenguajes establecidos por Europa durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX. Sigfried Giedion plantea en Espacio, Tiempo y Arquitectura el origen de una nueva tradición, surgida a partir de la revolución óptica de principios de siglo. Con tradición se refiere a una nueva cultura, que abarca la interrelación de las diferentes actividades del hombre: la similitud de los métodos que se usan en la arquitectura, la construcción, la pintura, el urbanismo o la ciencia. Esa novedad, fundamentada en su independencia y desvinculación con el periodo anterior, se inscribe dentro del esquema evolutivo que Thomas Kuhn plantea en su texto La Estructura de la Revoluciones Científicas, conforme a periodos no acumulativos. Kuhn habla del surgimiento de anomalías en cada periodo, origen de las crisis de pensamiento cuya explicación precisará un necesario cambio paradigmático. En la ciencia, en el campo de la óptica Thomas Young demuestra a principios del siglo XIX la naturaleza ondulatoria de la luz con su experimento de doble rendija; en el electromagnetismo se produce el salto conceptual que supone la postulación de la existencia del campo eléctrico por parte de Michael Faraday, y en termodinámica la consideración apuntada por Planck de que la radiación de la energía de produce de forma discreta, a través de cuantos. En las artes plásticas, paralelamente, Gleizes y Metzinger, en su recopilación de logros cubistas recogida en Sobre el Cubismo, hablan de la evolución sufrida durante el siglo XIX por la pintura: desde el idealismo de principios de siglo, para pasando por el realismo y la representación impresionista de la realidad, concluir prescindiendo de la perspectiva clásica. También la matemática, una vez desarrolladas por Gauss o Lobachevsky y Bolyai geometrías coherentes que incumplen el quinto postulado de Euclides, terminará dando validez a través de Riemann a los espacios ambiente en los que habitan dichas geometrías, desvinculando la relación directa entre espacio geométrico –el espacio ambiente al que da lugar un tipo de geometría- y el espacio físico. Capi Corrales refleja en su libro Contando el Espacio, cómo hasta la teoría de la relatividad y el cubismo, las geometrías no euclídeas no se hicieron notorias también fuera del campo de las matemáticas. El origen de la nueva tradición con la que Giedion se refiere a la nueva cultura de la modernidad coincide con los saltos paradigmáticos que suponen la teoría de la relatividad en las ciencias y el cubismo en las artes plásticas. Ambas se prolongan durante las primeras décadas hasta la teoría cuántica y la abstracción absoluta, barreras que los dos principales precursores de la relatividad y el cubismo, Einstein y Picasso, nunca llegan a franquear. En ese sentido Giedion habla también, además del origen, de su desarrollo, e incorpora las aportaciones periféricas en la arquitectura de Brasil, Japón o Finlandia, incluyendo por tanto la revisión orgánica propugnada por Zevi como parte de esa nueva tradición, quedando abierta a la incorporación tardía de nuevas aportaciones al desarrollo de esa cultura de la modernidad. Eliminado el concepto de la estética trascendental de Kant del tiempo como una referencia absoluta, y asumido el valor constante de la velocidad de la luz, para la teoría de la relatividad no existe una simultaneidad auténtica. Queda así fijada la velocidad de la luz como uno de los límites del universo, y la equivalencia entre masa y energía. En el cubismo la simultaneidad espacial viene motivada por la eliminación del punto de vista preferente, cuyo resultado es la multiplicidad descriptiva de la realidad, que se visualiza en la descomposición en planos, tanto del objeto como del espacio, y la consecuente continuidad entre fondo y figura que en arquitectura se refleja en la continuidad entre edificio y territorio. Sin la consideración de un punto de vista absoluto, no existe una forma auténtica. El cubismo, y su posterior desarrollo por las vanguardias plásticas, hacen uso de la geometría como mecanismo de recomposición de la figura y el espacio, adoptando mecanismos de penetración, superposición y transparencia. Gyorgy Kepes indica en El Lenguaje de la Visión que la descomposición cubista del objeto implica la sucesiva autonomía de los planos, hasta convertirse en elementos constituyentes. Algo que refleja las axonometrías arquitectónicas de Van Doesburg y que culmina con los espacios propuestos por Mies van der Rohe en sus primeros proyectos europeos. Estos mecanismos, encuentran eco en los primeros planteamientos de Javier Carvajal: en la ampliación del Panteón de españoles del cementerio de Campo Verano, un recinto virtual reconstruido mentalmente a partir del uso de tres únicos planos; o en el Pabellón de Nueva York, que organiza su planta baja desde el recorrido, introduciendo el parámetro temporal como una dimensión más. Al uso diferenciado del plano como elemento constituyente, Carvajal incorpora su plegado y su disposición conformando envolventes como mecanismo de cualificación espacial y formal, potenciando la prolongación entre arquitectura y territorio. Una continuidad que quedará culminada en las dos viviendas unifamiliares construidas en Somosaguas. La descomposición volumétrica conduce a unos niveles de abstracción que hace precisa la incorporación de elementos de la memoria -fuentes, patios, celosías…- a modo de red de señales, como las que Picasso y Braque introducen en sus cuadros para permitir su interpretación. Braque insiste en el interés por el espacio que rodea a los objetos. Una búsqueda de la tactilidad del espacio contraria a la perspectiva que aleja el objeto del observador, y que en los jardines de las viviendas de Somosaguas parece emanar de su propia materialidad. Un espacio táctil alejado del espacio geométrico y que Braque identifica con el espacio representativo en el que Poincaré, en La Ciencia y la Hipótesis, ubica nuestras sensaciones. Desdibujar los límites del objeto prolonga el espacio indefinidamente. Con el paso en el arte griego del mito al logos, se abre paso a la matemática como herramienta de comprensión de la naturaleza hasta el siglo XIX. Leon Lederman, en Simetría y la Belleza del Universo, apunta a que una de las mayores contribuciones de la teoría de Einstein es hacer cambiar el modo de pensar la naturaleza, orientándolo hacia la búsqueda de los principios de simetría que subyacen bajo las leyes físicas. Considerando que la simetría es la invariancia de un objeto o un sistema frente a una transformación y que las leyes físicas son las mismas en cualquier punto del espacio, el espacio de nuestro universo posee una simetría traslacional continua. En la ocupación del espacio de las primeras propuestas de Corrales y Molezún aparecen estructuras subyacentes que responden a enlosetados: paralelogramos sometidos a transformaciones continuas, que la naturaleza identifica tridimensionalmente con los grupos cristalográficos. Las plantas del museo de Arte Contemporáneo de la Castellana, la residencia de Miraflores, el pabellón de Bruselas o la torre Peugeot pertenecen a este grupo. La arquitectura como proceso de ocupación continua del territorio y de su trasposición al plano de cubierta, se materializa en líneas estructurales coincidentes con la estructura matemática de sus simetrías de traslación cuya posibilidad de prolongación infinita queda potenciada por el uso de la envolvente transparente. Junto a esta transparencia literal, inherente al material, Colin Rowe y Robert Slutzky nos alertan sobre otra transparencia inherente a la estructura: la transparencia fenomenal, ilustrada por los cuadros de Juan Gris, y cuya intuición aparece reflejada en la casa Huarte en Puerta de Hierro de Madrid. Corrales y Molezún insisten en una lectura de su volumetría alejada de la frontalidad, en la que los contornos de sus cubiertas inclinadas y las visuales tangenciales sugeridas por la organización de sus recorridos introducen una estructura diagonal que se superpone al entendimiento ortogonal de su planta, dibujando una intrincada red de líneas quebradas que permiten al espacio fluctuar entre las secuencia volumétrica propuesta. Los datos relativos al contenido energético de la luz y el concepto de átomo parten de la consideración de la emisión de energía en cuantos realizada por Planck, y concluyen con una circunstancia paradójica: la doble naturaleza de la luz -demostrada por la explicación de Einstein del efecto fotoeléctrico- y la doble naturaleza de la materia -asumida por Bohr y demostrada por el efecto Compton-. Schrödinger y Heisenberg formularán finalmente la ecuación universal del movimiento que rige en las ondas de materia, y cuya representación matemática es lo que se conoce como función de onda. El objeto es así identificado con su función de onda. Su ondulatoriedad expresará la probabilidad de encontrarse en un lugar determinado. Gyorgy Kepes subraya la necesidad de simplificar el lenguaje para pasar de la objetividad que aún permanece en la pintura cubista a la abstracción total del espacio. Y es así como los artistas plásticos reducen los objetos a simples formas geométricas, haciendo aflorar a la vez, las fuerzas plásticas que los tensionan o equilibran, en un proceso que acaba por eliminar cualquier atisbo de materia. Robert Rosenblum en La Pintura Moderna y la Tradición del Romanticismo Nórdico habla de cómo ese rechazo de la materia en favor de un vacío casi impalpable, campos luminosos de color denso que difunden un sereno resplandor y parecen engendrar las energías elementales de la luz natural, está directamente vinculado a la relación con la naturaleza que establece el romanticismo nórdico. La expresión de la energía de la naturaleza concentrada en un vacío que ya había sido motivo de reflexión para Michael Faraday en su postulación del concepto de campo eléctrico. Sáenz de Oíza incide en la expresión de la condición material de la energía en su propuesta junto a José Luis Romany para la capilla en el Camino de Santiago. La evocación de diferentes fuerzas electromagnéticas, las únicas junto a las gravitatorias susceptibles de ser experimentadas por el hombre, aparecerán visualizadas también en el carácter emergente de algunas de sus obras: el Santuario de Aránzazu o Torres Blancas; pero también en la naturaleza fluyente de sus contornos, la dispersión perimetral de los espacios -el umbral como centro del universoo la configuración del límite como respuesta a las tensiones germinales de la naturaleza. Miguel Fisac, a la vuelta de su viaje a los países nórdicos, aborda una simplificación lingüística orientada hacia la adecuación funcional de los espacios. En el Instituto de Daimiel, el Instituto de formación del profesorado o los complejos para los Padres Dominicos en Valladolid o Alcobendas, organiza progresivamente la arquitectura en diferentes volúmenes funcionales, incidiendo de un modo paralelo en la manifestación de los vínculos que se establecen entre dichos volúmenes como una visualización de las fuerzas que los tensionan y equilibran. En ellos la prolongación de la realidad física más allá de los límites de la envolvente ya es algo más que una simple intuición. Un proceso en el que el tratamiento de la luz como un material de construcción más, tendrá un especial protagonismo. En la iglesia de la Coronación, la iluminación del muro curvo escenifica la condición ondulatoria de la luz, manifestándose como si de un patrón de interferencia se tratara. Frente a la disolución de lo material, el espacio se manifiesta aquí como un medio denso, alejado de la tradicional noción de vacío. Una doble naturaleza, onda y partícula, que será intuido también por Fisac en la materia a través de su uso comprometido del hormigón como único material de construcción. Richard Feynmann nos alerta de la ocupación del espacio por multitud de fuerzas electromagnéticas que, al igual que la luz, precisan de receptores específicos para captar su presencia. Sus célebres diagramas suponen además la visualización definitiva de los procesos subatómicos. Al igual que la abstracción absoluta en las artes plásticas, esas representaciones diagramáticas no son asimilables a imágenes obtenidas de nuestra experiencia. Una intuición plasmada en el uso del diagrama, que irán adquiriendo progresivamente los dibujos de Alejandro de la Sota. La sección del gimnasio Maravillas recoge los trazos de sus principales elementos constructivos: estructura, cerramientos, compartimentaciones…, pero también, y con la misma intensidad, los de las fuerzas que generan su espacio, considerando así su condición de elementos constituyentes. El vacío, nos deja claro Sota, es el lugar donde habitan dichas tensiones. La posterior simplificación de las formas acompañadas de la obsesión por su aligeramiento, la casi desaparición de la envolvente, incide en aquella idea con la que Paul Klee define la actividad del artista en su Teoría del Arte Moderno, y en la que se transmite el distanciamiento hacia lo aparente: No se trata de reproducir lo visible, se trata de volver visible. Así, en Bankunión y Aviaco, como en tantos otros proyectos, frente al objetivo de la forma, Sota plantea el límite como la acotación de un ámbito de actuación. Su propia representación aséptica y diagramática transmite la renuncia a una especificidad espacial. Gilles Deleuze expresa ese posicionamiento en Pintura, el Concepto de Diagrama: el diagrama como la posibilidad de cuadros infinitos, o la posibilidad infinita de cuadros. Aparece así una concepción probabilística del espacio en la que frente a la renuncia por la forma, la tendencia al aligeramiento, y lo difuso de su definición – ideas claras, definición borrosa, en palabras de Llinás referidas al modo de operar de Sota-, la insistente atención a algunos elementos como escaleras, protecciones o miradores parece trasmitir la idea de que la arquitectura queda condensada en aquellos acontecimientos que delatan su condición dinámica, transitoria. Primando la relación frente al objeto, el vínculo frente a lo tangible. English summary. The fifties and sixties were the years of the final incorporation of Spanish architecture to the international scene. Among the architects who star that no return leap, is the group of those who a few years later will be named by Juan Daniel Fullaondo as Escuela de Madrid. Carlos Flores, in his book Arquitectura Española Contemporánea 1880-1950, refers to those architects as those that applied to the difficult task of restoring in Spain an architecture that connected with theories, solutions and established languages in Europe during the first decades of the twentieth century. Sigfried Giedion proposes in Space, Time and Architecture, the origin of a new tradition, arising from the optical revolution at the beginning of the century. With tradition he refers to a new culture, covering the interplay of different human activities: the similarity of the methods used in architecture, building, painting, urban planning or science. This new feature, based on its independence and detachment from the previous period, is part of the evolutionary scheme that Thomas Kuhn proposes in his text The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, according to non-accumulative periods. Kuhn talks about the emergence of anomalies in each period, origin of thought crisis whose explanation will require a paradigm shift needed. In science, in the field of optical Thomas Young demonstrates at the early nineteenth century the wave nature of light with its double-slit experiment , in electromagnetism the postulation of the existence of the electric field by Michael Faraday involves a conceptual leap, and in thermodynamic, the consideration pointed by Planck about quantum energy radiation. In the arts, in a parallel process, Gleizes and Metzinger , in his collection of cubism achievements on their book Du Cubisme, speak of evolution occurring during the nineteenth century by the painting: from the idealism of beginning of the century, going for realism and impressionist representation of reality, and finishing regardless of the classical perspective . Mathematics also, once developed by Gauss and Lobachevsky and Bolyai consistent geometries that violate Euclid's fifth postulate , will end validating Riemann’s ambient spaces in which these geometries inhabit, decoupling the direct relationship between geometric space -the space environment that results in a type of geometry- , and physical space. Capi Corrales reflectes in his book Contando el Espacio, that non-Euclidean geometries were not noticeable outside the field of mathematics until the theory of relativity and cubism. The origin of the new tradition that Giedion relates to the new culture of modernity coincides with paradigmatic leaps pointed by the theory of relativity in science and Cubism in the visual arts. Both are extended during the first decades until quantum theory and absolute abstraction, barriers that the two main precursors of relativity and cubism, Einstein and Picasso never overcome. In that sense Giedion speaks about the origin, but also the development, and incorporates peripheral inputs from Brazil, Japan and Finland architecture, thus including organic revision advocated by Zevi as part of this new tradition, being open to the late addition of new contributions to the development of that culture of modernity. Removed the concept of Kant's transcendental aesthetics, of time as an absolute reference, and assumed the constant value of the speed of light, theory of relativity says there is no authentic concurrency. It is thus fixed the speed of light as one of the limits of the universe, and the equivalence of mass and energy. In cubism, spatial simultaneity results from the elimination of preferential points of view, resulting in the multiplicity descriptive of reality, which is displayed in decomposition levels, both the object and the space, and the resulting continuity between figure and background that architecture is reflected in the continuity between building and land. Without the consideration of an absolute point of view, there isn’t an authentic shape. Cubism, and its subsequent development by the vanguard arts, make use of geometry as a means of rebuilding the figure and space, taking penetration mechanisms, overlapping and transparency. Gyorgy Kepes suggest in Languaje of Vision, that cubist decomposition of the object involves successive planes autonomy, to become constituent elements. Something that reflects the Van Doesburg’s architectural axonometrics and culminates with the spaces proposed by Mies van der Rohe in his first European projects. These mechanisms are reflected in the first approaches by Javier Carvajal: the extension of Spanish Pantheon in Campo Verano Cemetery, virtual enclosure mentally reconstructed from 24 the use of only three planes, or in the Spanish Pavilion of New York, which organizes its ground floor from the tour, introducing the time parameter as an additional dimension. Carvajal adds to the differential use of the plane as a constituent, Carvajal incorporates its folding and forming enclosures available as a mechanism for spatial and formal qualification, promoting the extension between architecture and territory. A continuity that will be completed in the two houses built in Somosaguas. Volumetric decomposition, as the fragmentation achieved in the last cubist experiences, needs the incorporation of elements of memory - fountains, patios, shutters...- as a network of signals, such as those introduced by Picasso and Braque in their paintings to allow their interpretation. Braque insists in his interest in the space surrounding the objects. A search of the tactility of space contrary to the perspective, which moves the observer away from the object, and that in the gardens of Somosaguas seems to emanate from its own materiality. A tactile space away from the geometric space and Braque identified with the representative space in which Poincaré in La Science et l´hypothèse, located our feelings. To blur those boundaries of the object extends the space indefinitely. With the passage in Greek art from myth to logos, it opens up to mathematics as a tool for understanding the nature until the nineteenth century. Leon Lederman, in Symmetry and beautiful Universe, suggests that one of the greatest contributions of Einstein's theory is to change the mindset of nature, namely the search for symmetry principles that underlie physical laws. Considering that symmetry is the invariance of an object or system from a transformation and that physical laws are the same at any point in space, the space of our universe has a continuous translational symmetry. In the space occupation of the first proposals by Corrales and Molezún underlying structures appear that match enlosetados: parallelograms under continuous transformations, which nature identifies tridimensionally with the crystallographic groups. Plants in the Contemporary Art Museum in La Castellana, the residence in Miraflores, the Brussels pavilion or the Peugeot tower belong to this group. The architecture as a process of continuous occupation of the territory and of its transposition to the deck, embodied in structural lines coincide with the mathematical structure of the translational symmetry and infinite extension whose possibility is enhanced by the use of the transparent cover. Alongside this literal transparency inherent to the material, Colin Rowe and Robert Slutzky alert us another transparency inherent in the structure: phenomenal transparency, illustrated by the Juan Gris’ works, and whose intuition is reflected in the Huarte’s house in Puerta de Hierro in Madrid. Corrales and Molezún insist on a reading of its volume away from the frontal, in which the outline of their inclined roofs and tangential visual suggested by the organization of his circulations introduce a diagonal structure which overlaps the orthogonal understanding of its plant, drawing an intricate web of broken lines that allow the space fluctuate between the volumetric sequence proposal. Information concerning to the energy mean of light and the concept of atom start from the consideration by Plank about the energy emission, and conclude with a paradoxical situation: the dual nature of light - demonstrated by the explanation of Einstein's photoelectric effect-, and the dual nature of matter -assumed by Bohr and demonstrated by the Compton effect-. Finally, Schrödinger and Heisenberg will formulate the universal movement equation governing in undulatory matter, whose mathematical representation is what is known as a wave function. The object is thus identified with its wave function. Its undulatory expression speaks about the probability of being found in a certain place. Gyorgy Kepes emphasizess the need to simplify the language to move from the objectivity that still remains in the cubist painting to the total abstraction of the space. And this is how artists reduced the objects to simple geometric shapes, making emerge at a time, the plastic forces that tense or balance them, in a process that eventually eliminate any trace of matter. Robert Rosenblum in Modern Painting and the Northern Romantic Tradition. Friedrich to Rothko talks about how this rejection of matter in an almost impalpable vacuum: dense color light fields that broadcast a serene glow and seem to generate the elemental energies of natural light is directly linked to the relationship with nature that sets the northern romanticism. An expression of the power of nature concentrated in a vacuum which had been reason for thought by Michael Faraday in his application of the concept of electric field. Saenz de Oíza touches upon the material expression of the energy in its proposal with Jose Luis Romany to the chapel on the Camino de Santiago. The presence of electromagnetic forces, the only ones with the gravitational one capable of being experienced by the man will also visualize in the emerging nature of some of his works: the sanctuary of Aránzazu or Torres Blancas, but also in the flowing nature of its contours, and the inclusion of interest in the realization of space fluctuating boundary: the threshold as the center of the universe. Miguel Fisac, back from his trip to the Northern Countries, starts on a linguistic simplification oriented to the functional adequacy of spaces. In the Daimiel Institute, in the Institute to Teacher Formation or in the complex to the Dominican Fathers in Valladolid or Alcobendas, progressively organized into different functional volumes architecture, focusing in a parallel way in the manifestation of the links established between these volumes as a visualization of the forces that tense and balance them. The prolongation of the physical reality beyond the limits of the envelope is already something more than a simple intuition. A process in which the treatment of light as a construction material, have a special role. In the Coronation church, curved wall lighting dramatizes the undulatory condition of the light, manifesting as if an interference pattern is involved. Versus the dissolution of the material, the space is expressed here as a dense atmosphere, away from the traditional notion of the vacuum. A dual nature, wave and particle, which is also sensed by Fisac in his committed use of concrete as a unique construction material. Richard Feynman alerts us to the occupation of space by many electromagnetic forces, which like the light, require specific receptors to capture their presence. His famous diagrams also involve the final visualization of atomic processes. As absolute abstraction in the visual arts, these representations are not assimilated to images obtained from our experience. A diagrammatic nature, abstracted from figuration, which will obtein the pictures of Alejandro de la Sota. The section of Maravillas gym collects traces of its main building blocks: structure, enclosures... but also, and with the same intensity, of the forces that generate their space as constituent elements. Sota makes it clear: the vacuum is where inhabit these tensions. The subsequent simplification of forms, accompanied by the obsession with his lightening, the near disappearance of the envelope, touches upon that idea which Paul Klee defines the activity of the artist in his Modern Art Theory, the spacing out to the apparent: it is not to reproduce the visible, it is to turn visible. Thus, in Bankunión and Aviaco, as in many other projects, against the shape, raises the limit as the dimension of a scope. His own aseptic and diagrammatic representation transmits waiver to a spatial specificity that Gilles Deleuze clearly expressed in Painting. The Concept Diagram: The diagram as the possibility of infinite pictures, or infinite possibility of the picture. Thus appears the probabilistic concept of space in which, opposite to the diffuse of its definition -clear ideas, diffuse definition, as Llinas said- the insistent attention to some elements like stairs, guards or lookouts seems to concentrate the architecture in its dynamic condition, transitional. The relationship opposite the object, the link opposite the tangible.


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Descripción de ciertos rasgos geológicos que amenazan el patrimonio religioso rupestre español. Rock sanctuaries are a historical heritage not as well-known as other religious constructions, due to their usual recondite location and abandoned condition. Spain has a large number of examples, mostly excavated during the Early Middle Age or even before. Fortunately, some of them are used on present worship, but the majority of these ancient shrines have suffered of severe damage through time, mostly due to common geological patterns. Some others threaten to collapse soon unless urgent remedial improvement is applied. Some examples at different locations are shown, reviewing their problems, which involve weathering, major rock cracks, soft rock pillars and others related to the defective site where they were located.


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Research on the assessment of the effects of conservation/restoration treatments on stone material has been significant in recent years, with focus on the early observation of decay caused by the application of these treatments. However, in the case of archaeological sites, research is still scarce and few studies on the subject have been published. Restoration, as everything else, has changed according to trends, mainly guided by the release of new products and technologies, an experimental field where scientific assessment of suitability, efficacy and durability pre-evaluations of treatments are not always conducted. Some efforts have been made to solve this problem in the architectural field, where functional needs and technical requirements force to set clear standards. Unfortunately, archaeological sites, unlike historic buildings, have specific features that preclude the extrapolation of these results. A critical review of the methodologies, products and restoration materials is necessary, coupled with deeper research on degradation mechanisms caused by these treatments in the mid- and long-term. The aim of this paper is to introduce the research on the above issues using Merida as a case study.


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More children with different versions of speech disorders appear in Russia last decades. This situation reflects general tendency of national health deterioration. Our practical experience shows that close grownups can?t communicate to children with limited health capacity. As a result there arise social disabilities in child development. Speech communication is one of the forms of global communicative interaction process between close grownups and young child in the course of which there is a redistribution of knowledge and ignorance (Nikas Luman,2005). Within a framework of sociocultiral theory of mental growth we consider the appearance of speech communication under any cases of physical illness is possible only under conditions of correctly- organized communication between grownups and young children. (L.S. Vigotski ,2000). The special value in this aspect acquires the study of communication between grownups and young children. For five years we have been conducting the surveys on the problem of communicative contacts between parents and non-verbal children. Analysis of received data gave us the opportunity to systematize peculiar communicative interaction of adults and children who have some lapses in acquiring speech form communication. We have revealed four versions of situational- business communication between close grownups and young children with disabilities in acquiring speech. We have assumed that four versions of situational- business communication negatively affect speech form communication formation.


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La gestión de hábitat orientada a la conservación de polinizadores en los agro-ecosistemas requiere una selección de especies vegetales atendiendo fundamentalmente a dos criterios: i) el potencial atractivo de sus flores a los polinizadores; y ii) la simplicidad en su manejo agronómico. Además de estas premisas, es necesario considerar la capacidad invasora de estas especies vegetales, debido a que algunas de las más atractivas pueden resultar invasoras en determinados agro-ecosistemas. Por lo tanto, es preciso determinar qué especies vegetales son las más indicadas para ser implementadas en cada agro-ecosistema. En la presente tesis doctoral se plantea la búsqueda de las especies vegetales adecuadas para atraer polinizadores en los agro-ecosistemas del centro de España. En una primera aproximación, se ha evaluado la atracción y expansión espacial (potencial invasivo) de seis plantas perennes de la familia Lamiaceae (aromáticas), elegidas por ser nativas de la región mediterránea. La elección de las especies vegetales se ha llevado a cabo con el fin de crear márgenes funcionales basados en la mezcla de especies vegetales con distintos periodos de floración, de modo que prolonguen la disponibilidad de recursos florales en el tiempo. Tras un primer año dedicado al establecimiento de las especies aromáticas, en los dos años siguientes se ha estudiado la atracción individual y combinada de las especies vegetales sobre los polinizadores, y como ésta se ve afectada por la densidad y la morfología floral, utilizando para ello un diseño experimental en bloques al azar. Los resultados de este estudio han puesto de manifiesto que la morfología floral no tuvo influencia sobre la atracción de las especies vegetales, pero si la densidad floral, puesto que las especies vegetales con mayor densidad de flores (Nepeta tuberosa e Hyssopus officinalis) han mostrado mayor atracción a polinizadores. Cabe destacar que de las seis especies consideradas, dos especies de verano (Melissa officinalis y Thymbra capitata) no han contribuido de forma efectiva a la atracción de la mezcla hacia los polinizadores, mostrando una reducción significativa de este parámetro respecto a las otras especies aromáticas a lo largo del verano. Se ha observado que ninguna de las especies aromáticas evaluadas ha mostrado tendencia invasora a lo largo del estudio. En base a estos resultados, se puede concluir que entre las especies aromáticas estudiadas, N. tuberosa, H. officinalis y Salvia verbenaca son las que ofrecen mayor potencial para ser utilizadas en la conservación de polinizadores. De forma similar al caso de las plantas aromáticas, se ha llevado a cabo una segunda experimentación que incluía doce plantas anuales con floración de primavera, en la que se evaluó la atracción a polinizadores y su comportamiento agronómico. Este estudio con especies herbáceas se ha prolongado durante dos años, utilizando un diseño experimental de bloques aleatorios. Las variables analizadas fueron: el atractivo de las distintas especies vegetales a los polinizadores, su eficiencia de atracción (calculada como una combinación de la duración de la floración y las visitas de insectos), su respuesta a dos tipos de manejo agronómico (cultivo en mezcla frente a monocultivo; laboreo frente a no-laboreo) y su potencial invasivo. Los resultados de esta segunda experimentación han mostrado que las flores de Borago officinalis, Echium plantagineum, Phacelia tanacetifolia y Diplotaxis tenuifolia son atractivas a las abejas, mientras que las flores de Calendula arvensis, Coriandrum sativum, D. tenuifolia y Lobularia maritima son atractivas a los sírfidos. Con independencia del tipo de polinizadores atraídos por cada especie vegetal, se ha observado una mayor eficiencia de atracción en parcelas con monocultivo de D. tenuifolia respecto a las parcelas donde se cultivó una mezcla de especies herbáceas, si bien en estas últimas se observó mayor eficiencia de atracción que en la mayoría de parcelas mono-específicas. Respecto al potencial invasivo de las especies herbáceas, a pesar de que algunas de las más atractivas a polinizadores (P. tanacetifolia and C. arvensis) mostraron tendencia a un comportamiento invasor, su capacidad de auto-reproducción se vio reducida con el laboreo. En resumen, D. tenuifolia es la única especie que presentó una alta eficiencia de atracción a distintos tipos de polinizadores, conjuntamente con una alta capacidad de auto-reproducción pero sin mostrar carácter invasor. Comparando el atractivo de las especies vegetales utilizadas en este estudio sobre los polinizadores, D. tenuifolia es la especie más recomendable para su cultivo orientado a la atracción de polinizadores en agro-ecosistemas en el centro de España. Esta especie herbácea, conocida como rúcula, tiene la ventaja añadida de ser una especie comercializada para el consumo humano. Además de su atractivo a polinizadores, deben considerarse otros aspectos relacionados con la fisiología y el comportamiento de esta especie vegetal en los agro-ecosistemas antes de recomendar su cultivo. Dado que el cultivo en un campo agrícola de una nueva especie vegetal implica unos costes de producción, por ejemplo debidos a la utilización de agua de riego, es necesario evaluar el incremento en dichos costes en función de demanda hídrica específica de esa especie vegetal. Esta variable es especialmente importante en zonas dónde se presentan sequías recurrentes como es el caso del centro y sur-este de la península Ibérica. Este razonamiento ha motivado un estudio sobre los efectos del estrés hídrico por sequía y el estrés por déficit moderado y severo de riego sobre el crecimiento y floración de la especie D. tenuifolia, así como sobre la atracción a polinizadores. Los resultados muestran que tanto el crecimiento y floración de D. tenuifolia como su atracción a polinizadores no se ven afectados si la falta de riego se produce durante un máximo de 4 días. Sin embargo, si la falta de riego se extiende a lo largo de 8 días o más, se observa una reducción significativa en el crecimiento vegetativo, el número de flores abiertas, el área total y el diámetro de dichas flores, así como en el diámetro y longitud del tubo de la corola. Por otro lado, el estudio pone de manifiesto que un déficit hídrico regulado permite una gestión eficiente del agua, la cual, dependiendo del objetivo final del cultivo de D. tenuifolia (para consumo o solo para atracción de polinizadores), puede reducir su consumo entre un 40 y un 70% sin afectar al crecimiento vegetativo y desarrollo floral, y sin reducir significativamente el atractivo a los polinizadores. Finalmente, esta tesis aborda un estudio para determinar cómo afecta el manejo de hábitat a la producción de los cultivos. En concreto, se ha planteado una experimentación que incluye márgenes mono-específicos y márgenes con una mezcla de especies atractivas a polinizadores, con el fin de determinar su efecto sobre la producción del cultivo de cilantro (C. sativum). La elección del cultivo de cilantro se debe a que requiere la polinización de insectos para su reproducción (aunque, en menor medida, puede polinizarse también por el viento), además de la facilidad para estimar su producción en condiciones semi-controladas de campo. El diseño experimental consistía en la siembra de márgenes mono-específicos de D. tenuifolia y márgenes con mezcla de seis especies anuales situados junto al cultivo de cilantro. Estos cultivos con márgenes florales fueron comparados con controles sin margen floral. Además, un segundo grupo de plantas de cilantro situadas junto a todos los tratamientos, cuyas flores fueron cubiertas para evitar su polinización, sirvió como control para evaluar la influencia de los polinizadores en la producción del cultivo. Los resultados muestran que la presencia de cualquiera de los dos tipos de margen floral mejora el peso y el porcentaje de germinación de las semillas de cilantro frente al control sin margen. Si se comparan los dos tipos de margen, se ha observado un mayor número de semillas de cilantro junto al margen con mezcla de especies florales respecto al margen mono-específico, probablemente debido al mayor número visitas de polinizadores. Puesto que el experimento se realizó en condiciones de campo semi-controladas, esto sugiere que las visitas de polinizadores fueron el factor determinante en los resultados. Por otro lado, los resultados apuntan a que la presencia de un margen floral (ya sea mono-especifico o de mezcla) en cultivos de pequeña escala puede aumentar la producción de cilantro en más de un 200%, al tiempo que contribuyen a la conservación de los polinizadores. ABSTRACT Habitat management, aimed to conserve pollinators in agro-ecosystems, requires selection of the most suitable plant species in terms of their attractiveness to pollinators and simplicity of agronomic management. However, since all flowers are not equally attractive to pollinators and many plant species can be weedy or invasive in the particular habitat, it is important to test which plant species are the most appropriate to be implemented in specific agro-ecosystems. For that reason, this PhD dissertation has been focused on determination of the most appropriate aromatic and herbaceous plants for conservation of pollinators in agro-ecosystems of Central Spain. Therefore, in a first approximation, spatial expansion (i.e. potential weediness) and attractiveness to pollinators of six aromatic perennial plants from the Lamiaceae family, native and frequent in the Mediterranean region, were evaluated. Preliminary plant selection was based on designing a functional mixed margins consisting of plants attractive to pollinators and with different blooming periods, in order to extend the availability of floral resources in the field. After a year of vegetative growth, the next two years the plant species were studied in a randomized block design experiment in order to estimate their attractiveness to pollinators in Central Spain and to investigate whether floral morphology and density affect attractiveness to pollinators. The final aim of the study was to evaluate how their phenology and attractiveness to pollinators can affect the functionality of a flowering mixture of these plants. In addition, the spatial expansion, i.e. potential weediness, of the selected plant species was estimated under field conditions, as the final purpose of the studied plants is to be implemented within agro-ecosystems. The results of the experiment showed that floral morphology did not affect the attractiveness of plants to pollinators, but floral density did, as plant species with higher floral density (i.e. Nepeta tuberosa and Hyssopus officinalis) showed significantly higher attractiveness to pollinators. In addition, of six plant species, two summer species (Melissa officinalis and Thymbra capitata) did not efficiently contribute to the attractiveness of the mixture to pollinators, which reduced its attractiveness during the summer period. Finally, as none of the plants showed weedy behaviour under field conditions, the attractive plant species, i.e. N. tuberosa, H. officinalis and the early spring flowering Salvia verbenaca, showed good potential to conserve the pollinators. Similarly, in a second approximation, the attractiveness to pollinators and agronomic behaviour of twelve herbaceous plants blooming in spring were studied. This experiment was conducted over two years in a randomized block design in order to evaluate attractiveness of preselected plant species to pollinators, as well as their attractiveness efficiency (a combination of duration of flowering and insect visitation), their response to two different agronomic management practices (growing in mixed vs. mono-specific plots; tillage vs. no-tillage), and their potential weediness. The results of this experiment showed that the flowers of Borago officinalis, Echium plantagineum, Phacelia tanacetifolia and Diplotaxis tenuifolia were attractive to bees, while Calendula arvensis, Coriandrum sativum, D. tenuifolia and Lobularia maritima were attractive to hoverflies. In addition, floral mixture resulted in lower attractiveness efficiency to pollinators than mono-specific D. tenuifolia, but higher than most of the mono-specific stands. On the other hand, although some of the most attractive plant species (e.g. P. tanacetifolia and C. arvensis) showed potential weediness, their self-seeding was reduced by tillage. After comparing attractiveness efficiency of various herbaceous species to pollinators and their potential weediness, the results indicated that D. tenuifolia showed the highest attractiveness efficiency to pollinators and efficient self-reproduction, making it highly recommended to attract bees and hoverflies in agro-ecosystems of Central Spain. In addition, this plant, commonly known as wild rocket, has a supplementary economic value as a commercialized crop. The implementation of a new floral margin in agro-ecosystems means increased production costs, especially in regions with frequent and long droughts (as it is Central and South-East area of Iberian Peninsula), where the principal agricultural cost is irrigation. Therefore, before recommending D. tenuifolia for sustainable habitat management within agro-ecosystems, it is necessary to study the effect of drought stress and moderate and severe deficit irrigation on its growth, flower development and attractiveness to pollinators. The results of this experiment showed that in greenhouse conditions, potted D. tenuifolia could be without irrigation for 4 days without affecting its growth, flowering and attractiveness to pollinators. However, lack of irrigation for 8 days or longer significantly reduced the vegetative growth, number of open flowers, total floral area, flower diameter, corolla tube diameter and corolla tube length of D. tenuifolia. This study showed that regulated deficit irrigation can improve water use efficiency, and depending on the purpose of growing D. tenuifolia, as a crop or as a beneficial plant to attract pollinators, it can reduce water consumption by 40% to 70% without affecting its vegetative and floral development and without reducing its attractiveness to pollinators. Finally, the following experiment was developed in order to understand how habitat management can influence on the agricultural production. For this purpose, it was evaluated if the vicinity of mixed and mono-specific field margins, preselected to conserve pollinators within agro-ecosystems, can improve seed production in coriander (C. sativum). The selection of this plant species for the experiment was based on its necessity for insect pollination for production of seeds (even though some pollen can be transmitted from one flower to another by wind) and the fact that under semi-controlled field conditions established in the field it is possible to estimate its total seed production. Since D. tenuifolia is attractive for both bees and hoverflies in Central Spain, the main objective of this experiment was to estimate the impact of two different types of field margins, i.e. mono-specific margin with D. tenuifolia and mixed margin with six herbaceous species, on the seed production of potted coriander. For that reason, it was tested: i) if open pollination (control without proximate field margin and treatments with nearby mono-specific and mixed margin) increases the seed production of coriander when compared with no-pollination (covered inflorescences of coriander) under field conditions; ii) if frequency of pollinator visitation to the flowers of coriander was higher in the presence of field margins than in the control without field margin; and iii) if seed production was higher in the presence of field margins than in control plants of coriander without field margin. The results showed that the proximity of both types of floral margins (mixed and mono-specific) improved the seed quality of coriander plants, as seed weight and germination rate were higher than in control plants without field margin. Furthermore, the number of seeds produced was significantly higher in coriander plants grown near mixed margins than near mono-specific margin, probably due to an increase in pollinator visits. Since the experiment was conducted under semi-controlled field conditions, it can be concluded that pollinator visits was the main factor that biased the results, and that presence of both mixed or mono-specific (D. tenuifolia) margins can improve the production of coriander for more than 200% in small-scale gardens and, in addition, conserve the local pollinators.


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Climate change is already affecting many natural systems and human environments worldwide, like the semiarid Guadiana Basin in Spain. This paper illustrates a systematic analysis of climate change adaptation in the Guadiana irrigation farming region. The study applies a solution-oriented diagnostic framework structured along a series of sequential analytical steps. An initial stage integrates economic and hydrologic modeling to evaluate the effects of climate change on the agriculture and water sectors. Next, adaptation measures are identified and prioritized through a stakeholder-based multi-criteria analysis. Finally, a social network analysis identifies key actors and their relationships in climate change adaptation. The study shows that under a severe climate change scenario, water availability could be substantially decreased and drought occurrence will augment. In consequence, farmers will adapt their crops to a lesser amount of water and income gains will diminish, particularly for smallholder farms. Among the various adaptation measures considered, those related to private farming (new crop varieties and modern irrigation technologies) are ranked highest, whereas public-funded hard measures (reservoirs) are lowest and public soft measures (insurance) are ranked middle. In addition, stakeholders highlighted that the most relevant criteria for selecting adaptation plans are environmental protection, financial feasibility and employment creation. Nonetheless, the social network analysis evidenced the need to strengthen the links among the different stakeholder groups to facilitate the implementation of adaptation processes. In sum, the diagnostic framework applied in this research can be considered a valuable tool for guiding and supporting decision making in climate change adaptation and communicating scientific results.


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The preservation of biodiversity is a fundamental objective of a ll policies related to a more sustainable development in any modern society. The rain forest and pine forests are two unique Canarian ecosystems with high importance to global biodiversity, holding a large number of endemic species and subspecies that is a priority to preserve. In this work the challenges that will face the natural areas of the Canary Islands are studied, as well as their fundamental value for economic and environmental development of the islands.


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We reconstructed vegetation responses to climate oscillations, fire and human activities since the last glacial maximum in inland NW Iberia, where previous paleoecological research is scarce. Extremely sparse and open vegetation composed of steppic grasslands and heathlands with scattered pioneer trees suggests very cold and dry conditions during the Oldest Dryas, unsuitable for tree survival in the surroundings of the study site. Slight woodland expansion during the Bolling/Allerod was interrupted by the Younger Dryas cooling. Pinewoods dominated for most of the early Holocene, when a marked increase in fire activity occurred. Deciduous trees expanded later reaching their maximum representation during the mid-Holocene. Enhanced fire activity and the presence of coprophilous fungi around 6400-6000 cal yr BP suggest an early human occupation around the site. However, extensive deforestation only started at 4500 calyrBP, when fire was used to clear the tree canopy. Final replacement of woodlands with heathlands, grasslands and cereal crops occurred from 2700 cal yr BP onwards due to land-use intensification. Our paleoecological record can help efforts aimed at restoring the natural vegetation by indicating which communities were dominant at the onset of heavy human impact, thus promoting the recovery of currently rare oak and alder stands.


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Crossed-arch vaults are a particular type of ribbed vaults. Their main feature is that the ribs that form the vault are intertwined, forming polygons or stars and leaving an empty space in the middle. The firsts appear in Córdoba in the second half of the 10th Century. Afterwards, the type diffused through Spain and North Africa, 11th_13th Centuries. These vaults reappear in Armenia in the 13th Century. In the 14th and 15th Century a few examples are found both in England (Durham, Raby) and Central Europe (Prague, Landshut, Vienna). At about the same time, Leonardo da Vinci produced designs for the Tiburio (Ciborium) of Milan cathedral with a cross-arched structure and proposed tests to assess the strength; he also, made use of the same pattern of vault for Renaissance centralized churches. Eventually, the type can be tracked through the 17th (Guarini) and 18th (Vittone) Centuries, until Spanish post war architecture in the 1940-60s (Moya). Some questions arose, which so far, have not been answered. How was it possible that a particular type of vault had such enormous geographical spread? How was it transmitted from Córdoba to the Caucasus? The matter is one of transfer of knowledge, ideas, and technology; it relates both aesthetics and construction.


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Amblyseius swirskii (Athias-Henriot) is a polyphagous predatory mite which feeds on pollen and small arthropod preys like whiteflies, thrips and mites. This species is widely used in IPM programs in greenhouses, being essential for its success, to obtain information about the non target effects of the pesticides currently used in those crops where the mite is artificially released. This work describes a laboratory contact residual test for evaluating lethal (mortality after 72 hour exposure to fresh residues) and sublethal effects (fecundity and fertility of the surviving mites) of eleven modern pesticides to adults of A. swirskii. Spiromesifen is lipogenesis inhibitor; flonicamid a selective feeding inhibitor with a mode of action not totally known; flubendiamide a modulator of the rhyanodin receptor, sulfoxaflor has a complex mode of action not totally ascertained; metaflumizone is a voltage dependent sodium channel blocker; methoxyfenozide is an IGR, spirotetramat inhibits lipids; abamectin and emamectin activate the Cl- channel; spinosad is a neurotix naturalyte and deltamethrin a pyrethroid used as positive standard. Selected pesticides are effective against different key pests present in horticultural crop areas and were always applied at the maximum field recommended concentration in Spain if registered, or at the concentration recommended by the supplier. Out of the tested pesticides, spiromesifen, flonicamid, flubendiamide, sulfoxaflor, metaflumizone, methoxyfenozide and spirotetramat were harmless to adults of the predatory mite (IOBC toxicity class 1). The rest of pesticides exhibited some negative effects: emamectin was slightly harmful (IOBC 2), deltamethrin moderately harmful (IOBC 3) and spinosad and abamectin harmful (IOBC 4). Further testing under more realistic conditions is needed for those pesticides having some harmful effect on the mite prior deciding their joint use or not. Key words: Amblyseius swirskii, adults, laboratory, residual test, spiromesifen, flonicamid, flubendiamide, sulfoxaflor, metaflumizone, methoxyfenozide, spirotetramat, emamectin, deltamethrin, abamectin, spinosad.


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The lipid content of three cores from Lake Enol (Picos de Europa National Park, Asturias, Northern Spain) was studied. The n-alkane profiles indicated a major input from terrigenous plants [predominance of high molecular weight (HMW) alkanes] since ca. 1695 AD to the water body, although the uppermost cm revealed a predominance of organic matter (OM) derived from algae, as the most abundant alkane was C17. Three units revealing different environmental conditions were defined. Unit A (ca. 1695–1860 AD) in the lowermost parts of ENO13-10 (< 12 cm) and ENO13-15 (< 28 cm) was identified and was characterized by higher OM input and evidence of minimal degradation (high CPI values, predominance of HMW n-alkanoic acids and good correspondence between the predominant n-alkane and n-alkanoic acid chains). These findings could be linked to the Little Ice Age, when cold and humid conditions may have favored an increase in total organic carbon (TOC) and n-alkane and n-alkanoic acid content (greater terrigenous OM in-wash), and may have also reduced bacterial activity. In Unit B (ca. 1860–1980 AD) the lack of correspondence between the n-alkane and n-alkanoic acid profiles of ENO13-10 (12–4 cm) and ENO13-15 (28–8 cm) suggested a certain preferential microbial synthesis of long chain saturated fatty acids from primary OM and/or bacterial activity, coinciding with a decrease in OM input, which could be linked to the global warming that started in the second half of the 19th century. In ENO13-7 the low OM input (low TOC) was accompanied by some bacterial degradation (predominance ofHMWn-alkanoic acids but with a bimodal distribution) in the lowermost 16–5 cm. Evidence of considerable phytoplankton productivity and microbial activity was especially significant in Unit C (ca. 1980–2013 AD) identified in the uppermost part of all three cores (5 cm in ENO13-7, 4 cm in ENO13-10 and 8 cm in ENO13-15), coinciding with higher concentrations of n-alkanes and n-alkanoic acids, which were considered to be linked to warmer and drier conditions, as well as to greater anthropogenic influence in modern times. Plant sterols, such as b-sitosterol, campesterol and stigmasterol, were significantly present in the cores. In addition, fecal stanols, such as 24-ethylcoprostanol from herbivores, were present, thereby indicating a continuous and significant pollution input derived from these animals since the 17th century, being more important in the last 20 years.


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"Si el hombre es el cuidador de las palabras y sólo de ellas emerge el sentido de las cosas, la arquitectura tiene un cometido preciso: hacer de las condiciones ya dadas de cada lugar palabras que signifiquen las cualidades de la existencia, y que desvelen la riqueza y contenidos que en ellas se contienen potencialmente" Ignasi Solá Morales. Lugar: permanencia o producción, 1992. Esta tesis surge tanto del afán por comprender la identidad de uno de los espacios más representativos de mi ciudad, asumido familiarmente pero que plantea muchas dudas respecto a su caracterización, como de la preocupación personal respecto a la aparente hegemonía del modelo urbano de la "ciudad genérica", crudamente expuesto por Rem Koolhaas a finales del siglo XX, que pone en crisis la ciudad histórica. El territorio, espacio físico concreto, y la memoria asociada a este, obliterados, son considerados como punto de partida para confrontarlos con la proclamación del nuevo modelo de "ciudad genérica", de raíz eminentemente económica y tecnológica. La realidad tangible de un espacio, aparentemente forjado en base a los valores denostados por el nuevo modelo propuesto, se estudia desde las premisas opuestas. La idea del no-lugar, teorizado por Marc Augé y tomado como modelo por Koolhaas, supone éste emancipado tanto de las preexistencias históricas como de su ubicación física concreta, planteando un tipo de espacio de representación al margen del territorio y la memoria. Sin pretender adoptar una postura resistente u opuesta, sino antitética y complementaria, se toman aquí las premisas de Koolhaas para contrastarlas con una porción del territorio a medio camino entre la arquitectura y la ciudad, a fin de desarrollar una reflexión que sirva de complemento y contrapeso al paradigma espacial que la “ciudad genérica” implica y cuya inmediatez y supuesta anomia parecen anular cualquier intención interpretativa al neutralizar los centros históricos y proclamar el agotamiento de la historia. El planteamiento de una teoría dicotómica frente al espacio y las teorías arquitectónicas asociadas a este ya fue formulado por Colin Rowe y Fred Koetter a finales de los años setenta del siglo pasado. Se plantea aquí la idea de una “ciudad tangible” como opuesta a la idea de la "ciudad genérica" enunciada por Koolhaas. Tomando el territorio y la memoria como referencia principal en un lugar concreto y huyendo de la premisa de la inmediatez del instante y el "presente perpetuo" proclamado por Koolhaas, del que según él seríamos prisioneros, se establece una distancia respecto al objeto de análisis que desarrolla el estudio en la dirección opuesta al supuesto origen del mismo, planteando la posibilidad de reactivar una reflexión en torno al territorio y la memoria en el seno del proceso global de habitación para poner de manifiesto determinados mecanismos de configuración de un espacio de representación al margen de la urgencia del presente, reactivando la memoria y su relación con el territorio como punto de partida. Desde de la reconstrucción hipotética del territorio, partiendo de la propia presencia física del mismo, su orografía, la paleo-biología, las analogías etológicas, los restos arqueológicos, la antropología o la historia, se reivindica la reflexión arquitectónica como disciplina diversa y privilegiada en cuanto al análisis espacial, tratando de discernir el proceso mediante el cual el Prado pasó de territorio a escenario. La organización cronológica del estudio y la incorporación de muy diversas fuentes, en su mayoría directas, pretende poner de manifiesto la condición transitiva del espacio de representación y contrastar el pasado remoto del lugar y su construcción con el momento actual, inevitablemente encarnado por el punto de vista desde el cual se desarrolla la tesis. El Prado parece albergar, agazapado en su nombre, la raíz de un origen remoto y olvidado. Si como enunciaba Ignasi Solá-Morales la función de la arquitectura es hacer aflorar los significados inherentes al lugar, esta tesis se plantea como una recuperación de la idea del vínculo entre el territorio y la memoria como fuente fundamental en la definición de un espacio de representación específico. El escrutinio del pasado constituye un acto eminentemente contemporáneo, pues el punto de vista y la distancia, inevitablemente condicionados por el presente, determinan la mirada. El culto contemporáneo a la inmediatez y la proclamación de la superación de los procesos históricos han relegado el pasado, en cierto grado, a depósito de restos o referente a superar, obviando su ineluctable condición de origen o momento anterior condicionante. Partiendo de la reconstrucción del lugar sobre el cual se halla el Prado ubicado y reconsiderando, según las premisas desarrolladas por la moderna historiografía, fundamentalmente desarrolladas por la Escuela francesa de los Annales, la cotidianeidad y lo anónimo como fuente de la que dimanan muchos de los actuales significados de nuestros espacios de representación, tomando como punto de partida un lugar remoto y olvidado, se estudia como se fue consolidando el Prado hasta devenir un lugar insigne de referencia asociado a los poderes fácticos y el espacio áulico de la capital de las Españas en el siglo XVII. El proceso mediante el cual el Prado pasó de territorio a escenario implica la recuperación de la memoria de un espacio agropecuario anónimo y el análisis de cómo, poco a poco, se fue depositando sobre el mismo el acervo de los diversos pobladores de la región que con sus particularidades culturales y sociales fueron condicionando, en mayor o menor grado, un lugar cuyo origen se extiende retrospectivamente hasta hace más de dos mil años, cuando se considera que pudo darse la primera habitación a partir de la cual, de manera ininterrumpida, el Prado ha venido siendo parte de lo que devino, más tarde, Madrid. La llegada de nuevos agentes, vinculados con estructuras de poder y territoriales que trascendían la inmediatez del territorio sobre el que se comenzó a erigir dicho lugar, sirven para repasar los diferentes depósitos ideológicos y culturales que han ido conformando el mismo, reivindicando la diversidad y lo heterogéneo del espacio de representación frente a la idea homogeneizadora que el modelo genérico implica. La constitución del Prado como un espacio de referencia asociado al paganismo arcaico a partir de la praxis espacial cotidiana, su relación con las estructuras defensivas de Al-Andalus y la atalaya Omeya, la apropiación del los primitivos santuarios por parte la iglesia, su relación con un determinado tipo de espiritualidad y las órdenes religiosas más poderosas de la época, la preferencia de Carlos V por Madrid y sus vínculos con la cultura europea del momento, o la definitiva metamorfosis del lugar a partir del siglo XVI y el advenimiento de un nuevo paganismo emblemático y estetizado, culminan con el advenimiento de lo económico como representación del poder en el seno de la corte y la erección del Palacio del Buen Retiro como manifestación tangible de la definitiva exaltación del Prado a espacio de representación áulico. Decía T.S. Elliot que la pugna por el espacio de la memoria constituye el principal rasgo del clasicismo, y el Prado, ciertamente, participa de ese carácter al que está profundamente asociado en la conciencia espacial de los madrileños como lugar de referencia. Acaso la obliteración del territorio y la memoria, propuestas en la “ciudad genérica” también tengan algo que ver con ello. ABSTRACT "If man is the caretaker of words and only they provide the sense of things, the architecture has a precise mission: to make out from the given conditions of each place words that mean the qualities of existence, and which unveil the wealth and content they potentially contain " Ignasi Solá Morales. Place: permanence or production, 1992. This thesis arises from both the desire to understand the identity of one of the most representative spaces of my city, assumed in a familiar way but that raises many doubts about its characterization, and from a personal concern about the apparent hegemony of the urban model of the "generic city " so crudely exposed by Rem Koolhaas in the late twentieth century that puts a strain on the historic city. The obliteration of the territory, specific physical space, and its associated memory, are considered as a starting point to confront them with the proclamation of the new model of "generic city" raised from eminently economic and technological roots. The tangible reality of a space, apparently forged based on the values reviled by the proposed new model, is studied from opposite premises. The idea of non-place, theorized by Marc Augé and modeled by Koolhaas, implies the emancipation from both historical preexistences and physical location, posing a type of space representation outside the territory and memory. Without wishing to establish a confrontational or opposite position, but an antithetical and complementary stance, the premises of Koolhaas are here taken to contrast them with a portion of territory halfway between architecture and the city, to develop a study that will complement and counterbalance the spatial paradigm that the "generic city" means and whose alleged immediacy and anomie appear to nullify any interpretative intention by neutralizing the historic centers and proclaiming the exhaustion of history. The approach of a dichotomous theory versus space and architectural theories associated with this were already formulated by Colin Rowe and Fred Koetter during the late seventies of last century. The idea of a "tangible city" as opposed to the idea of the "generic city" enunciated by Koolhaas arises here. Taking the territory and memory as the main reference in a particular place and trying to avoid the premise of the immediacy of the moment and the "perpetual present" proclaimed by Koolhaas, of which he pleas we would be prisoners, a distance is established from the object of analysis developing the study in the opposite direction to the alleged origin of it, raising the possibility of reactivating a reflection on the territory and memory within the overall process of inhabiting to reveal certain representational space configuration mechanisms outside the urgency of the present, reviving the memory and its relationship with the territory as a starting point. From the hypothetical reconstruction of the territory, starting from its physical presence, geography, paleo-biology, ethological analogies, archaeological remains, anthropology or history, architecture is claimed as a diverse as privileged discipline for spatial analysis, trying to discern the process by which the Prado moved from territory to stage. The chronological organization of the study and incorporating a variety of sources, most direct, aims to highlight the transitive condition of representational space and contrast the remote past of the place and its construction with the current moment, inevitably played by the view point from which the thesis develops. The Prado seems to harbor, in its name, the root of a remote and forgotten origin. If, as Ignasi Sola-Morales said, the aim of architecture is to bring out the meanings inherent in the site, this thesis is presented as a recovery of the idea of the link between the territory and memory as a key source in defining a specific space of representation. The scrutiny of the past is an eminently contemporary act, for the view and distance inevitably conditioned by the present, determine the way we look. The contemporary cult of immediacy and the proclamation of overcoming historical processes have relegated the past, to some extent, to remains deposit or a reference to overcome, ignoring its ineluctable condition as origin or previous constraint. From rebuilding the site on which the Prado is located and reconsidering everyday life and the anonymous as a source of many arising current meanings of our space of representation, according to the premises developed by modern historiography mainly developed by the French school of Annales, trying to recover the remote and forgotten is attempted, the thesis studies how el Prado was consolidated to become the most significant place of Madrid, deeply associated with the power in the capital of Spain during the XVII century. The process by which the Prado evolved from territory to stage involves the recovery of the memory of an anonymous agricultural space and the analysis of how, little by little, the influence of the various inhabitants of the region with their own and how their cultural and social peculiarities was deposited through time on the common ground and how that determined, to a greater or lesser degree, a place whose origin retrospectively extends over more than two thousand years ago, when we can consider the first inhabiting from which, without interruption, the Prado has come to be part of what became, later, Madrid. The arrival of new players, linked to power structures and territorial issues which transcended the immediacy of the territory on which the place begun to be a characteristic space, serve to review the different ideological and cultural deposits that have shaped the place, claiming diversity and heterogeneous space of representation before the homogenizing idea which the generic model implies. The constitution of the Prado as a benchmark associated with the archaic paganism developed from the ancient everyday spatial praxis, its relationship with the defensive structures of Al-Andalus and the Umayyad watchtower, the appropriation of the early sanctuaries by the roman church, its relationship with a certain type of spirituality and the most powerful religious orders of the time, the preference of Carlos V towards Madrid and its links with the European culture of the moment and the final metamorphosis of the place during the sixteenth century, end at the moment on which the advent of the economic as a representation of power within the court and the erection of the Palacio del Buen Retiro, as a tangible manifestation of the ultimate exaltation of courtly Prado space representation, happened in the mid XVII century. T. S. Elliot said that the struggle for memory space is the main feature of classicism, and the Prado certainly shares part of that character deeply associated in the mental spatial structure of the locals as a landmark. Perhaps the obliteration of territory and memory proposed in the "generic city" might also have something to do with that.


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La tesis está centrada en el patrimonio industrial, y trata de ahondar en los temas enunciados en el título, Criterios de restauración, intervención y revitalización del patrimonio industrial (capítulo 1). La fábrica de gas de San Paolo en Roma (capítulo 2): En el primer capítulo, se profundiza en los criterios institucionalizados de actuación en el patrimonio, pero también se habla sobre la singularidad, los valores originales, estratificados en cada construcción y su contexto. Ello resume la intención de la doctoranda al entender la necesidad del análisis de cada obra en modo profundo, concreto y abierto a novedosos acercamientos, antes de su transformación. Al hablar de intervención frente a restauración, se aborda la conocida polémica que plantea el modo de acercarse al legado histórico. Parece necesario enunciar cómo se consideran en el trabajo estos términos. Mientras la restauración (como diría Cesare Brandi, constituye el momento metodológico del reconocimiento de la obra de arte en su consistencia física y en su doble polaridad estética e histórica, en orden a su transmisión al futuro) es una acción más restrictiva, que implica atención suma a la recuperación y conservación de los valores significativos y únicos del bien, en comunicación con un (posible) equipo interdisciplinar; por intervención se entiende aquí un desarrollo más personal y libre por parte del proyectista, en el que se produce un proceso dialéctico entre la preexistencia y el posicionamiento crítico adoptado a la hora de dar un obligado nuevo uso a ese bien. Es decir, el contraste está en el diferente reconocimiento de la materialidad física y sus significados. En torno a la restauración/intervención, se analizan las perspectivas de actuación en España e Italia, contrastando factores como la formación del arquitecto o el entorno laboral-cultural, y utilizando el método analítico comparativo de casos. Habría un tercer concepto: el de revitalización del patrimonio industrial, Éste hace referencia a su transformación, a sus usos más comunes y compatibles, a la redimensión artística que ha experimentado la arquitectura industrial gracias al arte contemporáneo y a su relación con la Modernidad. Por último, se enuncia en el título el caso de estudio, la Fábrica, que ocupa el segundo capítulo. Se trata de un enorme conjunto industrial singular semi abandonado en el confín del centro histórico, cuyo protagonista es un gran gasómetro, que la autora ha tenido la oportunidad de descubrir en su estancia en la Ciudad Eterna. Este barrio constituyó el primer y único sector industrial de la Roma moderna a inicios del siglo XX. Por varias causas históricas y voluntad política, la ciudad prácticamente no tuvo más desarrollo industrial que el área mencionada, donde se implantaron servicios y actividades de gran transformación (Matadero, Mercados Generales, Almacenes Fluviales, Central Montemartini o esta fábrica). A partir de 1920, se empezó a construir un tejido productivo que la llevó de la situación de posguerra al milagro económico. Frente al mito de la Roma monumental o de la Roma cotidiana, aparece el aspecto industrial como mito de la contemporaneidad. Sin embargo, esta ciudad es demasiado antigua como para convertirse en moderna, y su proceso industrial en contraste con su larga historia resulta breve. La inmediata relación de la fase industrial romana con el resultado de este desarrollo viene identificada con las instalaciones señaladas, más significativas por su excepcionalidad que por la duración del momento irrepetible que representan. Su presencia física perdura a pesar de su abandono, aisladas tras su muro perimetral y casi desconocidas. Esto las hace apetecibles para la especulación inmobiliaria y resultan un caso de estudio ideal para realizar un Plan de Intervención Global, en el que determinar una serie de intervenciones necesarias, usos compatibles y directrices para la ordenación del conjunto, coherentes con los conceptos manejados en el primer capítulo. ABSTRACT The thesis focuses on industrial heritage, delving into the topics listed in its title, Criteria for the restoration, intervention and revitalisation of industrial heritage (chapter 1). The San Paolo gas factory in Rome (chapter 2): Chapter one elaborates on the official criteria to take action on heritage, but also deals with the singularity and original values unique to each construction and its context. This underlines the PhD candidate’s intentions by understanding the need for an in-depth and specific analysis, open to novel approaches to each site before its transformation. When speaking of intervention, as opposed to restoration, we address the well-known controversy that stems from the different ways of approaching historical heritage. It seems necessary to explain how these terms are interpreted in this piece of work. Whereas restoration (as Cesare Brandi would say, constitutes the methodological moment in which the work of art is appreciated in its material form and in its historical and aesthetic duality, with a view to transmitting it to the future) is a more restrictive action, demanding the utmost attention to the recovery and preservation of the piece of heritage’s defining and exceptional values, (ideally) in communication with a interdisciplinary team. By intervention, we hereby understand a more personal and free procedure carried out by the designer in which a dialectical process takes place between preexistence and the critical stance taken in order to give that good a much needed new use. That is, contrast lies in the different recognition of physical materiality and its meanings. As for the restoration/intervention dilemma, the different courses of action followed in Spain and Italy will be analysed, contrasting the architects’ training, the labourcultural environment and taking an analytical comparative case study method. There is a third concept: the revitalisation of industrial heritage, which refers to its transformation, its most common and compatible uses, the artistic redimensioning that industrial architecture has experienced thanks to contemporary art, and its relationship with Modernity. Lastly, the title refers to the case study, i.e., the analysis of the Factory, which makes up chapter 2. It is an enormous and semiabandoned peerless industrial complex on the edge of the historical city centre whose main landmark is a huge gasometer, which the author had the chance to discover during her stay in the Eternal City. This district made up the first and only industrial sector in the modern Rome of the early 20th century. Due to a number of reasons, both historical and political, barely no further industrial development took place in the city beyond the mentioned area, where processing services and activities were set up (Slaughterhouse, General Markets, Riverside Warehouses, Montemartini Power Plant or the said factory). In the 1920s began the construction of the productive fabric that raised the city from its postwar plight to the economic miracle. As opposed to the myth of monumental Rome and daily-life Rome, this industrial Rome rose as contemporaneity’s myth. However, this city is too ancient to become modern, and its industrial process strikes us as brief when confronted with its long history. The close relationship between Rome’s industrial stage and the consequences of this development is best represented by the aforementioned facilities, more relevant due to their uniqueness than the length of the once-in-a-lifetime moment they represent. Their physical presence lives on despite abandonment and isolation, as they stand vastly unknown behind their perimeter walls. This renders them appealing to property speculators, becoming an ideal case study for the creation of a Global Intervention Plan in which to determine a series of necessary actions, compatible uses and directives, all of them consistent with the concepts dealt with in chapter 1. RIASSUNTO La tesi è focalizzata sul patrimonio industriale e cerca di approfondire le tematiche contenute nel titolo, Criteri di restauro, intervento e rivitalizzazione del patrimonio industriale (capitolo 1). La Fabbrica del gas di San Paolo a Roma (capitolo 2): Nel primo capitolo vengono presi in esame i criteri istituzionalizzati di attuazione nel patrimonio, ma si parla anche della unicità, i valori originali, stratificati in ogni costruzione ed il suo contesto. Questo riassume l’intenzione della dottoranda di capire la necessità dell’analisi di ogni opera in modo profondo, concreto e aperto a nuovi approcci, prima della sua trasformazione. Nel parlare di intervento versus restauro, si affronta la famosa polemica che considera il modo di avicinarsi all’eredità storica. Appare necessario precisare come questi termini sono considerati in questo lavoro. Mentre il restauro (come direbbe Cesare Brandi, costituisce il momento metodologico del riconoscimento dell’opera d’arte nella sua consistenza fisica e nella duplice polarità estetica e storica, in vista della sua trasmissione nel futuro) è un’azione più restrittiva, e quindi implica massima attenzione al recupero e conservazione dei valori significativi ed unici del bene, in comunicazione con una (eventuale) squadra interdisciplinare; per intervento si intende qui un processo più personale e libero del progettista, nel quale si produce uno sviluppo dialettico tra la preesistenza e la posizione critica adottata quando si deve dare un nuovo uso di quel bene. Vale a dire che il contrasto risiede nel diverso riconoscimento della materialità fisica e i loro significati. Intorno al restauro / intervento, si analizzano le prospettive di attuazione in Spagna e Italia, contrastando diversi fattori come la formazione dell’architetto o l’ambiente lavorativo-culturale, ed impiegando il metodo analitico comparativo dei casi. Ci sarebbe un terzo concetto: quello della rivitalizzazione del patrimonio industriale. Questo fa riferimento alla sua trasformazione, ai suoi usi più comuni e compatibili, al ridimensionamento artistico vissuto dall’archeologia industriale grazie all’arte contemporanea ed al suo rapporto con la Modernità. In ultimo, si enuncia nel titolo il caso di studio, ovvero l’analisi della Fabbrica, che occupa il secondo capitolo. Si tratta di un enorme complesso industriale semi-abbandonato al confine con il centro storico, il cui protagonista è un grande gasometro, che l’autrice ha avuto modo di scoprire durante il suo soggiorno nella Città Eterna. Questo quartiere costituì il primo e unico moderno settore industriale della Roma moderna all’inizio del Novecento. Per diverse ragioni storiche e volontà politiche, la città praticamente non ha subito ulteriore sviluppo industriale oltre l’area citata, dove si impiantarono servizi e attività di grande trasformazione (Mattatoio, Mercati Generali, Magazzini Generali, Centrale Montemartini o questa fabbrica). Dal 1920, si inizió a costruire un tessuto prodottivo che portò la città dalla situazione post-bellica al miracolo economico. Di fronte al mito della Roma monumentale o della Roma quotidiana, appare questa Roma industriale come mito della contemporaneità. Tuttavia, questa città è troppo antica per diventare moderna, ed il suo processo industriale in contrasto con la sua lunga storia risulta breve. Il rapporto diretto della fase industriale romana con il risultato di questo sviluppo viene identificato con gli impianti segnalati, più significativi per la loro unicità che per la durata del momento irripetibile che rappresentano. La loro presenza fisica perdura nonostante l’abbandono, isolati dietro il loro muro di cinta e quasi sconosciuti. Questo li rende auspicabile per la speculazione immobiliare e sono un caso ideale per eseguire un Piano di Intervento Globale, che determini una serie di interventi necessari, usi compatibili e linee guida per la pianificazione del tutto, in linea con i concetti utilizzati nel primo capitolo.