898 resultados para E1A associated p300 protein


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L’encéphalopathie hypoxique-­‐ischémique cause des milliers de victimes à travers le monde chaque année. Les enfants survivants à un épisode hypoxique-­‐ischémique sont à risque de développer des problèmes neurologiques incapacitants comme une paralysie cérébrale, un retard mental, une épilepsie ou des troubles d’ordre comportemental. Les modèles animaux ont amélioré nos connaissances sur les mécanismes sous-­‐jacents aux dommages cérébraux, mais elles sont encore trop incomplètes pour être capables de prévenir les problèmes neurologiques. Ce projet vise à comprendre l’impact d’un épisode asphyxique périnatale associé à des convulsions ainsi que l’activation de l’adenosine monophosphate-­‐activated protein kinase (AMPK) sur les circuits GABAergiques inhibiteurs en développement chez la souris. Dans le but d’investiguer le sort des neurones inhibiteurs, appelés interneurones, suite à un épisode asphyxique périnatal associé à des convulsions avec des animaux transgéniques, nous avons pris avantage d’un nouveau modèle d’hypoxie permettant d’induire des convulsions chez la souris. Deux populations d’interneurones représentant ensemble environ 60% de tous les interneurones corticaux ont été étudiées, soit les cellules exprimant la parvalbumine (PV) et les cellules exprimant la somatostatine (SOM). L’étude stéréologique n’a montré aucune mort neuronale de ces deux populations d’interneurones dans l’hippocampe chez les souris hypoxique d’âge adulte. Par contre, le cortex des souris hypoxiques présentait des zones complètement ou fortement dépourvues de cellules PV alors que les cellules SOM n’étaient pas affectées. L’utilisation d’une lignée de souris transgénique exprimant une protéine verte fluorescente (GFP) dans les cellules PV nous a permis de comprendre que les trous PV sont le reflet de deux choses : 1) une diminution des cellules PV et 2) une immaturité des cellules PV restantes. Puisque les cellules PV sont spécifiquement affectées dans la première partie de notre étude, nous avons voulu étudier les mécanismes moléculaires sous-­‐jacents à cette vulnérabilité. L’AMPK est un senseur d’énergie qui orchestre le rétablissement des i niveaux d’énergie cellulaire dans le cas d’une déplétion énergétique en modulant des voies de signalisation impliquant la synthèse de protéines et l’excitabilité membranaire. Il est possible que l’activation d’AMPK suite à un épisode asphyxique périnatal associé à des convulsions soit néfaste à long-­‐terme pour le circuit GABAergique en développement et modifie l’établissement de l’innervation périsomatique d’une cellule PV sur les cellules pyramidales. Nous avons étudié cette hypothèse dans un modèle de culture organotypique en surexprimant la forme wild-­‐type (WT) de la sous-­‐unité α2 d’AMPK, ainsi qu’une forme mutée dominante négative (DN), dans des cellules PV individuelles. Nous avons montré que pendant la phase de formation synaptique (jours post-­‐natals équivalents EP 10-­‐18), la surexpression de la forme WT désorganise la stabilisation des synapses. De plus, l’abolition de l’activité d’AMPK semble augmenter le nombre de synapses périsomatiques faits par la cellule PV sur les cellules pyramidales pendant la phase de formation et semble avoir l’effet inverse pendant la phase de maturation (EP 16-­‐24). La neurotransmission GABAergique joue plusieurs rôles dans le cerveau, depuis la naissance jusqu’à l’âge adulte des interneurones, et une dysfonction des interneurones a été associée à plusieurs troubles neurologiques, comme la schizophrénie, l’autisme et l’épilepsie. La maturation des circuits GABAergiques se fait majoritairement pendant la période post-­‐natale et est hautement dépendante de l’activité neuronale et de l’expérience sensorielle. Nos résultats révèlent que le lourd fardeau en demande énergétique d’un épisode asphyxique périnatal peut causer une mort neuronale sélective des cellules PV et compromettre l’intégrité de leur maturation. Un des mécanismes sous-­‐ jacents possible à cette immaturité des cellules PV suite à l’épisode hypoxique est l’activation d’AMPK, en désorganisant leur profil d’innervation sur les cellules pyramidales. Nous pensons que ces changements dans le réseau GABAergique pourrait contribuer aux problèmes neurologiques associés à une insulte hypoxique.


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Le vieillissement vasculaire est caractérisé par une dysfonction de l’endothélium. De nombreux facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire tels que l’obésité et l’hypertension prédisposent l’endothélium à un stress oxydant élevé aboutissant à une dysfonction endothéliale, celle-ci étant communément accompagnée d’une diminution de la biodisponibilité du monoxyde d’azote. Bien que la fonction endothéliale soit un déterminant majeur de la prédiction du risque cardiovasculaire des patients, son évaluation individuelle reste très limitée. En conséquence, il existe un intérêt scientifique grandissant pour la recherche de meilleurs biomarqueurs. L’Angiopoiétine like-2 (angptl2), une protéine identifiée récemment, joue un rôle pro-inflammatoire et pro-oxydant dans plusieurs désordres causés par une inflammation chronique allant de l’obésité à l’athérosclérose. L’inflammation et un stress oxydant accru ont été établis comme des mécanismes sous-jacents à l’apparition d’une dysfonction endothéliale, c’est pourquoi ce travail met l’accent sur le rôle de l’angptl2 dans la dysfonction endothéliale. Plus précisément, ce travail vise à: 1) déterminer les effets aigus de l’angptl2 sur la fonction endothéliale, 2) caractériser la fonction endothéliale et la contribution des différents facteurs relaxants dérivés de l'endothélium (EDRF) dans plusieurs lits vasculaires, et ce, dans un modèle de souris réprimant l’expression de l’angptl2 (knock-down, KD), et 3) examiner si l'absence d'expression angptl2 protège contre la dysfonction endothéliale induite par un régime riche en graisses (HFD) ou par perfusion d'angiotensine II (angII) chez la souris. Dans la première étude, l’incubation aigue avec de l’angptl2 recombinante induit une dysfonction endothéliale dans les artères fémorales isolées de souris de type sauvage (WT), probablement en raison d’une production accrue d'espèces réactives oxygénées. Les artères fémorales de souris angptl2 KD présentent une meilleure fonction endothéliale en comparaison aux souris WT, vraisemblablement par une plus grande contribution de la prostacycline dans la vasodilatation. Après 3 mois d’une diète HFD, les principaux EDRF respectifs des artères fémorales et mésentériques sont conservés uniquement dans les souris angptl2 KD. Cette préservation est associée à un meilleur profil métabolique, une moindre accumulation de triglycérides dans le foie et des adipocytes de plus petite taille. De plus, l’expression de gènes inflammatoires dans ces tissus adipeux n’est augmentée que chez les souris WT. Dans la seconde étude, l’absence d’angptl2 résulte en une production accrue de monoxyde d’azote dans les artères cérébrales isolées par rapport à celles des souris WT. La perfusion chronique d’angII provoque, seulement chez les souris WT, une dysfonction endothéliale cérébrale probablement par le biais d’une augmentation de la production d’espèces réactives oxygénées, probablement dérivé des NADPH oxydase 1 et 2, ainsi que l'augmentation des facteurs constricteurs dérivés de l’endothélium issus de la cyclo-oxygénase. En revanche, l’apocynine réduit la dilatation cérébrale chez les souris KD traitées à l’angII, ce qui suggère le recrutement potentiel d’une voie de signalisation compensatoire impliquant les NADPH oxydases et qui aurait un effet vaso-dilatateur. Ces études suggèrent fortement que l’angptl2 peut avoir un impact direct sur la fonction endothéliale par ses propriétés pro-inflammatoire et pro-oxydante. Dans une optique d’application à la pratique clinique, les niveaux sanguins d’angptl2 pourraient être un bon indicateur de la fonction endothéliale.


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Les dynorphines sont des neuropeptides importants avec un rôle central dans la nociception et l’atténuation de la douleur. De nombreux mécanismes régulent les concentrations de dynorphine endogènes, y compris la protéolyse. Les Proprotéines convertases (PC) sont largement exprimées dans le système nerveux central et clivent spécifiquement le C-terminale de couple acides aminés basiques, ou un résidu basique unique. Le contrôle protéolytique des concentrations endogènes de Big Dynorphine (BDyn) et dynorphine A (Dyn A) a un effet important sur la perception de la douleur et le rôle de PC reste à être déterminée. L'objectif de cette étude était de décrypter le rôle de PC1 et PC2 dans le contrôle protéolytique de BDyn et Dyn A avec l'aide de fractions cellulaires de la moelle épinière de type sauvage (WT), PC1 -/+ et PC2 -/+ de souris et par la spectrométrie de masse. Nos résultats démontrent clairement que PC1 et PC2 sont impliquées dans la protéolyse de BDyn et Dyn A avec un rôle plus significatif pour PC1. Le traitement en C-terminal de BDyn génère des fragments peptidiques spécifiques incluant dynorphine 1-19, dynorphine 1-13, dynorphine 1-11 et dynorphine 1-7 et Dyn A génère les fragments dynorphine 1-13, dynorphine 1-11 et dynorphine 1-7. Ils sont tous des fragments de peptides associés à PC1 ou PC2. En plus, la protéolyse de BDyn conduit à la formation de Dyn A et Leu-Enk, deux peptides opioïdes importants. La vitesse de formation des deux est réduite de manière significative dans les fractions cellulaires de la moelle épinière de souris mutantes. En conséquence, l'inhibition même partielle de PC1 ou PC2 peut altérer le système opioïde endogène.


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Ocean persists as a rich and renewable source of cheap protein for the whole world. Among the prawns/shrimps landed from the Indian Ocean and her backwaters, more than 90% are exported to affluent countries. The Indian white prawn Penaeus indicus, constitutes the major portion of the frozen shrimps exported from India every year. The present study is aimed at gathering information on the total heterotrophic bacteria (THB) associated with B. indicus, with special reference to eggs, nauplii, zoeae, mysis, and post larvae in hatchery, and juveniles and adults in culture pond. Simultaneously, IHB associated with E. indicus in its natural habitat also is studied for comparison. It is envisaged that this information will be highly useful for modifying the existing hatchery and pond management-practices.


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Aktuelle Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der zielgerichteten Therapie zur Behandlung maligner Erkrankungen erfordern neuartige Verfahren zur Diagnostik und Selektion geeigneter Patienten. So ist das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit die Identifizierung neuer Zielmoleküle, die die Vorhersage eines Therapieerfolges mit targeted drugs ermöglichen. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt dem humanisierten monoklonalen Antikörper Trastuzumab (Herceptin), der zur Therapie Her-2 überexprimierender, metastasierter Mammakarzinome eingesetzt wird. Jüngste Erkenntnisse lassen eine Anwendung dieses Medikamentes in der Behandlung des Hormon-unabhängigen Prostatakarzinoms möglich erscheinen. Therapie-beeinflussende Faktoren werden in der dem Rezeptor nachgeschalteten Signaltransduktion oder Veränderungen des Rezeptors selbst vermutet. Mittels Immunhistochemie wurden die Expressions- und Aktivierungsniveaus verschiedener Proteine der Her-2-assoziierten Signaltransduktion ermittelt; insgesamt wurden 37 molekulare Marker untersucht. In Formalin fixierte und in Paraffin eingebettete korrespondierende Normal- und Tumorgewebe von 118 Mammakarzinom-Patientinnen sowie 78 Patienten mit Prostatakarzinom wurden in TMAs zusammengefasst. Die in Zusammenarbeit mit erfahrenen Pathologen ermittelten Ergebnisse dienten u.a. als Grundlage für zweidimensionales, unsupervised hierarchisches clustering. Ergebnis dieser Analysen war für beide untersuchten Tumorentitäten die Möglichkeit einer Subklassifizierung der untersuchten Populationen nach molekularen Eigenschaften. Hierbei zeigten sich jeweils neue Möglichkeiten zur Anwendung zielgerichteter Therapien, deren Effektivität Inhalt weiterführender Studien sein könnte. Zusätzlich wurden an insgesamt 43 Frischgeweben die möglichen Folgen des sog. shedding untersucht. Western Blot-basierte Untersuchungen zeigten hierbei die Möglichkeit der Selektion von Patienten aufgrund falsch-positiver Befunde in der derzeit als Standard geltenden Diagnostik. Zusätzlich konnte durch Vergleich mit einer Herceptin-sensitiven Zelllinie ein möglicher Zusammenhang eines Therapieerfolges mit dem Phosphorylierungs-/ Aktivierungszustand des Rezeptors ermittelt werden. Fehlende klinische Daten zum Verlauf der Erkrankung und Therapie der untersuchten Patienten lassen keine Aussagen über die tatsächliche Relevanz der ermittelten Befunde zu. Dennoch verdeutlichen die erhaltenen Resultate eindrucksvoll die Komplexität der molekularen Vorgänge, die zu einem Krebsgeschehen führen und damit Auswirkungen auf die Wirksamkeit von targeted drugs haben können. Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der zielgerichteten Therapie erfordern Verbesserungen auf dem Gebiet der Diagnostik, die die sichere Selektion geeigneter Patienten erlauben. Die Zukunft der personalisierten, zielgerichteten Behandlung von Tumorerkrankungen wird verstärkt von molekularen Markerprofilen hnlich den hier vorgestellten Daten beeinflusst werden.


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Lipid droplets (LDs) are the universal storage form of fat as a reservoir of metabolic energy in animals, plants, bacteria and single celled eukaryotes. Dictyostelium LD formation was investigated in response to the addition of different nutrients to the growth medium. LDs were induced by adding exogenous cholesterol, palmitic acid (PA) as well as growth in bacterial suspension, while glucose addition fails to form LDs. Among these nutrients, PA addition is most effective to stimulate LD formation, and depletion of PA from the medium caused LD degradation. The neutral lipids incorporated into the LD-core are composed of triacylglycerol (TAG), steryl esters, and an unknown neutral lipid (UKL) species when the cells were loaded simultaneously with cholesterol and PA. In order to avoid the contamination with other cellular organelles, the LD-purification method was modified. The isolated LD fraction was analysed by mass spectrometry and 100 proteins were identified. Nineteen of these appear to be directly involved in lipid metabolism or function in regulating LD morphology. Together with a previous study, a total of 13 proteins from the LD-proteome were confirmed to localize to LDs after the induction with PA. Among the identified LD-proteins, the localization of Ldp (lipid droplet membrane protein), GPAT3 (glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 3) and AGPAT3 (1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate-acyltransferase 3) were further verified by GFP-tagging at the N-termini or C-termini of the respective proteins. Fluorescence microscopy demonstrated that PA-treatment stimulated the translocation of the three proteins from the ER to LDs. In order to clarify DGAT (diacylglycerol acyltransferase) function in Dictyostelium, the localization of DGAT1, that is not present in LD-proteome, was also investigated. GFP-tagged DGAT1 localized to the ER both, in the presence and absence of PA, which is different from the previously observed localization of GFP-tagged DGAT2, which almost exclusively binds to LDs. The investigation of the cellular neutral lipid level helps to elucidate the mechanism responsible for LD-formation in Dictyostelium cells. Ldp and two short-chain dehydrogenases, ADH (alcohol dehydrogenase) and Ali (ADH-like protein), are not involved in neutral lipid biosynthesis. GPAT, AGPAT and DGAT are three transferases responsible for the three acylation steps of de novo TAG synthesis. Knock-out (KO) of AGPAT3 and DGAT2 did not affect storage-fat formation significantly, whereas cells lacking GPAT3 or DGAT1 decreased TAG and LD accumulation dramatically. Furthermore, DGAT1 is responsible for the accumulation of the unknown lipid UKL. Overexpression of DGAT2 can rescue the reduced TAG content of the DGAT1-KO mutant, but fails to restore UKL content in these cells, indicating that of DGAT1 and DGAT2 have overlapping functions in TAG synthesis, but the role in UKL formation is unique to DGAT1. Both GPAT3 and DGAT1 affect phagocytic activity. Mutation of GPAT3 increases it but a DGAT1-KO decreases phagocytosis. The double knockout of DGAT1 and 2 also impairs the ability to grow on a bacterial lawn, which again can be rescued by overexpression of DGAT2. These and other results are incorporated into a new model, which proposes that up-regulation of phagocytosis serves to replenish precursor molecules of membrane lipid synthesis, whereas phagocytosis is down-regulated when excess fatty acids are used for storage-fat formation.  


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Immunity to severe malaria is the first level of immunity acquired to Plasmodium falciparum. Antibodies to the variant antigen PfEMP1 (P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1) present at the surface of the parasitized red blood cell (pRBC) confer protection by blocking microvascular sequestration. Here we have generated antibodies to peptide sequences of subdomain 2 of PfEMP1-DBL1a previously identified to be associated with severe or mild malaria. A set of sera generated to the amino acid sequence KLQTLTLHQVREYWWALNRKEVWKA, containing the motif ALNRKE, stained the live pRBC. 50% of parasites tested (7/14) were positive both in flow cytometry and immunofluorescence assays with live pRBCs including both laboratory strains and in vitro adapted clinical isolates. Antibodies that reacted selectively with the sequence REYWWALNRKEVWKA in a 15-mer peptide array of DBL1a-domains were also found to react with the pRBC surface. By utilizing a peptide array to map the binding properties of the elicited anti-DBL1a antibodies, the amino acids WxxNRx were found essential for antibody binding. Complementary experiments using 135 degenerate RDSM peptide sequences obtained from 93 Ugandan patient-isolates showed that antibody binding occurred when the amino acids WxLNRKE/D were present in the peptide. The data suggests that the ALNRKE sequence motif, associated with severe malaria, induces strain-transcending antibodies that react with the pRBC surface


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Immunoregulatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10) is elevated in sera from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) correlating with disease activity. The established association of IL10 with SLE and other autoimmune diseases led us to fine map causal variant(s) and to explore underlying mechanisms. We assessed 19 tag SNPs, covering the IL10 gene cluster including IL19, IL20 and IL24, for association with SLE in 15,533 case and control subjects from four ancestries. The previously reported IL10 variant, rs3024505 located at 1 kb downstream of IL10, exhibited the strongest association signal and was confirmed for association with SLE in European American (EA) (P = 2.7×10−8, OR = 1.30), but not in non-EA ancestries. SNP imputation conducted in EA dataset identified three additional SLE-associated SNPs tagged by rs3024505 (rs3122605, rs3024493 and rs3024495 located at 9.2 kb upstream, intron 3 and 4 of IL10, respectively), and SLE-risk alleles of these SNPs were dose-dependently associated with elevated levels of IL10 mRNA in PBMCs and circulating IL-10 protein in SLE patients and controls. Using nuclear extracts of peripheral blood cells from SLE patients for electrophoretic mobility shift assays, we identified specific binding of transcription factor Elk-1 to oligodeoxynucleotides containing the risk (G) allele of rs3122605, suggesting rs3122605 as the most likely causal variant regulating IL10 expression. Elk-1 is known to be activated by phosphorylation and nuclear localization to induce transcription. Of interest, phosphorylated Elk-1 (p-Elk-1) detected only in nuclear extracts of SLE PBMCs appeared to increase with disease activity. Co-expression levels of p-Elk-1 and IL-10 were elevated in SLE T, B cells and monocytes, associated with increased disease activity in SLE B cells, and were best downregulated by ERK inhibitor. Taken together, our data suggest that preferential binding of activated Elk-1 to the IL10 rs3122605-G allele upregulates IL10 expression and confers increased risk for SLE in European Americans.


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Immunity to severe malaria is the first level of immunity acquired to Plasmodium falciparum. Antibodies to the variant antigen PfEMP1 (P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1) present at the surface of the parasitized red blood cell (pRBC) confer protection by blocking microvascular sequestration. Here we have generated antibodies to peptide sequences of subdomain 2 of PfEMP1-DBL1 alpha previously identified to be associated with severe or mild malaria. A set of sera generated to the amino acid sequence KLQTLTLHQVREYWWALNRKEVWKA, containing the motif ALNRKE, stained the live pRBC. 50% of parasites tested (7/14) were positive both in flow cytometry and immunofluorescence assays with live pRBCs including both laboratory strains and in vitro adapted clinical isolates. Antibodies that reacted selectively with the sequence REYWWALNRKEVWKA in a 15-mer peptide array of DBL1 alpha-domains were also found to react with the pRBC surface. By utilizing a peptide array to map the binding properties of the elicited anti-DBL1 alpha antibodies, the amino acids WxxNRx were found essential for antibody binding. Complementary experiments using 135 degenerate RDSM peptide sequences obtained from 93 Ugandan patient-isolates showed that antibody binding occurred when the amino acids WxLNRKE/D were present in the peptide. The data suggests that the ALNRKE sequence motif, associated with severe malaria, induces strain-transcending antibodies that react with the pRBC surface.


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We previously reported that the G allele of rs3853839 at 3′untranslated region (UTR) of Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) was associated with elevated transcript expression and increased risk for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in 9,274 Eastern Asians [P = 6.5×10−10, odds ratio (OR) (95%CI) = 1.27 (1.17–1.36)]. Here, we conducted trans-ancestral fine-mapping in 13,339 subjects including European Americans, African Americans, and Amerindian/Hispanics and confirmed rs3853839 as the only variant within the TLR7-TLR8 region exhibiting consistent and independent association with SLE (Pmeta = 7.5×10−11, OR = 1.24 [1.18–1.34]). The risk G allele was associated with significantly increased levels of TLR7 mRNA and protein in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and elevated luciferase activity of reporter gene in transfected cells. TLR7 3′UTR sequence bearing the non-risk C allele of rs3853839 matches a predicted binding site of microRNA-3148 (miR-3148), suggesting that this microRNA may regulate TLR7 expression. Indeed, miR-3148 levels were inversely correlated with TLR7 transcript levels in PBMCs from SLE patients and controls (R2 = 0.255, P = 0.001). Overexpression of miR-3148 in HEK-293 cells led to significant dose-dependent decrease in luciferase activity for construct driven by TLR7 3′UTR segment bearing the C allele (P = 0.0003). Compared with the G-allele construct, the C-allele construct showed greater than two-fold reduction of luciferase activity in the presence of miR-3148. Reduced modulation by miR-3148 conferred slower degradation of the risk G-allele containing TLR7 transcripts, resulting in elevated levels of gene products. These data establish rs3853839 of TLR7 as a shared risk variant of SLE in 22,613 subjects of Asian, EA, AA, and Amerindian/Hispanic ancestries (Pmeta = 2.0×10−19, OR = 1.25 [1.20–1.32]), which confers allelic effect on transcript turnover via differential binding to the epigenetic factor miR-3148.


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Background: Plasmodium vivax malaria remains a major health problem in tropical and sub-tropical regions worldwide. Several rhoptry proteins which are important for interaction with and/or invasion of red blood cells, such as PfRONs, Pf92, Pf38, Pf12 and Pf34, have been described during the last few years and are being considered as potential anti-malarial vaccine candidates. This study describes the identification and characterization of the P. vivax rhoptry neck protein 1 (PvRON1) and examine its antigenicity in natural P. vivax infections. Methods: The PvRON1 encoding gene, which is homologous to that encoding the P. falciparum apical sushi protein (ASP) according to the plasmoDB database, was selected as our study target. The pvron1 gene transcription was evaluated by RT-PCR using RNA obtained from the P. vivax VCG-1 strain. Two peptides derived from the deduced P. vivax Sal-I PvRON1 sequence were synthesized and inoculated in rabbits for obtaining anti-PvRON1 antibodies which were used to confirm the protein expression in VCG-1 strain schizonts along with its association with detergent-resistant microdomains (DRMs) by Western blot, and its localization by immunofluorescence assays. The antigenicity of the PvRON1 protein was assessed using human sera from individuals previously exposed to P. vivax malaria by ELISA. Results: In the P. vivax VCG-1 strain, RON1 is a 764 amino acid-long protein. In silico analysis has revealed that PvRON1 shares essential characteristics with different antigens involved in invasion, such as the presence of a secretory signal, a GPI-anchor sequence and a putative sushi domain. The PvRON1 protein is expressed in parasite's schizont stage, localized in rhoptry necks and it is associated with DRMs. Recombinant protein recognition by human sera indicates that this antigen can trigger an immune response during a natural infection with P. vivax. Conclusions: This study shows the identification and characterization of the P. vivax rhoptry neck protein 1 in the VCG-1 strain. Taking into account that PvRON1 shares several important characteristics with other Plasmodium antigens that play a functional role during RBC invasion and, as shown here, it is antigenic, it could be considered as a good vaccine candidate. Further studies aimed at assessing its immunogenicity and protection-inducing ability in the Aotus monkey model are thus recommended.


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Throughout the central nervous system a dominant form of inhibition of neurotransmitter release from presynaptic terminals is mediated by G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Neurotransmitter release is typically induced by action potentials (APs), but can also occur spontaneously. Presynaptic inhibition by GPCRs has been associated with modulation of voltage-dependent ion channels. However, electrophysiological recordings of spontaneous, AP-independent (so-called ‘miniature’) postsynaptic events reveal an additional, important form of GPCR-mediated presynaptic inhibition, distinct from effects on ionic conductances and consistent with a direct action on the vesicle release machinery. Recent studies suggest that such miniature events might be of physiological relevance not only in signalling but also in development. In the cerebellum, neurotransmitter release onto Purkinje cells occurs by AP-dependent and AP-independent pathways. Here, I focus on inhibitory synapses between interneurons and Purkinje cells, which are subject to strong, identifiable regulation by endogenous GPCR agonists, to consider mechanisms of GPCR-mediated presynaptic inhibition.


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AtTRB1, 2 and 3 are members of the SMH (single Myb histone) protein family, which comprises double-stranded DNA-binding proteins that are specific to higher plants. They are structurally conserved, containing a Myb domain at the N-terminus, a central H1/H5-like domain and a C-terminally located coiled-coil domain. AtTRB1, 2 and 3 interact through their Myb domain specifically with telomeric double-stranded DNA in vitro, while the central H1/H5-like domain interacts non-specifically with DNA sequences and mediates proteinprotein interactions. Here we show that AtTRB1, 2 and 3 preferentially localize to the nucleus and nucleolus during interphase. Both the central H1/H5-like domain and the Myb domain from AtTRB1 can direct a GFP fusion protein to the nucleus and nucleolus. AtTRB1–GFP localization is cell cycle-regulated, as the level of nuclear-associated GFP diminishes during mitotic entry and GFP progressively re-associates with chromatin during anaphase/telophase. Using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and fluorescence loss in photobleaching, we determined the dynamics of AtTRB1 interactions in vivo. The results reveal that AtTRB1 interaction with chromatin is regulated at two levels at least, one of which is coupled with cell-cycle progression, with the other involving rapid exchange.


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Germin is a homopentameric glycoprotein, the synthesis of which coincides with the onset of growth in germinating wheat embryos. There have been detailed studies of germin structure, biosynthesis, homology with other proteins, and of its value as a marker of wheat development. Germin isoforms associated with the apoplast have been speculated to have a role in embryo hydration during maturation and germination. Antigenically related isoforms of germin are present during germination in all of the economically important cereals studied, and the amounts of germin-like proteins and coding elements have been found to undergo conspicuous change when salt-tolerant higher plants are subjected to salt stress. In this report, we describe how circumstantial evidence arising from unrelated studies of barley oxalate oxidase and its coding elements have led to definitive evidence that the germin isoform made during wheat germination is an oxalate oxidase. Establishment of links between oxalate degradation, cereal germination, and salt tolerance has significant implications for a broad range of studies related to development and adaptation in higher plants. Roles for germin in cell wall biochemistry and tissue remodeling are discussed, with special emphasis on the generation of hydrogen peroxide during germin-induced oxidation of oxalate.


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Two experiments were undertaken in which grass silage was used in conjunction with a series of different concentrate types designed to examine the effect of carbohydrate source, protein level and degradability on total dietary phosphorus (P) utilization with emphasis on P pollution. Twelve Holstein-Friesian dairy cows in early to mid-lactation were used in an incomplete changeover design with four periods consisting of 4 weeks each. Phosphorus intake ranged from 54 to 80 g/day and faecal P represented the principal route by which ingested P was disposed of by cows, with insignificant amounts being voided in urine. A positive linear relationship between faecal P and P intake was established. In Experiment 1, P utilization was affected by dietary carbohydrate type, with an associated output of 3.3 g faecal P/g milk P produced for all treatments except those utilizing low degradable starch and low protein supplements, where a mean value of 2.8 g faecal P/g milk P was observed. In Experiment 2, where two protein levels and three protein degradabilities were examined, the efficiency of P utilization for milk P production was not affected by either level or degradability of crude protein (CP) but a significant reduction in faecal P excretion due to lower protein and P intake was observed. In general, P utilization in Experiment 2 was substantially improved compared to the Experiment 1, with an associated output of 1.8 g faecal P/g milk P produced. The improved utilization of P in Experiment 2 could be due to lower P content of the diets offered and higher dry matter (DM) intake. For dairy cows weighing 600 kg, consuming 17-18 kg DM/day and producing about 25 kg milk, P excretion in faeces and hence P pollution to the environment might be minimized without compromising lactational performance by formulating diets to supply about 68 g P/day, which is close to recent published recommended requirements for P.