994 resultados para Dry products


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Poly(2,6-dimethylphenylene oxide) (PPO) was sulfonated to varying degrees using different sulfonating agents. Physical properties such as solubility, density, and thermal properties were studied for both PPO and sulfonated PPO (SPPO) with different degree


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A molecular approach was developed to distinguish species of red snappers among commercial salted fish products. The specific fragments of the mitocliondrial 12S rRNA gene, which were about 450 bp, were obtained using the semi-nested polymerase chain reaction (semi-nested PCR). Subsequently, PCR amplicons were sequenced, aiming to select restriction endonucleases that generated species-specific restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) profiles. Discrimination of red snappers Lutjanus sanguineus, L. erythopterus from L. argentintaculatus, L. malabarius and other morphologically similar fishes such as Lethrinus leutjanus and Pinjalo pinjalo was feasible by one restriction digestion reaction with three endonucleases Hae III, Sca I and SnaB I, however, for differentiation of L. sattguineus and L. erythopterus, another restriction digestion reaction with single restriction endonuclease Mae II was needed. The seminested PCR-RFLP was demonstrated to be reliable in species identification of salted fish products in this study. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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A molecular approach was developed to distinguish species of red snappers among commercial salted fish products. The specific fragments of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene, which were about 450bp, were obtained using the semi-nested polymerase chain reaction (semi-nested PCR). Subsequently, PCR arnplicons were sequenced, aiming to select restriction endonucleases that generated species-specific restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) profiles. Discrimination of red snappers Lutjanus sanguineus, Lutjanus erythopterus from Lutjanus argentimaculatus, Lutjanus malabarius and other morphologically similar fishes such as Lethrinus leutjanus and Pinjalo pinjalo was feasible by one restriction digestion reaction with three endonucleases Hae III, Sca I and SnaB I, however, for discrimination of L. sanguineus and L. erythopterus, another restriction digestion reaction with single restriction endonuclease Mae II was needed. The semi-nested PCR-RFLP was demonstrated to be reliable in species identification of salted fish products in this study. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Concentrations and carbon isotopic (C-14, C-13) compositions of black carbon (BC) were measured for three sediment cores collected from the Changjiang River estuary and the shelf of the East China Sea. BC concentrations ranged from 0.02 to 0.14 mg/g (dry weight), and accounted for 5% to 26% of the sedimentary total organic carbon (TOC) pool. Among the three sediment cores collected at each site, sediment from the Changjiang River estuary had relatively high BC contents compared with the sediments from the East China Sea shelf, suggesting that the Changjiang River discharge played an important role in the delivery of BC to the coastal region. Radiocarbon measurements indicate that the ages of BC are in the range of 6910 to 12250 years old B. P. (before present), that is in general, 3700 to 9000 years older than the C-14 ages of TOC in the sediments. These variable radiocarbon ages suggest that the BC preserved in the sediments was derived from the products of both biomass fire and fossil fuel combustion, as well as from ancient rock weathering. Based on an isotopic mass balance model, we calculated that fossil fuel combustion contributed most (60%. 80%) of the BC preserved in these sediments and varied with depth and locations. The deposition and burial of this "slow-cycling" BC in the sediments of the East China Sea shelf represent a significant pool of carbon sink and could greatly influence carbon cycling in the region.


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Hot dip Zn-Al alloy coating performs better than hot dip galvanized coating and 55% Al-Zn-Si coating as well with regard to general seawater corrosion protection. A characterization of the corrosion products on Zn-Al alloy coating immersed in dynamic aerated seawater has been performed mainly based on transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for morphological analysis and X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique for crystalline phase identification. The XRD and TEM analyses showed that the corrosion products mainly were typical nanometer Zn4CO3(OH)(6).H2O, Zn-5(OH)(8)Cl-2 and Zn6Al2CO3(OH)(16). 4H(2)O microcrystals. This probably is connected to the co-precipitation of Zn2+ and Al3+ ions caused by adsorption. Zn-Al alloy coating being suffered seawater attacks, AI(OH)(3) gel was first produced on the coating surface. Zn and Al hydroxides would co-precipitate and form double-hydroxide when the concentration of adsorbed Zn2+ ions by the newly produced gel exceeded the critical degree of supersaturation of the interphase nucleation. However, because the growth of the crystals was too low to keep in step with the nucleation, a layer of nano-crystalline corrosion products were produced on the surface of the coating finally. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hydrogen permeation behaviours of high strength steel 35CrMo under different cyclic wet-dry conditions have been investigated by using Devanathan-Stachurski's technique. Four electrolytes were used: distilled water, seawater, seawater containing 1500 ppm H2S and seawater containing 0.03 mol L-1 SO2. The corrosion weight loss of 35CrMo in the wet-dry cycles was measured simultaneously. The experimental results show that hydrogen can be detected at the surface opposite to the corroding side of the specimen during wet-dry cycles and the permeation current density during a wet-dry cycle showed a maximum during the drying process. The hydrogen permeation was obviously promoted by Cl- ions, H2S and SO2. The hydrogen permeation in the real marine atmosphere has also been investigated. There is a clear correlation between the amount of hydrogen permeated and the corrosion weight losses. Results show the importance of hydrogen permeation that merits further investigation.


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It has been found that microbial communities play a significant role in the corrosion process of steels exposed in aquatic and soil environments. Biomineralization influenced by microorganisms is believed to be responsible for the formation of corrosion products via complicated pathways of electron transfer between microbial cells and the metal. In this study, sulfide corrosion products were investigated for 316L stainless steel exposed to media with sulfate-reducing bacteria media for 7 weeks. The species of inorganic and organic sulfides in the passive film on the stainless steel were observed by epifluorescence microscope, environmental scanning electron microscope combined with energy dispersive spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The transformation from metal oxides to metal sulfides influenced by sulfate-reducing bacteria is emphasized in this paper. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hydrogen permeation of 16Mn steel under a cyclic wet-dry condition was investigated by Devanathan-Stachurski's electrolytic cell with a membrane covered on the exit side by a nickel layer and the weight loss was measured for each wet-dry cycle. The results show that hydrogen permeation current change with different atmospheric environment: distilled water, seawater, and seawater containing 100 ppm H2S. The results show that seawater can induce an increase in the hydrogen permeation current due to the hydrolyzation reaction. And after the increase, equilibrium is reached due to the equilibrium of hydrolyzation reaction effect and the block of the rust layer. On the other hand, H2S contamination also can induce an increase in the maximum hydrogen permeation current due to the hydrolyzation reaction. And H2S contamination delays the time that hydrogen permeation is detected because of the formation of the FeS(1-x) film. The FeS(1-x) film can block the absorption of hydrogen onto the specimen surface. The surface potential change and the pH change of the metal surface control the hydrogen permeation current. And a clear linear correlation exists between the quantities of hydrogen permeated through the 16Mn steel and the weight loss. Based on the linear correlation, we monitored the corrosion rate by monitoring the hydrogen permeation current by a sensor outside. Good coherences were shown between results in laboratory and outside.


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We used an eddy covariance technique to measure evapotranspiration and carbon flux over two very different growing seasons for a typical steppe on the Inner Mongolia Plateau, China. The rainfall during the 2004 growing season (344.7 mm) was close to the annual average (350.43 mm). In contrast, precipitation during the 2005 growing season was significantly lower than average (only 126 mm). The wet 2004 growing season had a higher peak evapotranspiration (4 mm day(-1)) than did the dry 2005 growing season (3.3 mm day(-1)). In 2004, latent heat flux was mainly a consumption resource for net radiation, accounting for similar to 46% of net radiation. However, sensible heat flux dominated the energy budget over the whole growing season in 2005, accounting for 60% of net radiation. The evaporative rate (LE/R-n) dropped by a factor of four from the non-soil stress to soil water limiting conditions. Maximum half-hourly CO2 uptake was -0.68 mg m(-2) s(-1) and maximum ecosystem exchange was 4.3 g CO2 m(-2) day(-1) in 2004. The 2005 drought growing stage had a maximum CO2 exchange value of only -0.22 mg m(-2) s(-1) and a continuous positive integrated-daily CO2 flux over the entire growing season, i.e. the ecosystem became a net carbon source. Soil respiration was temperature dependent when the soil was under non-limiting soil moisture conditions, but this response declined with soil water stress. Water availability and a high vapor pressure deficit severely limited carbon fixing of this ecosystem; thus, during the growing season, the capacity to fix CO2 was closely related to both timing and frequency of rainfall events. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.


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Using heterogeneous vegetation in alpine grassland through grazing is a necessary component of deintensification of livestock systems and conservation of natural environments. However, better understanding of the dynamics of animal feeding behaviour would improve pasture and livestock grazing managements, particularly in the early part of the spring season when forage is scarce. The changes in behaviour may improve the use of poor pastures. Then, enhancing management practices may conserve pasture and improve animal productivity. Grazing behaviour over 24 In periods by yaks in different physiological states (lactating, dry and replacement heifers) was recorded in the early, dry and later, germinating period of the spring season. Under conditions of inadequate forage, the physiological state of yaks was not the primary factor affecting their grazing and ruminating behaviour. Forage and sward state affected yaks' grazing and ruminating behaviour to a greater extent. Generally, yaks had higher intake and spent more time grazing and ruminating during the later part of the spring season, following germination of forage, than during the earlier dry part of the season. However, the live weight of yaks was less during pasture germination than during the early dry part of the season because the herbage mass is low, and the yaks have to expend much energy to seek feed at this particular time. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A feeding trial A as conducted at the farm of Qinghai Academy of Animal and Veterinary Science, Xining, China during 1996 - 1997 with three dry yak cows (initial body weight 163 - 197 kg, age 5 - 6 years) by using 3 x 3 Latin Square Design to determine the effect of levels of feed intake on digestion, nitrogen balance and purine derivative excretion in urine of yak cows. The animals were fed oat hay (nitrogen 13.5 g/kg dry matter (DM), metabolisable energy 8.3 MJ/kg DM), i.e., 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9 of voluntary intake (VI). Each intake treatment lasted for 17 days and the samples (feeds, faeces and urine) were collected during last 7 days of each period. The results indicate that digestibility of dietary DM, OM, NDF and ash declined when intake levels increased from 0.3 to 0.9 VI [DM, from 66.1% to 59.1% (P < 0.05); OM, from 68.1% to 59.9% (P < 0.05); NDF, from 62.1% to 54.3% (P < 0.05); and ash, from 33.9% to 11.8% (P < 0.05)]. Around 0.10 g N/kg W-0.75 was deficient daily in yak cows at 0.3 VI, and positive N balances were observed at 0.6 and 0.9 VI. Intake levels significantly (P < 0.05) affected total PD excretion in yak urine. The proportion of allantoin increased (P < 0.05) and uric acid decreased (P < 0.05) as intake level of feed increased. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.