870 resultados para Dissecção arterial cérvico-cefálica
Este estudo investiga a importância do exercício físico na prevençao de Doenças Crônicas Nao Transmissíveis. Seu objetivo é verificar o efeito de 16 semanas de exercícios físicos no perfil lipídico e pressao arterial. O grupo de estudo foi composto por 12 voluntários, com faixa etária de 40 a 60 anos, com média de colesterol total e LDL insignificantemente acima dos valores limítrofe e pré-hipertensos. Os indivíduos foram submetidos á avaliaçao médica; análise laboratorial; teste físico e 16 semanas de treinamento físico com frequência de três vezes por semana. Todos os procedimentos foram repedidos ao final. Houve reduçao significativa do Indice de Massa Corporal, Colesterol LDL, Pressao Arterial Diastólica e aumento da glicemia e do desempenho físico. Nao se modificaram o Colesterol Total, Colesterol HDL e Triglicerídeos. O programa de exercícios, mesmo sem o controle de dieta, foi suficiente para provocar as alteraçoes descritas do perfil lipídico, comprovando sua importância na prevençao de doenças cardíacas
Specialized search engines such as PubMed, MedScape or Cochrane have increased dramatically the visibility of biomedical scientific results. These web-based tools allow physicians to access scientific papers instantly. However, this decisive improvement had not a proportional impact in clinical practice due to the lack of advanced search methods. Even queries highly specified for a concrete pathology frequently retrieve too many information, with publications related to patients treated by the physician beyond the scope of the results examined. In this work we present a new method to improve scientific article search using patient information. Two pathologies have been used within the project to retrieve relevant literature to patient data and to be integrated with other sources. Promising results suggest the suitability of the approach, highlighting publications dealing with patient features and facilitating literature search to physicians.
Revisión de algunas aplicaciones de mecánica computacional de fluidos en la simulación del flujo sanguíneo.
Esta tesis doctoral está encuadrada dentro del marco general de la ingeniería biomédica aplicada al tratamiento de las enfermedades cardiovasculares, enfermedades que provocan alrededor de 1.9 millones (40%) de muertes al año en la Unión Europea. En este contexto surge el proyecto europeo SCATh-Smart Catheterization, cuyo objetivo principal es mejorar los procedimientos de cateterismo aórtico introduciendo nuevas tecnologías de planificación y navegación quirúrgica y minimizando el uso de fluoroscopía. En particular, esta tesis aborda el modelado y diagnóstico de aneurismas aórticos abdominales (AAA) y del trombo intraluminal (TIL), allí donde esté presente, así como la segmentación de estas estructuras en imágenes preoperatorias de RM. Los modelos físicos específicos del paciente, construidos a partir de imágenes médicas preoperatorias, tienen múltiples usos, que van desde la evaluación preoperatoria de estructuras anatómicas a la planificación quirúrgica para el guiado de catéteres. En el diagnóstico y tratamiento de AAA, los modelos físicos son útiles a la hora de evaluar diversas variables biomecánicas y fisiológicas de las estructuras vasculares. Existen múltiples técnicas que requieren de la generación de modelos físicos que representen la anatomía vascular. Una de las principales aplicaciones de los modelos físicos es el análisis de elementos finitos (FE). Las simulaciones de FE para AAA pueden ser específicas para el paciente y permiten modelar estados de estrés complejos, incluyendo los efectos provocados por el TIL. La aplicación de métodos numéricos de análisis tiene como requisito previo la generación de una malla computacional que representa la geometría de interés mediante un conjunto de elementos poliédricos, siendo los hexaédricos los que presentan mejores resultados. En las estructuras vasculares, generar mallas hexaédricas es un proceso especialmente exigente debido a la compleja anatomía 3D ramificada. La mayoría de los AAA se encuentran situados en la bifurcación de la arteria aorta en las arterias iliacas y es necesario modelar de manera fiel dicha bifurcación. En el caso de que la sangre se estanque en el aneurisma provocando un TIL, éste forma una estructura adyacente a la pared aórtica. De este modo, el contorno externo del TIL es el mismo que el contorno interno de la pared, por lo que las mallas resultantes deben reflejar esta particularidad, lo que se denomina como "mallas conformadas". El fin último de este trabajo es modelar las estructuras vasculares de modo que proporcionen nuevas herramientas para un mejor diagnóstico clínico, facilitando medidas de riesgo de rotura de la arteria, presión sistólica o diastólica, etc. Por tanto, el primer objetivo de esta tesis es diseñar un método novedoso y robusto para generar mallas hexaédricas tanto de la pared aórtica como del trombo. Para la identificación de estas estructuras se utilizan imágenes de resonancia magnética (RM). Deben mantenerse sus propiedades de adyacencia utilizando elementos de alta calidad, prestando especial atención al modelado de la bifurcación y a que sean adecuadas para el análisis de FE. El método tiene en cuenta la evolución de la línea central del vaso en el espacio tridimensional y genera la malla directamente a partir de las imágenes segmentadas, sin necesidad de reconstruir superficies triangulares. Con el fin de reducir la intervención del usuario en el proceso de generación de las mallas, es también objetivo de esta tesis desarrollar un método de segmentación semiautomática de las distintas estructuras de interés. Las principales contribuciones de esta tesis doctoral son: 1. El diseño, implementación y evaluación de un algoritmo de generación de mallas hexaédricas conformadas de la pared y el TIL a partir de los contornos segmentados en imágenes de RM. Se ha llevado a cabo una evaluación de calidad que determine su aplicabilidad a métodos de FE. Los resultados demuestran que el algoritmo desarrollado genera mallas conformadas de alta calidad incluso en la región de la bifurcación, que son adecuadas para su uso en métodos de análisis de FE. 2. El diseño, implementación y evaluación de un método de segmentación automático de las estructuras de interés. La luz arterial se segmenta de manera semiautomática utilizando un software disponible a partir de imágenes de RM con contraste. Los resultados de este proceso sirven de inicialización para la segmentación automática de las caras interna y externa de la pared aórtica utilizando métodos basado en modelos de textura y forma a partir de imágenes de RM sin contraste. Los resultados demuestran que el algoritmo desarrollado proporciona segmentaciones fieles de las distintas estructuras de interés. En conclusión, el trabajo realizado en esta tesis doctoral corrobora las hipótesis de investigación postuladas, y pretende servir como aportación para futuros avances en la generación de modelos físicos de geometrías biológicas. ABSTRACT The frame of this PhD Thesis is the biomedical engineering applied to the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, which cause around 1.9 million deaths per year in the European Union and suppose about 40% of deaths per year. In this context appears the European project SCATh-Smart Catheterization. The main objective of this project is creating a platform which improves the navigation of catheters in aortic catheterization minimizing the use of fluoroscopy. In the framework of this project, the specific field of this PhD Thesis is the diagnosis and modeling of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAAs) and the intraluminal thrombus (ILT) whenever it is present. Patient-specific physical models built from preoperative imaging are becoming increasingly important in the area of minimally invasive surgery. These models can be employed for different purposes, such as the preoperatory evaluation of anatomic structures or the surgical planning for catheter guidance. In the specific case of AAA diagnosis and treatment, physical models are especially useful for evaluating pressures over vascular structures. There are multiple techniques that require the generation of physical models which represent the target anatomy. Finite element (FE) analysis is one the principal applications for physical models. FE simulations for AAA may be patient-specific and allow modeling biomechanical and physiological variables including those produced by ILT, and also the segmentation of those anatomical structures in preoperative MR images. Applying numeric methods requires the generation of a proper computational mesh. These meshes represent the patient anatomy using a set of polyhedral elements, with hexahedral elements providing better results. In the specific case of vascular structures, generating hexahedral meshes is a challenging task due to the complex 3D branching anatomy. Each patient’s aneurysm is unique, characterized by its location and shape, and must be accurately represented for subsequent analyses to be meaningful. Most AAAs are located in the region where the aorta bifurcates into the iliac arteries and it is necessary to model this bifurcation precisely and reliably. If blood stagnates in the aneurysm and forms an ILT, it exists as a conforming structure with the aortic wall, i.e. the ILT’s outer contour is the same as the wall’s inner contour. Therefore, resulting meshes must also be conforming. The main objective of this PhD Thesis is designing a novel and robust method for generating conforming hexahedral meshes for the aortic wall and the thrombus. These meshes are built using largely high-quality elements, especially at the bifurcation, that are suitable for FE analysis of tissue stresses. The method accounts for the evolution of the vessel’s centerline which may develop outside a single plane, and generates the mesh directly from segmented images without the requirement to reconstruct triangular surfaces. In order to reduce the user intervention in the mesh generation process is also a goal of this PhD. Thesis to develop a semiautomatic segmentation method for the structures of interest. The segmentation is performed from magnetic resonance image (MRI) sequences that have tuned to provide high contrast for the arterial tissue against the surrounding soft tissue, so that we determine the required information reliably. The main contributions of this PhD Thesis are: 1. The design, implementation and evaluation of an algorithm for generating hexahedral conforming meshes of the arterial wall and the ILT from the segmented contours. A quality inspection has been applied to the meshes in order to determine their suitability for FE methods. Results show that the developed algorithm generates high quality conforming hexahedral meshes even at the bifurcation region. Thus, these meshes are suitable for FE analysis. 2. The design, implementation and evaluation of a semiautomatic segmentation method for the structures of interest. The lumen is segmented in a semiautomatic way from contrast filled MRI using an available software. The results obtained from this process are used to initialize the automatic segmentation of the internal and external faces of the aortic wall. These segmentations are performed by methods based on texture and shape models from MRI with no contrast. The results show that the algorithm provides faithful segmentations of the structures of interest requiring minimal user intervention. In conclusion, the work undertaken in this PhD. Thesis verifies the investigation hypotheses. It intends to serve as basis for future physical model generation of proper biological anatomies used by numerical methods.
Para las decisiones urgentes sobre intervenciones quirúrgicas en el sistema cardiovascular se necesitan simulaciones computacionales con resultados fiables y que consuman un tiempo de cálculo razonable. Durante años los investigadores han trabajado en diversos métodos numéricos de cálculo que resulten atractivos para los cirujanos. Estos métodos, precisos pero costosos desde el punto de vista del coste computacional, crean un desajuste entre la oferta de los ingenieros que realizan las simulaciones y los médicos que operan en el quirófano. Por otra parte, los métodos de cálculo más simplificados reducen el tiempo de cálculo pero pueden proporcionar resultados no realistas. El objetivo de esta tesis es combinar los conceptos de autorregulación e impedancia del sistema circulatorio, la interacción flujo sanguíneo-pared arterial y modelos geométricos idealizados tridimensionales de las arterias pero sin pérdida de realismo, con objeto de proponer una metodología de simulación que proporcione resultados correctos y completos, con tiempos de cálculo moderados. En las simulaciones numéricas, las condiciones de contorno basadas en historias de presión presentan inconvenientes por ser difícil conocerlas con detalle, y porque los resultados son muy sensibles ante pequeñas variaciones de dichas historias. La metodología propuesta se basa en los conceptos de autorregulación, para imponer la demanda de flujo aguas abajo del modelo en el ciclo cardiaco, y la impedancia, para representar el efecto que ejerce el flujo en el resto del sistema circulatorio sobre las arterias modeladas. De este modo las historias de presión en el contorno son resultados del cálculo, que se obtienen de manera iterativa. El método propuesto se aplica en una geometría idealizada del arco aórtico sin patologías y en otra geometría correspondiente a una disección Stanford de tipo A, considerando la interacción del flujo pulsátil con las paredes arteriales. El efecto de los tejidos circundantes también se incorpora en los modelos. También se hacen aplicaciones considerando la interacción en una geometría especifica de un paciente anciano que proviene de una tomografía computarizada. Finalmente se analiza una disección Stanford tipo B con tres modelos que incluyen la fenestración del saco. Clinicians demand fast and reliable numerical results of cardiovascular biomechanic simulations for their urgent pre-surgery decissions. Researchers during many years have work on different numerical methods in order to attract the clinicians' confidence to their colorful contours. Though precise but expensive and time-consuming methodologies create a gap between numerical biomechanics and hospital personnel. On the other hand, simulation simplifications with the aim of reduction in computational time may cause in production of unrealistic outcomes. The main objective of the current investigation is to combine ideas such as autoregulation, impedance, fluid-solid interaction and idealized geometries in order to propose a computationally cheap methodology without excessive or unrealistic simplifications. The pressure boundary conditions are critical and polemic in numerical simulations of cardiovascular system, in which a specific arterial site is of interest and the rest of the netwrok is neglected but represented by a boundary condition. The proposed methodology is a pressure boundary condition which takes advantage of numerical simplicity of application of an imposed pressure boundary condition on outlets, while it includes more sophisticated concepts such as autoregulation and impedance to gain more realistic results. Incorporation of autoregulation and impedance converts the pressure boundary conditions to an active and dynamic boundary conditions, receiving feedback from the results during the numerical calculations and comparing them with the physiological requirements. On the other hand, the impedance boundary condition defines the shapes of the pressure history curves applied at outlets. The applications of the proposed method are seen on idealized geometry of the healthy arotic arch as well as idealized Stanford type A dissection, considering the interaction of the arterial walls with the pulsatile blood flow. The effect of surrounding tissues is incorporated and studied in the models. The simulations continue with FSI analysis of a patient-specific CT scanned geometry of an old individual. Finally, inspiring of the statistic results of mortality rates in Stanford type B dissection, three models of fenestrated dissection sac is studied and discussed. Applying the developed boundary condition, an alternative hypothesis is proposed by the author with respect to the decrease in mortality rates in patients with fenestrations.
Restenosis continues to be a major problem limiting the effectiveness of revascularization procedures. To date, the roles of heterotrimeric G proteins in the triggering of pathological vascular smooth muscle (VSM) cell proliferation have not been elucidated. βγ subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins (Gβγ) are known to activate mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases after stimulation of certain G protein-coupled receptors; however, their relevance in VSM mitogenesis in vitro or in vivo is not known. Using adenoviral-mediated transfer of a transgene encoding a peptide inhibitor of Gβγ signaling (βARKct), we evaluated the role of Gβγ in MAP kinase activation and proliferation in response to several mitogens, including serum, in cultured rat VSM cells. Our results include the striking finding that serum-induced proliferation of VSM cells in vitro is mediated largely via Gβγ. Furthermore, we studied the effects of in vivo adenoviral-mediated βARKct gene transfer on VSM intimal hyperplasia in a rat carotid artery restenosis model. Our in vivo results demonstrated that the presence of the βARKct in injured rat carotid arteries significantly reduced VSM intimal hyperplasia by 70%. Thus, Gβγ plays a critical role in physiological VSM proliferation, and targeted Gβγ inhibition represents a novel approach for the treatment of pathological conditions such as restenosis.
Xanthine oxidase activity associated with arterial blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats
Recent evidence in vivo indicates that spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) exhibit an increase in oxyradical production in and around microvascular endothelium. This study is aimed to examine whether xanthine oxidase plays a role in overproduction of oxidants and thereby may contribute to hypertensive states as a consequence of the increasing microvascular tone. The xanthine oxidase activity in SHR was inhibited by dietary supplement of tungsten (0.7 g/kg) that depletes molybdenum as a cofactor for the enzyme activity as well as by administration of (−)BOF4272 [(−)-8-(3-methoxy-4-phenylsulfinylphenyl)pyrazolo(1,5-α)-1,3,5-triazine-4-monohydrate], a synthetic inhibitor of the enzyme. The characteristic elevation of mean arterial pressure in SHR was normalized by the tungsten diet, whereas Wistar Koto (WKY) rats displayed no significant alteration in the pressure. Multifunctional intravital videomicroscopy in mesentery microvessels with hydroethidine, an oxidant-sensitive fluoroprobe, showed that SHR endothelium exhibited overproduction of oxyradicals that coincided with the elevated arteriolar tone as compared with WKY rats. The tungsten diet significantly repressed these changes toward the levels observed in WKY rats. The activity of oxyradical-producing form of xanthine oxidase in the mesenteric tissue of SHR was ≈3-fold greater than that of WKY rats, and pretreatment with the tungsten diet eliminated detectable levels of the enzyme activity. The inhibitory effects of the tungsten diet on the increasing blood pressure and arteriolar tone in SHR were also reproducible by administration of (−)BOF4272. These results suggest that xanthine oxidase accounts for a putative source of oxyradical generation that is associated with an increasing arteriolar tone in this form of hypertension.
Uninjured rat arteries transduced with an adenoviral vector expressing an active form of transforming growth factor β1 (TGF-β1) developed a cellular and matrix-rich neointima, with cartilaginous metaplasia of the vascular media. Explant cultures of transduced arteries showed that secretion of active TGF-β1 ceased by 4 weeks, the time of maximal intimal thickening. Between 4 and 8 weeks, the cartilaginous metaplasia resolved and the intimal lesions regressed almost completely, in large part because of massive apoptosis. Thus, locally expressed TGF-β1 promotes intimal growth and appears to cause transdifferentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells into chondrocytes. Moreover, TGF-β1 withdrawal is associated with regression of vascular lesions. These data suggest an unexpected plasticity of the adult vascular smooth muscle cell phenotype and provide an etiology for cartilaginous metaplasia of the arterial wall. Our observations may help to reconcile divergent views of the role of TGF-β1 in vascular disease.
The objective of this study was to clarify the relative roles of medial versus luminal factors in the induction of thickening of the arterial intima after balloon angioplasty injury. Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and thrombin, both associated with thrombosis, and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), stored in the arterial wall, have been implicated in this process. To unequivocally isolate the media from luminally derived factors, we used a 20-μm thick hydrogel barrier that adhered firmly to the arterial wall to block thrombus deposition after balloon-induced injury of the carotid artery of the rat. Thrombosis, bFGF mobilization, medial repopulation, and intimal thickening were measured. Blockade of postinjury arterial contact with blood prevented thrombosis and dramatically inhibited both intimal thickening and endogenous bFGF mobilization. By blocking blood contact on the two time scales of thrombosis and of intimal thickening, and by using local protein release to probe, by reconstitution, the individual roles of PDGF-BB and thrombin, we were able to conclude that a luminally derived factor other than PDGF or thrombin is required for the initiation of cellular events leading to intimal thickening after balloon injury in the rat. We further conclude that a luminally derived factor is required for mobilization of medial bFGF.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of heparin on duration of catheter patency and on prevention of complications associated with use of peripheral venous and arterial catheters.