953 resultados para Didactic sequences
Pattern discovery in a long temporal event sequence is of great importance in many application domains. Most of the previous work focuses on identifying positive associations among time stamped event types. In this paper, we introduce the problem of defining and discovering negative associations that, as positive rules, may also serve as a source of knowledge discovery. In general, an event-oriented pattern is a pattern that associates with a selected type of event, called a target event. As a counter-part of previous research, we identify patterns that have a negative relationship with the target events. A set of criteria is defined to evaluate the interestingness of patterns associated with such negative relationships. In the process of counting the frequency of a pattern, we propose a new approach, called unique minimal occurrence, which guarantees that the Apriori property holds for all patterns in a long sequence. Based on the interestingness measures, algorithms are proposed to discover potentially interesting patterns for this negative rule problem. Finally, the experiment is made for a real application.
Starting with a UML specification that captures the underlying functionality of some given Java-based concurrent system, we describe a systematic way to construct, from this specification, test sequences for validating an implementation of the system. The approach is to first extend the specification to create UML state machines that directly address those aspects of the system we wish to test. To be specific, the extended UML state machines can capture state information about the number of waiting threads or the number of threads blocked on a given object. Using the SAL model checker we can generate from the extended UML state machines sequences that cover all the various possibilities of events and states. These sequences can then be directly transformed into test sequences suitable for input into a testing tool such as ConAn. As an illustration, the methodology is applied to generate sequences for testing a Java implementation of the producer-consumer system. © 2005 IEEE
A major task of traditional temporal event sequence mining is to find all frequent event patterns from a long temporal sequence. In many real applications, however, events are often grouped into different types, and not all types are of equal importance. In this paper, we consider the problem of efficient mining of temporal event sequences which lead to an instance of a specific type of event. Temporal constraints are used to ensure sensibility of the mining results. We will first generalise and formalise the problem of event-oriented temporal sequence data mining. After discussing some unique issues in this new problem, we give a set of criteria, which are adapted from traditional data mining techniques, to measure the quality of patterns to be discovered. Finally we present an algorithm to discover potentially interesting patterns.
Pattern discovery in temporal event sequences is of great importance in many application domains, such as telecommunication network fault analysis. In reality, not every type of event has an accurate timestamp. Some of them, defined as inaccurate events may only have an interval as possible time of occurrence. The existence of inaccurate events may cause uncertainty in event ordering. The traditional support model cannot deal with this uncertainty, which would cause some interesting patterns to be missing. A new concept, precise support, is introduced to evaluate the probability of a pattern contained in a sequence. Based on this new metric, we define the uncertainty model and present an algorithm to discover interesting patterns in the sequence database that has one type of inaccurate event. In our model, the number of types of inaccurate events can be extended to k readily, however, at a cost of increasing computational complexity.
Previous claims that auditory stream segregation occurs in cochlear implant listeners are based on limited evidence. In experiment 1, eight listeners heard tones presented in a 30-s repeating ABA-sequence, with frequencies matching the centre frequencies of the implant's 22 electrodes. Tone A always stimulated electrode 11 (centre of the array); tone B stimulated one of the others. Tone repetition times (TRTs) from 50 to 200 ms were used. Listeners reported when they heard one or two streams. The proportion of time that each sequence was reported as segregated was consistently greater with increased electrode separation. However, TRT had no significant effect, and the perceptual reversals typical of normal-hearing listeners rarely occurred. The results may reflect channel discrimination rather than stream segregation. In experiment 2, six listeners performed a pitch-ranking task using tone pairs (reference = electrode 11). Listeners reported which tone was higher in pitch (or brighter in timbre) and their confidence in the pitch judgement. Similarities were observed in the individual pattern of results for reported segregation and pitch discrimination. Many implant listeners may show little or no sign of automatic stream segregation owing to the reduced perceptual space within which sounds can differ from one another. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
To elucidate the structures of orgamc molecules in solution using pulse FT NMR, heteronuclear pulse sequence experiments to probe carbon-13 (13C) and proton (1H) spin systems are invaluable. The one-dimensional insensitive nucleus detected PENDANT experiment finds popular use for structure determination via one-bond 13C-1H scalar couplings. PENDANT facilitates the desired increase in 13C signal-to-noise ratio, and unlike many other pulse sequence experiments (e.g., refocused INEPT and DEPT), allows the simultaneous detection of 13C quaternary nuclei. The tlrst chapter herein details the characterisation of PENDANT and the successful rectification of spectral anomalies that occur when it is used without proton broadband decoupling. Multiple-bond (long-range) l3C-1H scalar coupling correlations can yield important bonding information. When the molecule under scrutiny is devoid of proton spectral crowding, and more sensitive 'inverse' pulse sequence experiments are not available, one may use insensitive nucleus detected long-range selective one-dimensional correlation methods, rather than more time consuming and insensitive multidimensional analogues. To this end a novel long-range selective one-dimensional correlation pulse sequence experiment has been invented. Based on PENDANT, the new experiment is shown to rival the popular selective INEPT technique because it can determine the same correlations while simultaneously detecting isolated 13C quaternary nuclei. INEPT cannot facilitate this, potentially leaving other important quaternary nuclei undetected. The novel sequence has been modified further to yield a second novel experiment that simultaneously yields selective 13C transient nOe data. Consequently, the need to perform the two experiments back-to-back is conveniently removed, and the experimental time reduced. Finally, the SNARE pulse sequence was further developed. SNARE facilitates the reduction of experimental time by accelerating the relaxation of protons upon which pulse sequences, to which SNARE is appended, relies. It is shown, contrary to the original publication, that reiaxation time savings can be derived from negative nOes.