891 resultados para Dialogues de maturité
BACKGROUND Co-speech gestures are part of nonverbal communication during conversations. They either support the verbal message or provide the interlocutor with additional information. Furthermore, they prompt as nonverbal cues the cooperative process of turn taking. In the present study, we investigated the influence of co-speech gestures on the perception of dyadic dialogue in aphasic patients. In particular, we analysed the impact of co-speech gestures on gaze direction (towards speaker or listener) and fixation of body parts. We hypothesized that aphasic patients, who are restricted in verbal comprehension, adapt their visual exploration strategies. METHODS Sixteen aphasic patients and 23 healthy control subjects participated in the study. Visual exploration behaviour was measured by means of a contact-free infrared eye-tracker while subjects were watching videos depicting spontaneous dialogues between two individuals. Cumulative fixation duration and mean fixation duration were calculated for the factors co-speech gesture (present and absent), gaze direction (to the speaker or to the listener), and region of interest (ROI), including hands, face, and body. RESULTS Both aphasic patients and healthy controls mainly fixated the speaker's face. We found a significant co-speech gesture × ROI interaction, indicating that the presence of a co-speech gesture encouraged subjects to look at the speaker. Further, there was a significant gaze direction × ROI × group interaction revealing that aphasic patients showed reduced cumulative fixation duration on the speaker's face compared to healthy controls. CONCLUSION Co-speech gestures guide the observer's attention towards the speaker, the source of semantic input. It is discussed whether an underlying semantic processing deficit or a deficit to integrate audio-visual information may cause aphasic patients to explore less the speaker's face.
The study investigated the predictive utility of interest profile differentiation, coherence, elevation, congruence, and vocational identity commitment and career maturity (career planning and exploration) on the 10-month interest stability of 292 Swiss eighth-grade students: profile, rank, and level stabilities were assessed. Controlling for socio-demographic and vocational interest type variables, measures of differentiated and coherent vocational interests were significant predictors of profile stability. Interest elevation predicted more rank and level stability. The career development variables explained only a non-significant additional amount of variance in the different stability measures.
In Plato’s dialogues, the Phaedo, Laches, and Republic, Socrates warns his interlocutors about the dangers of misology. Misology is explained by analogy with misanthropy, not as the hatred of other human beings, but as the hatred of the logos or reasonable discourse. According to Socrates, misology arises when a person alternates between believing an argument to be correct, and then refuting it as false. If Socrates is right, then misanthropy is sometimes instilled when a person goes from trusting people to learning that others sometimes betray our reliance and expectations, and finally not to placing any confidence whatsoever in other people, or, in the case of misology, in the correctness or trustworthiness of arguments. A cynical indifference to the soundness of arguments generally is sometimes associated with Socrates’ polemical targets, the Sophists, at least as Plato represents Socrates’ reaction to these itinerant teachers of rhetoric, public speaking and the fashioning of arguments suitable to any occasion. Socrates’ injunctions against misology are largely moral, pronouncing it ‘shameful’ and ‘very wicked’, and something that without further justification we must ‘guard against’, maintaining that we will be less excellent persons if we come to despise argument as lacking the potential of leading to the truth. I examine Socrates’ moral objections to misology which I show to be inconclusive. I consider instead the problem of logical coherence in the motivations supposedly underlying misology, and conclude that misology as Socrates intends the concept is an emotional reaction to argumentation on the part of persons who have not acquired the logical dialectical skills or will to sort out good from bad arguments. We cannot dismiss argument as directed toward the truth unless we have a strong reason for doing so, and any such argument must itself presuppose that at least some reasoning can be justified in discovering and justifying belief in interesting truths. The relevant passages from Socrates’ discussion of the soul’s immortality in the Phaedo are discussed in detail, and set in scholarly background against Socrates’ philosophy more generally, as represented by Plato’s dialogues. I conclude by offering a suggestive list of practical remedies to avoid the alienation from argument in dialectic with which Socrates is concerned.
The concept of a dialogue is considered in general terms from the standpoint of its referential presuppositions. The semantics of dialogue implies that dialogue participants must generally have a collective intentionality of agreed-upon references that is minimally sufficient for them to be able to disagree about other things, and ideally for outstanding disagreements to become clearer at successive stages of the dialogue. These points are detailed and illustrated in a fictional dialogue, in which precisely these kinds of referential confusions impede progress in shared understanding. It is only through a continuous exchange of question and answer in this dialogue case study that the meanings of key terms and anaphorical references are disambiguated, and a relevantly complete collective intentionality of shared meaning between dialogue participants is achieved. The importance of a minimally shared referential semantics for the terms entering into reasoning and argument in dialogue contexts broadly construed cannot be over-estimated. Where to draw the line between referential agreement and disagreement within any chosen dialogue, as participants work toward better mutual understanding in clearing up referential incongruities, is sometimes among the dialogue’s main points of dispute.
This paper presents a shallow dialogue analysis model, aimed at human-human dialogues in the context of staff or business meetings. Four components of the model are defined, and several machine learning techniques are used to extract features from dialogue transcripts: maximum entropy classifiers for dialogue acts, latent semantic analysis for topic segmentation, or decision tree classifiers for discourse markers. A rule-based approach is proposed for solving cross-modal references to meeting documents. The methods are trained and evaluated thanks to a common data set and annotation format. The integration of the components into an automated shallow dialogue parser opens the way to multimodal meeting processing and retrieval applications.
Background: Co-speech gestures are part of nonverbal communication during conversations. They either support the verbal message or provide the interlocutor with additional information. Furthermore, they prompt as nonverbal cues the cooperative process of turn taking. In the present study, we investigated the influence of co-speech gestures on the perception of dyadic dialogue in aphasic patients. In particular, we analysed the impact of co-speech gestures on gaze direction (towards speaker or listener) and fixation of body parts. We hypothesized that aphasic patients, who are restricted in verbal comprehension, adapt their visual exploration strategies. Methods: Sixteen aphasic patients and 23 healthy control subjects participated in the study. Visual exploration behaviour was measured by means of a contact-free infrared eye-tracker while subjects were watching videos depicting spontaneous dialogues between two individuals. Cumulative fixation duration and mean fixation duration were calculated for the factors co-speech gesture (present and absent), gaze direction (to the speaker or to the listener), and region of interest (ROI), including hands, face, and body. Results: Both aphasic patients and healthy controls mainly fixated the speaker’s face. We found a significant co-speech gesture x ROI interaction, indicating that the presence of a co-speech gesture encouraged subjects to look at the speaker. Further, there was a significant gaze direction x ROI x group interaction revealing that aphasic patients showed reduced cumulative fixation duration on the speaker’s face compared to healthy controls. Conclusion: Co-speech gestures guide the observer’s attention towards the speaker, the source of semantic input. It is discussed whether an underlying semantic processing deficit or a deficit to integrate audio-visual information may cause aphasic patients to explore less the speaker’s face. Keywords: Gestures, visual exploration, dialogue, aphasia, apraxia, eye movements
Objectives. The aims of this qualitative descriptive exploratory study were to (1) describe informal caregiver commitment in informal caregiving; (2) describe caregiver expectations in informal caregiving; (3) describe caregiver role negotiation in informal caregiving, (4) identify other important caregiver energy sources; and (5) refine the conceptual model of Informal Caregiving Dynamics based on the study results. ^ Methods. Participants were 40 informal caregivers of blood and marrow transplant patients being treated at a comprehensive cancer center who told their caregiving stories in an audiotaped dialogue. Patients consented to have their caregivers contacted about the study and to have information collected from their medical records. To address the specific aims, the dialogues were analyzed for major elements and themes with an adaptation of the descriptive exploratory method. ^ Findings. Commitment was redefined as enduring caregiver responsibility that inspires life changes to make the patient a priority. Commitment calls caregivers to supportive presence and self-affirming loving connection with the patient. Expectation management was defined as envisioning the future and yearning to return to normal. Expectation management includes taking one day at a time, gauging behavior from past experiences with the patient, and reconciling anticipated to actual treatment twists and turns. Role negotiation was defined as appropriate pushing by the caregiver toward patient recovery and independence after getting a handle on complex care that demands shared responsibilities. Role negotiation happens as caregivers determine action with attention to patient voice and vigilantly bridge communication between patients and the health care system. Three additional energy sources of caring for self, gaining insight, and connecting with others, were identified and added to the model as underpinnings for commitment, expectation, and role negotiation respectively. ^ Discussion and implications. Methods of supporting informal caregivers that deserve investigation include consistent acknowledgment of caregiver contribution to patient care; provision of clear, present-focused information; opportunities to reconcile expectations with outcomes by developing a coherent caregiving story; and encouragement to maintain good health habits while caregiving. Patient contribution to the dynamics of caregiving warrants future research attention as does change in energy sources over time as a caregiver. ^
En este artículo procuro elucidar el vínculo que David Hume establece entre religión y moral en los Diálogos sobre religión natural (1779). A la luz de esta temática pueden diferenciarse tres especies de religión: el teísmo mitigado, la religión vulgar y el teísmo moral. La primera variedad evita toda injerencia en la vida moral de las personas, en tanto que las dos últimas aspiran a regular el comportamiento. Por otra parte, si tomamos en cuenta el criterio de su existencia efectiva, el agrupamiento cambia: sólo los dos primeros tipos se dan en la realidad empírica, mientras que el tercero es un mero paradigma especulativo. Para esta clasificación tripartita resulta esencial, además, la disquisición acerca de la naturaleza divina. Ahora, en el marco de esta taxonomía, mi hipótesis central es que para Hume el teísmo moral es un mero tipo ideal con el cual algunos teólogos fantasean.
Este artículo surge del diálogo entre distintos saberes y conocimientos, con el objetivo de identificar principalmente las convergencias entre el Buen Vivir/Vivir Bien y los feminismos latinoamericanos. Iniciamos este trabajo considerando las ideas centrales del enfoque del Buen Vivir/Vivir Bien y sus mecanismos de traducción concreta en las reformas constitucionales de Bolivia y Ecuador. Luego, nos detenemos en las confluencias –aunque identificando algunas tensiones– entre esta última propuesta y los feminismos, haciendo foco en la dimensión económica. Y finalmente, reflexionamos sobre los aspectos nodales desarrollados en el trabajo, buscando, asimismo repensar el papel de las ciencias sociales a la luz de estas corrientes de pensamiento y de los procesos sociales contrahegemónicos.
El presente trabajo refiere a concepciones teóricas de la Geografía, la Transformación y la Inteligencia Territorial (Girardot, 2009) como perspectivas y como herramientas útiles y articuladas para trabajar en la escuela en el marco de procesos de transposición didáctica (Chevallard, 1991). Se articulan estas concepciones con perspectivas científicas en el marco de un paradigma emergente (de Sousa, 2009) así como de investigación-acción-participativa (Fals Borda, 1986, 2009) y del proyecto como un objeto, no sólo de estudio sino de intervención y transformación (Bozzano, 2012). Finalmente, se presentan tres propuestas de transposición didáctica impulsadas por docentes de localidades del sur de Santa Fe (Argentina) en el marco del diálogo teórico y científico planteado en este trabajo. En las conclusiones se abre a nuevas reflexiones científicas en cuatro líneas referidas a: predisposiciones y resistencias; diálogos de saberes (Freire, 1996) en clave de Inteligencia Territorial, una Geografía más útil y atractiva; y geo-transformare, una Geografía con Inteligencia Territorial.
En los albores mismos de su filosofía, Platón muestra especial interés por determinar en qué consiste la indagación filosófica o dialéctica. En este trabajo intentaremos reconstruir el proceso mediante el cual Platón lleva a cabo su propósito, centrándonos en el examen de los comienzos de este proceso, que ciertamente se extiende hasta los últimos escritos platónicos. A partir del análisis de la Apología, el Laques y el Cármides, sostendremos que para Platón lo que se espera del auténtico indagador-filósofo -al menos en lo que toca a estos tres diálogos socráticos- es que sea capaz de definir con claridad y corrección qué es cada cosa, conjuntamente con un otro, en el seno de una discusión que dé a la vez que reciba razones bien fundamentadas. De este modo, esperamos poner de manifiesto la notable identificación que opera Platón entre el propio advenimiento de su pensamiento y la instauración de lo que él presenta como práctica dialéctica
Se propone la descripción y el análisis del empleo de la transmisión oral en la narrativa española actual como un recurso para configurar la memoria de la Guerra Civil española y del franquismo. Para ello se atendió especialmente a las estrategias que intervienen en la representación de la oralidad en relación con los diálogos y los relatos orales, entre otros procedimientos a través de los cuales se transmite el pasado traumático dentro de la ficción. Ha sido analizada la representación de la oralidad en la producción narrativa ficcional de diversos autores españoles de finales del siglo XX y comienzos del siglo XXI que han abordado la temática de la Guerra Civil en una situación particular en cuanto al surgimiento de replanteos y debates acerca del tratamiento del conflicto bélico. Los objetivos generales que guiaron el trabajo han sido indagar la presencia y la función de la transmisión oral en la literatura, profundizar el estudio de la oralidad como voz emergente de colectivos sociales desplazados y analizar la funcionalidad del empleo de la oralidad en textos representativos de la narrativa española contemporánea. A su vez, más específicamente, se propuso profundizar en el estudio de la ficcionalización de la transmisión oral como un artificio para la construcción de la memoria en la narrativa española actual, vincular las posibilidades de transmisión de la historia de la Guerra Civil española con medios propios de la historia oral en la literatura -especialmente en la novela-, problematizar determinadas perspectivas sobre el testimonio en la medida en que son literaturizadas para una concepción de la memoria de la Guerra Civil, de la posguerra y de la dictadura, y estudiar algunas miradas contemporáneas acerca de la Guerra Civil y del franquismo desde el campo de la narrativa como un correlato de ciertos reclamos sociales de la actualidad respecto del pasado reciente. Para esto fueron analizadas diversas propuestas que surgieron esencialmente desde la literatura -con algún detenimiento en un texto fílmico- para abordar el pasado traumático y se consideraron las técnicas de transmisión empleadas para la narración ficcional de aspectos largamente silenciados por la historia oficial. El corpus central de textos literarios ha quedado conformado por O lapis do carpinteiro y Os libros arden mal, de Manuel Rivas, Guárdame bajo tierra, de Ramón Saizarbitoria, Soldados de Salamina, de Javier Cercas, Home sen nome, de Suso de Toro, y Mala gente que camina, de Benjamín Prado. Como corpus complementario, se tornó pertinente incorporar un capítulo que articula un texto fílmico (Muerte en El Valle, de Christina Hardt) con un texto literario (Las esquinas del aire. En busca de Ana María Martínez Sagi, de Juan Manuel de Prada). Esto, que en principio puede parecer un apartamiento del corpus central, favoreció el análisis del tratamiento del testimonio desde la estetización de un texto fílmico o literario. Al realizar la selección, se estudiaron, junto con autores que escriben y publican en castellano, algunos textos escritos originariamente en lenguas minorizadas (gallego y euskera)