1000 resultados para Diagnóstico viral
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública, Inclusión y Calidad de Vida de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social
El estudio consiste en un Diagnóstico socioambiental de la Comunidad Huarpe de Huanacache y un Plan de ambientalización con acciones destinadas a mejorar la calidad de vida de los pobladores. Surge a partir de la propuesta de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo de participar en el proyecto “Ordenamiento del territorio, turismo y educación desde el paradigma del desarrollo sostenible”
It has been estimated that more than 70% of all medical activity is directly related to information providing analytical data. Substantial technological advances have taken place recently, which have allowed a previously unimagined number of analytical samples to be processed while offering high quality results. Concurrently, yet more new diagnostic determinations have been introduced - all of which has led to a significant increase in the prescription of analytical parameters. This increased workload has placed great pressure on the laboratory with respect to health costs. The present manager of the Clinical Laboratory (CL) has had to examine cost control as well as rationing - meaning that the CL's focus has not been strictly metrological, as if it were purely a system producing results, but instead has had to concentrate on its efficiency and efficacy. By applying re-engineering criteria, an emphasis has had to be placed on improved organisation and operating practice within the CL, focussing on the current criteria of the Integrated Management Areas where the technical and human resources are brought together. This re-engineering has been based on the concepts of consolidating and integrating the analytical platforms, while differentiating the production areas (CORE Laboratory) from the information areas. With these present concepts in mind, automation and virological treatment, along with serology in general, follow the same criteria as the rest of the operating methodology in the Clinical Laboratory.
Nucleic acid amplification techniques are commonly used currently to diagnose viral diseases and manage patients with this kind of illnesses. These techniques have had a rapid but unconventional route of development during the last 30 years, with the discovery and introduction of several assays in clinical diagnosis. The increase in the number of commercially available methods has facilitated the use of this technology in the majority of laboratories worldwide. This technology has reduced the use of some other techniques such as viral culture based methods and serological assays in the clinical virology laboratory. Moreover, nucleic acid amplification techniques are now the methods of reference and also the most useful assays for the diagnosis in several diseases. The introduction of these techniques and their automation provides new opportunities for the clinical laboratory to affect patient care. The main objectives in performing nucleic acid tests in this field are to provide timely results useful for high-quality patient care at a reasonable cost, because rapid results are associated with improvements in patients care. The use of amplification techniques such as polymerase chain reaction, real-time polymerase chain reaction or nucleic acid sequence-based amplification for virus detection, genotyping and quantification have some advantages like high sensitivity and reproducibility, as well as a broad dynamic range. This review is an up-to-date of the main nucleic acid techniques and their clinical applications, and special challenges and opportunities that these techniques currently provide for the clinical virology laboratory.
Viruses rapidly evolve, and HIV in particular is known to be one of the fastest evolving human viruses. It is now commonly accepted that viral evolution is the cause of the intriguing dynamics exhibited during HIV infections and the ultimate success of the virus in its struggle with the immune system. To study viral evolution, we use a simple mathematical model of the within-host dynamics of HIV which incorporates random mutations. In this model, we assume a continuous distribution of viral strains in a one-dimensional phenotype space where random mutations are modelled by di ffusion. Numerical simulations show that random mutations combined with competition result in evolution towards higher Darwinian fitness: a stable traveling wave of evolution, moving towards higher levels of fi tness, is formed in the phenoty space.
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud
En Cub.: Metodología para calcular la duración probable por patologías con variables individuales.
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud
Outbreaks caused by vaccine-derived polioviruses are challenging the final eradication of paralytic poliomyelitis. Therefore, the surveillance of the acute flaccid paralysis cases based on poliovirus isolation and characterization remains an essential activity. Due to the use of trivalent oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV), mixtures containing more than one serotype of Sabin-related polioviruses are frequently isolated from clinical samples. Because each poliovirus isolate needs to be individually analyzed, we designed polymerase chain reaction primers that can selectively distinguish and amplify a genomic segment of the three Sabin-related poliovirus serotypes present in mixtures, thus, optimizing the diagnosis and providing prompt information to support epidemiologic actions.
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the interleukin (IL)28B locus have been associated with a sustained virological response (SVR) in interferon-ribavirin (IFN-RBV)-treated chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected patients in European and African populations. In this study, the genotype frequency of two IL28B SNPs (rs129679860 and rs8099917) in a cohort of chronic HCV-monoinfected patients in Brazil was evaluated and the SNP sufficient to predict the treatment response outcome was determined. A total of 66 naïve genotype-1 chronic HCV-infected patients were genotyped and the associated viral kinetics and SVR were assessed. The overall SVR was 38%. Both the viral kinetics and SVR were associated with rs129679860 genotypes (CC = 62% vs. CT = 33% vs. TT = 18%, p = 0.016). However, rs8099917 genotypes were only associated with SVR (TT = 53% vs. TG = 33% vs. GG = 18%; p = 0.032). In this population, the analysis of a single SNP, rs12979860, successfully predicts SVR in the IFN-RBV treatment of HCV.
BACKGROUND: This study compared the incidence of fatal and nonfatal AIDS and non-AIDS events in HIV-positive individuals with a CD4 cell count more than 350 cells/μl among viral load strata: low (<500 copies/ml), intermediate (500-9999.9 copies/ml) and high (≥ 10000 copies/ml). METHODS: Individuals contributed person-years at risk if their most recent CD4 cell count was more than 350 cells/μl. Follow-up was censored if their CD4 cell count dropped below 350 cells/μl. Poisson regression analysis investigated the relationship between viraemia and the incidence of AIDS and non-AIDS events. RESULTS: Three hundred and fifty-four AIDS events occurred during 51 732 person-years of follow-up (PYFU), crude incidence rate of AIDS across the three strata was 0.53, 0.90 and 2.12 per 100 PYFU, respectively. After adjustment, a higher rate of AIDS was observed in individuals with moderate [incidence rate ratio (IRR) 1.44, 1.02-2.05, P = 0.03] and high viraemia had a higher rate (IRR 3.91, 2.89-5.89, P < 0.0001) compared with low viraemia. Five hundred and seventy-two non-AIDS events occurred during 43 784 PYFU, the crude incidence rates were 1.28, 1.52, and 1.38 per 100 PYFU, respectively. After adjustment, particularly for age, region of Europe and starting combination antiretroviral therapy, there was a 61% (IRR 1.61, 1.21-2.14, P = 0.001) and 66% (IRR 1.66, 1.17-2.32, P = 0.004) higher rate of non-AIDS in individuals with intermediate and high viraemia compared with low viraemia. CONCLUSION: In individuals with a CD4 cell count more than 350 cells/μl, an increased incidence of AIDS and a slightly increased incidence of non-AIDS was found in those with uncontrolled viral replication. The association with AIDS was clear and consistent. However, the association with non-AIDS was only apparent after adjustment and no differences were observed between intermediate and high viraemia.
La infección por el Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humano (VIH) y el Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia adquirida (SIDA) afecta a millones de personas en todo el mundo, y constituye una amenaza a la salud y la vida de muchas otras más, sobre todo en países en vías de desarrollo. Existe un gran interés en el desarrollo de nuevas metodologías analíticas para el diagnóstico de dicha enfermedad de forma rápida, económica y fuera del ámbito del laboratorio por personal no especializado. Los biosensores son dispositivos ideales para cubrir esta demanda analítica facilitando la toma de decisiones y permitiendo un uso racional de técnicas analíticas confirmatorias más costosas. Se plantea el diseño de una estrategia magneto-ELISA con detección óptica así como un dispositivo magneto biosensor electroquímico para el diagnóstico de SIDA a través del recuento de células marcadoras de la enfermedad presentes en la sangre. Ambas estrategias se basan en la captura inmunomagnética de linfocitos T CD4+ con partículas magnéticas modificadas con anticuerpos monoclonales específicos (anti-CD3). La detección de las células capturadas se realiza con un anticuerpo primario anti-CD4 marcado con biotina (antiCD4-biotina) y con un conjugado de estreptavidina y de la enzima HRP (peroxidasa de rábano picante). La unión de esta enzima al anticuerpo primario se realiza a través del complejo biotina/estreptavidina. Se proponen dos tipos de sistemas de detección: óptico y electroquímico. Esto se logra mediante la elección adecuada del sustrato para cada sistema planteado. El dispositivo biosensor basados en un transductor electroquímico renovable y magnético acoplado a partículas magnéticas específicas para las células marcadoras de la enfermedad, consigue la simplificación metodológica y facilita la transferencia de la tecnología hacia la fabricación de un biokit diagnóstico en el ámbito clínico. La potencial aplicación de los dispositivos analíticos propuestos en este trabajo tienen un interés social elevado por su idoneidad para realizar análisis, rápidos, económicos y en el ámbito de la propia consulta médica.
BACKGROUND: Malnutrition is a major public health problems, according to WHO, is the leading cause of death, when it affects the group of hospitalized patients, making denominating separate entity "hospital malnutrition". OBJECTIVES: The overall objective is to quantify the main diagnoses frequently high, causing exitus, with secondary diagnosis of malnutrition. METHODS: This is a descriptive study, which included all hospital discharges in 2011 and first half of 2012, which have been exitus and whose secondary diagnosis of malnutrition, with the total of 33. We performed a descriptive analysis, effected the Mann-Whitney nonparametric test (p < 0.05). RESULTS: The most frequent main diagnoses among 33 analyzed are high sepsis (12.1%), liver metastases (9.1%), pneumonia (6.1%), acute respiratory failure (6.1%) and renal acute renal (6.1%). CONCLUSIONS: Although the most frequent primary diagnosis of sepsis, by grouping the diagnoses, the most frequent DRG is respiratory disease, so it has to make comprehensive and quality coding to adjust the relative weight of the same reality. It is essential to specify the source of clinical information used for coding, the degree of malnutrition, for greater specificity in the data.