923 resultados para Devaney chaos
Dynamical properties for a beam light inside a sinusoidally corrugated waveguide are discussed in this paper. The beam is confined inside two-mirrors: one is flat and the other one is sinusoidally corrugated. The evolution of the system is described by the use of a two-dimensional and nonlinear mapping. The phase space of the system is of mixed type therefore exhibiting a large chaotic sea, periodic islands and invariant KAM curves. A careful discussion of the numerical method to solve the transcendental equations of the mapping is given. We characterize the probability of observing successive reflections of the light by the corrugated mirror and show that it is scaling invariant with respect to the amplitude of the corrugation. Average properties of the chaotic sea are also described by the use of scaling arguments.
The behavior of the average energy for an ensemble of non-interacting particles is studied using scaling arguments in a dissipative time-dependent stadium-like billiard. The dynamics of the system is described by a four dimensional nonlinear mapping. The dissipation is introduced via inelastic collisions between the particles and the moving boundary. For different combinations of initial velocities and damping coefficients, the long time dynamics of the particles leads them to reach different states of final energy and to visit different attractors, which change as the dissipation is varied. The decay of the average energy of the particles, which is observed for a large range of restitution coefficients and different initial velocities, is described using scaling arguments. Since this system exhibits unlimited energy growth in the absence of dissipation, our results for the dissipative case give support to the principle that Fermi acceleration seems not to be a robust phenomenon. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3699465]
The hero's journey is a narrative structure identified by several authors in comparative studies on folklore and mythology. This storytelling template presents the stages of inner metamorphosis undergone by the protagonist after being called to an adventure. In a simplified version, this journey is divided into three acts separated by two crucial moments. Here we propose a discrete-time dynamical system for representing the protagonist's evolution. The suffering along the journey is taken as the control parameter of this system. The bifurcation diagram exhibits stationary, periodic and chaotic behaviors. In this diagram, there are transition from fixed point to chaos and transition from limit cycle to fixed point. We found that the values of the control parameter corresponding to these two transitions are in quantitative agreement with the two critical moments of the three-act hero's journey identified in 10 movies appearing in the list of the 200 worldwide highest-grossing films. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
It has been recently shown numerically that the transition from integrability to chaos in quantum systems and the corresponding spectral fluctuations are characterized by 1/f(alpha) noise with 1 <= alpha <= 2. The system of interacting trapped bosons is inhomogeneous and complex. The presence of an external harmonic trap makes it more interesting as, in the atomic trap, the bosons occupy partly degenerate single-particle states. Earlier theoretical and experimental results show that at zero temperature the low-lying levels are of a collective nature and high-lying excitations are of a single-particle nature. We observe that for few bosons, the P(s) distribution shows the Shnirelman peak, which exhibits a large number of quasidegenerate states. For a large number of bosons the low-lying levels are strongly affected by the interatomic interaction, and the corresponding level fluctuation shows a transition to a Wigner distribution with an increase in particle number. It does not follow Gaussian orthogonal ensemble random matrix predictions. For high-lying levels we observe the uncorrelated Poisson distribution. Thus it may be a very realistic system to prove that 1/f(alpha) noise is ubiquitous in nature.
Period adding cascades have been observed experimentally/numerically in the dynamics of neurons and pancreatic cells, lasers, electric circuits, chemical reactions, oceanic internal waves, and also in air bubbling. We show that the period adding cascades appearing in bubbling from a nozzle submerged in a viscous liquid can be reproduced by a simple model, based on some hydrodynamical principles, dealing with the time evolution of two variables, bubble position and pressure of the air chamber, through a system of differential equations with a rule of detachment based on force balance. The model further reduces to an iterating one-dimensional map giving the pressures at the detachments, where time between bubbles come out as an observable of the dynamics. The model has not only good agreement with experimental data, but is also able to predict the influence of the main parameters involved, like the length of the hose connecting the air supplier with the needle, the needle radius and the needle length. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3695345]
Financial markets can be viewed as a highly complex evolving system that is very sensitive to economic instabilities. The complex organization of the market can be represented in a suitable fashion in terms of complex networks, which can be constructed from stock prices such that each pair of stocks is connected by a weighted edge that encodes the distance between them. In this work, we propose an approach to analyze the topological and dynamic evolution of financial networks based on the stock correlation matrices. An entropy-related measurement is adopted to quantify the robustness of the evolving financial market organization. It is verified that the network topological organization suffers strong variation during financial instabilities and the networks in such periods become less robust. A statistical robust regression model is proposed to quantity the relationship between the network structure and resilience. The obtained coefficients of such model indicate that the average shortest path length is the measurement most related to network resilience coefficient. This result indicates that a collective behavior is observed between stocks during financial crisis. More specifically, stocks tend to synchronize their price evolution, leading to a high correlation between pair of stock prices, which contributes to the increase in distance between them and, consequently, decrease the network resilience. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3683467]
This work clarifies the relationship between network circuit (topology) and behavior (information transmission and synchronization) in active networks, e. g. neural networks. As an application, we show how to determine a network topology that is optimal for information transmission. By optimal, we mean that the network is able to transmit a large amount of information, it possesses a large number of communication channels, and it is robust under large variations of the network coupling configuration. This theoretical approach is general and does not depend on the particular dynamic of the elements forming the network, since the network topology can be determined by finding a Laplacian matrix (the matrix that describes the connections and the coupling strengths among the elements) whose eigenvalues satisfy some special conditions. To illustrate our ideas and theoretical approaches, we use neural networks of electrically connected chaotic Hindmarsh-Rose neurons.
The transient and equilibrium properties of dynamics unfolding in complex systems can depend critically on specific topological features of the underlying interconnections. In this work, we investigate such a relationship with respect to the integrate-and-fire dynamics emanating from a source node and an extended network model that allows control of the small-world feature as well as the length of the long-range connections. A systematic approach to investigate the local and global correlations between structural and dynamical features of the networks was adopted that involved extensive simulations (one and a half million cases) so as to obtain two-dimensional correlation maps. Smooth, but diverse surfaces of correlation values were obtained in all cases. Regarding the global cases, it has been verified that the onset avalanche time (but not its intensity) can be accurately predicted from the structural features within specific regions of the map (i.e. networks with specific structural properties). The analysis at local level revealed that the dynamical features before the avalanches can also be accurately predicted from structural features. This is not possible for the dynamical features after the avalanches take place. This is so because the overall topology of the network predominates over the local topology around the source at the stationary state.
The existing characterization of stability regions was developed under the assumption that limit sets on the stability boundary are exclusively composed of hyperbolic equilibrium points and closed orbits. The characterizations derived in this technical note are a generalization of existing results in the theory of stability regions. A characterization of the stability boundary of general autonomous nonlinear dynamical systems is developed under the assumption that limit sets on the stability boundary are composed of a countable number of disjoint and indecomposable components, which can be equilibrium points, closed orbits, quasi-periodic solutions and even chaotic invariant sets.
A complete characterization of the stability boundary of a class of nonlinear dynamical systems that admit energy functions is developed in this paper. This characterization generalizes the existing results by allowing the type-zero saddle-node nonhyperbolic equilibrium points on the stability boundary. Conceptual algorithms to obtain optimal estimates of the stability region (basin of attraction) in the form of level sets of a given family of energy functions are derived. The behavior of the stability region and the corresponding estimates are investigated for parameter variation in the neighborhood of a type-zero saddle-node bifurcation value.
Increasing age is associated with a reduction in overall heart rate variability as well as changes in complexity of physiologic dynamics. The aim of this study was to verify if the alterations in autonomic modulation of heart rate caused by the aging process could be detected by Shannon entropy (SE), conditional entropy (CE) and symbolic analysis (SA). Complexity analysis was carried out in 44 healthy subjects divided into two groups: old (n = 23, 63 +/- A 3 years) and young group (n = 21, 23 +/- A 2). It was analyzed SE, CE [complexity index (CI) and normalized CI (NCI)] and SA (0V, 1V, 2LV and 2ULV patterns) during short heart period series (200 cardiac beats) derived from ECG recordings during 15 min of rest in a supine position. The sequences characterized by three heart periods with no significant variations (0V), and that with two significant unlike variations (2ULV) reflect changes in sympathetic and vagal modulation, respectively. The unpaired t test (or Mann-Whitney rank sum test when appropriate) was used in the statistical analysis. In the aging process, the distributions of patterns (SE) remain similar to young subjects. However, the regularity is significantly different; the patterns are more repetitive in the old group (a decrease of CI and NCI). The amounts of pattern types are different: 0V is increased and 2LV and 2ULV are reduced in the old group. These differences indicate marked change of autonomic regulation. The CE and SA are feasible techniques to detect alteration in autonomic control of heart rate in the old group.
Over the past few years, the field of global optimization has been very active, producing different kinds of deterministic and stochastic algorithms for optimization in the continuous domain. These days, the use of evolutionary algorithms (EAs) to solve optimization problems is a common practice due to their competitive performance on complex search spaces. EAs are well known for their ability to deal with nonlinear and complex optimization problems. Differential evolution (DE) algorithms are a family of evolutionary optimization techniques that use a rather greedy and less stochastic approach to problem solving, when compared to classical evolutionary algorithms. The main idea is to construct, at each generation, for each element of the population a mutant vector, which is constructed through a specific mutation operation based on adding differences between randomly selected elements of the population to another element. Due to its simple implementation, minimum mathematical processing and good optimization capability, DE has attracted attention. This paper proposes a new approach to solve electromagnetic design problems that combines the DE algorithm with a generator of chaos sequences. This approach is tested on the design of a loudspeaker model with 17 degrees of freedom, for showing its applicability to electromagnetic problems. The results show that the DE algorithm with chaotic sequences presents better, or at least similar, results when compared to the standard DE algorithm and other evolutionary algorithms available in the literature.
The harmonic oscillations of a Duffing oscillator driven by a limited power supply are investigated as a function of the alternative strength of the rotor. The semi-trivial and non-trivial solutions are derived. We examine the stability of these solutions and then explore the complex behaviors associated with the bifurcations sequences. Interestingly, a 3D diagram provides a global view of the effects of alternate strength on the appearance of chaos and hyperchaos on the system.
The escape dynamics of a classical light ray inside a corrugated waveguide is characterised by the use of scaling arguments. The model is described via a two-dimensional nonlinear and area preserving mapping. The phase space of the mapping contains a set of periodic islands surrounded by a large chaotic sea that is confined by a set of invariant tori. When a hole is introduced in the chaotic sea, letting the ray escape, the histogram of frequency of the number of escaping particles exhibits rapid growth, reaching a maximum value at n(p) and later decaying asymptotically to zero. The behaviour of the histogram of escape frequency is characterised using scaling arguments. The scaling formalism is widely applicable to critical phenomena and useful in characterisation of phase transitions, including transitions from limited to unlimited energy growth in two-dimensional time varying billiard problems. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We studied free surface oscillations of a fluid in a cylinder tank excited by an electric motor with limited power supply. We investigated the possibility of parametric resonance in this system, showing that the excitation mechanism can generate chaotic response. Numerical experiments are carried out to present the existence of several types of regular and chaotic attractors. For the first time powers (power of the motor, power consumed by the damping force under fluid free surface oscillations, and a total power) are calculated, investigated, and shown for different regimes, regular and chaotic ones for parametric resonance interactions. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4005844]