998 resultados para Deutscher Bund (Secret society)


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En la lluita contra el càncer, la recerca de nous fàrmacs cada cop més efectius i específics sovint troba un escull important: en molts tumors hi ha una petita fracció de cèl·lules resistents, que no es poden eliminar fàcilment. Tanmateix, el principal problema no és aquest, sinó que, a més, acostumen a respondre als fàrmacs incrementant la taxa de proliferació i la capacitat de fer metàstasi. Això fa que alguns tractaments no acabin de ser del tot efectius a llarg termini, per la presència cada cop més nombrosa i dispersa d'aquestes cèl·lules canceroses resistents. L'equip de recerca de Joan Massagué, al Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center de Nova York, ha demostrat que aquest efecte a llarg termini induït pels mateixos fàrmacs és perquè les cèl·lules sensibles, abans de morir, preparen un ambient molt favorable per a les resistents.


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This paper compares different times of museums considering the situation of the past two decades. It reflects on the upswing and down, knowing that partake of the latter and we are in a deep crisis and unsustainable policies dictating contradictory. This situation raises the museums with their own project and creative professionals can better overcome difficulties because they do not suffer crisis of ideas. Some paradoxes are evident as the case of Greece, the place where the museums are repositories of highly relevant cultural values and the same institutions that have enhanced their improvement in the years of the upswing, they currently require, cuts that put them in a position risk. Similarly we can see that policies are applied to thin the identity of museums since they rely on adjustments that do not study each particular case. Alternatively there is the creativity and efforts of managers and professionals in general and cooperative work. It gives details of some of our participatory projects that go in this direction and to be successfully applied


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Quimica Nova and the Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society are two examples of successful initiatives taken by the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ - Sociedade Brasileira de Química), and may serve as models for the scientific societies of developing countries. Pillars of the SBQ, these two periodicals are undeniable demonstrations that idealism, utopia and dignity are the essential ingredients for transforming dreams into reality. Few believed that the Brazilian chemical community would one day have, as it does today, two scientific research periodicals indexed in the principal international data banks.


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This paper discusses of the use of the Impact Factor in the evaluation of chemistry graduate courses by CAPES and the internationalization of the Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society and Química Nova.


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Ei vapaa, vapautuu 2027?. Kosti Vehanen (1887-1957), André Tellier (1902?-??).


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This study examines the place of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly known as the Mormon church) in the Russian Grand Duchy of Finland between the years 1840 and 1900. Attention is put on both the internal workings of the movement and the reactions of society. Theoretical insight is gained through the concepts of social construction and religious economies. Mormon image formation in Finland began by 1840 through newspaper reports on activities abroad and through essays on the faith’s history and doctrine. Mormons are mentioned almost 3,500 times in Finnish newspapers between 1840 and 1900, and at least twelve unique book titles sold in the country were explicitly devoted to discussing Mormonism. Most of the publicity was derived from foreign sources. Discourse analysis of this textual corpus shows a hegemonic discourse that combined themes such as fraud, deception, and theocracy in explaining the Mormon movement. Accompanied by plural marriage, these themes contributed to the construction of a strongly negative image of Mormonism already before the first missionaries arrived in 1875. In a society with a stringently regulated religious economy, this image contributed to a high level of resistance by civil authorities and Lutheran clergy. Twenty-five Mormon missionaries worked in Finland between 1875 and 1900, with a concentrated effort taking place between 1875 and 1889. At least 78 persons converted, mostly in the coastal areas among the Swedish-speaking minority population. Nine percent emigrated to Utah, 36% were excommunicated, others fell into oblivion, while still others clung to their new faith. The work was led from Sweden, with no stable church organization emerging among the isolated pockets of converts. Mormonism’s presence was thus characterized by private or small-group religiosity rather than a vibrant movement. The lack of religious community, conversation, and secondary socialization eventually caused the nineteenth-century manifestation of Finnish Mormonism to die out. Only one group of converts was perpetuated past World War II, after which large-scale proselytizing began.


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Avhandlingen handlar om den berömda tyska svartkonstnären och magikern Faust (eller Faustus). Faust gällde - och gäller - som en människa som aldrig nöjde sig med den vetskap som han själv hade kunnat nå. Han beslöt att söka efter en lösning för sitt missnöje hos djävulen i stället, gjorde alltså en pakt med denne för att kunna erfara sådant som egentligen bara Gud kunde veta. Djävulspakten är en av de viktigaste och väsentligaste beståndsdelarna i Faust-traditionen, men just den har också kunnat tolkas på särskild många olika sätt under de senaste århundradena: Vad hände t.ex. med en som gjorde en pakt med djävulen under renässanstiden, hur går det med en sådan människa i vår tid? Kan man överhuvudtaget göra en konkret pakt med en "djävul" i vår inte mera så "strängt-kristliga" tid? Avhandlingen använder djävulspakten och dess moralisk värdering i olika tyska Faust-verk som en röd tråd genom den europeiska litteratur- och kulturhistorian. Därutöver fogas de hittills mycket obekanta finska och svenska Faust-bearbetningarna genom denna röda tråd till den långa tyska Faust-traditionen. Avsikten är att genom ett sådant perspektiv skapa en enhetlig men dock mångsidig traditionskedja för Faust-legenden i Tyskland och i Norden, samt därigenom bevisa att legenden om Faust är fortfarande aktuell: de moraliska frågorna som en djävulspakt väckte på 1600-talet består ännu i dag men har förvandlats i form och följder.


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The flow of information within modern information society has increased rapidly over the last decade. The major part of this information flow relies on the individual’s abilities to handle text or speech input. For the majority of us it presents no problems, but there are some individuals who would benefit from other means of conveying information, e.g. signed information flow. During the last decades the new results from various disciplines have all suggested towards the common background and processing for sign and speech and this was one of the key issues that I wanted to investigate further in this thesis. The basis of this thesis is firmly within speech research and that is why I wanted to design analogous test batteries for widely used speech perception tests for signers – to find out whether the results for signers would be the same as in speakers’ perception tests. One of the key findings within biology – and more precisely its effects on speech and communication research – is the mirror neuron system. That finding has enabled us to form new theories about evolution of communication, and it all seems to converge on the hypothesis that all communication has a common core within humans. In this thesis speech and sign are discussed as equal and analogical counterparts of communication and all research methods used in speech are modified for sign. Both speech and sign are thus investigated using similar test batteries. Furthermore, both production and perception of speech and sign are studied separately. An additional framework for studying production is given by gesture research using cry sounds. Results of cry sound research are then compared to results from children acquiring sign language. These results show that individuality manifests itself from very early on in human development. Articulation in adults, both in speech and sign, is studied from two perspectives: normal production and re-learning production when the apparatus has been changed. Normal production is studied both in speech and sign and the effects of changed articulation are studied with regards to speech. Both these studies are done by using carrier sentences. Furthermore, sign production is studied giving the informants possibility for spontaneous speech. The production data from the signing informants is also used as the basis for input in the sign synthesis stimuli used in sign perception test battery. Speech and sign perception were studied using the informants’ answers to questions using forced choice in identification and discrimination tasks. These answers were then compared across language modalities. Three different informant groups participated in the sign perception tests: native signers, sign language interpreters and Finnish adults with no knowledge of any signed language. This gave a chance to investigate which of the characteristics found in the results were due to the language per se and which were due to the changes in modality itself. As the analogous test batteries yielded similar results over different informant groups, some common threads of results could be observed. Starting from very early on in acquiring speech and sign the results were highly individual. However, the results were the same within one individual when the same test was repeated. This individuality of results represented along same patterns across different language modalities and - in some occasions - across language groups. As both modalities yield similar answers to analogous study questions, this has lead us to providing methods for basic input for sign language applications, i.e. signing avatars. This has also given us answers to questions on precision of the animation and intelligibility for the users – what are the parameters that govern intelligibility of synthesised speech or sign and how precise must the animation or synthetic speech be in order for it to be intelligible. The results also give additional support to the well-known fact that intelligibility in fact is not the same as naturalness. In some cases, as shown within the sign perception test battery design, naturalness decreases intelligibility. This also has to be taken into consideration when designing applications. All in all, results from each of the test batteries, be they for signers or speakers, yield strikingly similar patterns, which would indicate yet further support for the common core for all human communication. Thus, we can modify and deepen the phonetic framework models for human communication based on the knowledge obtained from the results of the test batteries within this thesis.


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Unlike their counterparts in Europe and America, the citizen organizations acting for the well-being of animals in Japan have not received scholarly attention. In this research, I explore the activities of twelve Japanese pro-animal organizations in Tokyo and Kansai area from the perspective of social movement and civil society studies. The concept of a ‘pro-animal organization’ is used to refer generally to the collectives promoting animal well-being. By using the collective action frame analysis and the three core framing tasks – diagnostic, prognostic, and motivational – as the primarily analytical tools, I explore the grievances, tactics, motivational means, constructions of agency and identity as well as framing of civil society articulated in the newsletters and the interviews of the twelve organizations I interviewed in Japan in 2010. As the frame construction is always done in relation to the social and political context, I study how the organizations construct their roles as civil society actors in relation to other actors, such as the state, and the idea of citizen activism. The deficiencies in the animal welfare law and lack of knowledge among the public are identified as the main grievances. The primary tactic to overcome these problems was to educate and inform the citizens and authorities, because most organizations lack the channels to influence politically. The audiences were mostly portrayed as either ignorant bystanders or potential adherents. In order to motivate people to join their cause and to enforce the motivation within the organization, the organizations emphasized their uniqueness, proved their efficiency, claimed credit and celebrated even small improvements. The organizations tended to create three different roles for citizen pro-organizations in civil society: reactive, apolitical and emphatic animal lovers concentrating on saving individual animals, proactive, educative bridge-builders seeking to establish equal collaborative relations with authorities, and corrective, supervising watchdogs demanding change in delinquencies offending animal rights. Based on the results of this research, I suggest that by studying how and why the different relations between civil society and the governing actors of the state are constructed, a more versatile approach to citizens’ activism in its context can be achieved.


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Pro gradu -tutkielmassani tarkastelen, miten amerikkalainen unelma on Yhdysvaltain historian saatossa kehittynyt yhteiskunnallisen kontrollin välineeksi. Amerikkalaisen unelman yksilölliset ja kollektiiviset kokemukset ovat ristiriidassa unelman sisäisten rakenteiden kanssa, jotka kätkeytyvät sen vahvan retoriikan taakse. Täten unelmasta muodostuu ideologia ja ideologinen valtakoneisto marxilaisen yhteiskuntateoreetikon Louis Althusserin määritelmien mukaisesti. Tutkielmassani tarkastelen amerikkalaisen unelman ilmenemistä amerikkalaisessa populaarikulttuurissa. Populaarikulttuuri tavoittaa laajan yleisön, ja sen arkipäiväiset aiheet välittävät ja uusintavat amerikkalaista unelmaa tehden siitä luonnollisen ja sisäistetyn osan amerikkalaisia toiminta- ja ajattelumalleja. Populaarikirjallisuutta esimerkkinä käyttäen pyrin selvittämään, miten amerikkalainen unelma ideologisena valtakoneistona käyttää hyväksi yksilön subjektiviteetin rakenteita taatakseen oman jatkuvuutensa. Teoreettisen viitekehyksen subjektiviteetin tarkastelulle luo ranskalaisen semiotiikantutkijan Julia Kristevan psykoanalyyttinen teoria, jonka mukaan subjektiviteetti rakentuu yksilön piilotajunnan ja tietoisuuden vuorovaikutuksesta. Amerikkalainen unelma hyödyntää tätä vuorovaikutusta peilaamalla yksilön piilotajuisia pelkoja ja haluja. Kristeva käsittelee piilotajuisia haluja käyttäen apunaan ranskankielistä termiä jouissance, joka viittaa sellaiseen tiedostamattomaan haluun tai tarpeeseen, joka toimii elämän elinehtona ja selviytymisviettinä. Pelkoja Kristeva puolestaan tarkastelee abjektion käsitteen kautta. Abjekti tarkoittaa sellaista tunnistamatonta pelkoa, joka purkautuu tietoisuuteen piilotajunnan ja tietoisuuden vuorovaikutuksen ansiosta. Sekä abjekti että jouissance ilmenevät tietoisuudessa ahdistuksen kokemuksena, johon amerikkalainen unelma tarjoaa ratkaisun asettamalla abstrakteja ja konkreettisia tavoitteita, jotka yksilön tulisi saavuttaa. Amerikkalainen unelma ei kuitenkaan koskaan toteudu. Se perustuu liikkeeseen jonka keskiössä on jatkuva muutos ja kehitys.