904 resultados para Dental morphology
Objectives: An email information literacy program has been effective for over a decade at Université de Montréal’s Health Library. Students periodically receive messages highlighting the content of guides on the library’s website. We wish to evaluate, using Google Analytics, the effects of the program on specific webpage statistics. Using the data collected, we may pinpoint popular guides as well as others that need improvement. Methods: In the program, first and second-year medical (MD) or dental (DMD) students receive eight bi-monthly email messages. The DMD mailing list also includes graduate students and professors. Enrollment to the program is optional for MDs, but mandatory for DMDs. Google Analytics (GA) profiles have been configured for the libraries websites to collect visitor statistics since June 2009. The GA Links Builder was used to design unique links specifically associated with the originating emails. This approach allowed us to gather information on guide usage, such as the visitor’s program of study, duration of page viewing, number of pages viewed per visit, as well as browsing data. We also followed the evolution of clicks on GA unique links over time, as we believed that users may keep the library's emails and refer to them to access specific information. Results: The proportion of students who actually clicked the email links was, on average, less than 5%. MD and DMD students behaved differently regarding guide views, number of pages visited and length of time on the site. The CINAHL guide was the most visited for DMD students whereas MD students consulted the Pharmaceutical information guide most often. We noted that some students visited referred guides several weeks after receiving messages, thus keeping them for future reference; browsing to additional pages on the library website was also frequent. Conclusion: The mitigated success of the program prompted us to directly survey students on the format, frequency and usefulness of messages. The information gathered from GA links as well as from the survey will allow us to redesign our web content and modify our email information literacy program so that messages are more attractive, timely and useful for students.
A detailed study of the blends of ethylene-propylene-diene rubber (EPDM) and chlorobutyl rubber (CIIR) is proposed in this study. These blends may find application in the manufacture of curing diaphragms/curing envelopes for tire curing applications. EPDM possesses better physical properties such as high heat resistance, ozone resistance, cold and moisture resistance, high resistance to permanent defonnation, very good resistance to flex cracking and impact. Because of the low gas and moisture penneability, good weathering resistance and high thermal stability of CIIR, blends of EPDM with CIlR may be attractive, if sufficient mechanical strength can be developed. Although a lot of work has been done on elastomer blends, studies on the blends of EPDM and CIIR rubbers are meagre. Hence in this investigation it is proposed to make a systematic study on the characteristics of EPDM and CIIR rubber blends.The mechanical and physical properties of an elastomer blend depend mainly on the blend compatibility. So in the first part of the study, it is proposed to develop compatible blends of EPDM with CIIR. Various commercial grades of ethylenepropylene- diene rubber are proposed to be blended with a specific grade of chlorobutyl rubber at varying proportions. The extent of compatibility in these blends is proposed to be evaluated based on their mechanical properties such as tensile strength, tear strength and ageing resistance. In addition to the physical property measurements, blend compatibility is also proposed to be studied based on the glass transition behavlour of the blends in relation to the Tg's of the individual components using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA). The phase morphology of the blends is also proposed to be investigated by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) studies of the tensile fracture surfaces. In the case of incompatible blends, the effect of addition of chlorosulfonated polyethylene as a compatibiliser is also proposed to be investigated.In the second part of the study, the effect of sulphur curing and resin curing on the curing behaviour and the vulcanizate properties of EPDM/CIIR blends are planned to be evaluated. Since the properties of rubber vulcanizates are determined by their network structures, it is proposed to determine the network structure of the vulcanizates by chemical probes so as to correlate it with the mechanical properties.In the third part of the work, the effect of partial precuring of one of the components prior to blending as a possible means of improving the properties of the blend is proposed to be investigated. This procedure may also help to bring down the viscosity mismatch between the constituent e1astomers and provide covulcanization of the blend.The rheological characteristics and processability of the blends are proposed to be investigated in the last part of the study. To explore their possible applications, the air permeability of the blend samples at varying temperatures is proposed to be measured. The thermal diffusivity behaviour of EPDM/CIlR blends is also proposed to be investigated using novel laser technique. The thermal diffusivity of the blends along with the thermal degradation resistance may help to determine whether the blends are suitable for high temperature applications such as in the manufacturing of curing envelope.
The focus of this paper is to develop computationally efficient mathematical morphology operators on hypergraphs. To this aim we consider lattice structures on hypergraphs on which we build morphological operators. We develop a pair of dual adjunctions between the vertex set and the hyperedge set of a hypergraph , by defining a vertex-hyperedge correspondence. This allows us to recover the classical notion of a dilation/erosion of a subset of vertices and to extend it to subhypergraphs of . This paper also studies the concept of morphological adjunction on hypergraphs for which both the input and the output are hypergraphs
Realizar un trabajo que sirva de guía a los maestros asturianos, que voluntariamente quieran aplicar en sus aulas este programa y de fuente de información para cualquier docente o sanitario preocupado por la salud y por la educación sobre la misma. Educación para la prevención de la caries dental. Se elaboran seis bloques de actividades dirigidos a otros colectivos de personas diferentes: Actividades con el profesorado no diplomado en educación. Actividades con el colectivo de padres de alumnos. Actividades con alumnos de Ciclo Inicial, Ciclo Medio y Ciclo Superior. Dentro de cada uno de estos bloques se proponen objetivos, contenidos, actividades, materiales, etc. para el desarrollo del proyecto pedagógico sobre el tema. La información para desarrollar esta investigación, se obtiene fundamentalmente de la bibliografía. Se proponen por otra parte varios cuestionarios diferentes dirigidos a los distintos colectivos, también se ofrecen distintos instrumentos para la observación, como los anecdotarios y las listas de control. Se realiza un análisis de los objetivos, contenidos en los programas renovados, por bloques temáticos, en los que desde distintos enfoques se puede abordar la profilaxis de la caries dental, con delimitación de ciclos y areas de conocimiento. En las actividades dedicadas al nivel de Preescolar, se parte de un análisis de la psicología del niño en estos niveles, para fundamentar la actividad didáctica. Se plantean una serie de recursos al profesorado para presentar y desarrollar en el aula el tema de la profilaxis de la caries dental. Se relacionan: fichas, ejercicios, cuestionarios, textos, dramatizaciones, cuentos, etc.
Reproductive morphology of the Mediterranean red alga Kallymenia patens is described for the first time, confirming its position in the genus. K. patens is characterized by a non-procarpic female reproductive apparatus, carpogonial branch systems consisting of supporting cells bearing both three-celled carpogonial branches and subsidiary cells that lack a hypogynous cell and carpogonium; fusion cells develop numerous connecting filaments, and tetrasporangia are scattered over the thallus and are probably cruciately divided. Old fertile spathulate specimens of K. patens are morphologically similar to K. spathulata, but they can be distinguished by the length of spathulated proliferations (up to 0.6 cm and 6 cm, respectively), the length of inner cortical cells (up to 70 and 30 μm, respectively), and the gonimoblast location (in proliferations from the perennial part of the blade and over all the thallus surface, respectively)
El objetivo de este trabajo es la elaboración de un plan de mercadeo para la empresa Nobel Biocare en el sector de estética dental. Para cumplir este objetivo se realizó un análisis de la situación actual de la empresa, específicamente en Bogotá, siendo la ciudad donde se maneja el 40% de su mercado. Para el presente análisis se evaluó la competencia, reconociendo sus ventajas y desventajas en el mercado. También se clasificaron los tipos de clientes y la importancia que estos tienen para la compañía. Se realizaron encuestas a los clientes de Nobel Biocare, por medio de las cuales se pudo concluir una positiva percepción de la compañía. Asimismo se analizaron las tres líneas de productos principales de Nobel Biocare diseñándose una estrategia para cada uno de estos y su posicionamiento en el mercado.
The purpose of this article is to explain the grammatical rules of the Nomina Anatomica. Meanwhile, there is a new synchronic formulation to the Nomina Anatomica, according to systematic cases and Latin declinations with applications to the entity of the human body, and very important indications about the diachronic grammar. Therefore, the morphologic grammar plays a very important role to the interpretations of Human Anatomy
Este trabajo presenta un estudio de caso de perdurabilidad empresarial de la empresa Casa Dental Eduardo Daza Ltda, que como Empresa de Familia, desafía la tendencia de su desaparición a partir de la tercera generación, como lo han hecho la mayoría de empresas de esta naturaleza a nivel mundial. En primera instancia se contextualiza y caracteriza las empresas de familia a nivel mundial a partir de una revisión de la literatura existente, para poder consolidar un marco referencial que permite una aproximación al estado del arte en el ámbito corporativo de empresas de naturaleza familiar, para luego analizar su dinámica actual en la economía colombiana, en un enfoque desde lo general a lo particular. Posteriormente se presenta las características que demarcan el éxito de las empresas de familia, su gestión y gobernabilidad, el protocolo de traspaso y el direccionamiento estratégico hacia la innovación como sinónimo que garantiza la perdurabilidad en el tiempo. Después de esta contextualización, se presenta las particularidades desde un contexto histórico de la empresa Casa Dental Eduardo Daza Ltda, sus vicisitudes corporativas, su decadencia y renacer, hasta convertirse en un caso de éxito empresarial a nivel de empresa de familia, sustentando en su comportamiento económico financiero en los últimos tres años, para poder definir sus particularidades, tendencias y prospectiva en el inmediato futuro. Se concluye que las empresas de familia como forma más antigua de organización empresarial, tienen un amplio reconocimiento como un actor importante y diferenciador de la economía mundial, pues el aparato productivos de muchos países desarrollados y en vías de desarrollo se soporta en empresas de familia. La evidencia empírica señala dos características distintivas de las empresas de familia: 1) en casi todos los países estas empresas tienen una alta participación en la creación de riqueza; y 2) tienen una alta probabilidad de desaparecer. En todas las economías, en mayor o menor grado, conviven estos dos fenómenos tan significativos: su importancia económica y su vulnerabilidad
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