939 resultados para Daytime running lamps.
The influence of climatic factors on the seasonal frequency of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) at the Peixe Angical hydroelectric scheme (Tocantins, Brazil) was evaluated in the present paper. Mosquito surveys were conducted in the municipality of Peixe and in areas surrounding the reservoir in the municipalities of Paranã and São Salvador do Tocantins during two daytime periods (10 am-12 noon and 2 pm-4 pm) and two night-time periods (6 pm-8 pm and 6 pm-10 am) over 14 months. In total, 10,840 specimens from 42 species were captured, 84.5% of which belonged to the Culcinae. The most common species were Anopheles darlingi, Psorophora albipes and Sabethes chloropterus. The number of Culicidae specimens was higher in months with higher rainfall and air humidity than during the drier months. The large population of Ps. albipes and the presence of both An. darlingi (primary vector for human malaria parasites) and Haemagogus janthinomys (primary vector for yellow fever virus) are highlighted.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the post-ischemic skin blood flow response after withdrawal of antihypertensive therapy in hypertensive patients with normal blood pressure during treatment. DESIGN AND METHODS: Twenty hypertensive patients (group A) with a normal clinic blood pressure (<140/ 90 mmHg) receiving antihypertensive treatment (any monotherapy; one pill per day for at least 6 months) had their treatment discontinued. Before medication withdrawal and 2, 4, 12 and 24 weeks thereafter, the following measurements were made: clinic blood pressure, home blood pressure (three times per week, morning and evening) and skin blood flow response to a 5 min forearm arterial occlusion (using laser Doppler flowmetry). The patients were asked to perform an ambulatory blood pressure recording at any time if home blood pressure was > or =160/95 mmHg on two consecutive days, and treatment was initiated again, after determination of the skin hyperemic response, if daytime ambulatory blood pressure was > or =140/90 mmHg. The same studies were performed in 20 additional hypertensive individuals in whom antihypertensive treatment was not withdrawn (group B). The allocation of patients to groups A and B was random. RESULTS: The data fom 18 patients in group A who adhered strictly to the procedure were available for analysis. Seven of them had to start treatment again within the first 4 weeks of follow-up; four additional patients started treatment again during the next 8 weeks (group A1). The seven other patients remained untreated (group A2). The skin hyperemic response decreased significantly in patients in group A1 and returned to baseline values at the end of the study, when there were again receiving antihypertensive treatment. In patients in group A2 a significant attenuation of the hyperemic response was also observed. This impaired response was present even at the end of the 6 month follow-up, at which time the patients were still untreated but exhibited a significantly greater blood pressure than before drug discontinuation. The hyperemic response of patients who did not stop treatment (group B) did not change during the course of the study. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings show a decrease in the postischemic skin blood flow response after withdrawal of antihypertensive treatment in hypertensive patients. This impaired response may be due to the development of endothelial dysfunction, vascular remodeling, or both, and might contribute to the return of blood pressure to hypertensive values after withdrawal of antihypertensive therapy.
OBJECTIVE AND METHOD: Isolated office hypertension, defined as hypertensive blood pressure values in a medical setting but normal self-measured or ambulatory-recorded blood pressures, is frequently encountered in clinical practice. Yet, whether this condition represents a transient state in the development of a sustained ambulatory hypertension is still unknown as no long-term analysis of the evolution of ambulatory blood pressure has been carried out in patients with isolated office hypertension. To evaluate whether such patients should be considered as truly normotensive or hypertensive, we have studied the long-term changes in office and ambulatory blood pressures in 81 patients in whom isolated office hypertension was observed between 1982 and 1988. RESULTS: After a 5-6 year follow-up, 60 of the 81 patients had a mean 12 h daytime ambulatory blood pressure greater than 140/90 mmHg, suggesting an evolution towards ambulatory hypertension. The development of hypertension could not be predicted on the basis of the follow-up office blood pressures as these tended to decrease during the follow-up period. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study suggest that patients with isolated office hypertension should not be considered as truly normotensive individuals. Hence, these patients require a careful medical follow-up. Office blood pressure readings alone, however, do not appear to provide a good indicator of the long-term outcome of isolated office hypertension.
A low digit ratio (2D:4D) and low 2D:4D in the right compared with the left hand (right-left 2D:4D) are thought to be determined by high in utero concentrations of testosterone, and are related to "masculine" traits such as aggression and performance in sports like running and rugby. Low right-left 2D:4D is also related to sensitivity to testosterone as measured by the number of cytosine-adenine-guanine triplet repeats in exon 1 of the androgen receptor gene. Here we show that low right-left 2D:4D is associated with high maximal oxygen uptake (VO2(max)), high velocity at VO2(max), and high maximum lactate concentration in a sample of teenage boys. We suggest that low right-left 2D:4D is linked to performance in some sports because it is a proxy of high sensitivity to prenatal and maybe also circulating testosterone and high VO2(max).
A long development time is needed from the design to the implementation of an AUV. During the first steps, simulation plays an important role, since it allows for the development of preliminary versions of the control system to be integrated. Once the robot is ready, the control systems are implemented, tuned and tested. The use of a real-time simulator can help closing the gap between off-line simulation and real testing using the already implemented robot. When properly interfaced with the robot hardware, a real-time graphical simulation with a "hardware in the loop" configuration, can allow for the testing of the implemented control system running in the actual robot hardware. Hence, the development time is drastically reduced. These paper overviews the field of graphical simulators used for AUV development proposing a classification. It also presents NEPTUNE, a multi-vehicle, real-time, graphical simulator based on OpenGL that allows hardware in the loop simulations
In recent years it has been shown that emotional stress induced by immobilization may change the balance between pro-oxidant and antioxidant factors inducing oxidative damage. On the other hand, contradictory views exist concerning the role of physical activity on redox metabolism. Consequently, the present work was designed to assess the influence of an 8-week moderate swimming training program in emotionally stressed rats. Sixty 1-month-old male albino Wistar rats weighing 125-135 g were used in this experimental study. They were divided into three groups, as Control (lot A; n=20), Stressed (lot B; n=20) and Stressed & Exercised (lot C; n=20). Rats were stressed by placing the animals in a 25 x 7 cm plastic bottle 1 h/day, 5 days a week for 8 weeks. Protein carbonyl content values in liver homogenates were significantly increased in stressed animals (0.58+/-0.02 vs 0.86+/-0.03; p=0.018) which clearly indicated that emotional stress was associated with oxidative stress. Ultrastructural alterations, predominantly mitochondrial swelling and the decrease of cristae number observed by electron microscopy represented direct evidence of membrane injury. The most striking feature of our study was that we also found differences between stressed rats and stressed rats that performed our 8 week training program. Consequently our results highlight the potential benefit of a moderate training program to reduce oxidative damage induced by emotional stress since it attenuated protein oxidation and mitochondrial alterations.
This study examined the validity and reliability of a sequential "Run-Bike-Run" test (RBR) in age-group triathletes. Eight Olympic distance (OD) specialists (age 30.0 ± 2.0 years, mass 75.6 ± 1.6 kg, run VO2max 63.8 ± 1.9 ml· kg(-1)· min(-1), cycle VO2peak 56.7 ± 5.1 ml· kg(-1)· min(-1)) performed four trials over 10 days. Trial 1 (TRVO2max) was an incremental treadmill running test. Trials 2 and 3 (RBR1 and RBR2) involved: 1) a 7-min run at 15 km· h(-1) (R1) plus a 1-min transition to 2) cycling to fatigue (2 W· kg(-1) body mass then 30 W each 3 min); 3) 10-min cycling at 3 W· kg(-1) (Bsubmax); another 1-min transition and 4) a second 7-min run at 15 km· h(-1) (R2). Trial 4 (TT) was a 30-min cycle - 20-min run time trial. No significant differences in absolute oxygen uptake (VO2), heart rate (HR), or blood lactate concentration ([BLA]) were evidenced between RBR1 and RBR2. For all measured physiological variables, the limits of agreement were similar, and the mean differences were physiologically unimportant, between trials. Low levels of test-retest error (i.e. ICC <0.8, CV<10%) were observed for most (logged) measurements. However [BLA] post R1 (ICC 0.87, CV 25.1%), [BLA] post Bsubmax (ICC 0.99, CV 16.31) and [BLA] post R2 (ICC 0.51, CV 22.9%) were least reliable. These error ranges may help coaches detect real changes in training status over time. Moreover, RBR test variables can be used to predict discipline specific and overall TT performance. Cycle VO2peak, cycle peak power output, and the change between R1 and R2 (deltaR1R2) in [BLA] were most highly related to overall TT distance (r = 0.89, p < 0. 01; r = 0.94, p < 0.02; r = 0.86, p < 0.05, respectively). The percentage of TR VO2max at 15 km· h(-1), and deltaR1R2 HR, were also related to run TT distance (r = -0.83 and 0.86, both p < 0.05).
In the Ballabeina study, we investigated age- and BMI-group-related differences in aerobic fitness (20 m shuttle run), agility (obstacle course), dynamic (balance beam) and static balance (balance platform), and physical activity (PA, accelerometers) in 613 children (M age = 5.1 years, SD = 0.6). Normal weight (NW) children performed better than overweight (OW) children in aerobic fitness, agility, and dynamic balance (all p <.001), while OWchildren had a better static balance (p < .001). BMI-group-related differences in aerobic fitness and agility were larger in older children (p for interaction with age = .01) in favor of the NW children. PA did not differ between NW and OW (p > or = .1), but did differ between NW and obese children (p < .05). BMI-group-related differences in physical fitness can already be present in preschool-age children.
Ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring has become useful in the diagnosis and management of hypertensive individuals. In addition to 24-hour values, the circadian variation of BP adds prognostic significance in predicting cardiovascular outcome. However, the magnitude of circadian BP patterns in large studies has hardly been noticed. Our aims were to determine the prevalence of circadian BP patterns and to assess clinical conditions associated with the nondipping status in groups of both treated and untreated hypertensive subjects, studied separately. Clinical data and 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring were obtained from 42,947 hypertensive patients included in the Spanish Society of Hypertension Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring Registry. They were 8384 previously untreated and 34,563 treated hypertensives. Twenty-four-hour ambulatory BP monitoring was performed with an oscillometric device (SpaceLabs 90207). A nondipping pattern was defined when nocturnal systolic BP dip was <10% of daytime systolic BP. The prevalence of nondipping was 41% in the untreated group and 53% in treated patients. In both groups, advanced age, obesity, diabetes mellitus, and overt cardiovascular or renal disease were associated with a blunted nocturnal BP decline (P<0.001). In treated patients, nondipping was associated with the use of a higher number of antihypertensive drugs but not with the time of the day at which antihypertensive drugs were administered. In conclusion, a blunted nocturnal BP dip (the nondipping pattern) is common in hypertensive patients. A clinical pattern of high cardiovascular risk is associated with nondipping, suggesting that the blunted nocturnal BP dip may be merely a marker of high cardiovascular risk.
IntroductionIt has been suggested that the H1N1 vaccine may be a trigger for the onset of narcolepsy-cataplexy, a rare disease whose autoimmune origin is suspected.ObservationsWe report two patients (a 9-year-old boy and an 18-year-old man) with severe narcolepsy-cataplexy, in whom the illness appeared within 3-4 weeks after H1N1 vaccination. In both cases, symptoms developed unusually abruptly and they presented with severe daytime sleepiness and multiple daily cataplexy attacks. Other similar cases have been recently reported associated with H1N1 vaccine.ConclusionAlthough no formal link can be established, the unusual characteristics of the reported cases and the striking temporal relationship suggests that narcolepsy may be the result of an autoimmune reaction triggered by H1N1 vaccination in susceptible individuals.
OBJECTIVE: An animal model has been developed to compare the effects of suture technique on the luminal dimensions and compliance of end-to-side vascular anastomoses. METHODS: Carotid and internal mammalian arteries (IMAs) were exposed in three pigs (90 kg). IMAs were sectioned distally to perform end-to-side anastomoses on carotid arteries. One anastomosis was performed with 7/0 polypropylene running suture. The other was performed with the automated suture delivery device (Perclose/Abbott Labs Inc.) that makes a 7/0 polypropylene interrupted suture. Four piezoelectric crystals were sutured on toe, heel and both lateral sides of each anastomosis to measure anastomotic axes. Anastomotic cross-sectional area (CSAA) was calculated with: CSAA = pi x mM/4 where m and M are the minor and major axes of the elliptical anastomosis. Cross-sectional anastomotic compliance (CSAC) was calculated as CSAC=Delta CSAA/Delta P where Delta P is the mean pulse pressure and Delta CSAA is the mean CSAA during cardiac cycle. RESULTS: We collected a total of 1200000 pressure-length data per animal. For running suture we had a mean systolic CSAA of 26.94+/-0.4 mm(2) and a mean CSAA in diastole of 26.30+/-0.5 mm(2) (mean Delta CSAA was 0.64 mm(2)). CSAC for running suture was 4.5 x 10(-6)m(2)/kPa. For interrupted suture we had a mean CSAA in systole of 21.98+/-0.2 mm(2) and a mean CSAA in diastole of 17.38+/-0.3 mm(2) (mean Delta CSAA was 4.6+/-0.1 mm(2)). CSAC for interrupted suture was 11 x 10(-6) m(2)/kPa. CONCLUSIONS: This model, even with some limitations, can be a reliable source of information improving the outcome of vascular anastomoses. The study demonstrates that suture technique has a substantial effect on cross-sectional anastomotic compliance of end-to-side anastomoses. Interrupted suture may maximise the anastomotic lumen and provides a considerably higher CSAC than continuous suture, that reduces flow turbulence, shear stress and intimal hyperplasia. The Heartflo anastomosis device is a reliable instrument that facilitates performance of interrupted suture anastomoses.
Some years ago, a parish in Geneva decided to reduce heating costs by insulating its church to make it more energy efficient. Three years after the last renovations, it was observed that the internal surfaces of the naves had already become dusty compared with the customary frequency of 10-12 years. Dust even deposited on various surfaces during religious services. Our investigation showed that nearly all the dust found inside the church may in fact be soot from incense and candle combustion. Incense appears to be a significant source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. With a mechanical ventilation system and petrol lamps resembling candles the problem can be resolved.
During recovery from a maximal or submaximal aerobic exercise, augmentation of central (aortic) systolic pressure by reflected pressure waves is blunted in healthy humans. However, the extent to which reflected pressure waves modify the central pulse in diastole in these conditions remains unknown. We evaluated systolic and diastolic central reflected waves in 11 endurance-trained athletes on recovery from a maximal running test on a treadmill (treadmill-max) and a 4000 m run in field conditions. On both occasions in each subject, the radial pulse was recorded with applanation tonometry in the resting preexercise state and then 5, 15, 25, 35, and 45 min after exercise termination. From the central waveform, as reconstructed by application of a generalized transfer function, we computed a systolic (AIx) and a diastolic index (AId) of pressure augmentation by reflections. At 5 min, both indices were below preexercise. At further time-points, AIx remained low, while AId progressively increased, to overshoot above preexercise at 45 min. The same behavior was observed with both exercise types. Beyond the first few minutes of recovery following either maximal or submaximal aerobic exercise, reflected waves selectively augment the central pressure pulse in diastole, at least in endurance-trained athletes.
Disseny d'un focus amb dos moviments de gir , un horitzontal (PAN) i un altred’inclinació (TILT). Del tipus Spot. Amb una làmpada 250 W i que la seva funció siguiil·luminar locals o espectacles de dimensions grans
Wake-promoting drugs are widely used to treat excessive daytime sleepiness. The neuronal pathways involved in wake promotion are multiple and often not well characterized. We tested d-amphetamine, modafinil, and YKP10A, a novel wake-promoting compound, in three inbred strains of mice. The wake duration induced by YKP10A and d-amphetamine depended similarly on genotype, whereas opposite strain differences were observed after modafinil. Electroencephalogram (EEG) analysis during drug-induced wakefulness revealed a transient approximately 2 Hz slowing of theta oscillations and an increase in beta-2 (20-35 Hz) activity only after YKP10A. Gamma activity (35-60 Hz) was induced by all drugs in a drug- and genotype-dependent manner. Brain transcriptome and clustering analyses indicated that the three drugs have both common and specific molecular signatures. The correlation between specific EEG and gene-expression signatures suggests that the neuronal pathways activated to stay awake vary among drugs and genetic background.