969 resultados para Databases - Duplicate tuples
L'objectiu fonamental d'aquest TFC és la creació i posada en funcionament d'un magatzem de dades, partint de la informació procedent de bases de dades transaccionals.
El que es vol, en aquest projecte, és generar una sèrie d'eines que permetin a una entitat externa d'interactuar en una base de dades relacional sense necessitat de coneixements específics sobre bases de dades. Quan es diu interactuar, s'hi inclou des de la creació de la base de dades fins a la consulta de la informació, passant per l'actualització d'aquesta base de dades.
Objective: Aspergillus species are the main pathogens causing invasive fungal infections but the prevalence of other mould species is rising. Resistance to antifungals among these new emerging pathogens presents a challenge for managing of infections. Conventional susceptibility testing of non-Aspergillus species is laborious and often difficult to interpret. We evaluated a new method for real-time susceptibility testing of moulds based on their of growth-related heat production.Methods: Laboratory and clinical strains of Mucor spp. (n = 4), Scedoporium spp. (n = 4) and Fusarium spp. (n = 5) were used. Conventional MIC was determined by microbroth dilution. Isothermal microcalorimetry was performed at 37 C using Sabouraud dextrose broth (SDB) inoculated with 104 spores/ml (determined by microscopical enumeration). SDB without antifungals was used for evaluation of growth characteristics. Detection time was defined as heat flow exceeding 10 lW. For susceptibility testing serial dilutions of amphotericin B, voriconazole, posaconazole and caspofungin were used. The minimal heat inhibitory concentration (MHIC) was defined as the lowest antifungal concentration, inhbiting 50% of the heat produced by the growth control at 48 h or at 24 h for Mucor spp. Susceptibility tests were performed in duplicate.Results: Tested mould genera had distinctive heat flow profiles with a median detection time (range) of 3.4 h (1.9-4.1 h) for Mucor spp, 11.0 h (7.1-13.7 h) for Fusarium spp and 29.3 h (27.4-33.0 h) for Scedosporium spp. Graph shows heat flow (in duplicate) of one representative strain from each genus (dashed line marks detection limit). Species belonging to the same genus showed similar heat production profiles. Table shows MHIC and MIC ranges for tested moulds and antifungals.Conclusions: Microcalorimetry allowed rapid detection of growth of slow-growing species, such as Fusarium spp. and Scedosporium spp. Moreover, microcalorimetry offers a new approach for antifungal susceptibility testing of moulds, correlating with conventional MIC values. Interpretation of calorimetric susceptibility data is easy and real-time data on the effect of different antifungals on the growth of the moulds is additionally obtained. This method may be used for investigation of different mechanisms of action of antifungals, new substances and drug-drug combinations.
Numerous studies have reported that brief interventions delivered in primary care are effective in reducing excessive drinking. However, much of this work has been criticised for being clinically unrepresentative. This review aimed to assess the effectiveness of brief interventions in primary care and determine if outcomes differ between efficacy and effectiveness trials. Approach. A pre-specified search strategy was used to search all relevant electronic databases up to 2006. The authors also hand-searched the reference lists of key articles and reviews. They included randomised controlled trials (RCT) involving patients in primary care who were not seeking alcohol treatment and who received brief intervention. Two authors independently abstracted data and assessed trial quality. Random effects meta-analyses, subgroup and sensitivity analyses and meta-regression were conducted.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
The Summer School aims to enable and foster a climate of inquiry for critical thinking, quantitative analysis and explore existing relevant data sources. We aim to develop the concepts and tools associated with quantitative research related to child health and wellbeing. Building on participants’ existing knowledge of research, policy and practice, we will focus on the quantitative skills necessary to mine and critique relevant national databases, conduct basic quantitative research and apply these skills to work. The SPSS workshops will provide participants with a basic understanding of a statistical programme for analysing empirical data and the open clinics will allow participants to discuss their own research issues with experts.
Aquest treball mira d'aproximar-se a la situació actual de les bases de dades multimèdia. Per a fer-ho, s'ha optat per un enfocament múltiple que té en compte diferents aspectes del producte multimèdia: els aspectes econòmics, és a dir, la situació del mercat (nombre de bases de dades, volum de negoci, creixement, etc.), els aspectes tècnics, és a dir, l'eina emprada, la seva evolució, les seves limitacions i problemes, i les seves aplicacions i serveis en diferents àrees (amb un interès especial en el camp de la documentació i la formació i la recerca).
The prevalence of obesity is rapidly increasing in older adults. Information is required about what interventions are effective in reducing obesity and influencing health outcomes in this age group. Thirteen databases were searched, earliest date 1966 to December 2008, including Medline, CINAHL, PsycINFO, the Cochrane database and EMBASE.
Purpose: the prevalence of obesity is rapidly increasing in older adults. Information is required about what interventions are effective in reducing obesity and influencing health outcomes in this age group. Design: systematic review and meta-analysis. Data sources: thirteen databases were searched, earliest date 1966 to December 2008, including Medline, CINAHL, PsycINFO, the Cochrane database and EMBASE. Study selection: we included studies with participants�۪ mean age 60 years and mean body mass index 30 kg/m2, with outcomes at a minimum of 1 year. Data were independently extracted by two reviewers and differences resolved by consensus. Data extraction: nine eligible trials were included. Study interventions targeted diet, physical activity and mixed approaches. Populations included patients with coronary artery disease, diabetes mellitus and osteoarthritis. Results: meta-analysis (seven studies) demonstrated a modest but significant weight loss of 3.0 kg [95% confidence interval (CI) 5.1���0.9] at 1 year. Total cholesterol (four studies) did not show a significant change: ���0.36 mmol/l (95% CI ���0.75 to 0.04). There was no significant change in high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein or triglycerides. In one study, recurrence of hypertension or cardiovascular events was significantly reduced (hazard ratio 0.65, 95% CI 0.50���0.85). Six-minute walk test did not significantly change in one study. Health-related quality of life significantly improved in one study but did not improve in a second study. Conclusions: although modest weight reductions were observed, there is a lack of high-quality evidence to support the efficacy of weight loss programmes in older people. ��Keywords: obesity, older, weight loss, meta-analysis, elderly, systematic review
A total of 880 expressed sequence tags (EST) originated from clones randomly selected from a Trypanosoma cruzi amastigote cDNA library have been analyzed. Of these, 40% (355 ESTs) have been identified by similarity to sequences in public databases and classified according to functional categorization of their putative products. About 11% of the mRNAs expressed in amastigotes are related to the translational machinery, and a large number of them (9% of the total number of clones in the library) encode ribosomal proteins. A comparative analysis with a previous study, where clones from the same library were selected using sera from patients with Chagas disease, revealed that ribosomal proteins also represent the largest class of antigen coding genes expressed in amastigotes (54% of all immunoselected clones). However, although more than thirty classes of ribosomal proteins were identified by EST analysis, the results of the immunoscreening indicated that only a particular subset of them contains major antigenic determinants recognized by antibodies from Chagas disease patients.
Inequalities in Old Age: the impact of the recession on older people in Ireland, North and SouthAbout the research:This research, led by Professor Paddy Hillyard, Emeritus Professor Queen’s University Belfast, was carried out with funding from CARDI’s Grants Programme Call 2. The purpose of the study was to analyse the impact of the recession on older people in Northern Ireland (NI) and the Republic of Ireland (ROI) and the extent to which inequalities within the older population have been affected by the economic crisis.Research Brief:This brief, authored by CARDI staff, is based on the findings of the research project and also contains additional information of interest.Research Team:Professor Paddy Hillyard, Emeritus Professor Queen’s University Belfast - lead researcher;Dr Francesca Lundstr̦m, Research Consultant;Dr Demi Patsios, Policy Research Consultant;Sarah Machniewski, Researcher;David Taylor, Chartered Accountant and Management Consultant;Dr Maureen Lyons, Research Manager, School of Social Justice, UCD.Methodology and availability of data:Several methods were used in the research, including:�� a review of relevant literature;����a detailed analysis of many databases relevant to older people’s incomes and lives;��building a model to assess the impact of the recession on older people;surveys of financial advisers in voluntary, private and public sectors;��six focus groups, three each in NI and RoI.Availability of data:Despite the huge amount of information which is officially collected and published in NI and RoI, very little is directly comparable. ��The development of a mechanism to encourage the production of more comparable data North and South would be very beneficial.��For example, this study identified a basket of 25 factors that can be used to compare the living standards of older people in NI and RoI and to monitor changes in future yearsTo access the full report please click on the following link:Inequalities in Old Age: the impact of the recession on older people in Ireland, North and SouthPlease find the presentation from the launch below:Inequalities, Pensions and the Recession by Prof Paddy Hillyard, Queen’s University Belfast and Dr Demi Patsios, Policy Research Consultant, Dr Francesca Lundstr̦m, Research Consultant.��������
Purpose: the prevalence of obesity is rapidly increasing in older adults. Information is required about what interventions are effective in reducing obesity and influencing health outcomes in this age group. Design: systematic review and meta-analysis. Data sources: thirteen databases were searched, earliest date 1966 to December 2008, including Medline, CINAHL, PsycINFO, the Cochrane database and EMBASE. Study selection: we included studies with participants�۪ mean age 60 years and mean body mass index 30 kg/m2, with outcomes at a minimum of 1 year. Data were independently extracted by two reviewers and differences resolved by consensus. Data extraction: nine eligible trials were included. Study interventions targeted diet, physical activity and mixed approaches. Populations included patients with coronary artery disease, diabetes mellitus and osteoarthritis. Results: meta-analysis (seven studies) demonstrated a modest but significant weight loss of 3.0 kg [95% confidence interval (CI) 5.1���0.9] at 1 year. Total cholesterol (four studies) did not show a significant change: ���0.36 mmol/l (95% CI ���0.75 to 0.04). There was no significant change in high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein or triglycerides. In one study, recurrence of hypertension or cardiovascular events was significantly reduced (hazard ratio 0.65, 95% CI 0.50���0.85). Six-minute walk test did not significantly change in one study. Health-related quality of life significantly improved in one study but did not improve in a second study. Conclusions: although modest weight reductions were observed, there is a lack of high-quality evidence to support the efficacy of weight loss programmes in older people. ��Keywords: obesity, older, weight loss, meta-analysis, elderly, systematic review��
Abstract Despite the large number of studies evaluating social support groups for people with dementia, there are no systematic reviews of current evidence.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of social support group interventions for people with dementia and mild cognitive impairment.A systematic review was performed. We searched electronic databases for randomised controlled trials. Two reviewers worked independently to select trials, extract data and assess risk of bias. A total of 546 studies were identified of which two met the inclusion criteria. We were not able to pool data for further analyses, as the interventions tested in the studies meeting the inclusion criteria were too dissimilar in content.The first trial (n = 136) showed a benefit of early-stage memory loss social support groups for depression and quality of life in people with dementia.The second trial (n = 33) showed that post-treatment self-reported self-esteem was higher in the group receiving a multicomponent intervention of social support compared with that in the no intervention control group.Limited data from two studies suggest that support groups may be of psychological benefit to people with dementia by reducing depression and improving quality of life and self-esteem.These findings need to be viewed in light of the small number, small sample size and heterogeneous characteristics of current trials, indicating that it is difficult to draw any conclusions. More multicentre randomised controlled trials in social support group interventions for people with dementia are needed.������������
The Eukaryotic Promoter Database (EPD) is an annotated non-redundant collection of eukaryotic POL II promoters, experimentally defined by a transcription start site (TSS). There may be multiple promoter entries for a single gene. The underlying experimental evidence comes from journal articles and, starting from release 73, from 5' ESTs of full-length cDNA clones used for so-called in silico primer extension. Access to promoter sequences is provided by pointers to TSS positions in nucleotide sequence entries. The annotation part of an EPD entry includes a description of the type and source of the initiation site mapping data, links to other biological databases and bibliographic references. EPD is structured in a way that facilitates dynamic extraction of biologically meaningful promoter subsets for comparative sequence analysis. Web-based interfaces have been developed that enable the user to view EPD entries in different formats, to select and extract promoter sequences according to a variety of criteria and to navigate to related databases exploiting different cross-references. Tools for analysing sequence motifs around TSSs defined in EPD are provided by the signal search analysis server. EPD can be accessed at http://www.epd. isb-sib.ch.
La present memòria descriu els passos necessaris per fer l'anàlisi, el disseny i la implementació de un gestor de comandes per un empresa mitjançant l'entorn web. El projecte ha estat realitzat en llenguatge Java, ja que és un llenguatge orientat a l'objecte molt reutilitzable i que té una plataforma que és la J2EE, que la fa ideal per l'unió de pàgines web amb bases de dades.
Plasmodium falciparum is the parasite responsible for the most acute form of malaria in humans. Recently, the serine repeat antigen (SERA) in P. falciparum has attracted attention as a potential vaccine and drug target, and it has been shown to be a member of a large gene family. To clarify the relationships among the numerous P. falciparum SERAs and to identify orthologs to SERA5 and SERA6 in Plasmodium species affecting rodents, gene trees were inferred from nucleotide and amino acid sequence data for 33 putative SERA homologs in seven different species. (A distance method for nucleotide sequences that is specifically designed to accommodate differing GC content yielded results that were largely compatible with the amino acid tree. Standard-distance and maximum-likelihood methods for nucleotide sequences, on the other hand, yielded gene trees that differed in important respects.) To infer the pattern of duplication, speciation, and gene loss events in the SERA gene family history, the resulting gene trees were then "reconciled" with two competing Plasmodium species tree topologies that have been identified by previous phylogenetic studies. Parsimony of reconciliation was used as a criterion for selecting a gene tree/species tree pair and provided (1) support for one of the two species trees and for the core topology of the amino acid-derived gene tree, (2) a basis for critiquing fine detail in a poorly resolved region of the gene tree, (3) a set of predicted "missing genes" in some species, (4) clarification of the relationship among the P. falciparum SERA, and (5) some information about SERA5 and SERA6 orthologs in the rodent malaria parasites. Parsimony of reconciliation and a second criterion--implied mutational pattern at two key active sites in the SERA proteins-were also seen to be useful supplements to standard "bootstrap" analysis for inferred topologies.