994 resultados para Cysticercal antigens
RESUMO:RESUMO: Nos últimos anos a ultrassonografia emergiu como um instrumento importante no diagnóstico da patologia torácica. O progresso tecnológico possibilitou a conceção de novos equipamentos como a ecoendoscopia brônquica radial e linear. Verificou-se, igualmente, o aparecimento de indicações para a realização de ecografia transtorácica. Uma das principais doenças impulsionadoras da técnica ultrassonográfica no tórax foi o cancro do pulmão, primeira causa de morte oncológica a nível mundial. A aplicabilidade e conhecimento do papel dos ultrassons no âmbito do diagnóstico e estadiamento do cancro do pulmão não se encontram esgotados, persistindo focos de controvérsia e dúvida científica que se pretendem esclarecer. A presente tese foi organizada em cinco capítulos: o primeiro abordou de forma geral e introdutória o estado da arte referente à ultrassonografia torácica, cancro do pulmão e a sua conjugação; o segundo destacou os principais objetivos; o terceiro sumarizou a metodologia utilizada; o quarto englobou os cinco estudos publicados, descritos subsequentemente, e o quinto incluiu uma discussão concisa, as principais conclusões e perspetivas futuras. O primeiro estudo avaliou a rentabilidade diagnóstica, segurança e curva de aprendizagem num coorte de 179 doentes submetidos a ecoendoscopia brônquica linear. De acordo com as indicações para este procedimento os doentes foram subdivididos em três grupos: (1) diagnóstico, (2) diagnóstico e estadiamento e (3) estadiamento. Para o primeiro, segundo e terceiro grupos a sensibilidade da ecoendoscopia foi 86.1%, 86.7% e 95% respetivamente e a precisão técnica foi 87.5%, 93.1% e 97.7% respetivamente. O treino originou um aumento progressivo do número de locais puncionados por doente, com menor duração e sem complicações, comprovando a eficácia e segurança do método quando realizado na população Portuguesa por broncologistas com experiência. O segundo estudo foi conduzido para averiguar a eficácia e custo da ecoendoscopia brônquica linear realizada através da via aérea e/ou esófago no diagnóstico de lesões sugestivas de neoplasia do pulmão, após ineficácia das técnicas convencionais. Nos doentes incluídos prospetivamente alcançou-se um diagnóstico definitivo em 106 casos (87.6%). A sensibilidade global para o diagnóstico de cancro do pulmão foi 89.8%, a especificidade foi 100%, o valor preditivo positivo foi 100%, o valor preditivo negativo foi 20% e a precisão foi 90.1%. Esta estratégia ultrassonográfica abrangente evitou intervenções cirúrgicas diagnósticas em doentes anteriormente submetidos a broncoscopia flexível ou punção aspirativa transtorácica guiada por tomografia computorizada, proporcionando uma redução significativa dos custos. No terceiro estudo investigou-se a viabilidade e papel da conjugação da ecoendoscopia brônquica linear com técnicas moleculares na avaliação de antigénios tumorais e padrões de metastização ganglionar em doentes com cancro do pulmão de não-pequenas células (CPNPC). Os marcadores citoqueratina 19 (CK-19), antigénio carcinoembrionário (CEA), molécula de adesão celular epitelial (EPCAM), sialyl-Lewis X e CD44 foram determinados nos aspirados ganglionares de 33 doentes com neoplasia e 17 controlos 10 Ultrassonografia através de citometria de fluxo (CF) e reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real (RTPCR). Os doentes com CPNPC possuíam um compartimento celular epitelial significativamente aumentado e com marcação superior de CK-19 comparativamente ao grupo de controlo. O compartimento imune foi também analisado nestas amostras e revelou-se alterado no CPNPC com aumento da população de monócitos e diminuição das subpopulações linfocitárias. Os transcriptos de CK-19, CEA e EPCAM estavam elevados nos doentes com cancro do pulmão, identificando-se uma correlação positiva entre estes marcadores e o tamanho da lesão primária. Concluiu-se que a identificação de CK-19, CEA e EPCAM nas amostras obtidas por ecoendoscopia e avaliadas por CF e RTPCR foi viável, podendo auxiliar na deteção de metástases ganglionares no CPNPC. O quarto estudo envolveu a combinação da ecoendoscopia brônquica radial com uma criosonda para o diagnóstico de lesões pulmonares sólidas periféricas. Foi determinada a viabilidade, rentabilidade diagnóstica, tamanho das amostras e segurança do método. Lesões inferiores a 40mm foram localizadas por ultrassonografia sendo os doentes randomizados para a realização de biópsias transbrônquicas com pinça seguidas por criosonda ou vice-versa. Nos 39 casos incluídos a lesão foi visualizada pela minisonda em 31 doentes (79.5%), com 80.6% de prevalência de cancro do pulmão na amostra. A rentabilidade diagnóstica da pinça de biópsia foi 61.3% e da criosonda foi 74.2%. O tamanho do tecido adquirido pelas criobiópsias foi significativamente maior do que o alcançado por pinça (11.17mm2 vs. 4.69mm2, p<0.001). Ocorreu um único caso de hemorragia moderada, controlada através de medidas conservadoras. As biópsias transbrônquicas com criosonda sob orientação de ecoendoscopia radial foram seguras e eficazes na obtenção de amostras histológicas. O quinto estudo determinou o valor diagnóstico da ecografia transtorácica na identificação de malignidade em doentes com derrame pleural de natureza indeterminada. Foram examinados de forma prospetiva 154 doentes. Os resultados clínicos e radiológicos de cada caso foram ocultados ao executante do exame que gerou imagens estáticas e vídeos ultrassonográficos relevantes. Estes foram posteriormente visualizados, sendo as suas características classificadas por revisores independentes e comparadas com o diagnóstico definitivo. Em 66 casos o diagnóstico foi de derrame pleural maligno (68.2% com cancro do pulmão) e em 67 de derrame benigno. A ecografia torácica obteve 80.3% de sensibilidade, 83.6% de especificidade, 81.2% de valor preditivo negativo e 82.8% de valor preditivo positivo na deteção de malignidade. A nodularidade pleural ou diafragmática, espessamento pleural superior a 10mm e sinal de swirling foram significativamente diferentes (p<0.001) sendo sugestivos de derrame maligno. A existência de nodularidade pleural e ausência de broncograma aéreo ecográfico aumentaram a probabilidade de malignidade (OR 29.0 e OR 10.4, respetivamente). A ecografia transtorácica permitiu diferenciar derrame pleural maligno do benigno. A existência de nódulos pleurais constituiu o fator discriminador mais relevante. Em conclusão, os resultados desta tese possibilitam uma melhor compreensão do papel da ecoendoscopia brônquica (linear e radial) e ecografia transtorácica no diagnóstico e estadiamento do cancro do pulmão, com implicações e aplicabilidade na prática clínica.------------- ABSTRACT: In recent years ultrasonography has emerged as an important instrument in the diagnosis of thoracic diseases. Technological progress has enabled the design of new equipment such as radial and linear endobronchial ultrasound. In addition, indications for transthoracic echography were established. One of the main diseases responsible for the progression of chest sonography was lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer mortality worldwide. The applicability and knowledge of the role of ultrasonography in diagnosing and staging lung cancer is not depleted, persisting foci of controversy and scientific doubt that we intend to elucidate. The present thesis was organized into five chapters: the first included a general introduction regarding chest ultrasound, lung cancer and their combination; the second emphasized the main objectives; the third summarized the methodology used; the fourth encompassed the five published studies, subsequently described, and the fifth included a concise discussion, the main findings and future perspectives. The first study evaluated the diagnostic yield, safety and learning curve in a cohort of 179 patients submitted to linear endobronchial ultrasound. According to procedure indications, the patients were divided into three groups: (1) diagnosis, (2) diagnosis and staging, and (3) staging. For the first, second and third groups, endobronchial ultrasound sensitivity was 86.1%, 86.7% and 95% respectively and accuracy was 87.5%, 93.1% and 97.7% respectively. Practise led to an increase number of punctured sites per patient, in a shorter period of time and without complications, proving the safety and efficacy of the method when performed in the Portuguese population by expert echoscopists. The second study was conducted to determine the efficacy and cost of linear endobronchial ultrasound performed through the airway and/or oesophagus for diagnosis of lesions suggestive of lung cancer, after failure of conventional techniques. Of the patients prospectively enrolled a definitive diagnosis was reached in 106 cases (87.6%). The overall sensitivity for the diagnosis of lung cancer was 89.8%, specificity was 100%, positive predictive value was 100%, negative predictive value was 20% and accuracy was 90.1%. In conclusion, this global ultrasonographic strategy avoided diagnostic surgical procedures in patients that had undergone flexible bronchoscopy or computed tomography-guided transthoracic needle aspiration, providing a significant cost reduction. In the third study, the feasibility and role of linear endobronchial ultrasound combined with molecular techniques in the evaluation of tumour antigens and patterns of lymph node metastasis in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) was investigated. Cytokeratin 19 (CK-19), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EPCAM), sialyl Lewis-X and CD44 were determined in lymph node aspirates of 33 lung cancer patients and 17 controls, using flow cytometry (FC) and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). In patients with NSCLC the epithelial cell compartment was significantly increased nd showed brighter CK-19 staining, compared to the control group. In NSCLC patients the immune compartment revealed an increased monocyte population and decreased lymphocyte subsets. The transcripts of CK- 19, CEA and EPCAM were higher in lung cancer patients and a positive correlation between these markers and the size of the primary lesion was also found. We concluded that the identification of CK-19, CEA and EPCAM in endobronchial ultrasound samples, using RT-PCR and FC was feasible and might aid in the detection of NSCLC lymph node metastases. The fourth study involved the combination of the radial endobronchial ultrasound with the cryoprobe for diagnosing solid peripheral lung lesions. We determined the feasibility, diagnostic yield, sample size and safety of the method. Lesions less than 40mm were located by ultrasound and forceps or cryobiopsies were performed in a randomized order. Of the 39 cases included, the lesion could be visualized by the miniprobe in 31 patients (79.5%), and lung cancer prevalence was 80.6%. The diagnostic yield of the biopsy forceps was 61.3% and for the cryobiopsy was 74.2 %. Cryobiopsies were significantly larger than forceps biopsies (11.17mm2 vs. 4.69mm2, p<0.001). There was only one case of moderate bleeding that was controlled by conservative measures. Transbronchial cryobiopsies under radial endobronchial ultrasound guidance were safe and effective in obtaining histological samples. The fifth study determined the diagnostic value of transthoracic sonography in predicting malignancy in patients with an undiagnosed pleural effusion. One hundred and fifty four patients were prospectively scanned. Relevant ultrasound images and videos were generated by an operator blinded to clinical and radiological results. These were subsequently visualized, its characteristics classified by independent reviewers and compared to the final diagnosis. A malignant pleural effusion was diagnosed in 66 cases (68.2 % with lung cancer) and a benign effusion in 67 cases. Thoracic ultrasound had a sensitivity of 80.3 %, specificity of 83.6%, negative predictive value of 81.2 % and positive predictive value of 82.8% to detect malignancy. The presence of pleural or diaphragmatic nodularity, pleural thickening greater than 10mm and swirling signal were significantly different (p<0.001 ), being suggestive of malignant effusion. The existence of pleural nodularity and absence of lung air bronchogram were more likely to indicate malignancy (OR 29.0 and OR 10.4, respectively). Transthoracic ultrasonography permits the distinction between malignant and benign pleural effusions. Pleural nodules were the most relevant feature. In conclusion, the results of this thesis provide a better understanding of the role of endobronchial ultrasound (linear and radial) and transthoracic sonography in lung cancer diagnosis and staging, with direct implications and applicability in clinical practice.
Total antigen from Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis and isolates from the Leishmania braziliensis complex, along with their respective antigenic fractions obtained by affinity chromatography on concanavalin-A-Sepharose and jacalin-agarose columns evaluated using immunoenzymatic ELISA assay. For this, serum samples from 229 patients were used, grouped as American tegmental leishmaniasis (nº=58), visceral leishmaniasis (nº=28), Chagas disease (nº=49), malaria (nº=32), tuberculosis (nº=13) and healthy volunteers (nº=49). Samples from American tegmentary leishmaniasis showed higher reactivity with antigens isolated from the Leishmania braziliensis complex than with antigens from Leishmania amazonensis (p<0.001). ELISA assays showed a sensitivity range from 60% to 95% with antigens isolated from the Leishmania braziliensis complex. There was marked nonspecific reactivity among serum samples with the use of antigenic fractions binding with concanavalin-A and jacalin from both Leishmania complexes, in comparison with other antigens (p<0.001). The results presented in this study suggest that the use of homologous antigens increases the efficiency of anti-Leishmania immunoglobulin detection, which may be very valuable for diagnostic purposes.
Phage display technology is a powerful platform for the generation of highly specific human monoclonal antibodies (Abs) with potential use in clinical applications. Moreover, this technique has also proven to be a reliable approach in identifying and validating new cancer-related targets. For scientific or medical applications, different types of Ab libraries can be constructed. The use of Fab Immune libraries allows the production of high quality and affinity antigen-specific Abs. In this work, two immune human phage display IgG Fab libraries were generated from the Ab repertoire of 16 breast cancer patients, in order to obtain a tool for the development of new therapeutic Abs for breast cancer, a condition that has great impact worldwide. The generated libraries are estimated to contain more than 108 independent clones and a diversity over 90%. Libraries validation was pursued by selection against BSA, a foreign and highly immunogenic protein, and HER2, a well established cancer target. Preliminary results suggested that phage pools with affinity for these antigens were selected and enriched. Individual clones were isolated, however, it was not possible to obtain enough data to further characterize them. Selection against the DLL1 protein was also performed, once it is a known ligand of the Notch pathway, whose deregulation is associated to breast cancer, making it an interesting target for the generation of function-blocking Abs. Selection resulted in the isolation of a clone with low affinity and Fab expression levels. The validation process was not completed and further effort will have to be put in this task in the future. Although immune libraries concept implies limited applicability, the library reported here has a wide range of use possibilities, since it was not restrained to a single antigen but instead thought to be used against any breast cancer associated target, thus being a valuable tool.
Dry cough, dyspnea and manifestations of bronchial asthma have recently been observed in patients with acute schistosomiasis. To investigate the type and pathogenesis of these conditions, an experimental mouse model for acute schistosomiasis was used. Forty mice were divided into four groups of ten each: three infected groups and a non-infected control group. The animals were examined 7, 28-35 and 40 days after exposure to cercariae. During the acute phase of the infection (28-35 days), a process of multifocal interstitial pneumonitis involving the peribronchial, peribronchiolar and subpleural tissues was found. This process was not seen during the other phases of the infection. Indirect immunofluorescence failed to demonstrate the presence of schistosomal antigens in the acute-phase lesions. The pneumonitis was attributed to products (inflammatory mediators) from acute-phase periovular necrotic-inflammatory lesions in the liver that were transported to the lungs by the bloodstream.
Lagochilascaris minor is the causative agent of lagochilascariosis, a disease that affects the neck region and causes festering abscesses, with eggs, adult parasites and L3/L4 larvae within the purulent exudates. Today, mice are considered to be intermediate hosts for the parasite. C57BL/6 mice produce immunoglobulin IgM, IgA and IgG against the crude extract of the parasite; on the other hand, antibodies produced against the secreted/excreted antigens of Lagochilascaris minor present lower levels of IgM, IgA and IgG. This is the first description of antibody detection against different antigens of Lagochilascaris minor.
Lagochilascaris minor is the etiological agent of lagochilascariosis, a disease that affects the neck region and causes exudative abscesses, with eggs, adult parasites and L3/L4 larvae in the purulent exudates. Mice are now considered to be intermediate hosts for the parasite. To determine the pattern of infection in B1 cell-deficient mice, experimental lagochilascariosis was studied in BALB/c and X-chromosome-linked immunodeficient (xid) mice. BALB.xid-infected mice showed lower numbers of larvae. Third-stage larvae, fourth-stage larvae and adult parasites were found in both strains. BALB/c mice produced IgM, IgG, IgA and IgE against the crude extract and secreted/excreted antigens of the parasite. On the other hand, BALB.xid mice did not produce IgM and produced lower levels of IgG and IgA, and similar quantities of IgE.
This study aimed to evaluate the Chagas Disease Control Program which has operated since 1982 in the municipality of Berilo in the Jequitinhonha Valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil, based on evaluation of 5,242 domiciliary units (DUs) and 7,807 outbuildings over an eight-year period of epidemiological surveillance implanted in 1997. A total of 391 triatomines (280 Panstrongylus megistus and 111 Triatoma pseudomaculata) were captured, indicating the continued predominance of the former species. However, Triatoma pseudomaculata is clearly becoming more important in this region, with intradomiciliary colonies being detected in recent years. Entomological parameters, such as dispersion (17%) and intradomiciliary infestation (0.15%) indices, are compatible with the results of the epidemiological surveillance. The majority of DUs were of construction type A (plaster over bricks) or C (plaster over adobe). Twenty-five percent of the inhabitants of the DUs infested by triatomines were reactive in ELISA, IHA and IIF tests for Trypanosoma cruzi antigens.
O objetivo deste estudo foi padronizar uma metodologia de extração de DNA de alta qualidade a partir de amostras de sangue coagulado. Quarenta e oito amostras de sangue humano coagulado foram utilizadas para a extração de DNA pelo kit comercial EZ-DNA® (Biological Industries, Beit Haemek, Israel), pelo kit de coluna Neoscience® (One Lambda Inc., San Diego, CA) e pelo método modificado de salting out. Apenas o método de salting out foi capaz de extrair altas concentrações de DNA (média, 180ng/µL), as quais foram medidas pelo detector de fluorescência Qubit® (Invitrogen, USA). Este método permitiu a amplificação dos genes HLA (human leukocyte antigens) pela tecnologia PCR-SSO (polymerase chain reaction - specific sequence of oligonucleotides) Luminex, a qual exige DNA de boa qualidade, e de genes KIR (killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors) pela técnica made in house PCR-SSP (polymerase chain reaction-sequence specific of primers), a qual demanda uma concentração específica de DNA (10ng/µL). Concluímos que a técnica de salting out modificada foi muito eficiente, simples e rápida para a extração de DNA de amostras de sangue humano coagulado, com o objetivo de realizar a genotipagem de genes HLA e KIR.
INTRODUCTION: Considering that alternative antigens for diagnosing neurocysticercosis continue to be a challenge because of the increasing difficulty in obtaining parasites from naturally infected pigs for preparation of Taenia solium homologous antigen, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the detergent (D) and aqueous (A) fractions from saline extract of Taenia saginata metacestodes for diagnosing neurocysticercosis. METHODS: Taenia saginata was obtained from naturally infected bovines in the Triângulo Mineiro region, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The carcasses came from cold storage units and had been slaughtered in accordance with the inspection technique recommended by the Federal Inspection Service. The D and A fractions were obtained by using Triton X-114 (TX-114). Serum samples were obtained from 40 patients with a diagnosis of neurocysticercosis, 45 with other parasitic diseases and 30 from apparently normal individuals. IgG antibody levels were evaluated using the ELISA and immunoblotting assays. RESULTS: The ELISA sensitivity and specificity were 95% and 73.3%, when using saline extract; 95% and 82.6% for the D fraction; and 65% and 61.3% for the A fraction, respectively. The immunoblotting assay confirmed the ELISA results, such that the D fraction was more efficient than the other extracts, and the 70-68kDa component was immunodominant among neurocysticercosis patients. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrated that the D fraction from Taenia saginata metacestodes obtained using TX-114 can be used as a heterologous antigenic fraction in the immunoblotting assay for serologically diagnosing human neurocysticercosis, given its ability to select immunodominant antigens.
INTRODUCTION: Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a neglected tropical disease with a complex immune response in different organs. This pattern of organ-specific immune response has never been evaluated in the gastrointestinal tract. The aim of this study was to determine the in situ immune response in duodenal biopsies on patients with VL. METHODS: A case-control study was conducted on 13 patients with VL in comparison with nine controls. The immune response was evaluated using immunohistochemistry, for CD4, CD8, CD68, IL-4, IFN-γ, TNF-α and IL-10. Histological findings from the villi, crypts and inflammatory process were analyzed. RESULTS: All the cases of VL presented Leishmania antigens. No antigen was detected in the control group. The villus size was greater in the VL patients (p < 0.05). CD68 (macrophages) and CD4 levels were higher in the VL patients (p < 0.05). No differences in the expression of CD8, TNF-α, IL-10 or IL-4 were demonstrated. The number of cells expressing IFN-γ was lower in the VL patients (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Low levels of cytokines were found in the gastrointestinal tract of patients with VL. This pattern was not found in other organs affected by the disease. Immunotolerance of this tissue against Leishmania could explain these findings, as occurs with intestinal bacteria.
INTRODUCTION: Different serum levels of the IgG/IgE for Paracoccidioides brasiliensis high mass molecular (hMM) fraction (~366kDa) in the acute and chronic forms of the disease have been reported. Considering the nonexistence of hMM fraction investigation involving clinical isolates of P. brasiliensis, the present study aimed to investigate the presence of the hMM fraction (~366kDa) in cell free antigens (CFA) from P. brasiliensis clinical isolates. METHODS: CFA from 10 clinical isolates and a reference strain (Pb18) were submitted to SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) followed by gel image capturing and densitometer analysis. Additionally, CFA from 20 isolates and Pb18 were analyzed by capture ELISA (cELISA) using polyclonal (polAb) or monoclonal (mAb) antibodies to the hMM fraction. RESULTS: The presence of the hMM component was observed in CFA of all samples analyzed by SDS-PAGE/densitometry and by cELISA. In addition, Pearson's correlation test demonstrated stronger coefficients between hMM fraction levels using pAb and mAb (R = 0.853) in cELISA. CONCLUSIONS: The soluble hMM fraction was present in all the P. brasiliensis clinical isolates analyzed and the reference strain Pb18, which could be used as a source of this antigen. The work also introduces for first time, the cELISA method for P. brasiliensis hMM fraction detection. Analysis also suggests that detection is viable using polAb or mAb and this methodology may be useful for future investigation of the soluble hMM fraction (~366kDa) in sera from PCM patients.
INTRODUCTION: Hepatitis B is common in Brazil, although there are regional differences regarding the degree of endemicity, the most frequent forms of transmission and the presence of different evolutive stages of chronic disease. The present study aimed to determine the clinical, demographic and epidemiological characteristics of patients chronically infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV) residing in the Ribeirão Preto region, southeastern Brazil. METHODS: A total of 529 medical records of individuals with HBV monoinfection were reviewed. RESULTS: More than 60% of the subjects were males, with a mean age of 38 years-old. The HBeAg-negative serological pattern was verified in 84.4% of the patients, among whom the risk of vertical/intrafamily transmission was 43.2% (p = 0.02). The consumption of alcohol in amounts exceeding 20g a day was observed in 21.3% of the subjects and was more frequent among men (33%) (p < 0.001). Among patients with cirrhosis, 54.1% were alcohol abusers (p = 0.04), all of them males. The presence of cirrhosis was more frequent in the HBeAg-positive group (24.4%) than in the HBeAg-negative group (10.2%) (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: High proportions of HBV-infected subjects with an HBeAg-negative pattern were observed, with a higher risk of vertical/intrafamily transmission. Alcohol abuse was associated with male subjects and with cirrhosis of the liver in this group. A tendency toward an increase in the number of HBeAg-negative cases was observed over time.
INTRODUCTION: Spotted fevers are emerging zoonoses caused by Rickettsia species in the spotted fever group (SFG). Rickettsia rickettsii is the main etiologic agent of Brazilian spotted fever (BSF) and it is transmitted by Amblyomma spp. ticks. METHODS: The study aimed to investigate SFG rickettsiae in the Arthur Thomas Municipal Park in Londrina, PR, by collecting free-living ticks and ticks from capybaras and blood samples from personnel working in these areas. Samples from A. dubitatum and A. cajennense were submitted for PCR in pools to analyze the Rickettsia spp. gltA (citrate synthase gene). RESULTS: All the pools analyzed were negative. Human sera were tested by indirect immunofluorescence assay with R. rickettsii and R. parkeri as antigens. Among the 34 sera analyzed, seven (20.6%) were reactive for R. rickettsii: four of these had endpoint titers equal to 64, 2 titers were 128 and 1 titer was 256. None of the samples were reactive for R. parkeri. An epidemiological questionnaire was applied to the park staff, but no statistically significant associations were identified. CONCLUSIONS: The serological studies suggest the presence of Rickettsiae related to SFG that could be infecting the human population studied; however, analysis of the ticks collected was unable to determine which species may be involved in transmission to humans.
INTRODUCTION: Human serofrequency of antibodies against Taenia solium antigens was determined and risk factors for cysticercosis transmission were identified. METHODS: Individuals (n=878) from periurban and rural locations of Lages, SC, were interviewed to gather demographic, sanitary and health information. Interviews and blood sample collections by finger prick on Whatman filter paper were performed from August 2004 to May 2005. Observation determined that 850 samples were suitable for analysis and were tested by ELISA using vesicular fluid of Taenia crassiceps heterologous antigen. To ensure the reliability of the results, 77 samples of the dried blood were matched with sera. The reactive samples were submitted to a serum confirmatory immunoblot (IB) test using purified Taenia crassiceps glycoproteins. RESULTS: The ELISA results for the dried blood and serum samples were statistically consistent. ELISA was positive in 186 (21.9%) out of 850 individuals. A group of 213 individuals were asked to collect vein blood for IB (186 with positive result in ELISA and 27 with inappropriate whole blood samples) and 130 attended the request. The IB was positive in 29 (3.4%) out of 850 individuals. A significant correlation (p = 0.0364) was determined among individuals who tested positive in the IB assay who practiced both pig rearing and kitchen gardening. CONCLUSIONS: ELISA with dried blood eluted from filter paper was suitable for cysticercosis population surveys. In Lages, human infection was associated with pig rearing and kitchen gardening. The prevalence index was compatible with other Latin American endemic areas.
HIV coinfection modifies the clinical course of leishmaniasis by promoting a Th2 pattern of cytokine production. However, little information is available regarding the lymphocytic response in untreated coinfected patients. This work presents the immunophenotyping of Leishmania-stimulated T cells from a treatment-naÏve HIV+ patient with ML. Leishmania braziliensis antigens induced CD69 expression on CD3+CD4+ and CD3+CD8+ cells. It also increased IL-4 intracellular staining on CD3+CD4+GATA3- population and decreased the percentage of CD3+CD4+IL-17+ cells. This suggests that modulations in the IL-4R/STAT6 pathway and the Th17 population may serve as parasitic evasion mechanisms in HIV/ML. Further studies are required to confirm these results.