985 resultados para Cyrano de Bergerac, 1619-1655
Según Palau, 146206, el autor es Juan de Madariaga
Sign. : []12, A-Z8, Aa-Kk8
Precede al tit.: "El Conde de Buñol ... hizo imprimir la ... prematica siguiente, en el año 1619"
Sign.: A12
Sign.: a4, A-Q8, R4
Tít. en antep.: "Empresas políticas de Saabedra"
Pie de imprenta consta en colofón
Changing factors (mainly traffic intensity and weather conditions) affecting road conditions require a suitable optimal speed at any time. To solve this problem, variable speed limit systems (VSL) ? as opposed to fixed limits ? have been developed in recent decades. This term has included a number of speed management systems, most notably dynamic speed limits (DSL). In order to avoid the indiscriminate use of both terms in the literature, this paper proposes a simple classification and offers a review of some experiences, how their effects are evaluated and their results This study also presents a key indicator, which measures the speed homogeneity and a methodology to obtain the data based on floating cars and GPS technology applying it to a case study on a section of the M30 urban motorway in Madrid (Spain).
Port. con marca tip
Texto dado en Roma el dia 27 de enero de 1657
Contiene: Breve de Alejandro VII fechada en Roma en Sta. María la Mayor el dia 28 de julio de 1656
Discussion of “Initial Pore Pressure from Vertical Surface Loads” by Jacobo Bielak (September, 1982)
The author presents a very interesting application of the ideas developed by Scott to determine the initial pore pressure in excess of the hydrostatic pore pressure in linear, elastic, homogeneous and isotropic soil-skeleton. Scott demonstrates that under vertical surface loads the problem is governed by Laplace's equation. Nevertheless the writers' think that it could be interesting to state clearly the conditions under which this analogy can be applied.
Copia digital: Biblioteca valenciana, 2010
Contiene: Breve de Alejandro VII fechado en Roma el 8 de diciembre de 1661