1000 resultados para Cultivo semi-sólido
OBJETIVO: Verificar o efeito da mudança no contraste do objeto, tempo de exposição e dose de radiação quando diferentes espessuras de filtração de molibdênio (Mo) e ródio (Rh) são empregadas em mamógrafos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Realizaram-se medidas da exposição na entrada da pele com uma câmara de ionização para diferentes espessuras para os filtros de Mo e Rh. Para determinar a dose glandular média foi utilizado simulador de BR12 (50% tecido adiposo e 50% tecido glandular) de diferentes espessuras (4 cm e 8 cm). Energias na faixa de 24 kVp a 34 kVp foram empregadas e filmes Kodak MinR 2000 foram utilizados. RESULTADOS: Os resultados evidenciaram dados de contraste do objeto, dose glandular e tempo de exposição para diferentes espessuras de filtros adicionais e diferentes tensões. Esses dados indicaram aumento nos valores de contraste do objeto e tempo de exposição, com o aumento da espessura dos filtros. A dose glandular apresentou comportamento com diferentes tendências para cada caso analisado. Equações foram definidas para possibilitar a estimativa do contraste do objeto, dose glandular e tempo de exposição para os casos estudados. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados possibilitaram a estimativa de equações que auxiliam na verificação do comportamento do contraste do objeto e da dose glandular para simuladores com espessura de 4 cm e 8 cm e para os filtros de Rh e Mo. Dessa forma, torna-se possível estimar a figura de mérito (razão entre o contraste do objeto e a dose glandular), podendo auxiliar na análise da relação risco-benefício dos casos estudados.
BACKGROUND: Endurance athletes are advised to optimize nutrition prior to races. Little is known about actual athletes' beliefs, knowledge and nutritional behaviour. We monitored nutritional behaviour of amateur ski-mountaineering athletes during 4 days prior to a major competition to compare it with official recommendations and with the athletes' beliefs. METHODS: Participants to the two routes of the 'Patrouille des Glaciers' were recruited (A, 26 km, ascent 1881 m, descent 2341 m, max altitude 3160 m; Z, 53 km, ascent 3994 m, descent 4090 m, max altitude 3650 m). Dietary intake diaries of 40 athletes (21 A, 19 Z) were analysed for energy, carbohydrate, fat, protein and liquid; ten were interviewed about their pre-race nutritional beliefs and behaviour. RESULTS: Despite belief that pre-race carbohydrate, energy and fluid intake should be increased, energy consumption was 2416 ± 696 (mean ± SD) kcal · day(-1), 83 ± 17 % of recommended intake, carbohydrate intake was only 46 ± 13 % of minimal recommended (10 g · kg(-1) · day(-1)) and fluid intake only 2.7 ± 1.0 l · day(-1). CONCLUSIONS: Our sample of endurance athletes did not comply with pre-race nutritional recommendations despite elementary knowledge and belief to be compliant. In these athletes a clear and reflective nutritional strategy was lacking. This suggests a potential for improving knowledge and compliance with recommendations. Alternatively, some recommendations may be unrealistic.
OBJETIVO: A análise crítica da metodologia de medida da camada semi-redutora em feixes de raios X teve como base o regulamento técnico para proteção radiológica e controle de qualidade em radiodiagnóstico médico e odontológico. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Na medida da camada semi-redutora, a técnica radiográfica, o arranjo experimental, os meios espalhadores, a instrumentação, o tamanho de campo de radiação e a metodologia de análise dos dados foram considerados. RESULTADOS: A camada semi-redutora obtida em condições de boa geometria, para a técnica escolhida, foi de 2,44 ± 0,02 mmAl. Em relação a este valor, observaram-se desvios máximos na camada semi-redutora de 4,1% na variação da geometria, de 98,8% na variação da câmara de ionização e do meio espalhador, e de até 29,5% com outro tipo de detector. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados mostraram que não ocorre variação significante na camada semi-redutora para diferentes tamanhos de campo de radiação, mas foram evidentes a influência do espalhamento na superestimação da camada semi-redutora e a redução desta na presença de blocos de chumbo como meio espalhador. O procedimento prático adotado mostrou-se bastante confiável e evidenciou a grande discrepância decorrente da adoção de metodologias impróprias, enfatizando a necessidade de estabelecer um procedimento padrão para a medida da camada semi-redutora.
L’objectiu d’aquest estudi va ser analitzar un element del component tàctic com a factor determinant en el rendiment del futbol, és a dir, comprovar si hi ha diferències en l’execució del bloc de Fonaments Individuals per Demarcació (FID) corresponent a la defensa de l’espai per la posició dels laterals en el futbol, entre les categories amateur i semi-professional. Es van enregistrar un total de 18 partits, on 9 dels quals feien referència a l’equip de l’Arbúcies Club de Futbol i la resta a l’equip de la Unió Esportiva Llagostera. Les variables estudiades van ser les següents: cobertures al central que defensa al possessor de la pilota, evitar passades interiors que guanyin l’esquena, defensa individual dels jugadors que intenten passar per l’esquena del segon central (entrar-sortir) i eliminar l’espai de desmarcada en profunditat, mantenint la línia amb el central. Per analitzar-les es va utilitzar el programa Longomatch i el Excel on hi vam configurar un instrument d’avaluació. Els principals resultats del treball van ser que l’equip de la Unió Esportiva Llagostera va fer menys errors en l’execució dels FID, tot i que va seguir tenint errors en el compliment d’aquests fonaments.
El artículo hace una revisión de aquellas intervenciones artísticas que abordan determinados usos del territorio urbano y formas de cultivo. Actuaciones que mediante la acción de plantar y cultivar generan espacios para la expresión de identidades artísticas, políticas y sociales. Estos lugares encuentran asentamiento en los intersticios de nuestras ciudades, en espacios vacíos como solares abandonados, en zonas no urbanizables o semi urbanizadas, en riberas de ríos, arcenes de autopistas, márgenes de vías de tren, etc. The paper reviews those specific artistic interventions that address urban land uses and farming methods. Actions that through the act of planting and cultivating generate spaces for the expression of artistic, political and social identities. These places are settling in the interstices of our cities, in empty spaces such as brownfield sites, in non-urbanized or semi urbanized areas, on riverbanks, highways verges, railways edges, etc.
Living bacteria or yeast cells are frequently used as bioreporters for the detection of specific chemical analytes or conditions of sample toxicity. In particular, bacteria or yeast equipped with synthetic gene circuitry that allows the production of a reliable non-cognate signal (e.g., fluorescent protein or bioluminescence) in response to a defined target make robust and flexible analytical platforms. We report here how bacterial cells expressing a fluorescence reporter ("bactosensors"), which are mostly used for batch sample analysis, can be deployed for automated semi-continuous target analysis in a single concise biochip. Escherichia coli-based bactosensor cells were continuously grown in a 13 or 50 nanoliter-volume reactor on a two-layered polydimethylsiloxane-on-glass microfluidic chip. Physiologically active cells were directed from the nl-reactor to a dedicated sample exposure area, where they were concentrated and reacted in 40 minutes with the target chemical by localized emission of the fluorescent reporter signal. We demonstrate the functioning of the bactosensor-chip by the automated detection of 50 μgarsenite-As l(-1) in water on consecutive days and after a one-week constant operation. Best induction of the bactosensors of 6-9-fold to 50 μg l(-1) was found at an apparent dilution rate of 0.12 h(-1) in the 50 nl microreactor. The bactosensor chip principle could be widely applicable to construct automated monitoring devices for a variety of targets in different environments.
Rare earth elements supported in zeolites are the most important catalysts in the fluid cracking of petroleum. The solid state ion exchange of Eu3+ in Y zeolite was investigated. First of all, the hydrated EuCl3 was well mixed in a ball mill and was then heated at 300ºC for different times. The quantitative determination of Eu3+ showed that the degree of ion exchange depends on the reaction time at constant temperature, being ~95% in 4 h. The X-ray study showed that the crystallinity of the zeolite is little affected by the exchange procedure. The study of spectroscopic properties of Eu3+, emission spectra and lifetime, give information about the migration and position of the ion in the zeolite cages.
The results of semiempirical molecular orbital calculations performed on aziridinone and diaziridinone employing the MNDO, AM1, and PM3 molecular models are presented. The AM1 method, which best reproduces ground-state molecular properties, is used to calculate electronic parameters and the use of these parameters for the evaluation of reactivity is discussed.
Atrazine and alachlor herbicides are widely and extensively used in agriculture for the control of a variety of weeds. These herbicides are quite mobile in soil and there is a concern that they may contaminate the environment, specially surface and ground water and soils. The results suggest that alachlor and atrazine present similar behavior in the environment, but alaclhor dissipates with greater rate.
This review aims to present some features about solid state NMR and its application in the field of pharmaceutical chemistry, for the characterization of polymorphism of pharmaceutical molecules.
This paper analyzes the effects of parliamentary representation on road infrastructure expenditure during the Spanish Restoration. Using a panel dataset of Spanish provinces in 1880-1914 we find that the allocation of administrative resources among provinces depended both on the delegation characteristics (such as the share of MPs with party leadership positions, and their degree of electoral independence), and the regime"s global search for stability. These results point to the importance of electoral dynamics within semi-democratic political systems, and offer an example of the influence of government tactics on infrastructure allocation.
This paper analyzes the effects of parliamentary representation on road infrastructure expenditure during the Spanish Restoration. Using a panel dataset of Spanish provinces in 1880-1914 we find that the allocation of administrative resources among provinces depended both on the delegation characteristics (such as the share of MPs with party leadership positions, and their degree of electoral independence), and the regime"s global search for stability. These results point to the importance of electoral dynamics within semi-democratic political systems, and offer an example of the influence of government tactics on infrastructure allocation.
A procedure for the nitration of phenol in a semi-micro scale, followed by separation of the formed orto- and para-nitrophenol isomers by column chromatography, is described. All the experiment, including determination of the melting point of the isolated products, require a period of 4 hours, and it is suitable for organic chemistry laboratory undergraduate courses.